
With one last deep suck, letting the bitter-sweet blood flood through his mouth, Ison let the blonde-haired beauty go. He had picked her up yesterday in a club not far from his new residence, she had been expecting something far beyond when they left together for a motel. Now he was staring at her unconscious self, laying on the cheap, uncomfortable bed like the rag she was. With a sigh he dwelled into her memories for the past two days and changed it accurately. All she would remember was getting picked up by a weird red head which left her in the middle of the act, stealing her money.

Smirking, he took the few hundred bucks in her wallet before walking out. He had a ten minutes run before he reached the dorms. Yes; he had enrolled in some kind of school of sorts to keep a low profile for awhile. One of his victims recognized him, she lived nearly three towns over. He frowned at his foolishness. His arrogance leading him to nothing but trouble.

Deciding to take his time before he was to play a student; slowing down his run. Loving the morning breeze as the scent of flowers and sweet nature hit him. But too soon he had arrived. The school didn´t seem to be of his liking but sadly one had to take what was given at the moment.

Determined, he ignored his surroundings. The passing students, the annoying scent of sweat, strong perfume and the most disturbing of them all; the scent of whatever cleaning supplies, their acid smell hitting him like a bullet train.

Entering the office, he greeted the secretary briefly while taking his key and schedule. He headed for his room in the second dorm and with a sigh he entered his room. It was bright and big; yet disturbingly there was two beds. Frowning he stared at his ´side´of the room to only see a few boxes on the floor. Shaking his head Ison sat at his bed; staring out the window to see the wide schoolyard.
"Not that it's any of you're buisness shelby, but I told blossom that I would bring lixy along to show her this morning" I spat, my eyes also narrow, ready for anything she had to say. 
(That would be great:3 thanks x)
Blossom's ears twitched slightly as she sensed someone else nearby. She averted her eyes to the door as a very tall man entered. She smiled and walked up to him. "Hi! You must be one of the other students!" she smiled, greeting him warmly. "I'm Blossom!"
Shelby smirked at Clara's outburst, amused. She raised her eyebrows at her tone, happy to get some kind of reaction from her. "And you used the window..."

( will b back 2 hours )
Shelby smiled and turned, too. A male about their age had just walked in. 
Shelby watched Clara's back happily; Clara had gotton so out of control, it was almost laughable.
(OK, cool! Thx)

Rosalie pulled her hair back behind her ear. She pursed her lips and walked inside the building. She just got back from a quick car ride. She walked to Dorm 2. She was wearing tight jeans and red pumps. With a white tee and a sparkly small black jacket. She opened the door and walked in. "Hello." She said, almost in a flat voice.

Brain was in-front of Dorm 2.He'd heard that people were here. He needed to get to know more people. He only knew one person. Brain was a quiet guy. He didn't even know his own age, so he was mysterious too. He walked in and bumped into someone. "Oof!" He said, looking up and saw a blond girl, Rosalie. He'd heard of her. He blinked then said "Sorry." Then he walked off, and pressed his back against a wall.
I took lixy out of blossoms hand because she was getting a little restless, I shivered as she ran up my shoulder,I decided I would try and scare shelby into leaving me alone.. "I can tell you're enjoying this.." 
Oh, a new person.. He looked nice, so I decided to wander off and talk to him.. I stopped him dead in the corridor, "hey brian"
(And Clara's soul mate appears! Good luck you two!)

Blossom became excited as more people came in. "Oh, hi! I'm Blossom!" she exclaims happily at the sight of them. She moved out of the way, allowing them to come into the dorm. "Welcome! Come on in!"
Shelby pushed her pink curls out of her eyes, smoothing her black dress. Her new Dorm mates were all arriving now; she'd have to get to know them eventually, so she'd better start now. She walked past Clara and Blossom, to a space near the door. Her eyes were cold.
Thinking back about how before he entered his room; Jeremiah had been greeted by a Blossom. He had ignored her swiftly; heading for his room. With a sigh he stood up, he needed to seem like a normal human and the least he could do was fake eating.

Walking out of his room, his eyes rested upon Blossom and a glare came across his face. She was greeting him so damned energetically which made him more annoyed then ever. After all, Ison wasn´t known to take new people in; especially those who made him shiver with disgust. Mind you, he wouldn´t mind ignoring her further but being rude on his first day would make people hate him; meaning attention.

Taking a deep breath before a heavy sigh escaped his lips, he walked over. "Excuse me, do any of you know the way to the kitchen, or perhaps the dining hall?" His deep, yet young voice echoed through out the room as his eyes stared down on Blossom. Ison already knew were the kitchen was; the churning smell of human food wafting his way through the halls; yet a normal human wouldn´t. Thus he´s need to ask.

(Sorry, I went offline right after and Rachael; Ison had already left for his room)
Shelby stared up at this new person with a cold sort of disgust "You're asking where the dining hall is?" She spat. He had a cold aura, and she didn't warm to people easily. He was watching Blossom with nothing short of hatred, so Shelby had spoken up.
"Oh, yeah I do! I can show you if you want?" Blossom offered, knowing that she may have annoyed him so she wanted to try to cool it, not wanting someone to hate her from just a few words. She smiled shyly to him, and let her tail hang limp, calming down a bit. She then realized that Clara already offered. "Oh, sorry, I'm a bit late..." she backed off.
"Well, I'l let blossom show you the way.." I sighed.. But I had things to do, I got lixy off my shoulder and set her down on the windowsill, before grabbing shelby from behind by her hair..

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