
Bren smiled at the exuberant little puppy. "I'd be honoured," he said as he bowed playfully. As they left the room, he happened to catch a glance at a clock and his eyes widened. He hadn't realised how long it'd been since... oh, this won't be good.
Lace walked along the pathway watching the many different students go by. She had just moved her things into dorm 2, and decided to go out and explore the campus, or what she should call her new home. As she walked she noticed many people giving her odd looks, she looked down at herself and smirked. Black leather pants, with more loops and belts than she could count covered her legs, and a white top, that probably should cover a bit more cleavage adorned her torso.while Knee high leather boots with a stiletto heel fit snug against her size seven and half feet."i guess they've never seen a stripper in day clothes" she said in amusement before continuing to explore her new home. She'd spoken to barely anyone today and she was starting to lose it. Lace wasn't a friendly person by nature, but those that she does like, know that she can talk your ear off, and probably will if you let her.

Lace continued walking, taking in her surroundings, and trying to decided if she would put herself out on a limb, by making new friends, or get use to talking to herself, and become one of those creepy cat ladies, but without the cats.
Shelby got up, sighing, and walked out into the courtyard, seeing a girl wearing black leather and a white top- very low cut. She smirked, black wings fluttering smugly. She flipper her bubble-gum pink hair out of her emerald eyes. She straightened her black lacy dress, pulling her matching gloves up fully. Her black makeup clouded around her vivid eyes as she studied this girl. Walking up her her, Shelby's lip twitched in amusement. "Hello..."
Sam managed to climb out of Bren's arms and jump into Monica's, causing her to shake her head and smile. "Spoiled aren't we, Sam?" She looked over at Bren and raised an eyebrow. "Something wrong?" Sam licked her face causing her to giggle. "Sam."
Lace continued walking stopping short when a girl with bubble gum pink hair seemed to be walking in her direction. She glanced behind herself just in case, someone else was there, Those situations were always embarrassing. Lace's eye narrowed slightly at the girl, before she shook herself out of her defensive nature . 'your supposed to be making friends' she thought to herself before a her soft smile settled onto her features. "Hi., i'm lace" she said before lifting her hand up to one of her lip piercings and playing with it slightly.
Shelby's eyes were cold, watching the other girl rearrange her expression with visible effort. "Yeah, whatever." she spat, pushing her curls out of her eye. She knew what this... girl's 'occupation' was. Shelby had a cruel smile of her lips, and she raised an eyebrow mockingly.
"We'll then we should totally come here more often."

Pulling down her sleeves. She gently rubbed her left arm hoping no one would notice anything. She had been doing her best to hide anysign of what she was.

Alaska was leaning against the balcony railing and shivering slightly when she Alora differently. There was something about this girl that made her feel happy for once. She's been on her own pretty much all her life, but she made her feel like she had someone. She just wanted to make sure the girl didnt think her a fool.

"So, what kind of music do you like?"
Lace's smile immediately vanished at the other girls facial expression. "What the hell?" she said in slight confusion, but more anger than anything . "Did you come all though way over here, to give me attitude? if so you you can march, or fly, yourself back to where you were. I don't have time for this." she said with a tilt of her head, before then crossing her arms over her chest and rolling her eyes.
Shelby smirked and stroked Crow, her Boa Constricter, who was wound firmlyaround her body. He hissed at Lace "My name's Shelby..." She turned and flicked her wrist, sending a spell that paralyses you for 30 seconds. She walked away.
Lace went to speak, but found she couldn't, and before she knew it she had crumbled to the ground still unable to move. "what the fuck! that, that......bitch!" she screamed in her mind. Lace wasn't dumb, far from it, so it took her no time to realize the girl must have some sort of power, that made it so she wasn't able to move. After what felt like an eternity lace was finally able to move her body. But that bitch, what did she call herself?...... Shelby, had already walked out of sight by the time she was unfrozen. Lace breathed in deep, before letting it out, and smirking." i will be seeing you again, i'm gonna make sure of that" she murmured before fixing her clothing, and walking down the path. As she crossed and tree, she shot of a stream of ice freezing the tree. She then closed he fist causing the tree to shatter.
Shelby liked making people angry; she liked to push their buttons and see how long it took for them to snap. Lace had been easy; only a cold stare and a small silence and she'd gone. Shelby smiled and sat on her bed in dorm 2. She was feeding Crow live mice.
Kyo was smiling softly, avoiding looking at Blossom, no matter how much he wanted to look at her. He was still confused by all this. It wasn't bad though. He looked ahead toward the dorms, wondering who she'd ask. He didn't want to be the one to ask. He would get all awkward, and not know how to really go about it. They were back at the dorm now, and Kyo opened the door for Blossom, motioning for her to head inside.
Blossom smiled politely as she walked in. "Thank you." she thanked him. She let her eyes wander around the room as she looked for who to ask. She glanced at Shelby who was busy, and everyone else were doing their own thing. She looked to Clara and slightly nodded to herself. 'I guess I could ask Clara, she seems like she'd have a good answer...' she thought to herself as she walked to Clara, Kyo following close behind. "Hey Clara, we were wondering if you know what something meant when you were feeling it...." she started, making sure it was alright to ask her.
(Forty-two pages. This has been a really long first day. Should we be wrapping things up for the end of the day or keep going?)

