
Terrace looked at her. "Are you freaking stupid?" She stated it coldly. Rye winced and shrunk away slightly. Not Good not good. Terrace turned to Girl fully and stared the cat down. "If you go to your family, they have spies it will lead Rickshaws men straight to their door and kill them. He isnt just a human, he is beyond that. Hes the thing that created darkness." Her tone didnt change it stayed cold and deathly. Rye looked on with saddness as she stepped back and stumbled into the dust of one of the oldbods. "Terrace, let her go." She pleaded with Terrace. "She can go, rickshaws men are mostly dead and those that were here have fled, she can outrun the ones hiding." Rye steadied herself on a loading dock ledge and breathed heavily. The anger and hate were rolling off both of them as they stared each other down.
"Won't matter" Girl replies in a growl as she looks up at Terrace calmly. "If they are as inhuman as you say they are, they could just as easily track my scent to our home since thats where I came from." She says. "And they just might take the effort if I become an annoying piece that keeps popping up.. *Especially* if they find out there are others I used to run with. The most important thing I could do now is to go home and talk to them about what will happen now." Without arguing it further, the panther turned her back to the purple haired woman and walked over to Rye. "If you need me, call out my name. I will always come." She tells her kindly. "Though with that creature" She says, tilting her head in Terrace's direction. "I doubt you'll need to." Girl butted her head affectionately against Rye's knee to show she meant the kindness before running off, shifting a bit as wings big enough to hold the panther form forced their way out of her back as she flew a bit before traveling the rest of the way magically to their home. There was no way in hell that after all their hard work in the last couple of centuries would go up in smoke just because she didnt warn her family of the danger that she herself brought on them. She shudders at all the different reactions she'd probably get from the people she was going to talk to, especially after she swore to herself she wouldn't cause them extra troubles. "Oh, well... Whats done is done." She mutters before pushing herself harder to return home.
Terrace sat next to rye. The young girl looked at the purple haird woman. "They're as good as dead." She whispered feeling a few dozen hearts drift away following after the panther. "Yep." Terrace nudged rye. "Maybe she'll lose them, its the clones so that wont be to hard." Rye smiled hopefully as she jumped up. "Are you going to leave too?" She asked terrace with saddness etched in her voice. "For a little while, ill be back soon though.. i have a few things that i must see to." Terrace stood up and walked over to a cubby hole in the concrete pullng out a bag she tossed it to rye. "Whats this.?" Rye questioned and opened it, A few thousand dollars, clothes and other items that were from her aparment were bundle in the bag. "Things you might need." `
Girl landed in a forest, sensing the ones who followed her. She gritted her teeth and weaved between the many trees in the forest around her. This was *her* forest, she would win against them before going home. Girl weaves around behind the some of them and attacks them from behind, using the darkness of the forest to conceal her. She knocks them against each other, pounced on them from branches and sometimes just bit into them. Girl was about to take down another small group of the Oldbods but a bear crushed them before she got to them. "Come." He orders, running in the direction of their home, Girl following, turning her head every so often to make sure they had put them out of commission and that none others were following. As they reached the cottage, a woman opens the door. "Hurry." She whispers to them moving aside to let them in before shutting the door behind them, magic shining as the door shuts as centuries upon centuries of different magics activate to defend the home from listeners, attackers, or any other who would wish to get at them without their knowing or permission.
He saw Maddie sitting on the curb looking quite lonely with out Ash. He sat beside her, "where's Ash?" He asked trying to sound casual so no one would think he was weird. "I couldn't find her anywhere..." He said almost to himself looking around to see if she could be found.

Ash layed there blocking out the sound of the town below her, making shapes in the clouds by changing the direction of them. Her powers didn't only work on human or living things. They worked on anything! She kicked off her shoes making sure they didn't fall into the streets below. Ash sighed at the serenity.
(In this section im gonna rp as rickshaw) Rickshaw jones was defiantly not a human, he smirked as Terrace told Girl. He opened his eyes and leaned forward rewinding the scene in his head. Rickshaw jones was nothing like humans he thought as he stood up and walked around the desk, he had known they had failed but it still irked him that the oldbods ran with out rye. She was special to him, imaged after him. Rickshaw had given her everything he had. he had the power over the heart. any heart, and anything that was connected to it, he could corrupt it or purify them, but he was a demon after all, a demon lord so it was his nature to be evil as it would be Rye's. Rye was different then just a Newbod, she had his blood running through her body. They were connected and always will be. She would be like him even if she fought it.
The cottage door opens as Girl walks down the steps in her panther form, a symbol glowing brightly on her chest. They had discussed what to do and now she had her orders. She flicked her tail in farewell as other figures leave the cottage in pairs and scatter into different directions, each following their own set of orders. Girl takes a deep breath and starts to head back to Rye, her partner would join up with her later.
