
Kitten's shock made her tail go stiff and she starts to fall past the window until she reaches with her hands and feet to the edges of the window. She turns her head swiftly in the direction of the voice, her eyes turned cat from the shock. "What in the worlds of all dimensions were you THINKING?!" She quietly shrieks at the girl on the roof, her teeth extended into sharp meat-tearing teeth. She pulls in her tail to bring her back onto the roof and puts her hands on her hips in annoyance. "I mean....Seriously?!" She tells her exasperated, her tail swishing back and forth, her ears flat to her head.
Rye grinned widely, showing her own pointed teeth. "I thought you were trying to do something fishy." She whispered back in hushed tone To keep the three down below from hearing their conversation. She put a finger to her mouth and made a shushing sound. "Who are you, why are you following us around?" She asked the question but someone else could ask her since she was guilty as well of the same thing. Rye stiffened and turned her head to the side feeling a familiar heart enter her domain. She crouched down and leaned against the foot high ledge. she motioned for the girl to do the same.
Girl shakes off the transformations. "I'm Girl, and I'm just curious to see whats going on. I've never come across creatures such as you." Girl noticed the change in demeanor of her companion and crouched down, shifting into her most familiar form of a black panther. "What is it?" She growls quietly, her ears shifting between the different sounds, she tilted her head closer to the roof to try and hear more of what was going on inside the room of the 2 girls and one stranger. "What *are* you creatures anyway?" She asks quietly, her voice still a growl. Girl does a double glance at the girl beside her. "And anyway, whats *your* name?" She asks after realizing she didn't know the younger girl's name.
Rye sighed, could she trust this creature? Eh why the heck not. if she did work for The Company it didn't matter now, they were already here and closing in. She glanced down as if she could see through the roof which in face she could not. "Im rye lefont." She stated quietly. "We are complicated, human souls that were ripped from our bodies, so most of us created new bodies, those two are newbods as well as i." She stated in sadness. She listened intently to the hearts of the three in the room below. If this man was as evil as he felt they were going to have trouble. Rye shivered if the other two used their powers with a employee of the Company so close they were all in trouble
"You may choose you next task." He pushed some papers with detials about each task, most involved getting more drugs and one of them involved going to a different dimension, with Ash of course. He waited until Maddie had chosen one and left the room. He turned to Ash. "You promised never to use your power again." He started, trying to remain calm. "I told you everything and you helped me get this far." His voice grew to a quiet shout. "I thought I could trust you!" His rage got the better of him and he slapped Ash, hard. "Now go and never do that again!" He ordered sitting back down, almost feeling guilty about slapping her.

"Yes sir." She said rubbing her cheek. A few tears rolled down her face as she joined Maddie again. "No big deal." She answered before she asked what happened. She smiled a weak smile to try to convince her nothing did happen. "Just a bit of pain."
Girl snarls as her ears pick up the sound of raised voices and the contact of skin on skin- a slap. She peeks over through the window again and sees the stranger as he sits back down in his seat. 'So he's the one who slapped her." Girl thought, seeing that Ash was the only other girl in the room. Girl's eyes turn black with anger, she had worked hard to escape from similar situations most of her life and had gotten lucky with what the Gods had given her afterward, she would work her hardest to make sure others would get the chance to be as lucky. She twitched her fingers, extending her nails into claws and started to scale the walls quietly, always looking through the windows, keeping an eye on the two girls inside the building, now she was really curious as to what was going on.
Maddie nodded as she over viewed each assignment. Maddie's eye's scanned until she found a unique one. Maddie selected the one that was with Ash. She wanted to do something different for once. As soon as she chosen one, Maddie could tell the boss wanted some alone time with Ash. Maddie rose uneasily, she gave Ash an 'GoodLuck' type of look. Before stepping out. As she did, she heard the sound of the boss raise his voice. Maddie flinched as he yelled. Maddie sat down on an old chair awaiting for her

When Ash came out she noticed a few tears down her cheeks. He hit her, she thought. Maddie nodded as she tried to convince her that she was fine. Although she was not, Maddie walked on. "So I chose the Mission with you, and..." Maddie glanced back at the building, as soon as they were earrange away, Maddie pulled Ash to the side. "We're being followed Ash, by those two girl's earlier." She announced, a stiff hand on her shoulder.
