
Bren nodded his head towards the sleeping Alaska and spoke around a mouthful of food, "Hey, isn't t'at your ladyfwiend?"

Alora glared at him and popped him on the hand. He yelped and pulled it back, feigning pain. "Don't talk with food in your mouth. It's rude." After the mini-lecture, she turned to look around the cafeteria. There was Shelby and Clara, a sleeping figure, and a few other students she hadn't met yet. Oh, the sleeping one did look like Alaska. "I'm going to see if she's alright."

She stood to walk over to the demoness. As she walked away, Bren began making kiss noises behind her back. Without thinking, she whirled around and chucked her milk box at his head. He ducked out the way and stuck his tongue out at her. "Very mature," she hissed in retort.

Alaska seemed to still be asleep. Either that, or she was just ignoring Alora. The seveocha pulled out the chair next to the sleeping girl and quietly sat down. "Alaska?" she whispered softly, laying an equally soft finger on her shoulder. "Alaska, you okay?"
I smiled.."Sure" I said brightly before taking a couple from the bag and putting them into my mouth, I loved the way marshmallows melted on my tongue, yes I'm immature and picky about my food.. I looked across at shelby "s..so.. Are we like, ok now shelby? Because I really want to be friends again"
Alaska yawed, sounding almost like a kitten, but when she out her head up the hood fell, showing her horns. She flicked a forked tongue out.


Alaska was still drowsy, and hasn't realized who was next to her. But when she did, Alaska immediately flung up her hood, hiding the horns and the worst of the bruises on her neck.

"Oh, hey! I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Thank you though... For earlier." She said, shrinking down embarrassed. She held an old beanie in her back pocket and was half tempted to switch that out for the hoodie, but knew it wouldn't hide the two black and blue curled bones sticking out of her head. They wouldn't go away for another hour after changing, but she didn't mind wearing the hood up.
Sierra walked through the halls, unsure of where to go next. Her wide, violet eyes gazed around, observing each door she went past. When she saw a couple caressing each other, she turned her pale face away. Her cheeks heated up to a bright pink, but it wasn't out of embarrassment. It was out of fear. She never thought love was for her; it was truly against her. Even her father hated her. She turned abruptly into the library and sat down in a seat, her short black hair flicking around with each movement she made. She sniffed and opened up her journal, sketching the couple and taking notes of where they kept their hands and their head positions. She carefully noted that each of their eyes were closed, even the male, who seemed to be nuzzling the girls neck. She noted how the girl smiled blissfully. A tear fell onto her paper, splotching the ink. She gazed at it for a long while before choking out a moan of internal pain and pushing it away. She had been crying a lot recently; she wasn't sure why. It was probably the change of scenery. She looked around before angrily looking to a fern.

Her eyes flashed, and the plant's leaflets began to darken, looking bruised. They withered up, looking almost like a ghastly claw. Her lips twitched a bit, and her glossy eyes stared at them as they continued to crackle with black magic. Black lightning engulfed her hands. Finally, with a long exhale, she released her magic. An invisible, yet completely black to a trained eye, plume of haze rose out of the plant. The fern seemed to breathe again, its leaflets stretching out and its colour returning to a bright green. She closed her eyes, and the black fog drew into her nostrils. The lightning at her fingers also died away. She pulled the notebook to her again and began to take some more notes about the couple.
"For pushing Shelby off a building?" Alora grinned. "I should be thanking you for giving me the opportunity." She noticed Alaska was acting a bit strangely, but she couldn't understand why. For a brief moment, her eyes caught the small horns curling out of Alaska's head and was shocked. They were...beautiful. Of course, Alaska would look beautiful anyway.

She cleared her throat and looked down at the table, trying to hide her blush. After this morning, Alaska probably thought her a fool. Shoving a fae off a building. Genius. She couldn't help it go. Seeing the demoness like that, seeing her in pain... Something about it just set her off. Strange. "So, ah, if you don't mind... why exactly was the bi-ah, fae doing that to you?"
"Of course. But hey, it was pretty awesome. I don't think I've ever seen anyone shove someone off a building like that." She said, chuckling to herself. She and Blossom saved her life, if they hadn't went at the fae, there was no doubt that Shelby would've done something even worse.

Alaska rubbed her neck slightly trying to figure out exactly what she had done.

"Uh... I honestly have no idea. I was just playing guitar and she came up behind me... It's no biggie though. Knowing how much of a screw up I am, I probably deserved it. Maybe I accidentally stepped on Crows tail or something?"
"What can I say? You make me do strange things," she said teasingly. However, when Alaska started guessing, all humour immediately sapped from Alora's face. "Alaska, you're not a screw up. I know I don't know you very well, but I can tell. You're an amazing girl with an amazing talent. Maybe she was jealous. Or, knowing Shelby, bored."

Alora scratched at the back of her head, feeling Bren's eyes on their back. She hated when he listened in on her conversations. Though he was usually the only one she talked to. "I know you can take care of yourself, but if Shelby ever bothers you again, well, I'll be glad to shave that pretty pink head of hers," she added with a wink.

