
(Be c: And thank you! Same goes for you.)

"Yeah, it is. I feel so bad for Kenadee, losingher dad at such a young age. He says hello though! Mitch has a tendancy to hang around them. He's still looking after them." She said, petting Lexi as Crow slithered over to his owner's bed and under the sheets.
((OKay, Bai to you as well! <3))

Blossom got up and wandered over to her bed, sitting up and pats the space next to her for Sam to sit. Once he jumps up and adjusts himself, Blossom eagerly listens to what the two are talking about.
Staring after the Fae with a smirk on his face; she was one interesting feisty Fae, he didn´t have time for. Turning around swiftly; he walked through the dorms; heading for his room. His eyes merely meeting the few students which wandered about. One particularly interested him and with a stare and a nod to the side he ordered the young girl to the side.

"Sophia! What on earth are you doing here?" He hissed; his eyes blood-red. The young red-head simply smirked before explaining. "I´m only here to see my mate, Ison." Frowning Ison stared at Sophia with a skeptic eye. "You; Mate. Are you kidding me? God gave the devil a mate?" He asked with one eyebrow raised, that is until he saw a youngster come behind Sophia and scoop her up. "Um...I´ll leave..." He muttered before Sophia cried out. "NO! WAIT!"

Stopping he turned; to see Sophia´s arms around her mates waist and his arms around hers. Impatiently Ison stared. "This is Marc; Marc this is Ison, My nephew." She introduced them, the blonde man unleashing his arms around Sophia to stretch a hand infront of Ison. Ison stared at the hand before smirking. "Get her out of here before she goes on a massacre..." He said; not doubting that this meeting was the only one he´d see Sophia in atleast a hundred years.

He passed rooms; until he scented Blossom. Walking in to the room he raised an eyebrow at the scene before adressing them. "Weird, cruel fae, blonde girl anywhere near?" He asked, One; because he wanted information about this school. Two; Because it was fun to get on her nerves and Ison needed to pass time as the news of a new rapist settles down in the human towns. Sadly; Miss Reynolds, his little food stash at the time had mixed up getting your blood sucked by a handsome vampire and getting the deed done by a handsome man.
Shelby was sitting and listening to everyone's conversations for a while; it was good to learn about people, while they hardly knew her. Ison entered the Dorm, and when he spoke, Shelby readily ignored him, instead just stroking the 9meter long Boa Constricter, Cow, as he wound around her shoulders , armes and head. Shelby lounged up against the wall and watched Blossom, Alaska and the crowd.
Okay, so.. I decided I was going to talk to shelby.. What the hell was I thinking.. I picked lixy up off alaska's guitar, and went and sat down next to shelby.. My ears were folded over and my tail was all droopy.. "H..hey u..um., I'm sorry about earlier shelby"
Shelby's eyes followed Clara as she came and sat next to her. She was on her gaurd, incase Clara decided to d oanything. However, when she spoke, SHelby's wings fluttered in unease and suprise. "Yeah... i guess I am, too..." she mumbled, Crow nuzzling her lovingly.
I cupped lixy in my hands, scratching her ears.. "I..um.. Its okay if you don't want to, but I'd really like us to be friends..I really like you shelby, I think we just got off on the wrong foor perhaps" I muttered as lixy ran up my arm..
Isabella played her guitar quietly, not wantonly to interrupt anyone.

Nacht had decided he would position himself on her lap instead of letting her play, so she set it back down in its case BEOFRE lying back.
I was pretty much done with shelby, so I decided to go and talk to alaska again.. She wasnice, I liked her.. So I got back up and went and sat beside her "hello again alaska" I smiled a little..

Alaska sat up, placing Nacht back on her lap instead of her stomach.

Looking over to Shelby then back to Clara, Alaska figured they had gotten into an argument, and didnt plan on getting into the middle of it.

"You alright?"
"Hey, and yeah, I'm fine.." I smiled at alaska,rolling lixy onto her back and tickling her tummy.. I looked over to nacht.. "He's cute"

(What like,'animal' is nacht?x)
Shelby stood and dislodged Crow, who slithered over by Clara and Alaska. Shelby sighed and pushed her hair back, it was raining so she decided to take a look at the practise rooms. When she arrived, Shelby found a grand black Piano, a misuc stand, microphone and music stool. Sitting down at the Piano, she began to play loudly. Her fingers moved over the keys and created a beautiful song that echoed accross the corridors and dorms.
Monica finally returned to the dorm the same way she left, still in her werewolf form. She had a bag in her mouth, which she happily dropped next to Sam, who wagged his tail happily. She stretched before settling onto her bed.
Blossom randomly popped up. "Hey guys! What did I miss?" she asked after she was absent for some time, who knows where she was during the time being. She sat down on her bed and looked to everyone else curiously as her ears perked up and her tail swished intently behind her as usual.
Pendulum pulled open the door to the dorm and smiled at his first glimpse of the room. This is actually kind of nice! He thought to himself as he entered, but his cheery mood subsided as he saw the numerous people in the room as well. Oh geez. I guess there's no time like the present to get over my shyness. Unfortunately, that's going to be...difficult. He awkwardly walked into the room, avoiding eye contact with anyone, yet assessing the people he saw without them recognizing it. Well, they don't seem too bad. But this is still going to take some adjusting to...He found an empty bed and placed his bags upon it. Not sure what to do, he awkwardly sat down on his bed, folded his hands in his lap, and stared at the floor.
Monica stretched again before the fur on her body began to disappear. Her time as a werewolf was done so the process of becoming human again had begun. Her body glowed a light shade of white before it grew and blinded the room, only for a moment. When the light had faded away, she was in her normal, human state. "Ah much better." She giggled as she watched Sam chew up his meal in a bag.
Blossom smiled and sat next to Clara, relaxing as she stroked her ears. Her attention soon turned to the new person who had just entered. She smiled brightly and waved to him from her spot on the bed. "Hi! I'm Blossom!" she greeted him eagerly.
Pendulum watched in awe as a girl who had appeared to be a wolf just moments before, changed into a girl once more. The blinding white light caused him to blink uncontrollably for several seconds, but when his eyes had adjusted once more, he was stunned to see a girl sitting in place of what had just been a wolf. Pen shook his head disbelievingly. She must be a...werewolf. Pen had never known anyone who was a werewolf before today. Of course, he had heard of them, but he had never actually known one. Now that he thought of it, he had never met anyone other than people who were humans. Well..there was that one man. I've thought about it numerous times...He has to be some sort of demon. Whatever he was, he certainly wasn't a good guy. Pen shook the thought away and turned his focus back to the floor. It's best if I don't look too closely into things right now. I'll end up confusing myself even more.
Pendulum looked up from the floor once more to see two other girls welcoming him. He smiled an awkward, nervous, half-smile at them. "Hello Clara." He nodded his head slightly to her, then turned and did the same to the other girl. "Hello, Blossom." He sat up too look at both of them. "It's nice to meet you both. And thank you, Clara. I've always liked it. My mother gave it to me." He thought of his mother and inwardly sighed. He hadn't seen her in so long... "I think you both have beautiful names. I've never known anyone with the name Blossom or Clara before." His smile was a bit less forced now, as he was becoming more relaxed and less nervous as time went on.

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