Rye cursed silently and reached for the older woman missing her tail by inches. "Come back." she felt a heart quiver. "Oh no" She watched the two woman leave the building and listened to each of their hearts whispered. The man remained seating in his chair, his heart angry, wanting to kill something, no not something someone. she leaned over the building and whispered to the woman. "Lets go we have to get out of here." she took a piece of roof about the size of a marble that cracked off and tossed it down hitting the girl in the head. "Im leaving." She called and jumped down onto an alley, pulled her hood up and went to disappear into the shadows. Half way to her hotel she spotted the Employee of The company, heading the way she had just come from. She kept her eyes down while sneaking back to the three woman until she hear a loud beep and heard the employee scream for her to stop. Rye started to run. "Shoot." She skidded around a corner, the man was still on her. He was an oldbod, they always seemed eager to kill she cursed again and ran faster But luck was never with her and she felt a shook go through her, the S.O.B had a taser, she gasped and went down hard against the concrete. "Terrace" She whispered trying to crawl away but a boot against her back took her down hard again.

(Im going to be introducing another character her name will be Terrace lefont, she is the one who broke into the lab to free everyone of Rye generation, there were a few buildings that housed new and old bods.)
Ash sighed, "if they find out about us..." She put a hand on her cheek, it still hurt a little bit. Ash sighed again, she used the front door as an exit this time. "Let's meet back here at sunrise we can start the mission then." She told her before closing the door, the air smelled wonderful compared to inside the building. Ash decided just to walk for a while, she saw the company and a girl. "Hell no!" She said almost turning back. She decided to play the hero in this case, "let go of her!" He voice was strong and as intimidating as she could make it.

He pulled pulled a photo out of one of his many drawers. A picture of him and Ash only taken 3 months ago, "why don't you rememer Ash?" He said silently as he touched the photo. "Why?" He repeated. Ash and him had a history, Ash's oldbod had died but Ash was saved by someone who had worked for the company, he turned against it when he heard about the experiments. He put the photo back. He grabbed some papers and started reading them.
Rye was out cold against the alley, she groaned a little not aware of what was happening. Mean while the Employee above her pulled out a gun it was designed just for newbods and any of them hit were down instantly. He fired at The girl registering who she was but knowing she was a Newbod. His power was to track any newbod by brain waves, it was rare that an oldbod had any type of this power, most were just invincible unless willing to die, or a newbod killed them. They were immortal for the most part. Something hit the back of his head, he ignored it while firing at the girl. He didn't sense anything behind him until someone knock him a few feet forward. A young woman, was crouched behind him, standing up slowly. "Oh great, they're more of you?" She asked sarcastically she was strange looking, natural purple hair with dark purple eyes that had silver flecks. One could tell she wasnt human. "How many of you jerks are creeping around?" It took a minute to realize She was talking to Ash. The purple haired woman was not very sociable, the employee scrambled to gain his footing as more Oldbods turned the corner. The woman rolled her eyes and walked over to rye and kicked her lightly in the ribcage. "Eh you, wake up, why are you sleeping!"
Maddie nodded at Ash. "Sunset. See you then." Maddie turned in the opposite direction that Ash had lead off. She didn't really know what to do. Maddie thought about what had happened. Did the boss have spies watching them? That would be the only explenation for him knowing that Ash used her powers. But didn't catch her? That's unusial. Maddie had second thought about leaving Ash. Could she get into more trouble? It's possible. Maddie stopped and glanced back she had came. She glanced around. It was quiet, maybe too quiet. Maddie shrugged as she continued. Maddie turned into an alley. It wasn't until she had sat down, to when she heard something. Like the sound of somebody approaching her. Maddie jumpedup immediantly. She held her hand out, as a large piece of glass flew into her hand. It was a good weapon. "Hello..?" She called out.
