
His hand slid back around and unbuttoned her jeans, the other continuing to rub her chest. His lips made their way down her collar bone and along her shoulder. He tugged her jeans off with one hand, only able to pull them down to her knees.
I think I have to go now, so if I dissapear, I won't be on again :L 
I squealed a little as he pulled down my jeans.. I smiled and moved him whilst I fumbled and dragged them all the way off.. Carelessley dropping them on the floor.. I smiled up at him and pulled him back on top of me, running my lips along his neck, biting down on him.. 
I have to go, I'm sorry :3
((it's fine. See ya))

He chuckled and ran his hands up and down her sides, feeling her bare skin. As he felt her lips and teeth on his neck, he returned the favor by sucking on her neck as well. He wrapped his arm around her waist, his other hand running through her hair.
(Meh, I have 15 minutes xD )

I held him tightly, loving every minute of this..I decided I needed to swap, so I sat up a little and lay him down on the bed.. I got back up and straddled him, I began to rub my hips into his, hard.. 
Goodnight:3 I've gotta go;)
He stroked her back, running his hands down to her thighs. His lips reached up and found hers, wrapping around them in a soft kiss.
(Remember to keep it PG13, kiddos.)

Bren smiled down at Sierra gently. For some reason, he found her exuberance adorable. "I'm sure a florist would have them or at least tell us where to find some." The two came to a large fountain in the courtyard, and Bren lowered himself to one part of it, stretching out on his back. "I'm promise you, Sabrina, I will get you that rose," he mumbled softly as he turned his attention to the clouds lazily rolling by.

As soon as Clara and apparently Daniel left, Alora flopped down on her back. Whoever had decided to put a slew of random teenagers in a room together had obviously not thought it through. Heading outside, she decided to go for a walk. She hadn't made it very far when she spotted Bren, and a smile spread across her face. "What're you doing out here alone, loser?" It only took her a moment to realise that he wasn't alone, and that he was actually with a very pretty girl. "Oh, I, ah, I didn't mean to interrupt."

Propping himself on one arm, Bren smirks at the seveocha. "There's the big mouth speaking too soon again, huh, 'Lora? Oh, this is Sab - I mean, Sierra. Sierra, this is Alora."

It was only a moment that he looked up from his book, but it was exactly that moment that Shelby went past the doorway. Alexander closed the book, wondering if she'd seen him or known that he was thinking of her. Where was she going? The only thing he'd seen down these hallways were classrooms. Slowly, he stood, book still in his hand, and crept towards the door. As soon as he peeked out, she rounded a corner, and he slunk back into his room. Although he tried to read again, he couldn't stop picturing the way her pink hair fell over her dark wings. The contrast was - dare he even think it - beautiful.
(Eek, sorry :L)

I smiled.. Looking down at him.. "I'm sleepy" I said flatly, after all of that, I was genuinley tired.. So I jumped off and lay down next to him, closing my eyes

(Erin, thought we could wrap things up, seeing as we've been going for like 3/4 pages xD )
(( heh ;) sorry, havn't been watching this one for a while :/ will post later )) 
Shelby sighed and jumped off the stage; there was nothing of real interest here. She flew around the hall in a circle a couple of times, then walked out of the room. She strolled down the stone corridors, humming a small tune to herself. Every now and again, she glanced into classrooms she passed; hoping to find something interesting to do. Now, she glanced into another one and found that it had it's light on. Shelby opened the door quietly and looked around, she realised Alexander was sitting, reading his book. She let out a small gasp and blushed slightly. "I'm sorry, I-" Somehow, she found she couldn't finish her sentence, though she wasn't entirely sure why.
((Yeah, I was wondering about that xD ))

Sierra smiled up at Bren. "Maybe they will..." she said quietly. She gazed at the fountain for a moment before sitting down beside him. She brushed her short black hair out of her face. "Well, thank you," her violet eyes sparkled. She looked back down at her knees, setting her notebook beside her. When Alora said something, she looked back up and cast her a small smile. "Hello," she said sweetly, giggling a bit. "It's nice to meet you." She said and held out her hand.

Daniel smiled at her and laid down next to her, chuckling. "I am too," he said, draping an arm around her and bringing her close against him. He closed his eyes, also very tired. He almost felt like if he were to open his eyes, he would find out it was all a dream. So, he held onto her tightly, afraid to let go.
He had just gotten back into his book when the door opened. Alexander inwardly groaned and look up to see who it was. Who else but the fae in question? "Oh, Shelby, right?" he said, though he knew that was her name. "It's no problem. Did you need me for something?" He couldn't help but notice that her pale skin was coloured by flushed cheeks and took a moment to appreciate how nice it looked.

"Nice to met you," Alora said, gently taking Sierra's hand. "Let me apologise for whatever Brently here has done to you."

"Hey!" Bren cried indigently. "I've been a perfect gentleman. I think. But where's you lady friend?"

