
((yeah I saw that when it was too late so I edited it >< oops)) 
Blossom looked over to him for a response. She wasn't very sure about him, but wanted to try to be an acquaintance of his if possible.
Shelby's head was tugged by Clara "Fuuuu...!" She snapped her hair out of Clara's grip, massaging her scalp, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" She glared at her.
I smiled... "Oh so shelby dosent wanna play?!," I hissed before slapping her hard in the face.. "Stop trying to mess with me , you little freak!!" I screamed
Shelby's face broke out in a wide smile, "Course Shelby want's to play." she purred, ignoring the slap. She kneed her in the stomach, then smashed Clara's head against the floor. She fluttered a few feet above the floor, smirking.
"W-woah! Guys! Please...stop!" Blossom pleaded. This is the last thing she wanted to see, she's had a bad past that included things like this and she was afraid of remembering it. She covered her mouth to try to stop herself from completely loosing it and looked to Ison. "Sorry, I don't think I'll be able to take you right now, please excuse me..." she said before running out, not wanting anyone to see her in this state.
"You little b!tch!!" I screamed.. This was gonna get nasty, I grabbed her wings and pulled her back dow,acting quickly and grabbing her by the neck and slamming her up against the wall..
Shelby hissed, then twisted out of her grip and kicked her in the face with her high-heels. She picked her up by the neck and kicked her stomach several times. Smirking, she lifted Clara about 15 feet above the ground, still holding her by the neck, and smiled sweetly. "Temper, temper." she said in a sing-song voice.
Staring at the scene infront of him with a small frown before chuckling. "Cat fight...Nice.." He muttered before leaving the scene. That is when it him. Wings, Tails, Supernaturals. Turning around he rushed to the scene, holding the two girls apart.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!" He hissed with nothing but malice in his eyes. Well except the mix of annoyance, anger and pure disgust. "Why in the whole freaking universe, are you guys EXPOSING yourselves?" His eyes shifting between the two as his voice was deadly, barely a whisper but enough so that they heard.
Shelby grinned, her eyes bright, "sure, i'll let yo go..." she let go of Clara's neck, allowing her to drop 15 feet to the ground. When she landed and was held back, she rolled her eyes. "It's 'Carling's School for the Supernatural. Get it!? Now get off me." She elbowed him and took a step back, pushing her pink curly hair out of her eye.
Blossom was now somewhere she had no idea of. She had ran pretty far into the woods that surrounded the school. She wiped her eyes that were wet and puffy. She was lost and she knew it. She whimpered a bit and climbed up a nearby tree, curling up on the branch as she looked down at the ground. They were supposed to start school today, but that was obviously not happening today.
Monica glanced at the building in front of her. She had arrived later than she originally planned. All she needed to do was drop off her stuff in her dorm, grab her schedule and hopefully snag Sam a little lunch later. The little puppy in question barked softly. "Right Sam. We'll get you settled in soon."
I lay there on the floor.. Groaning.. "O..oh..god, and I hate to admit it, but shelby's right" I got up.. And a scream escaped my mouth "F*CK" my knee felt dislocated.. Yeah. I knew because iv'e trained in all that medical crap..
Staring at the blonde, His eyes questioning before he laughed. Yes; he laughed, so much that he held his stomach for support. "A-And I didn´t even notice!" He said with a chuckle before calming down. "Isn´t that interesting..."

He had researched the school, though he did it carelessly, picking the first school he saw in the state. He hadn´t researched the real way; His contacts. "Great, now this charade of petty humanity is over. Does the school require me in all day or can I leave it for good; keeping my name signed in?" He asked, his eyes curiously roaming the fae, he had come across. "Though...I´m pretty disappointed...A fae fighting a human..."
Shelby giggled t Clara. "Oh, Clara, i'm always right." She turned around and looked for blossom in the dorm. She couldn't find her so decided to look for her if she didn't come back in 10 minutes, after all, she maybe having lunch. Looking back the Clara and the new person, Her smile turned into a smirk 
She glared at him "I didn't use any of my powers... exept flying... and strength, but i'm disgusted. A VAMPIRE prentending to be human; pathetic." she sneered, smirking at him
Blossom becomes worried and jumps down from her current location. She looks around and can't make out which way she came from and decides to walk the way she thinks looks like it leads to some sort of civilization. She ends up walking in circles and takes a break as she looks around, her ears twitching around to various sounds.
I run out into the woods, I've read her mind so I know where blossom is.. When I get near to her. I begin screaming her name "blossom!, blossom please!!, are you "
Monica, after setting her stuff in her dorm, set off to find other people to socialize with. Sam, the little spoiled thing, was happily being carried. She giggled softly as the pup licked her hands. "I'm not gonna let you down Sam. We don't need to cause all that much trouble."
Hearing a faint yell, Blossom begins to move closer to it, moving to a run as she finds Clara at the tree she was in earlier. She looks at Clara surprised. "Clara..." she says under her breath before running to her and hugging her. "I-I'm sorry, I just...fighting..." she sobbed, hiding her face as she wiped her eyes.
Shelby sat on her bed in the dorm, smoothing her black lace dress and pushing her pink curls yet again out of her eyes. The encounter with Clara had given her a blue bruise on her neck. Hissing with disgust, she picked up the emerald (which was the size of a fist) and stroked it soothingly. It glowed and glittered up onto Shelby's pale face.
I wrap my arms around her and pull her close "shh.. Its okay, I..I'm sorry" I sighed.. Lixy made her way off my shoulder and on to blossoms.. I held her tight and soon I was crying with her, lixy had no clue what was going on.. She tried to nuzzle blossoms fave to cheer her up a little..
Blossom let go slowly and looked to Clara, making sure that all trace of tears were gone from her face and smiled. "Well, I guess we better go..." she said, petting Lixy. She looked around and then back to Clara. "Which way do we go to get back?" she asked.
Shelby had been called to reception, to find a large parcel waiting for her. Running back up to her room, she slowly opened it, already guessing what it held. With an exclaim of delight, Shelby carefully picked up the large, heavy Boa Constricter and wrapped it around her body "Crow! Jamie sent you. I've missed you so mu~ch!" She squealed in delight as Crow shifted and his tongue flickered out, licking her nose.
"This way" I smiled a little, offering my hand out to her.. "I'm sorry but I oculdnt help learning about you're parents, I'm sorry.. I know sorta what happened.. If you want somebody to talk to, in like, a big sister way, then I'm always here"

(I have an idea.. But its okay if you don't want to do itbecause I don't want you to feel like I am copying you, but can it turn out that clara is a neko, she just hasn't grown ears and a tail yet.. But can they just like, appear one day?x you don't have to say yes, just an idea)
Monica chatted up a couple people before heading back to her dorm and setting the hyperactive pup down, who in turn jumped onto a random bed. "Sam. What I am suppose to do with you?" She laughed softly and shook her head, smiling.

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