
Monica returned to her dorm room by climbing through the window with a sleeping Sam. Stifling a giggle, she placed him on her bed and hummed a bit. "I really needed some special time with you Sam. I'm glad we left when the newcomers came. They seemed pretty busy." She sighed softly before gently playing with the sleeping German shepherd's ears.
Shelby walked over stiffly to the Witch, she was scribbling something on her notebook, "Anything you'd like to share, Witch? Or are you writing all your 'secrets'?" She smirked, tapping her head lightly. She flipped her pink curls back, and her black wings glittered like they did whenever she was happy. 

Vincent Sierra

Gabriel Shelby

Kyo Blossom

Brain Monica

Pendulum Clara

Rosalie Bren


Alora huffed softly to herself as they approached the building. She pulled her hood down over her face, trying to shield her delicate skin from the harsh sun. Luckily for her, having a freakishly tall best friend and being freakishly short, she fit almost perfectly in Bren's shadow. Shoving her hands into her hoodie's pocket she took a few quick steps to get closer to him.

Bren smirked, feeling Alora's small frame hovering just behind him. He had his bag slung over his shoulder and Alora's much heavier bag in his arms. Grimacing as he adjusted it, he couldn't help but wonder how such a small girl could need so much clothing. He'd been at her house while she packed and had been astounded that it had taken the girl three hours just to pack the clothes.

"Hey, Bren?" Alora called softly. "Are we almost there?"

"Dorm two is right ahead, 'Lora." He cast a glance at her over his shoulder. "Think you're ready?"

She took in a deep breath and paused before releasing it. "I hope so."

"Hey, do you know what room we're each in?"

Alora shrugged despite knowing that he couldn't see. "No idea. I guess we'll just have to ask around."
Shelby shrugged and returned to Dorm two, there were 14 members, and counting. As she stood still, Crow wound his way up her leg, across her shoulders, one arm, her neck and head. Mouth twitching, she sat on her bed and smoothed her black lacy dress, pushing her bubble-gum pink hair out of her eyes and fastning her gloved to match the dress. She lay back, listening to music and evaluating everybody's personality.
As Blossom came back into the dorm after having a snack and having a little fun, she noticed even more new people. She first saw a boy about her age, a young kitsune, and got the sudden urge to greet him. She actually became a bit nervous as she approached him. 'I've never felt like this saying hello to new students...' she thought to herself. "H-hello! I'm Blossom, welcome to the dorm!" she greeted him nervously as her tail stay still, not moving for the first time ever as she waited for him to answer.
(Should me, Hazel, and Alora wait till there are more guys? I'm okay with being paired up with a girl if there isn't anymore. And if need be, I can just turn Alaska from a chick to a dude easy.)

After about an hour of staying up in the little area, Alaska decided to head back to the dorm and finish putting away her things.

"Nacht, come along." She said as the cat jumped from the ledge and into her shoulder. Alaska rushed down the stair and rounded the corner, taking a deep breath before entering the room. Going into places full of prior never really was her thing.

Walking almost unnoticed to her bed, she slid all of her necklaces, pendulums, and books on demon symbology away under her pillow. Taking off a dusty sheet, a new black and blue comforter replaced it, creating tons of free storage room in her suitcase.
Kyo yelped in surprise at the new voice calling towards him. He wondered for a moment if it was meant for him in truth, or if he was hearing someone else's hello. He sort of wanted it to be towards him, and he didn't really understand why. Kyo's ears twitched, and he turned to face this girl, "Hello Blossom. Umm... You startled me quite a bit..." 'You startled me? Smart thing to say,' Kyo thought silently, and his tail swished back and forth awkwardly. Only one was visible at this point. Kitsunes could appear however they wanted, with slight giveaways, but right now, he had no reason to hide. Kyo only showed one of his tails because, although beautiful, he found showing all of them at once was uncomfortable.

His voice found him again quickly, "My name is Kyo. I... I am new. I didn't know this was a co-ed dorm..." Kyo's tail swished again nervously. This girl was pretty, and he was a bit stunned that he would be staying with a girl. Let alone one that made him feel so odd. 'Odd... Not the best word to describe this feeling...' Kyo thought, not understanding the gravity of the meeting. 
(I'm bi! So I'm ok with the idea.)
(Awesome! When Autumn gets back online we can ask her if Alaska and Hazel can be paired up. I think it'll be pretty interesting too since they have such conflicting personalities.)
Blossom stared into his face slightly as he talked but quickly snapped out of it. She smiled happily as her tail waved back and forth behind her. "Nice to meet you Kyo! Yeah...I didn't know either until boys started showing up not too long ago." she giggled awkwardly. She tried her best to act natural around him, but she found it quite hard for some reason. 'He...he's so cute!' she thought as she grinned at him, her ears perked up in anxiousness.

