
I smiled, there was something about that look in her eye.. So I decided to follow her, closely.. I looked down at the words she was writing and tried to make sense of them.. "Shelby?!, what..what are you d..doing?!"
She closed her eyes and exhaled, calming herself. "Supernatural stuff? Ahh, well..." she fumbled with her pencil, staring down at her book. "Some people have special... abilities. It either runs in their bloodline or they develop it. Some people are also creatures that aren't human, like vampires, werewolves, mermaids," she opened up to a page in her book. A figure of a male in a suit and tie was drawn in the center of the page with several notes around him. "Like, this guy, is a vampire." She turned to another page. "And this girl was given an injection that made her grow wings." The female was hunched over, on her toes, with two large, feathery wings coming out of her back. "It just depends really..." she murmured.
Shelby whirled around and narrowed her eyes, before smiling, "Just leaving a message." She shrugged and flew inside to the dorm. Deciding to take a walk- or fly, she sped down the staires and over to the nearby woods. There was a Lake, the surface glistening like crystals covering platinum. Around the edges, a few Water Faeries sat gossiping. Shelby smiled and sat next to one (( INTRODUCING NEW CHARACTER )) "Hey, Flora." she grinned and poked the other Faerie in the ribs. Shelby was a Shadow Faerie, sometimes known as a Demon Faerie.

Flora has taken a drink from a goblet she'd found earlier, and didn't feel so good. Her wings quivered, magic drained. Later on, Shelby had come to meet her, Cyndia, Trina and Lucia by the waterside. "Hi, Shell." se called her by the nickname, knowing it would annoy her. Smirking, she fluffed up her blue-ish silver hair and pinched Shelby's nose. "I'm off." Flora stood and stretched, then she flew, quick as lightning, to the massive school. Arriving, she walked up to the music rooms, wishing to play the piano to calm; her throat was aching, perhaps from the strange drink. Opening the door, she closed her eyes and started singing a Faerie tune, voice like wind chimes. When Flora opened her eyes, she saw two girl. Flora fluffed her blue-silver hair and crossed her armes. "I want to play the Piano." She stated.
No. It wasn't that simple.. I needed to find alaska and alora, needed to show them, I had no idea what it was, but the chances are if shleby wrote it, its something bad. Music room, I ran back aaround and eventually found them.. "A--alaska, alora, there's something you two need to see, now!" I panted, a hint of urgency in my voice..
"I'm pretty sure I'd like anything you played," Alora said with a shy smile. Alaska's intent gaze made her falter, left her speechless. She looked down, cheeks flushing. "I think-" The rest of her sentence was interrupted by the door suddenly opening, revealing another faerie. She immediately stiffened, hands clenched into a fist, her sharp nails digging into her palm. Upon realising that it was not Shelby, Alora relaxed, if only a little. Faeries were notorious trouble makers, and if the girl's tone signalled anything, it was that she was another Shelby. "As would I," she said through a tight jaw, "But sometimes you have to wait for what you want."

It was then that Clara ran in, huffing and puffing. With all the commotion there'd been this morning, Alora was a bit surprised that not a signal teacher had shown up or even responded. Not that she'd seen a teacher. "Clara, what- Oh, for Vlad's sake, alright." She turned to the blue-headed fae and steeled her gaze. "You're in luck. The music room is suddenly available." Waiting for Alaska to join her, Alora headed after the panicking Clara.

Bren peered over Sierra's shoulder, looking at what she pointed out. "I see. 'Lora explained part of that to me when she revealed her...nature to me. "I don't really understand the "Sinful Tendencies" part, though." He leaned back in his chair, bright eyes resting on the girl. "I thought you denied being an artist. You have great talent. Those are beautiful."
"Well, I study Sinful Tendencies as in the dark side of people's nature... It... interests me..." she looked down at the drawings and closed it. When she shook her head, her short black hair flew out a little bit. "No, I'm not very good," she said. "It's just... enough, I suppose."
I checked behind me before leading the girls to where shelby and I had been before.. I looked down at the writing, yup stilll there and so veru clear "i-i couldn't make it out, I have no idea, b-but it was shelby, a-and.. I thought it may have been a spell, seeing as its written in blood, but I don't know, that's why I had to come get you"
Bren scrunched up his nose. "You put yourself down to easily. I think they're beautiful. Then again, I'm a terrible artist. The dark side, huh? Sounds interesting to me." He fluffed his light hair and leaned back against the chair. He smiled, a twinkle in his eyes. "So, what about you? You draw, you like the dark side. Anything else I should know?"