"I'm not sure, but uhm, I need to talk to you." Her dark eyes flashed over to Sierra, sitting calmly on the fountain. "Alone."

Immediately, he noticed the importance in her eyes. "Of course. I'll be right back, Sabrina. Just...wait here?" The two walked off hurried. Alora spoke in hushed, hurried whispers. With each sentence, Bren's eyebrows furrowed in concentration. As soon as she finished talking, Bren turned and walked back over to Sierra. "Sorry about that Sabrina, but what do you know about fae magic?"
Alaska stirred, all of her joints suddenly aching.

"Ugh, bad energy." With her eyes concentrated, Alaska ordered all of the crystals to enter and messenger bag. Once they were all in place, she got up and walked around abit, eventually finding the same secluded spot with the miniature pond she saw apon arriving

"We'll this seems quaint."

She sat down on the edge of the water, watching the fishes. The area seemed as if it almost never had any traffic, even by the grounds keepers. Alive or dead. No spirits or people were to be seen or heard any where, so Alaska made herself comfortable and brought out a small journal and a black pen. For a while the demon just wrote and sketched, not really having much of any purpose in her activities.
Sierra giggled. "He hasn't done anything," she assured her, her smile fading a bit when they walked away. Her wide, violet eyes gazed around, looking up at the sky and doing everything to not rest on them. She did not want to seem weird or nosy or anything. She smiled up at him when he returned, but it almost faltered. "Fae magic? Not much... I hardly know a lot about my own magic," she glanced back over at Alora. "Sorry," she said, a bit embarrassed that she didn't know more.
Bren mused thoughtfully to himself for a moment before turning towards Alora. "Looks like that's our only option."

"Guess I'd better go prepare it then," Alora mumbled, her face white. Saying a soft goodbye, she made her way back inside. While she walked, she wracked her brain for any other option, anything besides this. It had been too long, far too long. There was no telling how this would all turn out. As far as she could tell though, this was the only thing to do.

Bren watched Alora walk away until she got inside. Turning back to Sierra with a smile, he faltered when he noticed she looked a little down. "Hey, you okay? I-I shouldn't have expected you to know everything about magic. Like I said, I'm new to all this." Sitting back down on the fountain, he stretched out and reclined on his arms, one positioned on the fountain behind her. "So, how does your magic work anyway? I've never seen it done."
Shelby was annoyed that he appeared to have forgotton her name. It felt important that Alexander should know that. "Yes. Shelby." She said. He was sitting at one of the many desks, alone. Deciding on the spot, Shelby walked towards him. "No. I saw the light on and came in to see." She was now sat by him.
Sierra gazed between the two, a confused expression on her face, but she didn't say anything, not wanting to get into their business. She gazed back up at Bren. "It's fine," she said with a faint smile on her face. "I just never really studied it as much as I should have..." She looked back down at her journal and shrugged. "I'm really not quite sure how I do it. I don't really use any spells or anything... I just do it. It's sort of like moving your arms or legs... I'm not sure how else to explain it."
(im really sorry about not posting, but i had my phone taken off me at school, and im not getting it back until friday and i do most of my rp'ing on my phone, so i will be on tonight but after tonight im unsure of when i will be posting, im sorry for any inconveniences caused)

i smiled wryly, looking up at him.. i closed my eyes tightly and wound my arms back around him..
Daniel gazed back down at Clara fondly, holding her close to him. He gently ran his thumb against her cheek and kissed her forehead, resting his head on hers. He wished this moment could last forever; to him, it could last forever, and he would be perfectly happy.

we had not been asleep very long, but it was long enough, i stirred awake and tried to move out of his grip without waking him.. this was going to fail
Alexander noticed the fae's apparent frustration but was clueless as to why. He shifted awkwardly when she sat next to him and hurriedly turned his attention back to his back. "The dorm room was getting too crowded for me," he said coolly. "I prefer quiet."

Shaking his head, Bren looked at Sierra with amazement. "That's...awesome. I'd kill to know what it felt like." He couldn't help but feel like he pried enough already, but he was honestly curious. For some reason, too, he wanted to keep talking to Sierra. She interested him. "Were you born into a magical family? Like, have you always known or did you just randomly discover it?"
Daniel smiled and pulled her close to him in his sleep, snuggling her like a teddy bear. He was having a wonderful dream about her, and her movements causes his dream to change a bit. He reacted the same way he did in his dreamland.

Sierra looked over at him and smiled. "I'm sure that once you had it, you'd be rather disappointed..." she said quietly, blushing a bit. She shifted uneasily at his question. "Well, I, uh..." She reached up and touched her flower, unsure how to word it. "I don't really know, honestly." She gazed down. "I mean it came to me as naturally as anything else I can do... But, when I started to really use my magic... I found out I was adopted." She shrugged. "I'll never know who my real family is."

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