
Blossom smiled at the sound of singing, letting herself relax as she watched everyone else wake up. It was quite peaceful so far. She began to hum along as her tail swished around smoothly as she closed her eyes, tuning into the song that Alaska was singing.
Swaying back and forth slightly as she sang, she had completely forgotten about last night's events with Alora and Bren.

Nacht purred loudly as Alaska sang for him and the one other spirit on the balcony with her. Mr. Krowst smiled warmly, humming along with her.

"Sooo, what'ya think?" She asked the cooky old grounds keeper and the feline.

"Absolutely spectacular" He said, sounding like the old guy from Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium.

Nacht responded by licking her hand, which she took as a good sign.

"Why thank you" She said with a sly smile. Alaska always loved preforming, but never dared do it in front of someone living. She was completely and utterly petrified of actual living people hearing her play unless she trusted them to not think herself horrible.

"Can you play another one?" He asked.

"Alright, I will. Just gimme a moment to think of one." She said, scanning the hundreds of different songs in her head, trying to find one that was just right.
The sound of singing drifted into the dorms, and Bren couldn't help but smile down at Alora. "I think I hear your lady friend."

She picked her head up and looked at him. "Lady friend?" Pausing a moment, she heard the singing too. "Alaska."

Bren laughed and pretended to look bitter. "Been here a day, and already someone's interested in you."

Her eyes widened as she pushed back the covers. "She is?"

"Perhaps," he shrugged. Leaning over, he picked up a sweatshirt and tossed it to Alora. "She did leave you this. Why don't you go see her? She was really worried about you last night."

Alora stood, gathered her things, and made her way to the bathroom. While she showered and got ready, Bren decided to change quickly and head down to the cafeteria for some breakfast since he missed dinner the night before.
After another moment's though, Alaska decided on a song. Though originally it was a metal song, so she'd have some trouble turning it into an acoustic.

"Alright, Now don't laugh at me for this one, okay? I haven't played it in this style before..." She said, thinking over the tune one last time before she started hitting the chords. Alaska struggled slightly in the beginning but soon got the hang of singing the song, making it still sound fitting for the once screamed version.

"The days are a death wish

A witch hunt for an exit

I am powerless.

The fragile, the broken

Sit in circles and stay unspoken

We are powerless.

Because we all walk alone on an empty staircase

Idle in the halls and nameless faces

I am powerless.

Everybody wants to go to Heaven

But nobody wants to die

I can't fear death no longer

I've died a thousand times

A wasteful universe

And we don't know our soul was

Emptiness inside our heads

But no one dares to dwell.

Throw me to the flames,

Watch me burn.

Set my world ablaze,

Watch me burn.

How are we on a scale of one to ten?

Could you tell me what you say?

Do you wanna talk about it?

How does it make you feel?

Have you ever took a blade to your wrists?

Have you been skipping meals?

We're gonna try something new today

How does it make you feel?"

(( haha, time to bestow Shelby on you all *evil laugh* mwahahaha.... did i mention she hates singing? > :D ))

Shelby stood, her hair bouncing as she went, Alaska was singing loudly, everyone was crowding around her. Gritting her teeth, she walked out to the balcony and stood behind Alaska, eyes glinting. Her pale hands were by her sides, and a finger twitched as a small black shadow seemed to slide itself around her fingers. Smiling sweetly, she aimed the shadows to Alaska, and it trippled in size, sliding around Alaska's neck and into her mouth and nost. Another shadow joined it, curling around her eyes. Aswell as causing that person to see nothing but black, the shadows constricted a person's breathing, almost like choking them. A useful weapon.
((I hope for the sake of the human population you wouldn't be this cruel with these powers in the real world. Shelby is legitimately scary!))

Alaska's face fell, dropping her guitar with a clatter to the ground. Her eyes grew wide as she tried to breathe, as she already had issues with her throat she assumed she was just having a breathing attack until her vision stopped. Nacht was circling and doing his best to claw at Shelby, tearing at her leg. Mr. Krowst was backed against the wall, petrified to do anything.

Soon enough Alaska was on her knees gasping for some form of air, her body letting her horns and spaded tail appear as it used the energy she had to at least try and keep her alive. Eventually she was close to blacking out, hoping for someone to call for help as she obviously couldn't.
Shelby kicked Nacht away easily, whilst floating a few feet in the air. When someone was in pain because of her, her energy boosted. She twirled her finger around, tightening the grip around Alaska's neck. She laughed, a bubbly sort of sound that echoed around the walls. When she got out of control, Shelby went nothing short of crazy.

(( haha, don't worry ^-^ she even scares me sometimes ))
"Shelby! Please stop! You're killing her!" Blossom pleaded. Her ears were down and her tail was totally freaking out. She felt her eyes get glossy as she tried to hold back tears. She ran in front of Alaska, blocking the shadows as they began to cover Blossom as she got in the way. She choked at the feeling of them but stood still, not moving.
Alora bounded up the stairs two at a time. The music had stopped, but she was pretty sure where Alaska was. In one hand was the demoness's sweatshirt. The closer she got to the balcony, however, the more she felt something was wrong. She had no idea just how right she was.

When she stepped out onto the balcony, fear froze her steps. Alaska, looking very different, was down on the ground as if fighting to breath, and that trouble-making fae floating next to her and laughing. Anger pumped through her veins. Without wait for an explanation, she dashed forward, her speed almost untraceable. She launched herself into Shelby, not realising that her momentum would sent the two of them tumbling over the edge of the balcony.
Nearly the moment the shadow's began to hit Blossom, Alaska collapsed into a ball, taking a deep gasp in. Her goat-like eyes pleading for air and her face returned to it's normal colour. Slowly her heart rate slowed as she became more aware of her surroundings. She turned around just in time to see Alora tackling the Fae off the balcony and down to the ground.

