
"Well, I feel really happy around Kyo, my heart goes really fast as well, I get nervous around him..." she tries to list off everything that she's been experiencing. She hoped that Clara might have a better idea about all of this and what it was exactly. She glanced at Kyo and then to Clara, taking in the smell of flowers that the breeze carried as they sat in the garden.
As Alaska sat on the balcony, she watched Alora as she watched the skyline. she was seemingly entranced, but thinking about something.

Anyone could tell that the girl was something to be renound for beauty. But she worried that other's might become hostile twords her for what she was just as people had her. For some reason, the mere thought of anyone harming the seveocha made an anger rise in Alaska that hadn't made it's self known for quite some time. At the same time though, she felt happier then ever before and felt like she needed to just be close with her. Just to know her and know what her favorite songs were. To know what made everything about the girl what she was.
Brushing back a strand of fair hair, Alora smiled at the demoness. "I'd love to hear you play. You should talk to Bren about your genres of music though. The boy could go on for days," she chuckled. She watched the sun slowly set with a sigh of relief. Night was coming, the time of the vampires. But, she felt so weak... Turning back to the demoness, concern flashed through her dark eyes. Something was obviously bothering Alaska. She was about to ask what it was when a pang flashed through her, and she curled into a tight ball.

Bren grinned down at Monica. "Sweet, so you've been with him since the start. I always wanted a dog, but my mom was allergic. In fact-" He cut himself off, eyes flying up towards the ceiling. Inwardly, he cursed to himself. "Sorry, Monica, but I-I have to go!" he said, flashing her an apologetic smile before running away.
Alaska lunged forward at the girl, scared that she was in pain.

"Shit. Alora, are you okay?"

She had no idea what to do, so she just sat infront of the girl with her arms around her until she felt her own breathing start to relax. Soon she was leaning against the girl, hoping with every fiber in her body that she was okay. Something told her that it had to do with her being a vampire though, so she was weary on getting a teacher or someone.
Monica blinked and looked at Sam before shaking her head. "I think it's time we go to sleep Sam. Today has been really.....active." Sam barked in agreement as she smiled and placed him on her bed before laying next to him. "Night Sam." Sam licked her face before laying down. Soon, both were fast asleep.
Alora shook her head, trying to clear her vision, but it still remained fuzzy. She could faintly hear Alaska talking to her, but her head was too muddled. "I-I need...B-Bren," she gasped when she saw him burst onto the balcony.

"Jesus, 'Lora," he panted, trying to catch his breath. He knelt down next to her, laying a gentle hand on her cheek. "What've I told you?"

"Not to wait," she whispered weakly.

Bren shook his head and looked up at Alaska. Seeing the panic in her eyes, he tried to flash her a reassuring smile. "Alora will be okay. She's too stubborn for her own good." The seveocha mumbled a retort that was too quiet for anyone to here. "I, ah, can take her from here. Why don't you get some rest? It's been a long day."
A large grin spread across my lips "you're in love, blossom" I said simply before getting up and walking back off to the dorm, I'd been transfered to dorm two earlier seeing as nobody from 1 had arrived yet.. So I sat down on my bed,lixy was still on my head, playing and pulling at my ears.. "Hey lixy, get off my head yea?" I whsipered, at that she scampered down off my head and into my hands, where I lifted her up, kissed her and put her slowly in her cage for the night, sighing a little as I did so..I suppose I should probably know my own feelings, being so good with everybody elses, but I can't get this one thing off my mind..
Blossom blinked and stared into space for a little, both shocked and excited to finally be in love. She then remembered that Kyo was right there and she became very embarrassed. Blossom felt her face burn bright red at the news. Didn't Kyo have the same feelings though? Would that mean that he also... She glanced over to Kyo to see how he reacted.
Shelby sunk into a deep, dreamless sleep. Crow was wound around her neck and face like a scarf. She smiled in her sleep, her eyelids strangely pale and benign without the black makeup. Her pink hair was splayed out around her like an octopus. Shelby sighed softly and rolled over, Crow making a noise of annoyance as he had to move.
((GUys, I am sooooo sorry that I haven't been on >.< I was grounded....)) 
Sierra sat down outside by a fountain, scribbling in her journal with her oil pencil. A breeze blew her short black hair; it seemed so spider-web like and soft. Her violet eyes distantly gazed at what she was sketching, but she paid it no attention. She shifted in her short black dress uneasily. Her heart dropped. She felt like she shouldn't be here; she never belonged anywhere. A tear rolled down her porcelain white cheek. Sniffing, she closed her weather-worn book and set it down next to her. Her head fell in her hands, and she began to sob quietly.
"I-okay. I guess you're right. Just please take care of her."

