
Kyo smiled at Blossom, ignoring Alaska for now. Nacht didn't bother her. His heart fluttered a bit just by looking at her, and he shivered. He noticed though that she seemed almost worried, and his fox fire disappeared, "Blossom, you al-" He was cut off as another girl stormed into the dorm loudly.

Hazel finally found the dorm, and was grumbling, her hair still partly on fire. "I swear! Is this whole place like a ghost town?!" Her voice was loud, and she was too annoyed to care, "Why is no one outside you guys?" She looked around at everyone, and blushed lightly, realizing how loud she had just been.

"Sorry!" she called out, still loud, then lowered her voice finally, "My name is Hazel. It is nice to finally see people. What's up?" Her bright red hair, partly on fire, was like a beacon for attention, and she had gotten used to that. It used to tick her off, that everyone would point at her, or call her names.

"Anyways. What bed can I nab?" she smiled big, "Sorry I am kinda late, by the way. I got really lost. This campus is nuts!" Hazel pouted, then smiled again, looking around at the group again. Her eyes went to Bram and Kyo, "Ooo! You two are cute! So is everyone in here, but I felt like pointing out you two!"

She is completely nuts... Kyo thought, and smiled at her politely, "Kyo. Nice to meet you. You are too kind..." He looked at Blossom, almost begging to be saved from this awkwardness.
Alora shot a glare towards the intruding girl. She did not like being interrupted. Bren's eyes grew wide at her fiery hair, but she laid a hand on his arm, shaking her head softly. Commenting on the flames would probably set the loud girl off again.

Swallowing his curiosity, Bren watched the girl's loud antics. He smirked when the girl complement him and Kyo. Alora noticed him wiggling his septum piercing with his nose like he always did when amused and inwardly groaned. Of course, he would be interested in the loud one.

"Well, thank you," he grinned. "I must say, you are as well. The flames are a nice touch." He turned to face the others. "Though I am curious about the beds. These bags are getting kind of heavy," he said as he shifted Alora's bag in his hand.
"Uh, yeah since I was 10. I'm sorry about that, uh, Nacht was about to run straight through you. Sorry-that didn't make any sense. I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt you guys!" She said, taken aback by the girl's eyes, knowing she had made a huge mistake to run after the ghost cat.

Alaska straightened her back a bit as she felt her cheeks get hot.

"Do you want help with the bags?" She asked after she noticed the boy shifting uncomfortably under the weight of them.
Blossom saw Kyo's look of distress and thought frantically for a way to help him out. She looked out the window and saw the tree that she liked to hang out by when she wanted to just chill and got an idea, hoping that he would catch on. "It's getting a bit crowded in here, I think I'm gonna go wander around. Oh, Kyo, you're still just as new as everyone else and they seem busy, would you like to go and look around campus with me?" she asked him, her eyes pleading for him to see that she's trying to help him out. "You guys can take any bed you want, even mine if there's no room, I don't mind. I can find somewhere else so just find one you like." she informed them all.
[ Etoo.. I don't know how to jump in right now so I'm gonna start in a dorm ]

Hmm.. The man in black jacket thinks as he crosses his arms. He stands on his doorway staring at his new dorm and what it could be inside. " Well, No point in standing here and staring. " He then unlocks the door with the key he got from the office and opens it. It wasn't bad at all; A bed, A study table, And a bathroom. " Well, This ain't so bad ! " He says as he throws his luggage on the bed and checking out the room. He then sits on the bed and opens his luggage, Clothes mostly inside. And then starts placing them in the drawer and Closet. " There we go. "
"That sounds great," Kyo said, and grabbed her hand, leading Blossom past the other kids, and outside. He was getting too crowded. People weren't really his forte. "Thank. You. So. Much," Kyo said, laughing and putting emphasis on each word. He walked up to the tree, not letting go of Blossom's hand yet. When he realized it, he blushed, and released her, muttering a soft, "Sorry..." Then Kyo proceeded to hop up into the tree, and shift into his tiny fox form. He liked being up high.

Hazel was looking at the boy, then just smiled big, "Thanks. I'm a phoenix." Her mood suddenly changed, and she got a lot calmer, and quieter. She sighed, and just rested her bags down on the nearest empty bed. "So, Bren, you look so normal. Must be nice. I gotta focus on not setting things on fire. Though, I have it down to an art at this point. I can make fire so that it doesn't hurt, get hot, or spread."