Alora's eyes narrowed as she read the red writing. Cathi lamenter shmai... She'd heard those lines before. From lessons with her father or from her own curiosity. For some reason, though, she couldn't quite remember what they meant. She just knew that it was not good.
She smiled and pulled her knees into her chest, resting her head on them. "Well, from what you've seen, I'm sure you can put together that I'm a witch as well..." she said, looking up at him with wide purple eyes. "Uh... there's not much else..." she paused, looking down before looking back up again. "What about you? What should I know about you?"
Alaska kept quiet their entire time walking. She did not like the sound of anything that Shelby had her hands in.

Mumbling a few curses under breath, shed stare ate the writing, trying to think of a meaning for it.

"I'm not getting anything in Latin, but I've seen it before."

Alaska was on the brim of murdering that pink haired girl, and had no doubt she could atleast take her for a tour around what she was scared of.

"I don't want either of you getting hurt, or kicked out. I know very well what she can do. And the both of them are going to start taking anything that makes me happy, and will no doubt start playing a game."

Alaska kept her head down, it psychically hurting to look at.
Alora swallowed the lump in her throat. "I-I don't know. I'm not sure. Maybe if I do some research or talk to someone. It can't be good, especially knowing how Shelby is." Her eyes flashed over to Alaska, trying to see how she was taking this. She would definitely have to find out what this meant, for the demoness's sake if nothing else. Her hand slipped down to take Alaska's comfortingly. "I promise, I won't let her hurt you ever again."

Bren tilted his head. "A witch? Wouldn't have guess. Like I said, I'm still new to this. So, like Sabrina? Sweet." He paused fiddling with her septum piercing. Sierra seemed to have calmed down now, thankfully. He did still wonder why she had gotten so worked up around him at first. Maybe she just wasn't used to people. He paused, feeling something was wrong. What was Alora getting herself into. Sierra's questions recaptured his attention. "Me? I'm pretty boring. I'm just your average every day human."
She chuckled. "Sabrina... yeah, I guess," she said. She glanced back over at him, noticing he seemed a bit... distant, but she didn't say anything. She kept a smile painted on her face. "Come on, there's got to be something you can tell me..."
Alaska grasped the girl's hand, not wanting to let got in fear shed leave at that very moment. Ehy did this girl want to hurt them so much? She never did anything to her, absolutely nothing. The Fae had better hope she didn't get a clear eye connection.

"When I'm done with her, she'll know her fears inside and out. She'll never be able to have another ounce of sleep without having it all brought back to her." She mumbled, an evil glint hunting in her voice for a mere moment.

Alaska looked at Alora, cooling the look in her eyes to reassure the Seveocha.

"I'm going to talk to her."
He scrunched up his nose, laughing along with her. "I kind of like Sierra the Teenage Witch better. It's got a nice ring to it." Kicking his legs out, he rested his head on interlocked hands against the back of the chair. "Let's see...my best friend's a seveocha. I followed her to school here for...reasons. I like music, pizza, and moonlit walks on the beach." He turned to look into her vivid eyes, flashing a playful wink at the last part.

At Alaska's colourful words, Alora's eyes flashed open to her, and she couldn't help but burst into laughter. She sank to her knees, pulling her hand free from Alaska's to wrap her arms around her waist. Wiping the mirth from her eyes, she looked up at the other two women, expecting them to look at her like she was crazy. "I bet that's why she's doing this. Just to get that kind of reaction from us. She just wants to stir up trouble."
Alaska's face immediantly grew red and eyes wide, embarrassed.