"I hope that we get to hang out together soon!" she added. 'Was that the best I could think of?' she asked herself, face palming herself in her mind. She just couldn't seem to think straight. She heard some girls talk about something called a soul mate, was this what that was? She wasn't sure, but she knew that she definitely liked him if not more and it would grow as she got to know him more and that was just what she wanted to do. Get to know him more and more, knowing what he liked and what he didn't.
This girl seemed like she was about to explode or something, and Kyo wondered why. He really liked her... Even though he didn't know her at all. It confused him, and interested him. He wanted to know more about this girl. "So..." Kyo said, clearing his throat nervously, "What brings you here? I came from the mountains. My history is a little depressing though... What about yours?" Kyo really wanted to hug Blossom. Just hug her. But he didn't know if that would be ok, or if it would be weird. His body, ignoring his mind's apprehensions, hugged her anyways. His cheeks went bright red, then he shifted into his Fox form, a small white creature with all nine of his tails. He didn't fall though, instead he floated, a kitsune ability, above her head, hiding from her in a way. Kyo was embarrassed, and now suddenly shy.
Monica had somehow fallen asleep cuddling Sam, who woke up a few minutes after. The German shepherd wiggled his way out of her arms and scampered out the door. However, she didn't notice because she was far too deep into sleep to be woken up to easily. Rolling onto her side, she continually slept peacefully, blissfully unaware.
Just as Blossom was about to answer, he came closer to her, enveloping her in a soft hug. She felt her cheeks burn and her heart speed as he then suddenly turned into what looked like a small fox, floating out of her sight. Flustered and confused she looked around but couldn't find him (since he was behind her head and all) which made her a bit worried. Did she do something? What happened to him? Her ears went down as she felt sad at not being able to see him. She felt lonely for some reason. She's been alone before and felt fine, but now as she's in a room with other people but not Kyo, she felt alone. "Kyo...? Where did you go?" she asked softly as a small Sam ran past her feet.
Kyo felt bad now, the girl seemed so sad, so the tiny form of Kyo softly rested himself on top of her head. "Sorry about that Blossom," he said, looking down at her, "I don't know what came over me. Anyways, why are you here Blossom? What brought you to this place?" In his fox form, his voice was almost echoed, and distant sounding, but very warm. Kyo could be called a spirit fox, or a fire fox, or whatever other names humans came up with over the years. Being close to the girl made him happy, and he really didn't understand why. He hadn't heard any rumors of soulmates, and was oblivious to that possibility.
(Alora's a lesbian, so I don't think a guy's really her type. Ooh, Bren's soulmate should be rather interesting.)

"I think I hear people," Bren says, nodding in a direction down the hallway. Alora crept closer behind him as he led the way. Bren awkwardly picked up a long leg as a puppy ran past him. "You can have animals here? Awesome!" He could almost feel Alora's eye roll and cracked up in laughter.

Bren skidded to a stop, and Alora, eyes still on the floor, ran smack into his back. "Ooof, Bren~ Watch where you're going." She peered around him to see what he was staring at. A girl with cat ears and a tail stand a few feet in from of them, a small fox floating behind her head. "What, you've never seen a neko or kitsune before?"

He flashed her an irritated look over his shoulder. "May I remind you that I've just recently come to realise that there's more than humans out there? You're the only nonhuman I've met before today."

"At least you've had practice," she retorted. "Now, go ask them where our rooms are."

Bren awkwardly approached the two. "Uhm, hi. Uh, we're, ah, new and a, uhm, little lost..."

Sighing, Alora stepped around him as he stammered for words, eyes fixated on the girl's ears. "What he means to say is we need a little help finding our rooms, if you can."
Hearing Kyo's voice and feeling his touch on Blossom's head soothed her as she knew he was still there. Her ears went back up and she felt happy again. "Well, to be honest...I have a pretty sad background as well, and have lived alone for a while when I heard about this place. I'm from the city actually and have always wanted to visit the mountains. The city just gets a bit too stuffy and loud at times." she informed him, remembering her life before she came her. Remembering her parents made her sad, but Kyo made her feel better. This was the first time that she didn't even cry or lower her ears sadly at the thought of them. "But I love it here!! I think you will too!" she smiled as she tried to look up at him. 
Blossom turned her attention as she heard someone else at the door. They were more than likely talking to her. "Oh, hi! What dorm are you looking for exactly? I'm Blossom by the way." she asked, smiling to the new members.
Kyo hopped down off of Blossom's head, and shifted into human form mid-air. He turned to face the new group, "Hello there. I am Kyo. Pleased to meet you both." His ears twitched with curiosity as the boy stared at him, a bit confused as to why he seemed so surprised. "This is a school for all kinds of creatures, yes?" Kyo questioned, just reaffirming, "I am a Kitsune. Yourself?" A smile donned his face, polite, and curtious.
(Awesome! Well, so is Alaska. So Hazel can still be paired up with a guy. Perhaps Alaska and Alora since they're both lesbians. And Hazel is Bi, so I think that makes things a tad less complicated. Are you guys okay with it? I'm just spewing ideas. SorryD:)

Alaska happy with what she's done with her little corner of the room, takes the guitar from the edge of her bed and behind playing. Experimenting with some chords, eventually she found a rhythm she liked. Now all that was left was finding some lyrics.

