
"Thankyou, I always liked it.. But yours, its special.. I can tell.. Its a special name, for somebody who's special.." I smiled a little, blushing.."Oh!, and um, this is lixy!" I said, holding out my hands to him, she was sat right in between them
"Thanks! I'm not very sure how I got my name...but I agree with Clara, your name is extremely cool!" Blossom grinned to him. She felt that he was a very soft and shy person. She noticed that he began to relax more now. "I'm happy that you're staying here with us! The more the merrier is what I say!" she giggles.
Pen found himself blushing just a bit as well, but he smiled still. "Well, thank you very much Clara." He turned his attention to what the girl was showing him. He smiled at the small thing in her hands and laughed. "Well hello there, Lixy!" Addressing Blossom he said, "Thank you! I'm glad to be here. A bit nervous, to be completely honest, but glad still."
Monica looked up and smiled softly, scooping up the yet again hyperactive into her arms. "I'm Monica by the way. And this hyper little thing is Sam. We know you'll fit right in with our unique bunch." She gave a small grin as Sam barked in agreement.
"You're welcome, pen.. And I woulndnt just say that, I know you are special, I know more about you too" I said.. Shyly, lixy nodded and ran up his arm and sat on his shoulder, something she rarely did with other people.. "Oh, sorry.. It seems she likes you!" I smiled..

(I really wanted pen to be claras soulmate, he's adorable)
(That would have been awesome! I'd be okay with that, but I guess that would be up to Autumn)

Pen was starting to smile even bigger, and you could see his nice white teeth now, but just barely. "Thank you, Clara. I really do appreciate that." He laughed as Lixy climbed up his arm and sat on his shoulder. "Why, hello there, Lixy! May I pet you?" He cautiously reached his hand up and gently touched Lixy's head. "You're a cute thing aren't you?" He chuckled. He looked at Monica as he was petting Lixy and thanked her as well. "I really appreciate how you're all trying to make me feel at home. You're all so kind to me." He thought about what Clara said - about how she knew more about him. The thought intrigued him and it wasn't until now that he realized he had never told her his name, but she had commented on how she liked it and even said it out loud. I wonder... He chose to not bring it up at the moment. He wasn't sure what to think.
(I'll ask :P )

I glanced up at him, my ears twitching a little.. And my tail was moving around a little too fast "Its fine, and yeah! Go ahead, she loves being scratched behind the ears.. And she must love you, pen, because she never usually climbs on shoulders, apart from mine"
Pen smiled and continued to pet Lixy. "That is pretty cool. I don't know why she'd like me though." He chuckled and then asked Clara, "where did you find her? I've never seen anything like her before." He smiled. "She's quite adorable."
(Nacht is a ghost cat, haha. Maybe you could know what he looks like by reading my mind and seeing what I was?)

"He says thanks."

Alaska smiled up at Clara as Nacht stood up, stretched, and investigated lyxi.

"I think as of next week he's 203 years old."

Alaska looked up at pen and waved slightly, slightly distracted by Nacht
"Sam you silly German Shepherd pup. I swear we need to get you more exercise..." Sam simply wagged his tail while he chewed on one of her shoes, causing Monica to chuckle. She sighed before holding up his favorite squeaky toy, which he happily traded for the shoe. "Oi I swear I need to hide my shoes from you...silly puppy."
"My parents were involved in the black market when they were younger, they paid good money for lixy" I smiled back at him.. Blushing even more..
(Heyyy! sorry i havent posted ive been busy with softball and my computer has been weird. does anyone wanna give me the shortened version of the rp? i dont wanna have to read 29 pages :P . Thanks!)
(I probably won't be able to post for the next few hours. We're on our way home from the Chery Blossom festival. The raids in DC are crazy!)
( I'm here :3 ) 
Shelby watched as a new person entered the room; yet more people came eyery day. With a sigh, she let Crow wind around her, and walked over to the new boy. "Hi." she said, looking out the window. She was sort of getting over her instant cold-ness to people, but slowly. Crow hissed impatiently, she'd not introduced him. Crow couldn't understand english, but he regognized his name, Shelby's and the word 'food'. "I'm Shelby- a Fae. The is Crow, a Boa Constricter. Crow yawned, showing rows of sharp teeth and fangs.
"Wow, that's pretty neat, Clara. Your parents must have some money." Pen blushed thinking about what he said. He didn't want to sound like all he cared about was their money. He wasn't like that. "I'm sorry, Clara. I didn't mean to sound rude. I think it's really neat that they bought Lixy for you!" He smiled at her, hoping he hadn't upset her by his poor choice of words, and blushed even more. He was not sure what to say next, and was grateful that Shelby had come to introduce herself. "Hello Shelby. It's nice to meet you." He involuntarily shuddered when he saw Crow, but he couldn't help thinking that a Boa Constrictor was an awesome pet to have. "Hello to you as well, Crow."
Shelby smiled when Crow heard his nme, jerked his head up and hit her on the chin with it. "Nice one, Crow." she snickered, Crow was wound around her whole body, weighing her down. Shelby flipped her pink curls back and fluttered her black wings.
Sierra hesitantly walked into the room, clutching a small notebook in her hand. It was worn; the pages were falling out of it and it was wrinkled. A black oil pencil stuck out of the pages somewhere in the middle. Her short black hair fell in front of her face. Her wide, violet eyes looked around at the people. She wore a long black tanktop that came down to her mid-calves and grey leggings beneath it. Her feet were clad in combat boots that were untied and falling off of her feet almost. In her opposite hand, she clutched a small black bag. She shifted where she stood uncomfortably, wondering if she should say something. She looked at the people closely, making mental notes.
Monica looked up from randomly playing with Sam and gave a small smile. "Hello there. I'm Monica and this little German shepherd puppy is Sam." Said puppy barked softly and wagged his tail excitedly.
Crow immidiately hissed when Sierra walked in, causing Shelby to turn her head sharply in her direction. "Witch." she hissed, eyes cold, black wings fluttering. Crow was nestling his head in her pink curls. "Crow is a detecting Boa Constricter." He was wound around her body.
Her hand that was holding the small journal twitched; she was tempted to write in it. A hand reached up and waved to her a bit, but she soon looked away, wondering where to set her bag. She chewed on her lip a little as she gazed around at the group of people.
Shelby narrowed her eyes, taking a step towards her, Crow hissed. Shelby had a bad history with Witches, so was weary and angry with this one, even though she'd never met her before.
She looked at her and flashed her a crooked smile. "Hello," she said in a smooth voice. "Do you know where I could set my things?" She lifted up her bag as a gesture.
"What?!, of course you didn't upset me pen!!, you're sweet, you couldn't possibly upset me!, I don't get upset easily anyway, trust me, its fine" I smiled up at him.. I could feel my cheeks burning..

(Autumn said yes about the soulmate thing boingo, so you want to?)
Shelby ignored her question, threw her a cold glare and turned away, sitting down next to Clara, Alaska and Blossom.
"Uhm," she raised an eyebrow and walked over to an empty bed, tossing her bag up on it. She sat down beside it, crossing her legs. She opened up the small notebook. The pages crinkled as she turned them. When she got to an empty page, she began to take a few notes before sketching a figure.

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