Maddie jumped to her feet instantly. She glanced at the 'Boss' Heavily. "I Wasn't slacking off. I was looking for Ash. Promise." She exclaimed. Maddie watched him. "Why are you Following us? Ash?" She called out, placing a hand behind herback. Maddie made a piece of metal fly to her palm, as she awaited for his reply. Maddie wasn't exactly sure what he wanted, or where this sudden burst of bravery had risen from. But she smiled with suitor. She was usially the brave one and now she could prove she is. Maddie glanced back into the alley. "How'd you find me?" She asked, selserted.
Rye layed on her stomache her chin resting on crossed arms. She listened at the conversations of the people down below her. Many talked about daily life. A group of girls who looked her age laughed and giggled about school and boys. she closed her eyes she wished she would have went to school. She did have her oldbods memories, his marriage, his wife, the fact he lost his two year old son. Joe was his name he worked for a man named jones, rickshaws older brother, then married Mr. jones daughter when they were 19. Martha, got pregnant again, when the process of splitting was taking place. Most newbods are taking under their oldbods wing still connected to them by a charm, but Rye was taken away by rickshaw. She remembers floating in the air just a flash of light, untill her physical form started to form around her, it was a very painful process and she screamed. It took months to be split from Joe, but years to form a functional body with many failures. Rye turned on her back and twitched her ears to the Girl names Maddie, and tuned in to those around her up to a 6oo mile radius, It nearly drained her power, watching billions of people in her heart.
"I'm not always mean y'know." He thought about where Ash might be, she was often doing things she shouldn't. Ash might be robbing a bank or exploding a nuclear power plant for all anyone knew! "Go look for Ash, search up high first." He ordered igrnoring the questions.
Maddie shoved her hands into her jean's pocket. "Yes Sir." She mumbled, turning around. Maddie walked down the street, people bumping into her and giving her dirty glamces. She ignored them all, until she saw n old fire esape to a roof's building. And a shoe, hanging over the the side slightly. Maddie smiled as she climbed up to it. Surprisingly people ignored her. A child... Climbing a fire escape and nobody cares? Neat Town. Maddie thought to herself. Maddie reached the top and peered over. She smiled as she spotted Ash. "Hey Ash, I've been looking for you!" She called out in funny voice, trying to catch her off gaurd.
"Holy shit!" Ash almost fell off the roof at the sudden interuption. "Geez Maddie." She quickly stood up and put her shoes on, she sighed revovouring from the jump scare. "What do you want? How'd you get up here? Why did you scare me like that?" She asked trying to work out everything at once, "I COULD HAVE DIED!" She yelled loosing her cool and compleatley freaking out.
Maddie cracked a wide smile. She grinned ever so broadly. "Hello Ash." She repeated, Maddie laughed hard from Ash's reaction to her. Maddie rolled her eye's by the pesty question. "Did you not see the fire escape? Plus, it's quite easy to find somebody when their shoes are hovering on the edge." She snickered. Maddie climbed onto the roof. She sat down gently next to Her. "Alright, well I guess its time for the bad news." She muttered, as she looked down sheepishly. "The Boss is looking for you. He's upset about something. He wouldn't tell me, but I Have a bad feeling about him at the moment Ash. I really don't think you should come back with me. It may be better for you to just run." She exclaimed, Maddie smiled gently awaiting her reaction.
Ash looked to where Maddie had appeared from, seeing the fire escape. She made a face then turned to Maddie "He will find me eventually and by then he's probably be exploding with anger." She laughed at the thought of it. "Let's get this over with." She sighed and made her way to the boss. "So..." She started looking around nervously.

"Ash!" His voice sounded angry, very angry. He looked at her for a while, he hugged her tightly. "I was worried about you." He said quietly so Maddie wouldn't hear. He could tell Ash and Maddie were shocked at his actions.
Maddie followed Ash to where the 'Boss' Was at. Maddie looked at her feet, until the guy wrapped Ash in a hug. Her eye's widen in shock. Whoa, sje thought to her self. Maddie leaned her head down to allow the hair to fall into her eye's. She was secretly hoping that she had done a good job and the fact that she wanted Ash to run instead of face him slip. Maddie glanced to the concrete ground. Small pebbles littered around, with the point of a few piece's of trash. Stupid litter's, she thought bitterly. Maddie bit down on her bottom lip gently. As she fiddled her fingers through her hair.
He realised this wasn't good for his reputation. He let go of her and kicked her in the back of the legs making fall to the ground, he smiled. "Still as gullable as ever."

Ash rose to her feet, her legs still hurt but she could move okay. "Do you want us to start the mission?" She asked him, his smile faded and he nodded. "You wanna start?" She asked Maddie.
Maddie's eye' widen as her kicked Ash down. She kept her head low though. As Ash rised she gave her a small smile, her bangs casting a shadow over her face. Maddie looked up gently when Ash began to talk to her. She nodded into reply. "Sure, whatever." She mumbled. Maddie glanced up roughly. "What are the rules?" She asked the boss, as she stood next to Ash.