Through the wheezing and distorted vision, Alaska made her way down the stairs and into the courtyard before she passed out, her body still lacking air and her heart becoming weak. Her horns, tail, and pupil shape remained until her mind was quiet and her breathing had leveled out to a normal depth.
Monica somehow was still asleep, cuddling Sam. Sam however was barking at Shelby and his German shepherd qualities were starting to show. If he wasn't here right now, he'd most likely be at a place, training to be part of law enforcement's K-9 unit.
Shelby snarled. "Blossom! Get out of the way..." She held the shadows there with unrelenting force. Crow hissed happily, curling around Alaska and grazing her skin with his teeth. Suddenly, Shelby got shoved off the balcony, her power cutting off immidiately. She was in mid air- falling... but her wings keps her afloat, even as she watched Alora fall still. Her mouth twitched, and she flew back over the the balcony. Crow, unsure of what to do, had started whining softly to Blossom, nudging his head against her gently.
Blossom fell to her knees as she was able to breathe again. Coughing, she looked back and smiled weakly to Alaska as she went downstairs. She felt weak enough to pass out as the surroundings swirled around. Blossom was much weaker than normal people since she was the runt of the family and had weak lungs as well. As she watched Shelby and Alora tumble over the balcony, she looked back to Clara and stroked Crow before everything went black.
Sierra sighed and looked up, noticing that it was already morning. She hadn't realized that she was outside the whole night. Her violet eyes were glossy with tears, outlined in bright red. Her long, black eyelashes clumped together, and they were sticky from tears. She studied her open notebook that was next to her, sighing again.

((Autumn, I dun think my soulmate is gona rp here :c))
Alora's hand reached for the fae's ankle, barely missing. She cursed to herself as she plummeted to the ground. That had definitely been the way to attack someone who could fly. She squeezed her eyes shut and braced for impact.

Bren was sitting in the cafeteria, chatting with some other students and eating a small bowl of cereal. Out the corner of his eye, he saw something plummet out of the sky and crash into the ground. The other students around him began to panic, but when he saw the familiar blonde hair, he sighed in relief. He tried to calm the others down before calmly making his way to the courtyard.

She was still on the ground when he got there, arms defiantly crossed over her chest. The impact of her tiny body had left a crater in the ground. "So," he drawled teasingly, "how's your morning been?"

"If I ever see that fae again," she hissed through clenched teeth as she sat up, "I'll rip her wings off."

He moaned happily. "I do so love it when you threaten to start a cat fight."
((Fine by me! My soulmate disappeared....into Narnia I think...))

Sam somehow wriggled his way from Monica's grip and made his way over to the balcony. Suddenly, he leaped over the balcony. Luckily for the determined and stubborn little pup, he landed safely on his feet, much like a cat. Monica, however, was in a deep sleep, blissfully unaware of Sam's actions. If she had known what he did, she would've gone after him, like the loving, stubborn owner she was.
Shelby laughed loudly, she could hear Alora clearly. She flew in and sat on her bed, her wings buzzing like a dragonfly's. She saw Blossom fall to the floor, and flew over, her face smooth. Quickly casting a reversal and healing enchantment, she sat back. "Blossom, you're going to be ok now, you got that?" she said softly, shaking her shoulder. Crow licked her nose quickly, hoping to get a sneeze out of her.
Alaska screaming in pain, was jolted awake by the snakes teeth. Her back arched in pain, as she opened her eyes. Golden brown eyes, split vertically by a slit opened wide as she gritted her teeth. Her hands wrapped around the snakes head, trying to get him to unclench his jaw as she writhed her legs, unwinding herself from it's lengthy body.

"Crow!" She squealed, finally wrenching him off. As the snake left, she was left laying on the ground, panting heavily and staring up at the sky. 
((Jeeze I type slow .-.))
Bren opened his mouth to say something else but stopped when a flying puppy fell just a few feet away from him. Alora jumped back in surprise and tilted her head curiously when she realised it was a dog. Bren knelt next to the puppy and rubbed his head gently. "Sam, what're you doing here? And flying?"

"You know this dog?" Alora asked, looking down at her friend.

"He's Monica's. I don't what he's doing down here, but I'm pretty Monica wouldn't be too happy about it," he said before turning back to the German shepherd. "Now would she? We should take you back to her."
Hearing a voice, Blossom opened her eyes and sneezed at something tickling her nose. She looked around and saw Shelby and Crow. "Oh, hi Shelby... wait...are you and everyone okay!? You just fell off the balcony! I know you have wings, but still..." she trailed off, thinking about what had happened earlier. She pet Crow and looked up to Shelby. "Everyone else are okay, right?" she asked, not caring about what happened to herself.
Shelby smiled thinly, "Yeah, everyone's fine." she sighed, "But Alora's out to rip my wings off." she giggled, a swirl of glittering pink dust turning into a goblet in her hand. It was filled with a think, pink liquid that shimmered. Shelby handed it to Blossom. "Here, drink this." she said, "It's make your throat hurt less." She smiled.
((Yes. Yes they are.))

Sam barked and wagged his tail happily. He was always causing Monica some sort of worry but by now, she was used to it. Meanwhile, Monica turned over and began muttering things in her sleep. "Sam....."

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