
Shelby smiled and watched Crow happily, "Almost 3 years now." She looked up at her, "Do you have any pets?"
"Not really. I mean, there's this one cat named Lillith, but she's kind of hard to explain." She said, trying to figure out a way to explain a ghost cat.

"She's not exactly alive. But she still hangs around, ya' know?" Alaska smiled at Crow, trying to accomidate to his movements.
"Oh, I've heard of those!" Blossom nodded. "That's pretty cool! I heard they were really rare!" she gazed at Alaska in amazement.
Shelby nodded, "Can't exactly carry her to school." She laughed softly, then tilted her head to one side "He seems to like you." she said, gesturing to Crow, who was currently head-butting her softly in the ribs.
I stepped forwards, lixy on my head, playing with my cat ears.. "H..hey shelby.. I..um.. Really like you're snake.. He's beautiful'" I said wairily.. Not knowing weather we were okay from earlier..
A sigh of relief escaped the young blondes lips as he quickly stretched and retrieved his bags from the trunk of the car. With a slight nod of his head he smiled and waved good-bye to the driver of the vehicle before it pulled away and made its way down the road. Once it was out of sight, one lone sweat drop trailed its way down the side of his face. Only then, did the discomfort of leaving his safe haven of a room for the school finally settled in. 'I can do this,' echoed throughout his thoughts when he pivoted on the balls of his feet and headed towards the entrance to the dorm rooms.

Reaching the door to his new house he reached out his hand to grasp the handle, his hand just barely made it to the handle before he hesitantly dropped it back down to his side. A wave of uneasiness washed its way throughout his body, when he heard a girls scream coming from the room adjacent to his own. Cocking his eyebrow he curiously stared down the hall, 'I wonder what's going on down there?' Shaking his head he returned his attention back onto his own room and the hurdle that stood in his way; The door. "It's now or never.... " he whispered to himself before gripping the handle and pulling the door open.

Before taking a step into the dorm room his blue eyes peered in, taking in the sight that lay out before him. A girl with pink hair fluttering around with wings, a cat like girl, a snake, a dog, other girls. 'Ahaha, well this is a sight to see,' Gabriel thought, a smirk plastered on his face not minding the people that seemed out of the ordinary. 'It's almost like I'm in an anime,' he giggled to himself, ambling into the room that was crowed with the opposite gender. Making his way across the room he plopped down onto an unoccupied bed, along with his bag. Once settled on the firm mattress he crossed his legs and smiled brightly at the others and chirped, "Yo~!"

((Sorry about the longness!!))
Monica was staring off into space, almost in a daze before the realization of Sam licking her hand brought her back. "Ah you must still be hungry right Sam?" The small puppy barked softly, causing her to giggle again.
Blossom saw the boy walk in and smiled. "Hi! I'm Blossom!" she greeted him, walking over to him as her ears perked up and her tail twisted around behind her.
"Hello gabriel!" I smiled brightly.. My ears perking up..I went and joined blossom and gabriel, my tail was so long, it was alm dragging along the floor behind me, I could get used to this..
Monica looked over the newcomer and smiled warmly. "Hello. I'm Monica." She stood up as Sam hopped into her arms like the hyperactive puppy he is.
Shelby blinked a couple of times before turning to look at Clara. "...Thanks... Your.... whateveritis is cute." She said quietly, then turned to look at the new arrival. Shelby stood, black wings glittering, wearing all-black, a dress, gloves, knee-high socks and pumps. "Hello. I'm Shelby, a Fae, this is Crow, a Boa Consticter." She said, pointing to Crow. Crow was watching him wearily, still by Alaska.
I smiled.. "Thanks, I don't even know what she- oh god! Stop it lixy! You're hurting my ears!" I whined, pulling her oof my head, and cupping her in my hands..
Finding a stray hair, dangling just in front of his eyes he gripped if with his thumb and index finger before gently smoothing it to the side. Once finished with fiddling with his hair he noticed a girl with cat ears, ambling towards him. Blue eyes observed the tail as it twisted up and ended up behind the girl. Losing sight of the tail he allowed his eyes to wander up to the girls. With a heart warming smile on his face he slightly tilted his head to the side, "It's nice to meet you Blossom, Monica, Shelby, Crow, Sam and.... I don't think I have caught your name yet?" His blue eyes shifting to another girl with cat ears and tail. "Oh yes! My names Gabriel," he blurted out, completely forgetting he hadn't introduced himself yet.
"Nice to meet you Gabriel!" Blossom smiled to him. He seemed very nice and cheerful so she knew that she could be her normal self around him unlike when she's with Ison who is unusually cold to her.
Shelby floated absent-mindedly a few feet in the air, then turned around and sat next to Crow. He flicked his tongue out in reply.
"Ho~?" He cocked his head to the side, a curious look painted his face as he watched Clara's movements. "How would you know my name before I told anyone?" He asked. Being a human and all, he didn't know much about the other races of the unknown world. Might as well get as much information as he could before anything more weird happened. Non-nonchalantly he reached out his own hands and gently grasped the girls hands, giving them a shake before lower them back down onto his lap, a half smile played its way onto his face.

Edit: Turning his head in the direction of Alaskas voice he smiled and slightly nodded his head, his way of saying hello back to her.


Alaska stroked the top of Crow's head as she stood up and looked over at Gabriel, wondering what about him was making Crow so irritable.

"Hi, I'm Alaska." she said, still keeping quiet and half hoping he wouldn't hear her.

Looking around she found her cat, Nacht, was sprawled out on the end of her bed.
Lixy ran up onto my shoulder when he took my hands.. I answered with a single word.. "Telpahy" "amongst other things" I added on the end.. Looking inot his eyes.. My ears twitching..
Blossom sat on the floor, and began to play with her tail. She looked at everyone while they were greeting Gabriel and smiled. She was happy that everyone finally began to show up, the room had a very pleasant feeling.
Monica placed Sam onto her bed as she dug through one of her bags. Soon she pulled out a treat, which she instantly gave to the now sitting pup. Giggling softly, she turned her attention to Gabriel.

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