
Rye stood up as Terrace came from the roof through a shadow. "What do you expect us to do Girl?" Rye asked her as she looked back and forth between the two woman. "If you want us to go guns blazing into a lab, we need an army, hell we will need ten" She threw her arms up. "We cant just go take down rickshaw jones," Terrace glanced at Rye. "Why not?" She asked the young girl. "You know everything about him, after all your oldbod was married to his Niece, and worked for the company that split the souls." Rye glanced down at the accusation, of course joe carl was part of the company, all the oldbods were at some point in their life, it was a volunteer group of employees, but rickshaw picked joe out by himself, raised him to vp and gave him all the perk. Rye shrugged and turned away. "We cant do it...We need more people to help." Terrace scoffed, "I'm as good as a hundred of those roaches, and so are both of you. Rye your not a full newbod in case your forgetting you have a little extra to go in with those bones of yours." Terrace looked to Girl "What do you say?"
"That is *not* what I meant" Girl tells Rye. "We don't need to attack yet, there are other things we could do." Girl says quietly. "I am not in a mind reading mode, so how was I to know what you were planning to do while I was gone." She retorts with a flick of her tail. Girl's mouth changes into a wicked smile as her tail swishes behind her at Terrace's idea. "I'd love to." Girl growls excitedly, her canine teeth extending out in anticipation of a battle. "Should I send a message for the others to come? They would gladly come after they are done with what their orders were." Girl adds, thinking of the devastation the group of them would be able to make, her eyes growing dark with excitement. "We would certainly give them a run for their money if we really wanted to." She growls, her grin growing nasty at the ideas that were popping into her head every second that passed.
"If we can get one oldbod away from a group we can use that one for something." Ash said. Her plans were always very risky, this was no exeption. Oldbods were a challenge but with Ash's power it can be easy.
Maddilynn stared at her uneasily. "I don't understand." She mermured, as she began to walk. Maddie kept her eye's peeld as she observed her surrondings. Everything was quiet as the day progressed. "Ash, where do we begin. Like what place." Maddie asked, highly confused. Note to self, she thought, don't ever take another mission with Ash. She noted to herself. Maddie smiled at the thought.
Terrace smirked and nodded in agreement. "We will make them run so fast it burns the money." Rye looked at terrace crestfallen. "I dont like killing them.. murdering an oldbod... The longer a newbod goes without a their old body makes them vulnerable, the same with an oldbod, kill the soul and it kills the body." She wrapped her arms around herself. It was a terrible curse to feel the hearts of those around you.. Anything that had to do with hearts was Rye's domain, that included the threads that linked to hearts she could easisly make two people hate eachother.
Rickshaw smirked as he looked at the paper, his spies were everywhere, even if they didn't know. He crossed his legs and glanced at his screen once more. Before leaning in and pressing a button. "Clara." He waited a moment before her shaking voice came onto the speaker. "Send in the alpha team, lets see if we can have some entertainment, while they have some training." She reponsed with a yes sir and clicked off. The red light flashed signally his comand was being processed until a blue light flashed against the screen.Rickshaw frowned his perfect features turning slightly demonic. A shrill voice of an older man screeched through the speaker cursing him. "Rickshaw you crazy ba.." He clicked the button to silent and turned the classical music to full volume. it was his choice.. And he wanted to see what his childern could do when turned against his new breed.. He Glanced at the screen once more. Ash and Maddies face appeard on one, along with a list of everything they are and everything they have everydone. Terrace was on a single screen, her black list was short, not much known about her and that irked him. The woman named girl, was up on a single screen because she was off to the side, the black list only numbered her siblings and he smiled at their moments across country.. "Lets play a game of chess. " He clicked a few keys and a game board appeared, The black side showed his players, including himself as king. the white showed the others included a mystery queen..