"I-uh. Sorry." She couldn't help but stutter, feeling as if the girl was laughing at her. She rubbed her arm and looked over to the side.

"She nearly killed me. I atleast want an answer as to why. I'm sick of people beating the shit out of me for no reason." she said, stepping back. She didn't want Alora to think her foolish, nor rude. Creating nightmares was her specialty, even though she'd only used it once. If not that she could no doubt ask her father for a word of advice.
Alexis' plan was just to wander around until finding something. 'How should I act if someone approaches me or something?' She thought. Alexis needed to be ready just in case someone did start talking to her. She couldn't just act like her usual self. That always doesn't work. She should be more polite, really. And care for others more. And not just do anything she wants. Alexis nodded to herself, confirming that was what she was going to go along with.
She rested her head on her knees again. "Reasons?" She looked down at her journal, running her fingers along it. "Like, uh, soulmate reasons?" She let her short black hair fall in front of her face as she moved her pencil beside the journal. She wrapped her arms around her legs.
Alora looked up at Alaska, eyes growing wide. "Oh, no I wasn't laughing at you. It's just...the whole situation just seems funny to me. She attacked you, I got mad, and she got interested. She's probably just looking for fun." She pauses, her eyes drifting to the ground. "I hate her just as much as you do, and trust me, if she has a reason, I'd love to hear it."

Bren's jaw dropped, his eyes flashing away. "What?! Ah, no, of course - I mean, no, not that. We're not...together or anything," he mumbled, feeling his cheeks grow red. "She's, um, well, let's just say that I'm not her type." He chuckled nervously, fiddling with his septum again.
Flora paused a minute, then shrugged and decided to go see what sort of commotion Shelbyd caused this time. So, she followed them up to the Balcony and admired her friends's handiwork. She spoke up at last, "Wow, she really dosn't like you, does she?" she said, tilting her head. Her wings got a sharp pain and Flora yelped quietly. That drink was definately not a good idea... She sniffed curiously at the blood and smiled. The spell she'd written needed to be activated, it was pretty powerful. However, Flora couldn't tell at the moment what it actually did, she'd just have to ask Shelby when she came back up.

(( will post Shelby's later :D ))
Lace, walked for more than thirty minutes before she felt like stopping. "all this fresh air is a little addicting, but maybe i need something a bit stronger" she said with a smirk, before walking over to a near by and tree sitting down, she then leaned back against its rough trunk. Next, lace went in her black satchel, and pulled out what looked to be a metal cigarette case., she opened the case, and pulled out a neatly rolled joint and placed it between her lips. " just what i needed." She murmured before pulling out a white lighter with angel wings, and flicking it till the flame shot up. After her joint was lit, lace breathed in deeply, with a serene smile
Monica set Sam down for a moment and as soon as she did, the mischievous little puppy ran off, causing her to shake her head. "Overactive puppy I swear..." She yawned softly and made her way outside. Transforming into her wolf side, she jumped onto a tree branch and slowly fell asleep.
(( Shelby's part ))

Shelby suddenly smelt the vile stench of Cigerettes. She flew behind the tree- noting Lace was smoking, and suddenly swung round and snatched the cigerette, snubbing it on the tree in one motion. She then turned and sat infront on her, legs crossed. "Filthy habit." she said smugly. Flicking Lace's nose, Shelby smirked and fluttered her wings happily.
"It's okay love, promise."

Alaska held the girls hand and lifted Alora's head up to look at her.

"Smile. Schöne Sie sind, wenn Sie tun."

Putting a finger to the tip of her horns, she wrapped her tail around the front of her, the spaded end resting on her stomach.

"So, first things first. Why would Shelby write a spell here? But to answer that in the first place, where's the Fae anyways?" She said, examining the writing. She has a strong feeling of it being in something similar to Latin, but was other wise at a loss. Most spells were in Latin anyways, or a very close derivative.

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