Girl's ears prick at the sound of battle and she turns and see's different smelling creatures attacking Rye. Girl's ears go flat as bigger fangs burst through her mouth as she turns into a panther the size of a black bear. She lets loose a roar that she had gotten known for as she launches herself at the group that had come around the corner. She lashes her huge paws, claws extended, at the chest of one of these new creatures and winces as her claws grate against the guy she was facing. Girl flexes her paw to extend her claws, but lunges at him with her jaws open. She snaps her jaws shut and watches as the pieces fall from her mouth. She flicks her eyes around and gives a kick with her hind legs at two of the Oldbods who had been trying to sneak up behind her. Girl spins her body, curling her tail around her before swiftly turning the opposite direction, flashing her tail wide, revealing the gold and silver scythe that she kept on her tail. Girl gives her loud roar again and pounces onto some of the Oldbods in front of her. She closes her eyes and thinks of a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes before firing herself up. She opens her jaws the glow of fire starting to show and each intake of breath fuels the fire into a bigger glow until it started to come out of her mouth. Girl closes her jaws to contain the fire behind her teeth, making them glow strangely, opens her eyes and blasts the Oldbods in front of her, She turns around and lets another blast loose, making the Oldbods keep their distance before pouncing on different unsuspecting groups of Oldbods with her jaws wide open intent to break the bodies of the enemies surrounding her.
The purple haired girl smirked lifted Rye body off the ground and jumped onto a building with it, lying her down on the cold rooftop. "Hope you wake up soon kiddo, considering these are you enemies not mine." She jumped from the building and landed on one of the oldbod. "You son of a bi." the girl got kicked before finishing her sentence she spun around to see Ash in a group of oldbods herself. infact they were each getting surrounded by at least ten. "Aw really a dozen just for me." She smirked before lift her hand and letting black and purple lighting strike each one, only three burst, she didnt have enough energy to destroy them all, it took way to much to kill an oldbod. She cursed and punched the one closest to her. They back her into a wall. She looked up, looking for something to jump on but nothing. She grabbed the closest oldbod and eased him to vault over as she came down she kicked the one behind the oldbod she was using. "Terrace" Rye screamed at her as she jumped infront of her older friend. "Done with your nap so soon?" Terrace asked sarcastically with a roll of her eyes. "You might want to help your friend there." She pointed to Ash as five more stepped up to take her down. Rye shrugged and jumped at the wall before kicking off it and landed on the oldbods shoulders. it was clear from her fighting style she had learned from terrace. The older woman smirked with pride as rye took down two but it was short lived as almost 30 oldbods crowded the alley way. "You have got to be kidding me?" Terrace asked to herself. She looked at the panther... "Well now you seem familiar " She smirked at the look the big cat gave her. "Here kitty kitty." She watched at the panther opened her mouth wide. Terrace breathed deeply summoning all the shadows from around her into the palms of her hands, turning them into black lightening. The shocks spread out and hit half of the oldbods, taking down at least ten of them turning their bodies to dust. "That evens the odds a little dont you think? She asked smirking slightly a hand on her hip as she blew smoke off her finger tips.
Maddie held her hand out, holding the glass as she approached the end of the alley. The sound had drone out, once she hadsaid anything. Either it was just a regular old person, or a type of bod. Hopefully it was just a bum. Maddie peered around the corner slowly, to see absolutly nobody. Maddie smirked slightly. "Pathetic." She mumbled tossing the shard to the side. Maddie turned and walked back into the alley. So... She was just having her mind play tricks on her again. Maddie froze in her steps as she heard the faint sound of a voice. Maddie spun around, she was facing a group of men. Maybe seven at the most. Maddie's eye's widen slightly."Oh Lord." She muttered, generally. Maddie eyed the shard of glass that now was under one of the mens feet. She focused gently on it, as it beganto wiggle out from underneath the man's foot. Another one smirked at her, faster than she could tell. He had thrown something at her, something large. The item struck Maddie in the head, she cried out, before stumbling backwards. Maddie tripped, holding her head, she felk hard on her back. Maddie glanced up blurry eyed, before passing out.
Girl let out a low growl at the comment coming from the woman with purple hair, her eyes narrowing as she remembered their first not-so-nice encounter. "You?!" Girl roars angrily as she swipes in front of her, keeping the Oldbods at bay. "What are *you* doing here?!" She roars, instinctively backing behind Terrace, her tail lashing as she keeps an eying up her enemies before pouncing on another group, always placing her back to Terrace's back, albeit a couple of feet away from her, she may have been trouble for her, but right now she wasn't the main trouble, and even if something happened, she trusted her tail enough to keep her alive. Girl's eyes widened suddenly as she remembered the other two girls she had been watching, she turned her eyes to the sky in a silent wish that Ash and Maddie were okay, and once they were through with the Oldbods surrounding them, she swore she would try to find them to make sure. Her ear's pricked as she heard a cry and dashed in the direction. Girl bowled into the group of men who were starting to surround a girl who was lying on the ground. She roared in fear and ran to her side lowers her head and gently picks her up and pulls her onto her back. Without even trying to attack, Girl jumps over the group of Oldbods, tail lashing at them as she ran back to Terrace, hoping to lead this stray group to where they could fight them better.