"What are you talking about?" He smirked, "there are no rules." He walked in the direction of 'HQ' giving a backwards wave to Ash and Maddie as he went. "Alright! What are we doing!" She asked bluntly.
Terrace watched everything in silence,staying inside the shadows literally inside the realm of darkness. She crouched in the different realm watching Ash and maddie. This Guy seemed insane. His Aura was strange almost devilish. She frowned and moved along moving along in the black abyss the only reason to travel this way was only another of her kind could see her and lets face it that was not going to happen, her race was dead, she the last of her kind. Terrace winced at the track her thoughts have taken. Damn, why did she always do this to herself. She frowned even harder glaring at the man as he walked away, she followed him for a few shadows untill he entered the builing, bright lights left no dark corners. She hissed, no shadows to slip into. She walked through one and ended up on the other side of town waiting for Girl to come back with word from her family. Rye Jumped onto a roof top, crouched low steadying her body with a hand perched on a ledge, She sniffed the air and growled. She hated these moments when she felt more animal then human, she could feel the tiny hairs on her body stand up, her ears twitched and she could literally feel sounds. THe vibrations sent shivers through her bones and she slowly stood up. The energy around her, the energy of the heart was beating and swirling like a dance that she felt an almost high from it. She inhaled sharply and exhaled slowly. Time to calm down but the lust for blood was to high, someone, something wanted blood want to see it, to feel it, to be the cause of it spilling, staining the ground. She would find it, maybe join in, maybe run. The animal part wanted to tear something apart, wanted to feel the blood over her tongue and chin hot, wet and sticky flowing in a river of taste and texture. the human part of her was so repulsed she wanted to heave and gag, to throw up the little in her stomach but the animal was winning and her glowing blue eyes proved it. She growled and launched her self across the roof top, using her two legs and two hands to move swiftly, she flipped onto one building and sumersaulting onto another feeling the blood lust inside her heart.
Girl strolls a little before picking up the pace so she could return to Rye sooner rather than later. She soon entered the town again and used her heightened sense of smell she tracked Rye down and sat by her. "I've have been given my orders." Girl says, her voice a quiet growl. "I'll be staying with you for now. Some of us have gone to travel and warn our friends about what has happened so that they may keep an eye on things by them. They'll let us know of changes. For now, I stay with you.. And I will be joined with a partner later on once they are done with another task." She adds quietly.
Maddilynn glanced heavily in Ash's direction. She had forgotten all about their mission, until she had brought it up moments ago. Maddie slipped her hand into her pocket and brought a slip of paper. She observed it slightly. Gently, beginning to unwrap it as though it was delicate. Once she had finished, Maddie read over it kindlely. When she had finished she handed the paper to Ash. "I Don't understand it." She replied, her voice squeaky and small. Maddie kept her hair over her eyes. She shoved her hands into her pockets. Maddie smirked to herself. I'm blonde so I must be stupid, she thought to herself. This brought a grin to her face.
Rye had watched The woman run to her, it was like a echolocation, she could see with burst of sounds when her animal part took over, A beep had stun rye and knocked her over into a sitting position, her animal going dormant for now. She glanced at Girl who explained to her about her family ryes only thought was that she pitied them if they got in the way of the oldbods. Most were indestructible but their were a few out west who couldn't be killed by anything just mere destroyed but could build their bodies back up. "You have a family?" She asked quietly? Watching the Green and black thread twitch on her left thumb, it was a heart of A Newbod in the area one they havent met, but he was moving further away, he had killed. Rye swallowed hard, Some Newbods went insane and became overwhelmed in the oldest generation, they had fixed that in hers.
The panther shrugs at the questions. "If you want to call it that, sure." Girl replies evenly, not giving a trace of what she was feeling. The group had locked their emotions into steel before separating, knowing the odds of this run. "So what are we going to do now?" Girl asks, looking up at Rye, her eyes dark with determination. They *would* be seeing another season come, all of them, even if elements had to switch and hell had to open, her and her pack will see this run through.
"Blonde people, good for nothing." She sighed and pulled the paper out of Maddie's pocket. After reading it over she gave it back to her, "we gotta get rid of the people following us, they might find out that we're illegal." She summerized the paper, it didn't have anything about how they would do it.
Maddie retrieved the paper as she scowled at Ash. "Blonde people arn't always dumb." She mumbled, bitterly. Maddie shoved the paper in her pocket as she continued onto different matters. "Ash, How are we going to do that? I got jumped by Seven of those, what were they? Oldbods? Yeah those, let alone an army of them." She snickered, in alert. Maddie glanced back behind herself, then forward. Maddie shoved her hand into her pockets. "Alright. Where do we start Ash?"

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