As if to prove her point, she shifted into her 'Phoenix' form. The fire spread from the tips of her pigtails, and quickly engulfed her body. Hazel looked completely made of fire, and hovered slightly above the floor. Like she said, nothing caught on fire, though she did feel slightly warm.
(I'm guessing it's a coed dorm?)

Alora tilted her head curiously. "Nacht? I didn't see anything." She scanned the area for what - who - she was talking about but didn't see anything. "But that's really interesting. I've always loved the guitar and wished I learned to play."

Bren waved Alaska away with a smile. "Nah, I got it." He tossed Alora's bag on the bed furthest from the window, and she nodded her approval. Then he turned back to face Hazel, eyes growing wide when he saw her completely engulfed in fire. "Balls, that looks like it hurts," he laughed nervously, waggling his septum again. "But, yeah, I guess being one hundred percent human does make me pretty normal, doesn't it?"
Monica, in all her blissful sleeping, awoke to the sound of voices. Sometime during her little nap, wolf ears had plopped themselves onto her head, signaling she should hunt again. Blinking in confusion, she glanced around. "Sam?" She looked around for a few moments before sighing. "Have you guys seen Sam?"
"It doesn't hurt at all actually!" Hazel exclaimed happily, and the fire went out suddenly, and she walked up to him. Well.... more like skipped, her red pigtails swaying from side to side, "So, where you from Bren? And, I think its kinda cool! Here, being human kinda makes you unique." She stopped close to him, and swayed on the balls of her feet, "I hope all this stuffy stuff works out. It is kinda weird. Ya know? I haven't seen a single teacher or anything!"
(Sorry I've been away for so long. I didn't even realise the RP had begun. May I ask where I can jump in and also who my character's "soulmate" is supposed to be?)

(Ah I don't think you were assigned one yet. Just jump in by entering dorm 2, where everyone else is or by getting ran into by a hyperactive puppy. Either way it doesn't matter.)
"Nacht is my cat." She said, smiling abit, "he died about 200 years ago. Needless to say not many people can see him."

Holding the cat like a baby in her arms, there was an obvious infect in her shirt where the cat was laying, and it moved as he did.

"Not all animals are living and breathing you know." Isabella could feel herself blushing as Navht jumped down and ran to her bed. Looking abit closer she noticed the girls eyes were dark, but she couldn't quit see into them like she could other people's. Alaska wondered what it was stopping her.

"I would be happy to teach you to play though! I'm sure you'd be great at it."
Monica sighed softly and lazily got up, grabbing a jacket from her bag. Not bothering to tell anyone where she was going, she set out to search for Sam. "Oi....He really needs to stop scampering off while I'm sleeping."

Meanwhile, the mischievous German shepherd had stolen someone's shoe and was now chewing on it happily.
Shelby, still lying on her bed, pushed her headphones back around her neck and looked up at the two new arrivals with narrowed eyes. The kitsune was talking with Blossom, Sam chewing on a shoe. She stood, shaking her pink curls back and straightening her black dress. She walked lazily over to the new arrivals and mock-bowed, smirking. "My name is Shelby, i'm a Fae," her black wings sparkled, "and this is Crow, a Boa Constricter." Crow wound himself around her body, he was about nine meters long. Shelby nodded shortly, "And who might youuuu be?" she asked, drawing out the vowel.
Bren's eyes flashed over to Alora, who was still talking to the girl with the guitar. "Alora and I are from a small town called Harpsford. Little known fact: it's a big vampire city. The whole place is pretty much run by them. Most of us plain ol' humans have no idea, though. I wouldn't know if 'Lora hadn't told me when she reveal her, ah, parentage."

Nodding her head, Alora's eyes slowly trailed down the front of Alaska's shirt. "Are you holding him? I think I can see his outline. A ghost cat, huh? That's pretty neat," she paused, dark eyes flashing back up to Alaska's face. "I had a pet cat once, but he died long ago." Her nose wrinkled cutely at her offer. "I'm not sure I'd be too good. I've been playing the piano for awhile, but I don't know about the guitar."

Out of the corner of his eye, Bren saw another girl approaching them. He turned his attention from the flamy Hazel to the other girl, his eyes flitting from her pink hair to her swirling wings to her vivid eyes, a stark green against the dark makeup. "A Fae? Nice. Well, I'm Bren, your average human. And that over there is Alora."