Rye took down an oldbod quickly enough before her heart clutched and she was hit with a wooden board.. The other girl was in trouble. She gasped in pain and stumbled again as he struck her once more. Rye turned and hit the man with her full force. The oldbod hit the wall with a crack, before standing up and fixing his head it snapped back in place. "Terrace!" Rye weaved and dodge the oldbods smoothly. "Maddie. Her heartline is flickering." Terrace looked at her funny "What do you want me to do about it." Rye gaped at her.. "Go help her." It was as if it was the simplest thing to think of. "Um rye we are in enough trouble here as it is." Terrace waved her arm and struck a few old bods with lightening, they were fading away only about a dozen remained they others were dead or fled. "They went to maddie." Rye answered for her, she glared at the younger girl. "If i come back and your dead i will kill you!" She threatens Rye darkly as she jumped onto the roof, where she spread her dark purple bat like wings and took off with such force it shattered part of the roof. "Ill be right back." She called over her shoulder as she zipped off into the sky smelling for the girl with ryes similar sent. She looked down as the bear sized panther ran back being chased by a few of the old bods who had the girl first, They knocked maddie off her back with out the panther notices at first untill she reaches the alley with rye and ash. "Are you kidding me. she could smell more surrounded the girl."Damn they are like cockroaches today." She muttered as they were dragging her by foot. not even decent enough to pick her up. "Who says chivalry is dead." She muttered darkly. She dived down and smacked two with her winges cutting their heads over instantly. When she landed they let the girls leg go.. Terrace stalked towards them, she must have looked like the angel of death for they stumbled into each other as they ran, all but one. "Really?" She spread her hands. "Give me the girl and i'll let you live." The oldbod attacked her with a sharp punch to the face, terrace barely moved her head. it had hurt but beyond her pissed off mood it barely registered. Terrace picked the oldbod up and tossed it to the side. "Newbods are such a pain in the butt." She growled throwing maddie over her shoulder and taking off into the air with. She landed on the same roof as before and laid her down were she had laid rye
Maddie moaned gently, glancing up. She was slightly hazed, "W-What just happened?" She mumbled, sitting up with her own force. Maddie blinked, her head throbbed over easily. Maddie looked up at the person who had saved her. "Who are you?" She asked, timidly. Maddie glanced around heavily. "They attacked me. I-Is Ash Alright?" Maddie asked, she knew she had jumped on a limb. Mentioning Ash could be dangerous to not Only Ash, but to herself as well. Maddie stood quietly. She must of looked so pathetic. Maddie flicked her hair out of her eye's before glancing back up at the kid. Maddie noted the fighting below, she looked at Terrance. "I Can help you know! I Cn fight." She smiled, popping her knuckles. Maddie watched Terrance reaction, there was no way this kid was going to allow her out there. Not after being jumped. But, hey. They had taken her by surprise. Now she knew they were here, she could provide an amazing defense.
Girl ran back to the center of the fight near to Rye. She whips around as she realizes she felt less weight than before and almost shrieks as she realizes that Maddie was no longer on her back. Girl looks back and watches Terrace deal with the rest of the Oldbods that had been following her. She turns back to the fight, knowing Maddie was safe and decided to just keep fighting until the rest of the Oldbods either ran or were destroyed, keeping one eye on Rye and the other on Ash to make sure there would be no more surprises.
