
(Kinda hard to recap but here goes. bassically our characters are on the run from an evil Doctor named Rickshaw jones, who created newbods. Who are human souls ripped from their bodies. They are on the hunt for Powerful Newbods who can help them win the war against oldbods who are under the doctors control, They are headed to cali for a Newbod who can keep them hidden. Right now they are heading to a mall for clean clothes. If you read the last ten pages you should be pretty much caught up.)
Bellious looks at her. "Don't be ridiculous." He says seriously. "I've lived a full life. We swore to always try and save anyone who needs it, even at the cost of our life. And I take that very seriously." Bellious tells her as he moves to follow Nickkie and his sisters. "And even if it wasn't for that oath, I still would do it because I've come to care about you, and I don't want anything to happen to you." Bellious catches up to her and lays a hand on her shoulder as he sits in the van, his sisters sitting at his feet. "Enough of this talk of dying. Lets just go have fun." He says as he feels his younger sister jump up in surprise and go over to Rye to check out her injuries. "What happened with her?" Bellious asks Terrace, nodding his head in Rye's direction. "We would have heard a fight break out."
Rye bent her head away from prodding hands and shrugged. "Its not even her really hurt. Henri is in pain,she dont know what happening directly but i know its nothing good." Terrace talked while rye raised her hand and gingerly touches her cut and could feel the sticky blood. Terrace looked over the group before crawling into the front seat. She started the car and asked them if they were ready to go before pulling out of the parking lot and headed to the Closet mall. "It will be better if we stick to crowds, i doubt Rickshaw would be dumb enough to send Deathbods after us." She twisted the word with a snarl.
Nickkie looked at Bellious with a small frown, she didn't really want people to risk their lives for her, she wasn't anyone important, and she never would be. She was just an orphan who her own parents hadn't even wanted, if that didn't tell one something about how useless and unwanted they were then nothing would. She was fine with risking her life for someone else, but she didn't want the same done for her. She nodded at what Bellious had said about getting off of the subject, and turned her attention back to Rye.

"As I said, it isn't too bad, I would suggest covering it with a bandage though, most people would notice the fact that you are bleeding if we get around others." she said with a short nod. Then she glanced at Terrace, "I don't know him, but to be honest... he seems a little crazy to me, and the insane never really follow sane plans." she said, for all she knew this Rickshaw would send people after them in the middle of a crowd, after all, he had sent them while they were in the middle of a street.
Rye shrugged and felt a tingle in her cheek, she could feel the skin stitching itself together very slowly. "It will heal itself, soon." She touched her cheek one more time before glancing at Terrace. Who pulled into a parking lot of a semi large mall. "Alright everyone out." Terrace called back, and luke pushed the door to the back open and was out quickly. Victor followed and rye waited untill everyone was out before she left the Volkswagen herself
Kitten growls angrily at the thought of someone who could be a potential ally being hurt. "I agree." May says, nodding to Nickkie. "From what he's put us through so far.. It would be him to change things up a bit, thinking he'd get us unawares." May says, annoyance lacing her voice. "The least we could do is not give him the chance to surprise us, by always being on our guard." Kitten points out with a shrug. "Wouldn't hurt if nothing ends up happening." May grins and pats her sister's knee. "We'll make them sorry they ever brought us into this battle." She says, her grin turning evil at the plans she knew her and Kitten could pull off together, let alone what their whole group could probably do when they were pushed to do it. Bellious sighs and puts his head in his hands. "Here we go again..." He mutters quietly, looking up as the van stops and the door opens. "Alright, sisters, lets cross that bridge when we get to it. Let's go enjoy ourselves until someone else ruins it." He says, trying to stir up the cheer again. Bellious turns to Kitten and May, his blue eyes turning to a steel blue in anger. "And if either of you ruin it first, I swear to the highest of heavens and below you will find out why I hold your lives in my hands, alphas or no." He tells them, iron in his voice as he jumps out of the van and helps both women out and waits to help Nickkie off of the vehicle.
Terrace didnt bother to hear what the others were saying, Niether did Victor as they walked into the Mall with out the others. Rye did listen though since she knew rickshaw the best out of anyone here, well maybe Victor knew if a little better since he could read mines and cam and Luke would know things he was cable of doing to other humans. She sighed and shook her head. Rickshaw was about keeping secret, most Governments had no clue what he was doing. The only ones that did know where those who were willing to supply and pay. Luke stood beside her and patted her head before walking off behind the rest. Rye waiting untill everyone was ahead of her before looking back at the sky the sun was sinking slowly, a good four hours before dark she guessed, but that wasnt what she had in her mind. Rye could feel the evil in the hearts of most of the people in this place. Greedy,selfish, cold hearted humans with little of no humanity left it was fill most of this place. The child were innocent and she was thankful for that. The evil made her dizzy the closer she got to the door and she felt faint as she entered into the building
Nick jumped out of the van without help, she had Donnie still held in her thin arms, it seemed like she really didn't go anywhere without that bear. She closed her eyes and just listened to them, wondering what would happen as time went on, and wondering exactly what she had gotten herself into. It seemed as if it was going to be difficult to pull through this alive, though at the same time she wasn't sure that was a bad thing. As she had told Bellious she had no one, and no matter what they said about them not wanting her to die she realized that it was a very real possibility.