Upon hearing her name, Alora turned to regard him over her shoulder. Bren pointed to the fae and Alora raised an eyebrow in a half-hearted greeting before turning back to Alaska. Bren chuckled and wiggled his nose again, the ring shaking. "Don't mind her. She's a grumpy little seveocha. But nice snake. Wish I'd known we could bring pets. I would've brought Mr. Scampers."
Monica stopped and stared out a window, sighing softly. She needed to hunt again but she needed to find Sam first. She worried about the puppy, for so many reasons. "Sam...Why must you worry me so much?" She sighed again before returning to the dorm room, only to find the rotten little pup still chewing on the shoe he found. She looked like she was about to yell at him before she scooped him up and cuddled him. "Sam don't you worry me like that again." Sam merely made a noise of confusion before dropping the shoe and licking her face, causing her to giggle. "Silly German shepherd."
Shelby scrunched up her nose before smiling, " 'Mr. Scampers?' " she giggled softly and twirled her hair around a finger absently. Crow's tongue flickered out onto her nose several time, making Shelby sneeze twice.

(( sorry, not a very long post ))
((Nah it's totally fine.))

Monica blinked before turning to the newcomers. "Hello. I'm Monica and this little pup is Sam. I'm a werewolf." After placing Sam back onto her bed, she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. Sam barked a greeting before laying down, causing her to giggle.
Groaning inwardly, Bren wished he hadn't mentioned it. His shoulders hunched forward and he looked away, refusing to make eye contact as he felt his cheeks grow warm. "I was twelve years old, I had a bunny, he liked to scamper, and I have no creativity," he sighed in one breath. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled at the snake.

He turned, looking down into the newcomers bright eyes. A green immediately spread across his face when he saw the little puppy. "Werewolf, you said? Man, this place is really diverse, huh? I'm Bren, by the way." He suddenly paused, scanning the large room. "Wait, so...are there only two guys in here? Ohh, I could get to like this."
Monica giggled again and rolled her eyes. "I'm know there are more than two guys. And we are very diverse here." Sam wagged his tail and barked in agreement. She shook her head and gave him his favorite toy to keep him occupied, which he happily obliged to taking.
Alaska couldn't help but lose her voice when she caught Aloras eyes.

"Uh, yeah. Would you like to?" She said, clicking her fingers for Nacht to come sit next to her.

She picked up the cat, running her hand along her back. "He's nice, and he seems to like you. Usually he would've run away by now. And maybe instead we could visit the music room sometime."

Placing her guitar on her bed, she held Nacht in both arms and walked up to Alora, placing her hand on his back.

"See? You can still feel him is he chooses to let you. That's how all spirits are. I'm Alaske by the way, I'm a demon. Well, half demon."

Alaska looked Bren over, slightly surprised he was human. "I hope none of us freak you out, Bren. You seem pretty cool!"
Alora tensed when Alaska touched her hand, the feel of the other girl's skin stirring something unknown within her. "Uhh, sure." Gently, she moved her fingers and almost jumped back in shock when she suddenly felt the cat beneath her. She couldn't hold back the smile that spread across her face "This is really...strange. I've had dealings with spirits before, but not an invisible spirit cat." She looked back up, going quiet at Alaska's proximity. "I'm, ah, I'm Alora. A seveocha. Half human like you, too."

"Too bad," Bren winked playfully. "I figured there'd be others in the school, but at least in this dorm I've only seen Kyo and myself. Speaking of the others, where are they? Or teachers? Shouldn't there have been someone here to welcome us or something?"
"They're probably out exploring the school or are still asleep. As for teachers, I think they trust us enough to make responsible choices. Alone." Monica paused before smiling. "Mind watching Sam for me? He won't be much trouble and I need to....go out for a bit."
Shelby's eyes glittered as Monica said those last words. She smirked "She means she's going hunting. To kill." Shelby smiled sweetly before turning and flying back over to her bed, not glancing behind her. It was time some trouble was caused here; and she was going ot be the one to start it. Shelby looked around with a small smile.
Blossom blushed as well as she already was aware of Kyo holding her hand. "N-no, it's alright..." she shook her head, smiling nervously. She watched him jump up into the tree and climbed up as well as she looked up out over the campus. "It sure is big isn't it?" she asked as she gazed out. It was very peaceful and cool with a light breeze that flows gently through the air. She looked over to Kyo and giggled slightly as she saw him in his small fox form. It was cute, just like him and she found herself staring to him. She quickly looked away embarrassed and stared into the sky instead.

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