
(Hey <3

I ran back and grabbed some sweets for her, just as a gift, afterall, had nobody else to share with after grabbing them and slippinut of the window, I went back and sat down and held the packet out to her "here, I know you like these ones"
Shelby's eyes flew open as she heard a muted shuffle. She stood, throwing the covers back and walked toward the large window; through it she saw Blossom and Clara talking and eating. Closing the door quietly, Shelby tip-toed down the stone staires and out to where the two girls were. She stopped about 5 meters away from them. "What are you doing?" she asked them flatly. Her emerald eyes were heavy-lidded with sleep, here curly hair ruffled.
"Oh...Hey Shelby." Blossom greeted her. "We're just talking, I couldn't go to sleep.." she added. Her tail swayed back and forth slowly at the sight of Shelby. She then looks to Clara and see the sweets as she nods her head. "Yeah I would love some, thanks!" she half whispered, not wanting to wake anyone else up.
Shelby's mouth twitched and she blinked a few times slowly. "Hi, Blossom." She ignored Clara's presence for the moment, "Just came to..." she yawned, "give you these, to share with what-her-name.. er Chloe." Shelby purposefully got Clara's name wrong. Handing Blossom her bag of sweets, she turned around quickly and glided back to the dorm.
Blossom's ears perked up excitedly when Shelby handed her the sweets but they then went down slightly when she knew that Shelby said Clara's name wrong, but she shook it off quickly. "Bye Shelby!" she called after quietly. She then looked to Clara..."You want some of these too? We could trade with each other." Blossom smiled to her sweetly as she began to eat one of the sweets. She did find it very weird but awesome that everyone gave her candy.
Shelby picked up the glittering emerald and muttered a few words. It started glowing brightly, something she was used to by now, although it always made Shelby feel happy, for some reason. The Emerald of the Fae enabled the user to set someones mood to whatever they like. Glancing out the window to Blossom, she set it to happy, locking the spell to Blossom.
Blossom felt a strange sensation, causing her ears to perk up and her tail to twitch joyfully. All of the sudden she began to feel extremely happy, more than she ever had in her life. She began to prance around hyperly as she chewed on her snacks, she giggled as she did this and became very anxious and excited. "Wow, I feel...HAPPY!" she shouted but quickly covered her mouth as she laughed at how loud that was. "Oops..." She glanced around and it seemed that she didn't wake anyone up so she relaxed, still smiling widely.
Smiling, Shelby glanced out of the window to see Blossom jumping around joyfully. Suddenly, she heard the sound of steady footsteps outside the dorm, so Shelby returned the emerald to it's stand, turned off the lights and pulled the cover up around her neck. A bar of light appeared as the Mistress opened the dorm door and peered in. Hoping she didn't notice Blossom's absence, she pretended to shift in her sleep. "Where's Blossom?" she asked sternly. Shelby raised her head and frowned,

"Who's Blossom," she said, "If she's in this dorm she hasn't arrived yet; i'm the only one." After a second, the Mistress made a small noise of anger and strode away. Shelby heard murmers in the distance. She bounced up to the window, and waved her hands to get Blossom's attention.
"Only if you don't mind" I smiled, that shelby person really didn't like me.. But what did I care, I had blossom and lixy.. Oh god, lixy, that was the point, I still hadn't unpacked her..."Hey blossom, wanna see something cute?"

(Lixy is like a little furry creature, a bit like pikachu, but smaller and with four legs)
Blossom glanced up at Shelby and nodded. "I would love to, but that might have to wait for morning...Looks like something happened while I was here with you. I better go back, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Blossom smiled as she began to climb back into her room, waving good bye to Clara and then turns to Shelby.
Shelby pointed to a lit window, with a silhoette of the two Mistresses talking. Blossom seemed to have the idea so she sat back on her bed and disactivated the emerald.
"Bye blossom!" I wspered as I clambered back through my window, as soon as I shut it, I heard growling. Lixy.. I went and go her out of her cage "I'm sorry lixy!!, I forgot that you were in here!" I cried, she didn't seem to mind though because as soon as her cage was open she came and sat on my shoulder, nuzzling my face, "I guess I'm forgiven then?" I smiled before peeling her off me and setting her down on the bed, I went and changed into my pyjamas and picked her back up, as soon as my head hit the pillow we both fell asleep..
Blossom walked to her bed, slowly enveloping herself in the soft blankets, curling up as any other cat would. Her eyes fluttered a bit before they finally closed. "Good night..." she sighed softly.
Shelby closed her eyes and muttered "I'm sorry your fun stopped..." before falling into a deep slumber.

( Shall we time skip to morning? xP )
(Yup, I'm okay with that)

"Li..Xy, get you bum off my face!" I whined as I opened my eyes, she always thoughtmy face had been somwhat comfortable, stupid thing.. I picked her up and hugged her close..
------------- TIME SKIP -------------

~ Time: 8:00AM ~

Shelby awoke with a jolt, she rolled over into her pillow, but the urge to get up won. School started at 12:00PM today, so she had all day and lunch to get ready and meet new people. She padded into the bathroom and pulled on her black dress with lace trimmings, then her gloves and knee-high socks to match. Walkking back into the dorm, she saw Blossom still asleep and pulled out her makeup bag- mainly consisting of black. Her hair was a mess of curles, so Shelby brushed it into a bouncy mass. Yawning, she looked out of the window and thought about breakfast...
(Yes, we shall X3)

The sun poured in, it skipped across Blossom's eye lids, causing her to wake up. She moaned sleepily as she rubbed her eyes, trying to wake p. She stretched out and lifted herself up. She did her normal routine, taking a shower, which wasn't her favorite thing to do her being a cat, drying and brushing her hair, brushing her teeth, and so on. She walked back into the room, she looked to Shelby. "Good Morning." she yawned.
Shelby smiled as Blossom re-entered the room. "Morning." She said, making the beds. "I hope more people come today, hardly anyone's here." she gestured to the 3 empty beds. "Andd then theres 4 missing from dorm 2 and 5 from 1." Shelby sighed and scrunched up her nose.
I told lixt to wait whilst I took a shower, once I'd got dressed and put on my makeup, I grabbed lixy and put her on my shoulder, slipping out of the window, going around to dorm two, I didn't climb up, as not to startle blossom if she wasn't awake.. But then I had a great idea, I got lixy off my shoulder and slipped her through the open window.. This would be funny..
"Yeah me too..." Blossom started to agree when she saw something move in the corner of her eye as her tail started to twitch at the new scent. She began to prowl around looking for it when she spotted a small, fuzzy little creature which brought a smile to her face. She gently picked it up and held it. "How cute~!" she squeeled at the sight of it.
Shelby eyed the creature wearily; it had been in the corner of her eye as it climbed through the window. 
Shelby hissed as Clara climbed through aswell "What are you doing here?" she said, one hand on the Emerald. Clara always popped up whenever she was annoyed... or was it the other way around? Shelby's eyes were narrowed as she regarded her.

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