Done with his second breakfast and tired of watching Alora talk, Bren decided to wander around the school. No one had told him to go to class, and even if they had, he probably wouldn't have gone. That meant this was the perfect time to find places to hide and nap. He passed by several classrooms, all empty. A gymnasium. A library. He was about to keep going when he noticed a dead fern shaking and then turning a bright, vivid green. Peering through the glass, he noticed a girl sitting by herself, hunched over a notebook. He poked his head in the door and flashed her a bright smile. "Mind if I join you?"
Alaska smiled lightly, blushing a deep red.

"Trust me, I'm used to it. I've been hurt worse by humans. But you've got a point. Shelby can be really cruel." she said, flattered that Alora thought that of her. There was something about this girl that made her feel like she wouldn't have to go something as horrid as what the other schools she's been to gave her again.

"Only if I can help though," She giggled lightly, "but hey, would you like to go to the music room or something? I'd have to grab my guitar from the balcony since I didn't exactly have the chance to get it earlier, but I could play for you if you want. I doubt if we were in the music room Shelby would go all 'Queen Piss Off' again."

Hoping she'd say yes Alaska straightened out her back a bit, fumbling with her beanie. Perhaps Alora wouldn't mind if she openly showed her tail or horns. She'd definitely test that theory later, if not now.
She gasped and jumped up, a little surprised that someone came in. Her short black hair flicked back when her head shot up. Her violet eyes stared at him for a long while before she finally pushed back her surprised. "Y-Yeah, sure," she stuttered and gestured for a seat beside her, unsure of what else to do. She studied him intently, as was her habits, looking at his posture and body language. Finally, she flashed him one of her infamous crooked smiles.
Alora smiled at the demoness. "Of course. I still haven't gotten to hear you play. Miss Fae interrupted before I could come up this morning." She stood and turned to flash a look at Bren but realised he was already gone. "Ah, do you know where it is? I haven't had time to tour yet. Been busy attacking faeries."

He waggled his septum piercing as he took the seat next to her. "I didn't mean to startle you." Under her scrupulous gaze, he grinned broader, and he winked playfully. "So what're you doing here by yourself? And playing with potted ferns?"
Her white face paled even more. "You saw that?" Her eyes were full of dread and fear. Flashes of her past shot through her mind, but she tried to shrug them off. "I... uh..." she looked down at her trembling hands, unsure of what else to say. She closed her eyes, fearing the worst.
Bren's eyes widened in panic at his joke having been taken wrongly. "Woah, woah, woah! It's alright. I-I thought it was snazzy. I'm sorry if I upset you." He sighed, running a hand through his already messy hair. Was it rude to comment on someone's magic? Alora had done it before. He really needed to learn proper supernatural etiquette before he insulted anyone else. Way to make a great first impression.
She breathed a shaky sigh of relief. "No, no, it's fine," she smiled a bit. "It's just the last time someone saw me... do... that... it didn't go well." She chuckled bitterly, deciding that she should just stop talking. She swallowed nervously and glanced away a little bit.
Stood up next to the girl, grabbing her sweatshirt from the back and pulling it off. This time she wasn't scared of showing her tail, horns, or the scars that lined her arms for that matter. They shared a room after all, so everyone would see them sooner or later.

Alaska flipped her beanie over and quickly put it on before turning back to Alora, smiling.

"Just follow me. I can't sniff this place out like a hound dog if music's been played in it before.

And with that she nodded her head twords the door and headed off to go grab her guitar. The stairway to the balcony was literally right infont of the cafeteria, so she ran in and out quickly. On their way to the music room, she slung the guitar over her shoulder and smiled, humming something to herself.
He sighed in relief as well. "Good, I thought I said something wrong. I, ah, tend to do that a lot," he chuckled nervously. The girl still seemed a bit bothered though. That would never do. Clearing his throat, he flashed her another bright smile. "I'm Brently, but you can just call me Bren."

Alora's eyes lingered over the demoness's horns, tail, and mostly the scars. She smiled to herself, somehow proud that Alaska had decided to show herself to her. It made her feel...happy. She followed the other girl quietly to the music room, her steps growing livelier when Alaska started humming.
Alaska finally found their way tot eh music room, and held the door open for Alora.

"Welcome to my second home." She said, beaming with excitement. Music rooms were always her place of refuge when things turned south at home or at school. It seemed the only people who really paid attention to her were the music teachers since her father was a drunk, and everyone else just used her as a punching bag.

"So, what would you like me to play you first?"