"Can I trust this, your hand beckons me closer, fighting for the chance to breath you in- wait no. Too agressive? I guess it depends on how I sing it." She says, looking to Nacht for advice. He simply lets out a short mew and resumes his nap.

"We'll you aren't of much help."
Rosalie just shrugged. No one seemed to bother for her. But, she didn't care. She walked to a window, that had a seating place on it. She carefully placed herself there, and gazed out the window. "Hm..." She said to herself. She looked back at all the people in the room. Then, returned back to the window.

Brain face was covered in the shadows. He was breathing hard also. He still hadn't fully mastered turning into a wolf when wanted. He turned when his body pleased. When his wolf wanted to come out. It was extremely hard for him to control it for some reason. "Ugh- Ar-Maw-" He mumbled, trying his best.
(Whatever you guys would prefer. I'll go along with it either way.)

Alora nodded amiably to the two. "I'm Alora, and this stuttering fool is Brently. We're in this dorm - two, right? - but we don't know if there are assigned rooms or anything."

"He turned into a human," Bren whispered in a soft voice, blinking several times to make sure that he had actually seen Kyo change. Alora couldn't help but chuckle at his shock. Growing up as she did, she was quite used to seeing otherbeings. Like Bren had said, though, she was the only one that he'd ever met, and it had taken him awhile to fully come to terms with it.

"You'll have to forgive Bren," she explained . "He's a human and is...new to all this. I myself am a seveocha."

Bren shook his head, seemingly recovering from his shock. He felt his cheeks flush pink, embarrassed at having stared so openly. "Yeah, I-I'm Bren. Sorry about that. It's nice to meet you two."
"Nice to meet you two as well!" she greeted them. "I understand Bren, don't worry, it would be completely abnormal for you to not be used to seeing stuff like this." she assured him. "This is dorm two, guess we'll all be living together!" she smiled. Now that everyone was arriving, this place was going to be a lot more lively than it has been, but that's a good thing in a way.

Blossom glanced at Kyo, but returned to look at the two, afraid she might loose control of the situation. She looked at the two, seeing the clear contrast between them. Bren had bright blue eyes and dark hair and Alora had dark brown eyes and light blonde hair. Both also had different personalities. She giggled slightly at how much they differed as her tail twirled around happily.
Alaska's eyes darted up from her guitar and to the two new arrivals. Nacht had made his way over to the girl, and seemed as if he was about to walk straight through her.

"Nacht, no!" She hissed, darting up still holding her guitar as she sweeper the cat up in her arms, forgetting that no one else could see him.

"Uhh, sorry about that" she said, realizing he had probably made a fool of herself. 'Jesus Christ, you can do anything right today Laska' she thought, mentally slapping herself.
Two of Kyo's tails showed now, swishing back and forth. He was interested, and confused, but overall pretty happy. "Alora and Bren. You both seem quite nice. So, you are a half vampire then? I thought they all just got called Dhampirs, but that name is prettier." He wasn't flirting, though it may have seemed like it. Really Kyo was just complimenting. His look turned to Bren, and he smiled, "Wanna see something cool?" Without a pause, Kyo raised a hand up near his face, and a small bluish white ball of fire appeared, "This is called fox fire. It has lots of uses. It can cause damage, and also heal. Really versatile."
Alora shrugged nonchalantly. "Seveocha are female dhampir, known for their...ahem...beauty." She cast her eyes down, hoping not to seem egotistical. It wasn't how she truly felt - she thought herself less than plain - but that was what she had been told she was. "But thank you anyway."

Bren's mouth dropped open at Kyo's fire. "That's-wow, that's just...'Lora, why can't you do anything that cool?" At her disgruntled sigh, he chuckled, his nerves finally calming. "Well, this'll be interesting won't it. I suppose we're not the only ones here. Have you met anyone else? Will we be living with them?"

Seeing Blossom watching her, Alora opened her mouth to say something but paused when a girl she hadn't noticed before came flying towards her. The girl was pretty, her red hair framing her embarrassed face. The guitar in her hands slightly swung from her sudden movement. "You play?"
Blossom noticed Alaska as she called for Nacht and smiled to her and reassured her saying, "It's fine! Don't worry!" before turning back to the group watching Kyo as he was complimenting Alora. She felt her heart ache a bit but tried not to let the hurt show as she smiled to everyone, watching Kyo as he made his fox fire. It was really dazzling but she couldn't completely focus as she began to feel even worse. She became afraid that it was showing and tried to giggle and smile it off even more. "That's really cool Kyo!" she beamed to him, not sure if she was convincing anyone, but she tried her best. She felt a bit relieved when Alora turned the conversation to Alaska.

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