
Blossom spotted some older male students, obviously the popular and rude type and smirked. "Perrrfect targets." she purred, turning invisible as she stalked towards them. First she poked his shoulder, causing him to think it was his friend, doing this a few more times before they start to argue. She then reappeared in front of them and giggled. "Hi! Man, you guys get mad easily, huh?" she asked. They became confused until they finally caught on, but it was too late, she had already left since she got bored and decided to go look for the rest of her dorm mates.
Shelby smiled brilliantly, showing shiny white teeth. "Hi, sorry, you forgot a name tag," she held one out before blushing and adding, "Sorry about earlier... i'm not good with new people." she pushed her hair back and looked up - he was tall compared to her- with wide emerald eyes. Noticing him top-less, she blushed even more and looked down to the floor "Sorry, i''l go now..." she started to turn away.
(Can I bump into blossom please?)

I was begging to get bored of staying in the dorm.. Its was too hot and stuffy, and there was nothing to do,I'd already filled in about three croswords.. So now I was just sat, chewing my nails and listening to music, clearly I wasn't the only one who appeared odd here, okay so.. There were people with ears, and tails.. I mean..what was thatl all about.. I suppose I couldn't really talk.. I had bright blue hair and a face full of peircings.. I only wore black, too.. I decided to get up and walk around, my knees were really begging to hurt..
(Yeah sure!)

As Blossom was walking around, someone caught her eye. They had electric blue hair and she looked really cool so Blossom decided to approach her, her ears twitching a bit in interest. "Hi! I'm Blossom!" she greeted the girl who seemed to be in a bit of pain. Blossom sat on a near by bench and gestured for the mysterious girl to sit next to her.
I shook her hand and sat down next to her.. She was one of those people.. With ears.. And a tail.. So.. Beautiful, "hey..I..I'm clara,a..are these.. Um. Real?" I asked reaching out with a tentive hand to stroke her ear..
Blossom began to purr a bit at the feeling of being stroked. "Yes they are!" She smiled brightly, her tail starting to flick around joyfully. "What dorm are you staying in?" she asked, looking at Clara intently.
Lucius blushed at shelby's reaction. "You dont have to if you dont want to. You can come in if you would like. i dont mind." His voice was reassuring and sweet. He did like her, seeing as she was the first to catch his eye (just a crush until your soulmate and mine show up). He bit his lip and waited to see if she would stay.
(Yeah :P )

Shelby hesitated, hand on the doorframe, "Well... ok, sure." She turned back and smiled "But only for a little bit." Letting one hand fall back from the door, Shelby used the other to push her hair out of her eye -it kept falling back. He was quite attractive, actually, thought Shelby, but she wasn't falling head-over-hells in love, like she would to her 'Soulmate'.
(If they dont, i am calling dibs on shelby)

Lucius lifted a hand and softly moved the troublesome strand of hair behind shelby's ear. "There. Does that help?" He smiled and moved out of the doorway so she could come in. at the moment, he was alone so the company was quite nice.
"Thank you, you're too sweet! I'm dorm two. We should visit each other's dorms one day, maybe even a dorm sleep over! How cool!" Blossom started throwing out ideas for the future. This is another friend that she has come to know. "I'm so happy to have a new friend as cool as you!" she exclaimed, smiling to her. "Oh, maybe we could tell eachother our powers!" she added, becoming a bit too noisy than she should be so she quickly put her ears down and smiled embarrassed. "Sorry, I'm being too hyper."
( lol, ok :) )

Shelby blushed as he pushed her hair away, "Thanks" Walking in, she noted their dorms were the same, but Dorm 3 had 6 beds, not 5. Her shoes clicked on the floor, echoing throughout the room. "Nice Dorm." She said, watching Lucius's back as he walked in. Shelby saw his case by a bed. "Have you unpacked yet? Do you need help?" she said quickly, then blushed and smiled to the floor.
"Hey hey!!! Its fine! You're not being to hyper at all! Youre lovely, and I'm so glad I have a new friend that's a cat!" I smiled reaching out again for her ears, straghtening them "there!, you're so pretty!!" She was.. She was a cat, I mean, what's not to like about cats, they're furry and fluffy and bouncey and hyper and pretty, just like her I'm sure there was a word for her.. "Forgive me if I'm wrong.. But you're a neko right?"
"Oh, I like both cat and neko, maybe even...kitten?" she giggled. As she began feeling how Clara thought of her, she began to smile widely. "You think I'm pretty and fluffy? No way! You're much more beautiful!" she shook her head hyperly as her hair bounced around. She smiled up at Clara who was really interesting as well as kind. "I hope you acknowledge me as you're friend from now on, it'd be the most awesome thing ever if you did!"
Lucius shrugged a little. "No i havent unpacked yet. I have gotten into the habit of keeping what little i have in my suitecase." He sighed softly and moved over to her. "I never know when mom will stop taking a liking to her new toy and barge in chirping 'pack up, little lucy! We are moving to god knows where!'"
Telepathy.. Not so much of a gift sometimes.. I thought to myself.. I'd rather describe it as a curse really.. I smiled brightly.. '"Thanks, but you are just.. There isn't really a word..just, curious, but pretty all the same". "And of course I will, I think we're gonna get on just fine!' I smiled at her..
Blossom leaned in to Clara and hugged her warmly. "Thank you!" she proclaimed, releasing her. "And I guess you just can't put all of me in a word, huh?" she laughed lightly. "I wonder when the rest of our dorm members are going to come? I really want to meet them too." she began to sigh. She's not the most patient person in the world, but who is?
Shelby looked at Lucius intently, "Her new toy?" She bit her lip and turned, hair flying out. "I have to go... be somewhere..." She muttered quickly, walking toward the door. Twisting the handle, Sheby took a step outside. She knew what he meant; his Mom got a new 'toy-boy'. She walked out because Lucius looked ready to pour out everything, and Shelby wasn't ready for this sort of thing on their first day.
I smiled a little, she was so cute, "I really can't!, maybe.. You would like to come back with me?, nobody else has arrived from my dorm yet either, and I have lots of sweets" I smiled, she looked like the sort of person that would like sweets.. Then again.. Who didn't like sweets?
"Wait...did you say... sweets! Okay then! Show me the way!" she got up excitedly. She absolutely LOVED sweets. She began to drift off into her own little chocolate dream land when Clara began to walk to her dorm. She ran up to walk next to her and began to skip and she began to wonder how Shelby and Lucius were doing.
Shelby walked swiftly, her heels clicking loudly on the stone floor. She saw Blossom with a new girl, who has blue hair and varioud piercings. Slowing down, Shelby pushed her pink curls back, her eyes flickering over the new girl lazily.
I smiled a little.. "I take it you like sweets then?" I asked playfuly.. Letting her inot the dorm, I sat down on the bed, patting the space next to before moving all of my crosswords out of the way.. God I was such a geek..
Lucius stared dumbfounded as shelby suddenly took off. He sighed after minutes of staring at the door. "What did i.... Do wrong?" He had merely answered her question. If he had just said no she probably wouldve asked why so he just killed two birds with one stone.
"Yes I do!" Blossom smiles. She then spots Shelby. "Hey Shelby!! This is Clara!" she shouted out to Shelby. "That's Shelby, she lives in my dorm with me." she introduced them to each other.
Shelby was silent as Blossom introduced her to Clara, then flicked imaginary lint off her black dress and blinked slowly. She tapped two of her fingers on her other arm, looking out of the windoww. "Clara," she tested out her name on her tongue. "Hello, Clara," She said coldly.

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