Alaska caught Alora's eyes a couple times wandering over her scars. But she didn't worry about it for some reason. Usually she'd constantly be walking behind them or wearing a long sleeved shirt. She didn't feel like she wanted to make more when she was with her, and so she felt alot more comfortable. She hadn't added any more to the "collection" For quiet some time now, so that was another step up from her past struggles.
"No, no," she said, her cheeks reddening a bit. "I'm Sierra," she smiled back, trying to forget about her nervousness. Her fingers fumbled with her pencil. "It's... Nice to meet you." She paused before awkwardly holding out her hand, her shoulder going up to meet her ear. She flashed him a very clumsy smile, still a bit frazzled.
"I love what you've done with the place," Alora smiled as she walked in, thanking Alaska quietly. Her eyes fell onto a sleek grand piano, and her memories drifted back to times long ago. Her father sitting on the bench beside her, teaching her how to gently press the keys as the carriage wheels came to a stop on the cobblestone road.

Alaska's question brought her out of her reverie. "Oh, ah, whatever you like. I've no idea what you can play." She smiled as she sat down in a soft chair, admiring the way the other girl's scars looked.

Bren smiled, taking her hand in his and shaking it gently. "The pleasure's all mine, Sierra." He couldn't help but find her nervousness very cute. He leaned a little closer, his shoulder barely grazing hers. "Are you an artist?"
"Uh..." she glanced down at her notebook. "No, not really." She closed it hastily and flashes him and innocent smile, reddening even more. "I just ah... Study body language and behavior and habits and... Sinful Tendencies," she squeaked out the last part, hardly audible even to herself. For once in her life, she was embarrassed by her studies.
Alaska sat down, pulling the guitar infront of her.

"Well, I play alot of Indie, Alt, rock, sometimes even metal or pop punk if I'm feeling up to it. I've even made songs out of rap before, so you I'll play pretty much anything."

Absentmindedly tuning her guitar, Alaska thought of a song she could play the girl. She wanted it to be something nice, but sweet. Eventually she decided on one of the first song she ever learnt.

"Okay. This is called Eyes Of Fire, by Blue Foundation. Don't laugh at me though, my singing is absolutely horrid."

With a smile she started playing out the chords, getting the feel for her guitar again. Finally after a few moments she started to sing lightly, her voice vibrating along with the chords.

"I'll seek you out

Flay you alive

One more word and you won't survive

And I'm not scared

Of your stolen power

I see right through you any hour

I won't soothe your pain

I won't ease your strain

You'll be waiting in vain

I got nothing for you to gain

I'm taking it slow

Feeding my flame

Shuffling the cards of your game

And just in time

In the right place

Suddenly I will play my ace

I won't soothe your pain

I won't ease your strain

You'll be waiting in vain

I got nothing for you to gain

Eyes on fire

Your spine is ablaze

Felling any foe with my gaze

And just in time

In the right place

Steadily emerging with grace

Ahh, felling any foe with my gaze

Ahh, steadily emerging with grace"

At her ever-reddening face, Bren felt his smile and interest grow. "Sorry, I'm just a bit nosey." He waggled his septum again. He wondered why exactly she was so nervous. Most people were pretty comfortable around him. Still, he had to admit it was pretty cute. "You can calm down. I won't bite. Unless you want me to, of course," he added with a wink. "But, I think I misheard that last part. You study sinful what?"

Alora watched as Alaska was taken over by the song. Though the demoness had just put down her voice, she was stunned and captivated by it. It was beautiful. She was beautiful. The way she lovingly held her guitar and tickled the strings set a peace in her heart that she had not felt in a long time. When the song was over, she found herself left quite breathless. "That was...amazing."
She blushed even more, getting rather frustrated with herself. "I... uh..." she looked away, her short black hair covering her face. "I study Sinful Tendencies," she muttered. She wished that she could slap herself in the face.
Bren had to stifle a chuckle. What was he doing that embarrassed this girl so? Well, he'd teased her enough already. He leaned back in his chair, giving her some space, and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm still new to all this supernatural stuff. Care to explain what exactly that is to me?"
Alaska's smiled brightened to hear that she liked it.

"Really? Uh, thanks. That was something my teacher taught me." She said, practically shaking with happiness. No one else that actually had a heart beat had really heard her play before, except for her teachers.

"I was hoping I'd play something you'd like."

Alaska had her toes facing eachother, and was slightly slouched over her guitar. She felt her face get hot as she watched the Seveocha. She'd never yearned for someone's approval so much, to know they thought that she wasn't horrible. To have someone like her as a person. She never even wished this from her father, there was just something about this girl- no, everything about this girl that made her want to stay at school, to actually try and make it through a year. She was gorgeous, and Alaska couldn't help but notice how dark her eyes were compared to her hair, which made them only every bit of the more mesmerizing.
Shelby looked up and grinned at Clara, "Sure, we are." she smiled, pushing her tray over to Clars, "Help yourself, I've got to go..." She stared off towards the door, a bright look in her eyes. Walking up the staires to the balcony, she smiled sweetly at anyone she passed. When she reached the platform- black burn mark still there- she got out her pouch of blood and dipped her hand into it. Kneeling down, she wrote a few words in the blood. 'Cathi lamentir shmai ALORA, ALASKA'

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