
Sierra rubbed her eyes before standing up. She looked down at the book one last time. Her handwriting was barely readable, even to herself. She sighed and picked it up, walking back inside. Her violet eyes looked around the halls. She pulled her arms into her stomach, wrapping them around each other. The book hung loosely in her hand.
Alaska groaned, standing up and holding her head. She wandered back to the dorm, just wanting to curl up under her covers as the bruises formed on her neck.

After finding her way there, she stopped dead in the doorway, losing all color in her face the moment she layed eyes on Shelby. She was the only girl who had the nerve to nearly kill her, or the specific power. Immediantly Alaska turned back around on her heel and left the building, wanting to get as far away from her.
Blossom nodded and drank the liquid. It actually tasted good so she began to gulp it down thirstily. "Thank you!" she sighed relieved. She stood up and smiled to Shelby. She looked her over to make sure she was okay and didn't lie about being fine. Once satisfied, she walked over to a nearby chair and sat down.
Bren scooped up the puppy and rubbed his head affectionately. He looked down at Alora. who was still on the ground. "Well, you gonna sit there and pout all day or do you want to help me find Monica?"

"I'm coming, I'm coming," she grumbled. She pushed herself up to her feet and winced at the pain in her back. While her dhamphyr blood did give her heightened fortitude, it didn't keep her from feeling aftereffects. She'd be sore the rest of the week. "So, where is this Monica?"

"No idea," Bren shrugged. "She wasn't in the cafeteria. Maybe we should check the dorms."
Shelby nodded at Blossom then laughed as Alaska left the room. She sat down on her bed, which was next to Monica's and Blossom's, and twirled her hair around a finger, daydreaming. She lay back with a small 'fwuff' coming from the bed. She smiled and closed her eyes, swinging her hair around. Alora really thought she could hurt her. How wrong she was.
Sam barked again, happily. Monica was still mumbling things in her sleep. "Belle....quit licking my face.....Sam....quite chewing up the furniture....Zzz..."
Walking around the back of the school, Alaska found a small spot with a fountain that seemed to be surrounded by trees. Perhaps it was built for students to study at? She thought, taking a seat next to the fountain. She was startled out of her spot when a young boy came over and sat across form her though.

"Ello," He said, giving her a small wave, "I'm Demitri"

Alaska looked the boy over, coming to the conclusion he was about 12 or 13. His outline was wavy, so he was obviously deceased.

"Uh, Hello. I'm Alaska." She responded, rubbing her neck slightly.

"I saw the fight you got into. Why didn't you fight back?"

"I don't really like to fight... Even though her and her pet hurt me, I don't want to hurt her."

"But you have to. Or else she wins." He said, seemingly getting roused by the talk of winning, "You've got to do something back. I know what you are and what you can do. I can tell, my sister was the same way. You show her that you aren't scared of her!"

The boy seemed to get very anxious, standing up and clenching his fists.

"Alright, I will. I will, Demitri." She said, hoping to calm him down.

With that, Demitri scowled at her. "You better not be lying. I don't like liars." And then she simply... well, he left. Not much else to it, but his form just dissipated, resembling the waves in a pool of water when it's disturbed. Had she just been put up to actually hurting someone by a small boy? She wondered. Hurting other's wasn't her forte. Even if they had nearly killed her.
(Just realised I'm rping the only guy. Such a lady's man, Brently.)

Walking into the dorms, Bren saw Monica sleeping still and a small chuckle escaped him. "Why don't you surprise her, boy?" he whispered to Sam before putting him back next to Monica. That was when he realised that Alora wasn't with him anymore.

She'd followed him into the dorms and had happened to look up. That was when she noticed Shelby. She froze, didn't say a word, didn't move. She didn't trust herself to act. As much as she wanted to hurt the fae, she didn't want to kicked out of school on her second day. "'Lora?" Bren called. "You okay?" Hearing Bren's voice seemed to draw her back and turned to rejoin him, completely ignoring Shelby.
Blossom got up and left the dorm, looking for something to do when she saw Alaska. She hurried over to her and smiled. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked worriedly. She wished Shelby wasn't like that. She's so nice to Blossom, but she can't seem to trust anyone else for some reason. 
(Lol you are aren't you xD ))
Sam barked and licked Monica's face, causing her to giggle. "Sam...stop that." Sam continued to lick her face until she finally opened her eyes and sat up, capturing him in a hug. "Sam..." She smiled and shook her head.
(Woo, go Brently cx)

"Huh? Oh, uhm, yeah. Just kind of hoped to go at least a week without having someone attempt to murder me" She said, smiling up at Blossom. She didn't blame the girl for being friends with her, she was in fact happy that she wasn't hurt badly while trying to help her.