"We need to find where Rickshaw is, if we can get on his good side..." Ash paused to add tension "We'll be one leap closer to controling the world of old and newbods." It sounded a little bit off track and a bit crazy but it would get the mission done. "Maybe that shapeshifter and the other one can help." Ash continued, by 'shapeshifter' and 'other one' she meant Girl and Rye
"I would rather feel them die instead of innocent people or people I loved because of what their master orders them to do, or because of feeling sorry for having to kill them." Girl tells Rye calmly after nodding in agreement with Terrace's comment. Girl's ears twitched and she gave a small sneeze as a part of her sensed someone or something thinking of her. She looked over her shoulder to try and find the source and shrugged as her quick search turned up nothing. 'Time will tell' was one of her alpha's favorite sayings and Girl guessed that's what she'd have to see.
Rye stood up and glanced over the side of the ledge before turning back to the other two girls. "That is easy for you to say, you havent seen what happens to the others who have to suffer from the death.. They are innocent too, its not their fault and The whole master thing it goes beyond that.. He created us... he gave us life.. Rickshaw is like a god to us, you listen to your god.. gods.. what ever it is." She was nearly shouting at them. Terrace had looked away, she heard this all before, new what rye was feeling it was simple, she was feeling her family die when they were killed. Terrace Paced in the living room, they left small simple trail for Ash and Maddie if they wanted to follow and for any other newbod that wanted freedom, when they were done with this noone would rule over the new or oldbods and they were have no master to lord over them. She smirked to herself as rye feel asleep. She had saved rye, she kept her safe and killed anyone who tried to hurt her. Terrace had a daughter once and she was sure what she felt for Rye was what she had once felt for her daughter long ago.
Maddie followed until she was infront of Rye. She crossed her arms in befumblement. "Even god's eventually Fade away." She persisted, Maddie watched the group cautiously, "If we don't try, we can't succed. If we try anf fail, we'll learn from our mistakes. We'll come back stronger." She urked gently. Maddie knew what she was saying was crazy, but true. They need to fight Rickshaw and stop him, but how. Maddie felt a cold tug at her self as she glanced around. "You won't even try to help us?" She asked alerted. Maddie was usially very charismatic. Which made her sweet with words. "If you don't we'll go alone, just me and Ash." She drew on. "No help no nothing." Maddie smiled sweetly. Maddie turned her head and allowed her hair to fall into her face. Why did this happen to her. She had an amazing life before. She was somebody important. A women, a Wife, a mother. Adrienne Kinard. Somebody important that was loved. She frettedd everyday about leaving her daughters. Her toddlers, Amelia and Amila. Maddie closed her eye's, even though nobody could tell, because of the hair.
Rye stared at Maddie, willing Terrace to come back to them but she knew terrace was preparing for things to go bad. She sighed and shook her head, she could feel the emotion rolling through Maddie. "They'res other ways.... we cant just go around killing eachother.. we are the same as each others." Rye spread her hands wide. She knew they had to do it, but it didnt mean she had to like it, but she wondered if they even knew she knew where to find every one of them.. The hearts all linked together made things easy to track
"It's alright, no matter what. Rickshaw will go down." Ash held out her pinkie to make a promise that it will happen. "Even if we die in the end." She muttered under her breath to no one in paricular.
"It's a long way from here to the underworld, and we are not willing to take that trip." Girl growls, her eyes growing dark with anger. "But if I must, I *will* take as many as I can with me, and so goes with my group that will join us." Girl sighs as she glances at Rye, her words still swirling in her head. Girls eyes get a somewhat crazed look as she remembers all the deaths her and her family had been through, some were decent enough of murders, others not so much. Girl sighs as she shakes her head, they weren't planning on making another trip to the Underworld to be judged so soon again. "I'm in." Girl growls, her tail swishing behind her making her scythe shine. "And so will my clan."
Terrace popped up out of nowhere, in the shadows scaring rye. "This is not a good plan, i got a few people to help but that is all" Rye sighed and shook her head and left the alley. She jumped from the roof tops and kept going, she was going to run all the way to the end of the world if she had to. Tears stung her eyes. "This isnt fair.. This whole damn thing is not fair for any of them she cursed darkly and sat on the edge of a cliff far off to the east. The sky was darkening as the day went by. 