Alaska had no doubt in her mind that Bren was the best person to help her in this, she just needed some sort of reassurance that shed be kept safe. She closed her eyes and brought her thoughts together.

Alaska took off her sweat shirt, knowing that the dark would hide her scars. Setting it over Aloras shoulders, she kissed her on the forehead before nodding a smile to Bren and flinging herself down the stairs and twords the dorm room. Once she got in, she stripped and put on a pair of sweat pants as she got ready for bed. Alaska hurridly brushed her teeth and put her hair up into a messy bun, then finally slid under her one giant blanket.
(If we need another, I can balance more people.)

Alora jumped awake, a soft gasp stuck in her throat. Looking around, she saw that she was back in her dorm. And in pyjamas. A faint movement beside her caught her attention. Bren's head rest beside her side. He'd pulled a chair up next to her bed and had obviously fallen asleep while watching over her. A loving smile crept on her face as she gently brushed his soft hairs out of his face. This wasn't the first time she'd found him like this. He shifted again, blue eyes opening lazily. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty."

He sat up, yawned, and stretched. "I don't think I'm the one who looks beautiful right now. I was sleeping hunched up in a chair." He grimaced slightly, stretching his back again. "Oh, I'm going to be feeling that later today."

Her face fell. "Bren, I- Did I...?"

"Of course, 'Lora," he said gently. "You have to." He watched as she pulled her knees up to her chest, tears threatening to rise. She hated who she was - what she was. Sometimes, he thought he had accepted it better than she had.
(Hahaha rach xD )

Lixy scratching at her cage woke me, I rolled over and unlocked it, letting her out, she crept up my arm, suprisingly slower than usual, she was just tired, I looked around to see if anyone was awake yet, I needed somebody to talk to..
Crow tightened around her neck, he wanted food. Shelby gasped awake due to the lack of oxygen, pulling Crow off her. She frowned at him, throwing a couple of live mice his way, "B*stard..." she muttered, pulling her legs to around. She got up, yawning and streatching, Crow always made her neck sore. Glancing in the mirror, she smiled, it looked like she'd been strangled, because of the marks around her neck. She got dressed, washed her face, brushed her teeth and was currently in the process of putting multiple layers of black makeup on. Shelby noticed Clara was awake. "Morning," she said, tracing her eye with eyeliner.
((I'm just gonna have Blossom be in the dorm already then X3))

Blossom stretched out on her bed, twitching her ears at the morning air. She rubbed her eyes tiredly as she yawned. "G'morning!" she answered after she fully woke up. She skipped to the bathroom, got ready, and came back in so that others could have a turn.
Shelby of all people, ha!,"morning shelby" I muttered, getting up out of bed, and placing lixy on the bed, "stay! Huh?!" I hissed at her, I grabbed a towel and some clothes, and wandered into the bathroom, once I'd showered and got dressed, I walked out of the bathroom, I'd cut a hole in the back of my shorts for my tail, so it dragged behind me when I walked..
Alaska woke up underneath her blanket, a bulbous lump able to be seen where her face was. With a moan she rolled over.

"Naacchhhtt, get off my face." She whined, letting out a high pitched sneeze.

"I swear you do that on purpose"

After a moment of listening to Mr. Krowst badger her on getting ready and having a chane of clothes thrown at her, Alaska drug herself out of bed. She grabbed the clothes he ever so kindly chucked at her face and got chnged quickly. Mr. Krowst, you know my style wonderfully. She thought, commenting on the black ripped skinny jeans and Suicide Silence tank top he got her.

About half an hour later after she managed to brush her teeth, comb her hair, and put on her makeup, she made her way back up the balcony carrying her guitar.

"Now what ever shall I play?" She asked the cat, whom responded by curling up on her sweatshirt that was left here from last night. After a while of thinking she began to play.

"Radio's blaring and my heart's on fire,

put a bullet through my head and then we'll call it a night.

Stereo's singing and I'm out of luck,

another cigarette and I'll say I've had enough.

Burning down while I'll be your favorite lie,

packing all my things, I'm leaving you behind.

I've got my keys, I've got my keys.

Forget the load, forget the load.

I've got my friends, I've got my friends.

We'll hit the road, we'll hit the road.Riding on the back in the fear of the standards,

the standards that now we will reign,

and I'll I've got to say is that I'm sick of this town

and let's screw the standards, and let's make a stand!

And all I know, all I know,

Is that I'm never looking back, never looking back again, oh again."

I could hear singing, guitar.. Alaska.. I wandered off to find the source of the noise.. I popped my head around the balcony opening.. Not wanting to disturb her.. I went and sat down next to her.. I don't even think she noticed I was there..

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