Alaska had her hand on her neck, attempting at hiding the bruising caused by the strangling.

"Thank you for helping me. You didn't have to do that. I'm sure I deserved it for some reason, I always do."

At any other school Alaska had attended, she was often constantly getting the utter crap beat out of her for any reason the people could think of. Sometimes it would be for being openly gay, other times for something as small as even looking at them wrong. Needless to say she quickly learnt that she wasn't allowed in any of the locker rooms.
"No, you didn't deserve it. Shelby just... well she is a bit edgy. I did need to help you though, there's no other way I know to be. I probably would have done that for a total stranger." she smiled to her softly. Blossom always seems to put herself in danger for others, it was like an instinct of some sort. "I'm just happy that you're okay!" she added, turning her attention back to Alaska.
"Thank you, it means alot. No one's ever stood up for me like that before." She said, smiling up to the girl, "Hey, are you hungry? I'll buy you breakfast. It's the least I can do."

Alaska got up, standing next to her friend. She had hoped to repay her somehow for literally saving her life. Even if she said no, Alaska would have to do something for her. Perhaps she'd write her a poem or something? Eh, that was a problem for another moment. For now, her stomach was lacking food.
Alexis quietly observed the school building as she walked to the secretary to obtain her keys for the dorm. Yet another move... She could start over again. That's what Alexis liked about moves. You could forget whatever happened in your past and start over, without having to worry about anyone knowing anything bad about you. Alexis wondered what the students in this school would be like. Hopefully they would not give her those kinds of looks thinking she was too weird. Alexis liked being weird. It was fun. Only if the others could understand...
Bren smiled down at the two. "Some how, he made his way to us, so I thought we'd return him." He thought it best not to tell her exactly how Sam came to them. He wasn't even sure how the puppy had managed to fall from the sky almost on top of him. "But, ah, why don't we let you get ready? Well, be down in the cafeteria, since someone interrupted my breakfast," he said, flashing Alora a pointed look.

The seveocha quickly spun about and left the room, glad to be away from Shelby. As they made their way down stairs, Bren pulled up next to her. "I thought you were going to rip her wings off?" he purred into her ear. In response, she swatted at his nose, and he pulled away, laughing.

Most of the other students had already finished with breakfast, so there were plenty of open tables. Bren went to get some more food while Alora found a place to sit. He tossed her a box of milk before setting his tray on the table and taking the seat across from her.
Monica raised an eyebrow at Sam who merely wagged his tail. "Silly pup...Might as well get ready." She stretched and released Sam, who in turn laid down on the bed as she completed her morning ritual. Said ritual consisted of shower, getting changed,brushing her teeth, giving Sam a little brushing and adjusting his collar. "Alright Sam. Let's go grab something to munch on." Sam barked in agreement as she picked him up and made her way into the cafeteria.
Shelby smirked and called out, "Hey, Alora. How's it going?" still sitting on her bed. Crow was curled up in a pile next to her, head up. Alora was trying to ignore her, not a good mmove. People who ignored Shelby became a figure of interest, and she liked to test their boundries, and, if possible, snap them.
Alaska stepped into the cafeteria, finding a secluded spot in the corner. Instead of eating, she ended up falling asleep on the table, hunched over with her hoodie covering her face.

She was used to sleeping in the most uncomfortable of places, infact there were often times when she was caught sleeping on the stairs when talking to her ghost friends or on the floor when her bed was occupied by yet another spirit she offered it to.

Alaska don't even dream, but was lucky that her hoodie was up or else anyone could have seen her horns, or the tail that was tucked into the heavy sweatshirt.
(( Sure xD ))

Shelby sighed and walked downstaires to the Cafeteria. She sta at one of the plastic benches and swung her legs under, placing her tray on the bench. It consisted of a packet or marshmallows, a cup of a dark red liquid and a decapitated human hand, blood still leaking out. She smiled and took a delicate bite out of it, then swallowed a mouthfull of the drink. Shelby made a sound of satisfaction, she liked human flesh. Today, she had straightened her hair, so it fall like pink waves down her back.
I looked across at shelby.. Mm.. Hands.. I bit my lip and looked across at her "you're enjoying youreself, clearly" I smiled, looking down at my own plate.. I never ate much, never had much of an appetite.. I picked up my fork and began sliding the cubes of jell-o around my plate.. Yes. Jello.
Shelby grinned and flicked her blood-stained tongue out towards the hand, "I got it earlier... fresh is the best." she nodded and passed the packet of marshmallows to Clara. "Want one?" her eyes glowed happily.

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