
I dumped all my papers on the floor.. "Um.. Hey shelby" I smiled.. Why was everybody around here so pretty.. "Want some sweets?" I smiled flicking my hair out of my eyes..
Blossom stared at Shelby, not sure of what she might say. Shelby didn't seem to be in a cheery mood like she was when she was alone with her. Blossom's tail flicked around in anticipation. Clara on the other hand was being the same but seemed a bit like Shelby in a way, maybe not a huge way, but slightly.
Shelby regarded the untidy pile of papers dumped on the floor, "No... No, I don't." She said, then turned on her heel, hair flying out and walked down the corridor, curls bouncing. Shelby liked perfection, and nothing less, so she was very picky with her friends and likes. Clara has definately not her chosen type of person. Reaching her dorm, she walked inside and sat on her bed with a small 'fwah' as she sat. Lying back, she looked at the ceiling.
Lucius got his shirt back on and decided to explore the campus a little. He noticed all of the cliques forming around him and felt like an outcast. He came back around and noticed the girls talking. He hid for a second and tried to slip by them unnoticed.
Blossom sighed sadly. "Guess she's not in the mood right now...Sorry about that, she's not mean, she just...has a way of doing things." Blossom looked up to Clara reassuringly. "Would you like me to help you out with cleaning up around here? I figure Shelby may want some time alone since I'm so noisy." she offered, giggling softly. She caught a glimpse of Lucius and turned towards him. "Hi! Lucius right?" she smiled. 
"Hey Clara, that's Lucius, I met him not too long ago." she tells Clara, waving Lucius down. "Maybe he doesn't see me..." she thinks to herself, starting to wave her hand around even more, trying to get his attention. "Hey Lucius!" she shouts.
Shelby sighed, her hair splayed out around her like an explosion, with her emerald eyes closed. Her black wings fluttered restlessly as she swayed her feet. Suddenly, she heard Blossom's loud giggle from down the corridor and frowned, her eyes snapping open. Shelby stood and unpacked a vivid emerald ( about the size of a fist ) that glittered in the sunlight. It was a magical stone; that could set a mood to anyone within a 1 mile radius. She set it down on her bed side table and opened the door, staring darkly down the corridor; where she saw Clara, Lucifer and Blossom talking.
Lucius stopped and turned to wave. Guess he wasnt as stealthy as he thought he was. "Hey!' He walked up, rubbing the bsck of his head again. "I guess shelbys in a bad mood today."
"Its okay, I like noise, its better than silence, silence always means there's something wrong" I turned around when she said hi to another boy.. I stopped talking isntantly, he was upset, and looking for somebody "if your'e looking for shelby, she's back in her dorm" I smiled at him.. Before covering my mouth with my hand.. Oops. That was a big mistake
"Maybe...and Lucius, were you trying to hide?" she smiled to him mischievously. "You should know that you can't by me without me noticing silly." she giggles. "Oh, by the way, this is Clara. She's from dorm one." she adds.
Shelby put her over-the-ear headphones on and set her ipod to play loudly. She then walked down the corridor, through the gathering of Clara, Blossom and Lucius then out to the front gates. She sat leaning against a tree and watching them through the small window. The slight breeze ruffled her hair.
Lucius looked up as shelby walked by and confusion became readable in his eyes. He turned back to the other two girls. "No im just walking around, ah, clara was it?" He forced a smile. "needed to see where my classes were at."
Blossom noticed Shelby walk by and decided to hang out with her since everyone else seemed to be acquainted. "Oh cool. Hey, I'm gonna go, talk to you guys later!" she smiles, waving them good bye as she walks to where Shelby was.
"Okay!" I smiled birghtly.. I liked to be alone anyways, but not so much.. Urned to lucius "yeah, and you must be lucius, and..err, don't worry about the whole situation with you're mum, things will get sorted soon"
"Hey Shelby." Blossom said, putting her ears down and smiling softly to her. "Are you okay? You seem a bit... off." she added tilting her head to the side slightly.
Shelby's eyes flickered to Blossom as she came closer, then she turned her music off and put the headphones around her neck, "Hi, Blossom. Have a nice first day?" she asked. A leaf fell from the tree and she caught it. "They say catching falling leaves is lucky..."
Lucius was caught completely off guard. "How did you....?" The trouble wiith his mom was something he rarely shared. Telling shelby was a moment of weakness for him because she was beautiful.
Shelby looked to Blossomagain, "Yeah, i'm ok, i just get a bit Bipolar sometimes." She scrunched up her nose and smiles.
"Oh, that's what I sensed that was different about you." she nodded and watched as she caught a leaf. "Really?" she began to prowl around the tree, grabbing at falling leaves until she finally caught one. "Oh yeah! Look Shelby! I caught one!" she smiled, showing it to Shelby, trying to raise the mood a bit.
Shelby grinned, standing up. "Nice catch." She said, then flew up to the top and ripped a fistfull of them out, letting go so they fluttered down to Blossom. While she was up there, she caught sight of several groups of people talking. She shrugged mentally and dropped down to the floor again, grinning
Blossom ran around eagerly, catching almost all of them as she giggled. "Thank you! You're so nice!" she gushed as she watched Shelby come back down. "I wonder what it looks like up there..." she wondered as she began to climb up the tree, spotting the same people that Shelby saw. "Hi!" she shouted to them. They looked over to her not saying anything and a few glared at her. She put her ears down and retreated back down to Shelby.
Shelby giggled, watching Blossom climb down the tree with her ears flattened on her head. "look" she said, pointing to the darkening sky, "The bell will be going off soon, we'd better get back to our Dorm." Shelby started walking back the the giant School.
Lucius looked away, glancing at shelby for a moment. From the corner of his eye, he saw a group of popular girls staring at him and giggling. It seemed he was eye candy righr now. He waved and smiled at them. They all blew kisses back.
Blossom jumped down and followed after Shelby. "Their feelings towards me were not nice at all." she pouts, watching her feet as she walked. She noticed Lucius and the girls and giggled silently but kept on going towards the dorm."We still don't have anymore dorm-mates." Blossom questioned as she strolled in the room.
I put my head in my hands, why was a such a screw up, I'd probably scared him to death.. Oh well, I had my own company, that was all I needed,I decided to put my earphones back in, slamming the doo shut behind lucius, I didn't care for him at all, he was arrogent to say the least, so just lay on my bed, did a little tidying up and waited for something good to happen, fat chance.

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