
Sam began dragging his "prize" from under the free bed, causing Monica to make a sort of grumbling sound as she placed her head in her own paws. Sam wagged his tail as he sat near her bed, looking at her as he chewed on the shoe. She gave him a sort of "don't get in trouble and let me rest" look before making the same grumbling sound.
"Yes, you are just that special," she smiled softly, returning to her normal, subdued state. She placed her hands beside her knees and leaned forward, pressing her weight on her hands. She blinked at his next statement, her eyes wide. She had no idea what to say. "Uhh... I don't know," she murmured softly.
Shelby nodded when he stated his name, then watched him as he opened an old book. He looked like a Warlock, with the floating suitcase and old book- presumably of spells. She was therefore startled when she realised Alexander had spoke, "What?" she watched his face, thinking he was humouring her. After about 10 seconds, she decided to risk it. "My name's Shelby..." She said slowly. Somehow, Alexander was using a spell to slow her reaction times, wasn't he? She bit her lip, nothing like this had ever happened before.
"My mommy always told me I was special, but I never believed her," he joked. Seeing Sierra go from being calm and comfortable back to embarrassed and confused made him smile even broader. He couldn't decide which side of the girl interested him more: the calm one he could have a conversation with or the embarrassed one he couldn't resist teasing. "Well, then," he said, his voice a low whisper, "I guess you're just special too, Sabrina."

Alexander's attention was caught by the little puppy and his werewolf master. Watching the dog, he made a mental note not to leave his shoes under his bed. He turned back to the fae, an eyebrow raising at her strange behaviour. Casting his attention back down to the book, he began rereading a passage he'd learned long ago. "My pleasure, Shelby," he said in a soft voice, eyes flickering back up to her face if only for a moment.
She glanced over at him, her mind buzzing. There was something about him that just threw her off--in a good way. She couldn't help but take mental notes about his countenance--it was habitual, but it was not for the reasons she studies most people, it was because he was special. Something about him drove her thoughts crazy. A small smile spread across her lips. "Maybe," she murmured. 
((Byeh c:))
(Goodbye, you guuuys)

Bren blinked, a bit taken aback by Sierra's intense gaze. Normally, he was the one giving people the smouldering stares and making them feel uncomfortable, not the other way around. Of course wasn't a normal girl. Something about her was different, something besides the whole "witchy" part. She honestly intrigued him. He cleared his throat and looked away from her vivid eyes. "At least, that's what I think the reason is."
She smiled and looked back down at her book, unsure of what to say now. After a few moments of deep thought, she glanced back over at him. "Are you okay?" she asked, addressing how uncomfortable he looked. At least, she judged by his body language that was so. She leaned over a bit to gaze into his blue eyes again, out of innocence.
Sam barked in protest of her going back to sleep. Monica shook her head and went through the whole changing process, returning to her human form. "Sam you are such a little pain. You're lucky I love you." She picked him up and cuddled him, much to his dismay.
"Yes!" he said a little too suddenly. He turned to look back at her, his eyes catching her purple ones. Her very lovely lavender eyes. "I-I meant, uh...what I meant to say is..." He paused and heaved a heavy sigh as he stood to his feet. Inhaling sharply, he turned to face the girl again. "I need some fresh air. Want to go for a walk?"
She blinked up at him, a little confused. Her lips twitched into a small smile. "Alright," she stood up as well, holding her small, worn notebook in both her hands. She slipped the pencil between two of the pages and held the book by her waist casually. She adjusted the black rose that was tucked behind her ear. She was about average in height and very slim.
Alaska smiled weakly and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Yeah. I need to grab a few things then head out. Hopefully the forests around here aren't full of stragglers."

She was reluctant to let the girls hand go, but finally did and bounded out to the dorm, quickly grabbed her messenger bag full of crystals and pendulums, then made her way outside.

After a bit if searching, she finally found a way into the densely wooded area.

"Now this is relaxing..."

After hiking for a half hour, she found a nice secluded spot, surrounded by large rock pillars to rest and meditate.