Terrace watched her go and sighed, "We need a diversion or something to keep his attention away from us.. But the man sees everything. He most likely already knows what we are up to." Terrace kept her voice even, even if she couldn't die by mortal hands the man still scared her beyond belief because she was pretty sure he was know mortal man. The shadows swirled around her feet in a slight circle barely noticable unless you knew what to look for. "Rickshaw, knows everything at the moment it is known to anyone else, he can see things we only hope to see, but their is a way to get to him and thats through people he cant see." She spoke quietly now all they had to do was convince those he couldnt see to join their fight
"You do realize, there wouldn't be a point no matter what then. What he doesn't see from someone, he could see from someone else, or know from that other person then." Girl points out, her tail curling around her body Or will once those people join us, it wipes the board clean?" She asks, tilting her head slightly, trying to figure out the rules, and hoping all the training the Gods have been giving her and her family, and all the dimensions they've lived and traveled in helped them stay somewhat anonymous.
Terrace began to roll her eyes at Girl but then grinned widely. "Bingo." She stated as Girl asked her question.."Well somewhat." Terrace began as her thoughts trained to Rye... "Once that person is with us, Anything that relates or is said to this people is nonexistent... Rickshaw just didnt mess with souls he messed with everything nonhuman things as well.. once they appear he wont see whats going on inside our heads as long as it envolves one of these people." Terrace crossed her arms and looked sour. "Unless he has is little camera's everywhere or his little spies... He can use anyone as a spy even when they dont know he can." Terrace pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance.. "Thats why the more of them we find the better our chances of living through this whole deal will be.. Now if you excuse me i have to go find a certain newbod perched on a cliff." She muttered darkly..'"But first.. The ones you seek are scattered throughout mainly America, Since Rickshaws main lab now is located in Romania. He is not the only one with spies." Terrace Grinned at her self feeling somewhat proud.
Girl looks over at Ash and Maddie. "What do you think?" She asks kindly. "Why try to align yourself with him, when we could just as easily try and overthrow him once and for all." Girl points out. "We won't be alone either, with Terrace's recruits, and my family coming to help, we'll have a decent size group. This just might be possible, but the risks are still going to be high. We will be killing and we might get killed. So it's up to you two whether or not you're in with us." Girl shakes her head to clear some thoughts away. "Just stay away from the battle if you decide not to go with us. We can't promise you might get accidentally hurt." She says solemnly.
Maddie nodeed as she listened, then out of the blue Rye had walkd away. NEeding fresh air maybe. She turned back to Terrace and Girl. As gitwrl spoke she crossed her arms. "This sound interesting..." Maddie considerued the possible outcome. Although it could mean death, it was a risk willing to take. "Ash?" Maddie turned to her companion. Although the offer did sound good, she didn't want to be the only one who agred. She needed Ash to come with her. Maddie waited for her reply.
"I'm up for a bit of killing people." Ash smiled and added, "we don't have any weapons though I don't know about everyone else but if I use my power to much I'll be exausted." This was all to easy, fighting Rickshaw and his evil minions. There has to be a fault or a spy or something!
Terrace sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. This was going to be tough, "Ok" She slapped her hands together. "First thing first, we need rye, shes can track the others, she knows where all the new and old bods on our side are.. but the question is how are we going to get them to help us?" 
Rye slept for a few seconds on the cliff, before the animal side awoken, The newbod that caused the blood lust was here. She sat up and released a growl. Rye stalked the heart thread into the woods and followed its trail along the treeline towards a building. She could feel anger and regret battling in the thread. She climbed up onto a lone house rooftop and slid down the side glancing towards the scent of blood. Screams echoed throughout the empty space as rye slid down over the window, she heard someone shouting, the new bod was in the house and from the lack of additional heart thread it means he killed those living there.
(New character about to be added. One of Girl's older brothers. He'll be in gray, Girl will be in blue, and each other sibling -when they arrive- will have their own color, hopefully that will make it easier. if not, let me know ^.^)


"It's a good thing then that I'm Girl's partner for this run then huh?" A blonde man says gently to Ash as he walks into the alley, with a bag over one shoulder. "Bellious!" Girl exclaims excitedly as she weaves between his legs to then climb onto his back, purring. "Took you a while." she says gruffly. "Had to get supplies." Bellious replies, his blue eyes looking to each person. "So, who needs weapons?" He asks, dropping the bag at their feet. "Bellious, here, is an armorer. He's been working for centuries on how to make different weapons, shields, and armor." Girl says as a way of explaining. "It's his specialty." She says proudly. "If you can't find what you need, tell me so I could start working on them." Bellious adds, opening the bag wider to let all manner of weapons fall out of it. "Any leverage we could use? Would they *want* to go up against Rickshaw?" Kitten asks looking at Terrace from Bellious's shoulder.
