
Shelby opened the dorm door for Blossom "Ah, well. You can't please everyone." She said happily. "I think our 'Dormies' will be arriving tomorrow, probably." Shelby sat down, "That Lucius is strange, isn't he..."
"Yeah, definitely." she agreed. "I wonder how Clara's doing. I didn't see her when we came back..." she thought back. Dorm one's door was closed and Lucius was by himself. "What time is lights out around here?" she asked as she watched the sun go down behind the horizon of trees.
Lucius jumped a little at the door slamming behind him. He was nowhere near arrogant just oblivious beause he never had the time to build decent social skills. He sighed and put his hands in his pockets. "I was just saying hello...." He put his head down and slunk back to his dorm room. Man was he horrible with women."
"I think it's in about 10 minutes..." Shelby stood looking out of the window that faced the other Dorms, "Looks, there's one and three... Wow! I can actually see them in there." She turned around grinning. It was never going to be dull here. Pulling her black pyjamas out from her case, Shelby yawned and headed to the bathroom to get changed. A few minutes she emerged and sat on her bed, brushing her hair.
"I hope it doesn't get dull..." Blossom smiles as she goes to the bathroom and changes and returns. She look over to dorm one and saw Clara. She waved to her, not sure if she'd be seen or not but didn't really care. She got out a notebook and pen and wrote 'Goodnight!' on it. She pushed it up onto the window as she looked over to Clara, smiling.
Lucius just stripped down and gt into the shower and let the water soothe him. He finished up and wraped a towel around his waist. He walked out of the bathroom and grabbed a change of clothes.
Shelby swung her legs up onto the bed and put her bracelet around the large Emerald. "Night, Blossom." She murmererd.

( ( My last post tonight, sorry! Will be on about 2:00pm tomorrow ;) ) )
((OK bye, see you later!^^))

Blossom smiled to Shelby and patted her head as she moved to dorm three's window where she put up the same 'Goodnight!' message as she waved to Lucius but noticed that he only had a towel on so she quickly hid her face behind the notebook. She wasn't tired so once she was satisfied, she went to lie down in her bed and just stared at the ceiling. Her mind began to wander about, wondering about the other students who will be coming.
(I'm still here ^^)

I looked at the note and stick my head out of the window, waving a little.. Before jumping out of the window, I couldn't stay in there..
Blossom looks over and sees Clara. "What are you doing?" Blossom asks curiously as she perks her ears up. She gets up and walks over towards her.
"I need some air, its too hot.. I'm not really used to being inside so much" I smiled, climbing up and stiing on the window ledge beside her
"Are you sure you're not part cat?" she giggles as a cool and refreshing breeze rolls by, causing the two girls' hair to fly out. "Mmm, feels so nice." Blossom purred.
(Omg, can its turn out that she is? xD )

I laugh a little, "who knows, maybe I could be, I've always been a pretty good climber," I smiled, streching my legs out and combing my hair with my hand..
(I guess so, not up to me X3)

"You just don't have ear and a tail, but you could still pass as one." Blossom said playfully. She laid her head on the window pane and looked out over the settings. "I'm happy I was able to make friends with everyone I met today! Except those two older guys I messed with earlier today..." she laughs remembering them.
"You think so, huh?" I smiled a little, "I'm glad for you, you don't mind me staying here for a while do you?, its just, I have nobody else to talk to" I laughed a little..
"Oh no it's fine! I'm not tired anyways and I enjoy you're company! I'm sure you'll make more friends! Just promise not to forget me okay?" I tease, nudging her arm playfully.
This makes me laugh outloud, "I'm hardly gonna forget you, you're my first friend, and a cat!, but I have something to tell you, and if you want to carry on being my friend.. I have to.. My power is telepathy, so sometimes I read peoples minds without meaning to" I sighed.. Knowing she would have something to say.
"Cool! My power is some-what similar. I can know what someone is feeling and what their motives are. We're the same in some ways!" she smiles happily over to Clara.
My smile turns to a grin "I feel so relieved!, people hate me for it!, but not here, they are the same here!" I leaned into the window, hugging her
I hugged her back, my tail swishing happily behind me. "Why would they hate you for that? They sure are rude people aren't they?" I puffed. "It's not like you can help it."
I laughed, letting her go.. "They ssure are, blossom, I don't know, I guess I just hang around with the wrong people sometimes" I sighed..
"Well, we all have gone through that before...or at least I have haha." she laughed with a tinge of something other than joy, more like a sour feeling but not angry, more like sad. She smiled up at the moon.

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