A couple different crystals set down around her in a 5 pointed circle, lightly glowing.
She smiled, only a small smile, but still passable. She glanced out the window to see what Alexander'd been looking at before. It was Monica with Sam. Turning back, Shelby heard his last speech. She didn't reply, instead walked around the room until she came to a stop beside her Emerald. Picking it up, she sat on her bed and got a small cloth, polishing the jewel. It glittered in the sunset's light, casting green half-shadows. ((sorry not a long one >.< ))
I ran the pad of my thumb over his hand as I lead him into the dorm, I sat down and motioned for him to sit next to me, I reached down and unlocked lixy's cage.. She was sleeping, guess she didn't sleep lastnight, I took her out slowly and rubbed her ears to wake her, once she had come to, I took out the packet of marshmellows from before and handed on to her, "here greedy" I said softly
Bren breathed a sigh of relief, trying to calm his nerves. As the two made their way outside, he mentally chastised himself. This was so unlike him. He was calm, cool, collected, not panicking because a pretty girl looked at him. When they got outside, he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, immediately feeling better. He cast a glance down at the girl next to him. "I always felt the most comfortable outside. It relaxes me like nothing us." Turning his attention up to the clouds above, he smiled wistfully. "Of course, that was before Alora came into the picture."

After saying goodbye to Alaska, Alora headed back to the dorms.She'd slept fitfully the night before, as she always did when she had waited too long. Fortunately, she wasn't hungry again so she had been well fed. Bren was the one taking care of her, after all. When she got to the dorm, she barely registered Shelby's presence. She did not want to have to deal with that. Sinking to her bed, she realised there was a new guy, sitting on his own bed and reading. As he turned a page, Alora sensed his magic and wondered if he could help her with her fae problem.

Alexander hardly noticed the new girl walking into the room. When he looked up, he noticed her pale skin had dark bags underneath the eyes. Like a vampire who hadn't fed enough, though she did smell faintly of blood. Perhaps the vampire just ate. He waved it, off not really caring. His attention was recaptured by the werewolf, who'd now shrunk back into the human form. A girl. Strange, most werewolves were thought to be male. As he attempted to look back at his book, two more people walked in. Sighing in frustration, Alexander stood to his feet. Too many people for him to concentrate. He'd just have to find somewhere quiet to go.
Shelby jerked her head up when Alexander stood. Almost everyone was in here now; but just 30 seconds ago there'd been none. Gritting her teeth, she placed her emerald back on the bedside table and sighed. Just then, she realised Alaska's presence and smiled slyly. Shelby turned her head slowly to look at her. Her eyes were narrowed, watching the girl as Alaska attempted to ignore her. "Hey." she called, almost sweetly.
Before Alaska exited the room, she turned around and smiled innocently at Shelby.

"Hi! Sorry, I can't really talk right now, I'm feeling a little weak so it wouldn't be much if a conversation. Have a nice day!" She retorted, spinning on her heel and walked out.

For some reason, her crystals seemed a little drained, so she asked the forest to help her. Almost immediately, green lights spun around each one, raising it up. Each of the crystals responded to the energy channel by having the runes on each one glow with a color, each it's own.

After they were all restored, Alaska simply sat there playing with grass, listening to each sound that surrounded her.
He felt some electric shoot through his veins when she ran her thumb across his hand. He sat down next to her, a small smile on his lips. "She's pretty," he said, and his hand twitched. He hesitantly reached over. "Can I?" He asked, wanting to pet her.

Sierra gazed around outside, taking mental notes of the scenery and the plants and animals. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she inhaled the scent of nature. Even though studying the behavior of animals was most interesting to her, she also occasionally studied plants, mainly just to be outside. "Me too," she murmured and looked back up at him. A small smile spread across her lips. "You guys must be really close, huh?"
I nodded slightly, holding her out to him.. "Sure! She loves it"" I smiled up at him.. Transfixed on his eyes.. I was drawn to his eyes.. I needed to say so much right now, but decided to hold back..
Daniel reached down and scratched behind her ((What kind of creature is she?)) ear. He chuckled. "She's adorable..." He kept himself from gazing at her beautiful face again. A lock of golden hair fell between his eyes, but he disregarded it, too entertained from petting her.
(She looks sorta like pikachu, but smaller and four legged, her parents got her for clara off the balck market)

"I know right, but sometimes looks can be decieving, she's a very naughty.. Um.. Thing" I chukled,I reached out with a shaking hand and pulled his hair out of his eyes,"there, now you can see better" I smiled shyly..
He laughed and ran his hand down her back. His olive green eyes looked over at her, shimmering. "Thank you," he murmured softly. He took her hand and kissed the back of her wrist without really knowing why. "Although, there's no reason to shake," he cooed.
"S-sorry" I said simply, his mere touch was so gentle, and sent shivers down my spine, I felt comfortable with this and rested my head on my shoulder and kissed his neck gently.. There was something between us, something I liked.. Liked a lot.. I liked him..alot
He gazed down at her lovingly, his lips brushing against her forehead in a soft kiss. He was surprised with himself; yes, he fell for people quickly, but not this quickly. Yet, it felt right--like it was supposed to happen. He moved his hand from the creature and rested it on her forearm, his eyes closing.

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