Rye looked up at the roof top and yelled at Maddie. "Shes not a kid shes an old hag.. older then." Terrace glared down at her with a heated look. "My name is terrace and i am not a child." She gave Maddie a smoldering look "I am older then your oldest Ancestor.... You think you can fight do you.. you were jumped by only 7 of them?" Terrace was not a sociable creature by nature rye winced as she felt darkness growing in terrace's heart. no not darkness shadows her main weapon. She sighed Maddie would live another day. The eldest of the group had no qualms with killing when she felt like and she did not care for mortals. infact the only reason she was here was her pride. Rye was her friend, her pet. Terrace could not allow Rye to die it would insult her of course it didnt help that the same people who created them had also captured her a while back the same reason she had destroyed the buildings and killed almost everyone inside. Rye shuddered and snapped a oldbods neck to bad it couldn't kill them,. She glanced at terrace who stared at the girl. "Do not expect me to stop you, i have no rights to your well being nor would i care." Terrace started coldly folding her wings and she jumped from the building to join in the fighting she landed behind the large panther. "Boo." The panther had jumped almost out of her skin earning a small chuckle from terrace as the panther landed her fur was on ends and hackles raise, giving terrace a dirty look. so much for no more surprises. . rye chuckled at terrace, she was such a liar.. "Thats bs, enough with the i dont care thing terrace. if you didnt why did you save her." With that the purple haired woman was at a lost for words, so she thrust her hand into the chest of the nearest enemy and pulled out his heart.
He got out of his seat, he pulled on a coat and left the building. It had been at least a week since he had been outside. "Ash!!" He called, he guessed she was to far away to hear but he tried again anyway, "Ash!!!" He tried Maddie's name next. He sighed at the lack of response. He walked in the same direction Ash had walked in.

Ash ran, pulling off her jacket so no one would guess it was her from behind. She pushed people out of the way making a few people angry and babies cry. She arracted a crowd of people running after her, "catch me if you can!" She kept running until only a few very fit men were following her. She got onto the rooftops and climbed until the men seemed like little ants trying to get to food. He laughed and layed on the roof staring at the beautiful sky.
Terrace caught The girl ASh's scent going away from the fight. She smacked her hand into her face "Cant trust anyone." She groaned and dragged her nails down her face. Rye winced away, most of the oldbods were dead now anyway why was terrace throwing a tissy fit. They left the few for maddie to take on, for sport she guessed. Rye took a seat nexto the panther. She could feel the hundred of hearts gathering on the street as morning broke across the sky. "To long" She muttered and rested her head against the building. "Will you be leaving Terrace?" She asked the purple haired woman. "I have to get rickshaw so yes i will." Rye shuddered. Rickshaw jones was the man who did this to them all, terrace had him once, but he nearly cut her in half, now he was a different type of monster.
Girl shakes her head with an amused grin. "Who knows whats going through that girl's head" She says as a way to answer. "So that's who is causing whatever this new mess is." Girl says with a sigh. "Gods be blessed that it isn't Mutilo." She adds under her breath, though in truth, now she was a little more nervous, part of her knew he was still active, but she didnt know where, or when he'd surface, or how he'd end up appearing next. "So this is probably no longer my business anymore. You'll no longer need me." She says, shaking the dirt and grit out of her fur before giving her chest a couple of reassuring licks.
Terrace ingored her while she walked ta o pile of dust. She ran her fingers through and scooped some up, she brought it to her nose and sniffed twice before turning her hand sideways and letting it blow away. Rye looked at girl "He knows who you are, he'll be after you too know and anyone you care about." She could feel the shrug basically in Her heart. "He will kill you, they we will come in drones and rip down everything in your life." Rye waved a hand at the piles of dust. A lot of them had fled and disappeared they were good at that rye scowled.
Maddie heard the faint sound of somebody calling Ash. Then, calling Maddie's name as well. Her eye's widen slightly as she crawled down the side of the building. Once she was on the ground, Maddie dashed down the street. Maddie pushed between the crowd of people. Many yelled out in frusteration, other's just shouted out. Maddie ran through the crowd calling out Ash's name. "Ash?!?" She screamed, pushing through loads of people. Usially it's the afternoon to be rush hour, not mornings! She thought bitterly. "Ash! Where are you?" She called out. Maddie stopped in realization. "Ash it's Maddie!" She replied, as other's gave her a side ways glanced. Maddie gave them a sour look, like; What you looking at? Before continuing. Maddie turned into an Alley and huffed. "Where in the world did you go?" She mumbled, to herself. Maddie sat down heavily on the curb.
Girl nearly shrugged at the threat against herself, but hearing of them going after her family and friends her body puffs out in anger. She *hated* when things like this happened, when suddenly they'd go after other just for her getting involved in something. "Well, then I have no choice but to go back anyway." Girl replies with a growl. "From what you say, now they'll end up being involved whether I say or go... I *must* consult with them on my next move." She tells Rye, her voice an angry growl.

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