"You are my new favourite!" Ash's eyes widened as she looked into the bag, her jaw dropped. "Am I dreaming?" She wondered looking at all the contents. She pulled out a shotgun, "boring..." She put it back and pulled out a fancy dagger; she put that one back as well. Ash looked at Bellious, "got any interesting long range weapons?" She asked him.
Bellious grins at Ash's comment and blinks in surprise as she pulls out the shotgun. "Hell, I'm surprised you even found the shotgun." He tells her honestly. "Guns aren't my favorite to make. Our oldest sister probably went and got them.." Bellious explains. "Yeah, our family favors swords and all the old weapons." Girl puts in with a grin. "It's what we're most used to." Girl jumps off of Bellious's back and starts to rummage through the bag he brought, pulling out crossbows, spears and other weapons that their sister had taught them for long range attacks. Bellious walks a couple of feet away from his sister and sits down, getting ready to call on their sister to send some other long range weapons when a rock hit the back of his head. He turns his head to see his sister holding a long mace in her left hand, a sling and chakram in her right, and a rifle at her feet. "I think she put any long range weapon we might need in this.... Whether you made it or not." Girl says, nodding down at the rifle. "She's not taking and chances this time is she?" She says, semi-joking. Bellious shakes his head with a grin. "Apparently not.. I won't blame her with how this run sounds.. I wouldn't hope to take unnecessary risks." He points out. Bellious turns to look at Ash, his blue eyes turn from joking to serious. "Find something you like?" He asks gently before turning to Maddie. "And what about you? Anything look to your taste?" Bellious walks over to the bag, his brow furrowed in confusion and hands his sister an edge of the bag. He then sticks his arm all the way into the bag and starts to go deeper. Bellious growls in annoyance. "No wonder you have things I thought I didn't pack." He mutters to Girl angrilly. "She tapped into our storage, she *actually* spelled my bag to connect to our armory. That's how she got those guns into the bag...When I get my hands on that woman..." Bellious growls fiercely. "When you get your hands on our sister, it will not be the time to take your payback from." She points out. "We'll have to wait til this is all over to get back at her." Girl adds, her eyes growing round as her brother pulls out a huge broadsword. The blade made out of silver metal, and the handle was gold and black swirled with tiny blue gems embedded deep into it. Bellious grabs Girl into a hug and quickly sticks 2 breast-daggers under her shirt and distracts her with a small stiletto that he put into her left hand. "Try those out for me until the main fight. See how they work for you." He tells her with a grin. "Think of it as an early Solstice present." He jokes, dodging Girl's arms as she attempted to shove him for overloading her with weapons. Girl puts the broadsword against her back merging it into her hidden storage until she needed it. "Whose next to get their supplies?" Girl asks with a grin.
Ash looked into the bag again, she found a throwing axe and a few shurikens. "I'm done." She said holding the throwing axe. "Are you gonna stay with us?" She asked Bellious hoping he'd say yes.
Terrace grinned pulled out her two sias from her boot. "I got my Babies right here." She said with a smirk as she twirled them around in her hands, her long fingers dusting against the blades barely but still enough to leave light marks on them. She then stopped the twirling and stuck them through her belt hopps making them caught in the matierial. "Hello Bellious, im surprised you are he one who decided to join our little kitten." She grinned at him. 
Rye slipped onto the roof right above where they were all perched. She listen to them talk and watched a young blond man walked into the Alley, talk about weapons and drop he bag. She scuffed and crossed her arms.. "I got something for ya." She whispered and looked back to the boy she had brought with her. She nodded and jumped down behind them quietly he slipped down next to. She linked there hearts to be able to read his emotions. He was confused and felt quite out of place being here but she had convinced him to help them barely, he wanted proof they're would be others to help if not he walked.

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