
Rohana walks around looking for Dorm 2. "This is not cool am I the only human around here?" she says kind of worried. She looks down the hall and sees the sign that says Dorm 2. She walks to it with her suitcase. "I hope my roommates are cool and easy going" she whispered to herself. She walks in and sees a witch... "Holy crap..." she says
Sierra continued sketching the figures, her short black hair falling in front of her face. The black oil pencil moved across the paper swiftly as if it was manned by itself. When she finished the sketch, she scrawled some notes along the side with arrows referring to different parts of the body. On the opposite page, she began taking some more notes. Her handwriting was small and hard to read--basically just scribbles.
"Hey are you in these dorm too?" she asks trying to start up a friendly conversation. She goes sits next to the witch and watches her sketch pictures. "You draw lovely pictures. Hey, I Rohana but you can call me Roh." she said happily.
She jumped and looked over at her with wide purple eyes. "Oh, uh, yeah I am," she looked back down at her notebook. "Thanks... I'm Sierra," she flashed her a sweet smile, but her top lip twitched.
"You have beautiful purple eyes...your actually a very pretty witch. No homo though. ha" she said while laughing. She looked around. "Uh you could you help me find me bed. Its a big dorm." she said nervous
She blinked a little, surprised. "Thank you," she said and smiled. "You're beautiful as well." She stood up and nodded. "I'm new, too, so we can find an official bed together... I don't know if this one is taken or not," she glanced over at it sheepishly.
"Well you are now considered my new bff!" she smiles. Roh goes put her things next to the empty bed. "Well I am going go around and meet people before I am paired of with my soulmate or spouse or whatever. Come with me." she says while standing up
Her giggle was dark and quiet. "Alright," she closed her notebook and pulled up her shirt enough to tuck it in her leggings. She seemed to get a little nervous when she heard the word "Soulmate," but she soon shrugged it off and put on a sweet smile.
"First off take your shirt out of your leggings. Come on be a little more exciting. A little sexier. Don't let your soulmate see you look all blah!" she says.
She blushed and pulled the shirt out of her leggings. She looked down at her untied boots, suddenly self-conscious about her appearance, which was rare for her. She usually did not care how she looked; she was more focused on other people.
Monica slipped out of the room quietly and quickly, taking Sam with. Humming softly, she began to search for a quiet area to spend a little time with Sam. "There sure are a lot of people around huh Sam." He barked his opinion before licking her hands, causing her to giggle. She sighed and frowned as she found a quieter place under a tree. "Things sure are interesting here huh Sam? Much more different that back at home...." Sam barked in agreement and licked her face, causing her to smile a little. "Good boy."
Nacht got up and had run out of the room, cohercing her to follow. She bowed slightly to Shelby, Clara, and Pen before running out of the room after him.

"Nacht! Where on earth are you going!" She yelled, rounding a corner to see him him going up a stair case. Stepping up behind him, she passed through a door way and found herself in what seemed like a balcony, but the room was full of energy. Nacht was to be found, perched on the ledge of the balcony looking down.

"Well, I think we just found our new secret hangout spot, Nacht."

Alaska, pleased with their new discovery, sat down and watched the grounds, humming something to Nacht in german as he fell asleep in her lap.
Walking around for a couple of hours. "This is really boring first day of school! Where are all of the teachers and students" sits down on the cool grass. She closes her eyes and thinks
Sierra stood behind her and opened her book, writing furiously. She had so many mental notes she had to write down. After she finished, she tucked the book into her leggings under her shirt and shifted.
Monica hummed softly as she cuddled with the now calmed puppy, who licked her face again in return. "I love spending time with you Sam... Especially now that we're somewhere....where anything can happen." She giggled softly before closing her eyes and singing softly. "I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh. I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away. I keep your photograph and I know it serves me well. I wanna hold you high and steal your pain."
(Hey guys! I'm finally back for the time being xD )

Blossom walked into the dorm and saw some new students and became excited once again. "Hi! I'm Blossom, welcome to the dorm!" she smiled, she then noticed another girl outside and ran to the window, slinging it open. "Hi! I'm Blossom! Glad you could make it here!" She shouted to her. She missed quite allot while she was gone and had to make up for it as fast as she could.
Alaska sat there smiling as she watched everyone from afar. This was her element, she was a wallflower afterall.

Soon enough she heard someone approaching behind her up the stair case. Wheeling around she found it to be the spirit of an old school ground keeper that she had met apon arriving to the grounds.

"Oh, uhm, hello there. How are you Mr.s Krowst?" She asked, Nacht stirring slightly in her lap.

"Just checking around the grounds" He said, smiling light heartily, taking a seat next to Alaska.

"How've you been liking it here so far, Mrs. Jones?"

"Quite wonderful actually. Everyone here is particularly nice, I'm just afraid I won't be able to fit in well is all. We're all in this one big dorm, and everyone seems to have their friends and such. I'm okay with it though. I'll have more time to focus on my studies, and atleast I'm not being bullied here. It's safe." She said, reminiscing on experiences at her old Academies. She would often just beat up for being 'crazy'. In some cases she would be told to just go and kill herself, but when she attempted the spirits had none of that.

"Well that's quite good. I hope you find it to your liking here. If you and Nacht need me, you know where to find me, Mrs. Jones."

"Thank you, Mr. Krowst." And with that, he took his leave down the staircase.
She sat down on the ground, looking towards the grass. Her short black hair fell in front of her face. She spun a blade of grass around her fingers, feeling it slice into her skin gently. She looked at the dark blood dripping from it like a papercut. She sighed and brought it to her lips. Her violet eyes heated up furiously. Suddenly, she swiftly stood up an stormed off, unsure why. She wrapped her pale white arms around her stomach as she walked along the path. Her combat boots scuffled lightly across the dirt. She sniffed and wiped her sticky eyes, but the old notebook fell out of her leggings. When it hit the ground, her papers flew every way, finally falling out of the binding.

She moaned a little and stomped her foot before bending down to pick them up.
((Oh my gosh... thats a lot of posts xD Sorry for not posting yet! Anybody have any recommendations for how to start?))
Hazel was getting a little annoyed, she was lost. That much was now obvious. She still had her bags with her, and was walking around the area, completely stumped on where to go next. This place was new to her, and her bright red hair seemed to be almost on fire at the tips. It really was on fire though. Hazel Pyre was a Phoenix, a rare breed that most thought were only a legend. She was trying to find her room, and was having no luck at all.

Kyo on the other hand was having much more luck. He, a kitsune of nine tails, found his dorm and plopped his things down on a free bed. He wasn't really paying attention to see if anyone else was in the room, nor did he care at this point. He just wished to relax for a moment. His home was so far from here, and the journey seemed to have taken forever.

((Sorry. So short for a first post. T.T))
Brain nodded to the person who waved hi to him. Then he had someone else say hi to him, and he waved. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and put his head against the wall, breathing. Brain was a wolf. A were-wolf. He was turned young and thought he would love it. But really, he didn't. He ex aimed the room.

Rosalie waved to the girl was say hi to her and Brain. Then, she herself waved to Brain. Then Rosalie walked around the room. Then, she asked in general, "Where can we get some drinks?" She asked, looking around the room. "Hm.." She said to herself, thinking of ways to make this room better looking. Then, she returned her attention back to everyone.

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