Alora cast a thoughtful glance in Alaska's direction. "I think I'd like that." She couldn't help but wonder if this was what having a friend was like. She just...wanted to be near her. She's couldn't explain it anymore than that. They hadn't known each other for very long, but being near her made everything feel amazing. She never had much experience with friends. Bren, yes, but the two of them were...a bit more than friends. "Hm, music?" she mused as she thought, "well, I play classical piano music, and I love listening to it. I like soft and calming music, like acoustic or jazz, but I'm really open to anything. Bren actually got me into this one screamo band a couple months ago. He can't get enough of that genre."

"For now," Bren said hesitantly, looking back down at Monica. "At least I hope so." He coughed nervously and tried to change the subject by petting Sam on his fluffy head. "He really is an adorable puppy. How long have you had him?"
(Whatever everyone else feels like, I don't mind.)

"I can always play for you if you'd like. And honesly me and Bren are on a pretty simliar point when it comes to that. I'm in love with Bring Me The Horizon. Most else is alot of Indie or Alternative stuff, but I've got a big appreciation for classical music too."

Alaska hugged her knees and smiled. It was nice being here with her. Though soon she'd be changing. She had really hoped Alora wouldn't see her with a pair of horns on the top of her head and tattoo like tribal marks everywhere. Every demon of her kind had tribal birthmarks indicating their ancestory. Except since she was never raised with other demons except for her father who refused to tell her, she had no idea what hers meant
"My old dog back at home, Belle, gave birth to him so....I've had him for quite a while." Monica smiled as Sam barked happily. She giggled softly as Sam licked her hands. "He's got about as much energy as she does."
(( yeah, sure, let's get them asleep :) anonymous92 just jump right in ))

Shelby sighed, detatched Crow from her and wiped her thick black makeup off. Next she brushed her teeth and lay ontop of her bed, hands behind her head. She could already feel sleep clouding her mind as Crow wound heround her head. Shelby smiled and watched the others. she fell asleep.
"Well, me and Kyo have been having these weird feelings whenever we're around each other. Things like being extremely happy, heart beating fast...things like that. We thought you might know what they meant." she listed to Clara, thinking of examples to give her. Blossom felt very conscious when Kyo was around, hoping that she didn't make herself look like a fool. It was as is he was the most important person she's ever met. "Do you think you might know...?" she asked Clara, getting a bit nervous.
My ears perked up at this.. "Mmhmm.. Blossom?, we need to talk, you and me, bring kyo if you must, be I'd rather it be you and me, this is quite serious" I smilled a little, standing up and offering her my hand..
I looked back at Kyo to see if he was going to come along. "If it's alright with you and Kyo, I'd like him to come along." she said, taking her hand. If she was going to know what this was all about, Kyo should hear it as well.
I nodded, leading the two out of the dorm and into the garden, I motiened them for them to sit down, because wed coearly be here for sokmetime..
Blossom walked with Kyo and Clara to the garden. She sat down on the ground and motioned for Kyo to sit next to me. Her ears perked up and she was ready to listen. She smiled to Kyo and Clara as she waited to hear an explanation.
I ran my hand through my hair, this was going to be, hard.. I had no idea how to go about this.. Oh god.. "B..blossom, can you describe the feelings you have to me exactly?"

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