She started walking toward the mall, just holding Donnie to her chest, she looked around at all of the people and frowned some, she had never really enjoyed being around too many people, especially when it came to the fact that they would treat her badly if they knew what she could do. Just as the children at the orphanage had treated her badly, and the families that had adopted her neglected her because they couldn't understand her. She couldn't help but wonder if this world would be better without these people who didn't care about anyone other than themselves, who would run away from any kind of a fight as long as it didn't involve their lives. She sighed, she didn't know what she was, but she could feel that she wasn't exactly human.

(sorry for taking so long, been kind of blah. This wasn't the only RP I was neglecting a bit. But I posted for all of them today yay!)
The siblings look at each other and shrug at Nickkie's choice to get down on her own. May takes a few steps forward as her younger brother and sister move closer to her, they join Nickkie keeping on either side of her to make sure no one tried anything against the younger member of the group, knowing Terrace would keep an eye on the other members. May glances at Kitten's stiff frame as they enter the mall. "Don't assume something will happen between us and the humans." She mutters quietly, watching Kitten's head lower in response to May's comment. "If it happens, it happens, don't immediately go into stiff-attack- mode so soon!" May's blue eyes bore into Kitten from her side glance until Kitten lowers her shoulders and tries to calm down. "Can't forget the threat of something happening from anything else." Bellious mutters quietly to May. "Be decent and try to remember we might have other threats to be stiff against." "Then she should do it how you are doing it." She whispers back fiercely. "People will think she's a gun ready to go off." May tells him, putting a hand on Kitten's shoulder comfortingly, knowing how uncomfortable their sister might be by them whispering about her, even though they knew she could hear it. "Let the fun begin.." Kitten mutters quietly for them to hear, rolling her shoulders to help relax her neck and shoulder muscles.

(sorry i forgot to post, and last night i was way too tired to even focus >.< sorry its so short xD )
Rye was the last to go into the Mall, hiding behind Luke to shield her away from the Evil hearts. She shuddered as Terrace fell into step with her. "You ok?" It was a simple question towards the younger girl, who just nodded and kept walking, she left Luke's shadow and walked into a small Clothing store. The others followed her. Victor and Luke went up to the lady. "We need clothes." Victor let his eyes brighten as he spoke the woman's face slacked just slightly as her eyes glossed over filmy white. "Of course." Her voice was rough and course. "there are others in our group, they need clothes to." The boys walked away and left the woman in her dazed state.

Rickshaw tapped his fingers against his table, he rarely ever slept, well he never slept it was a perk to being non human. Henri laid on the floor writhing in pain as a person with a girlish figure leaned over him, Her fingers elongated and yellowish pressed against his forehead slowly sinking further into his skin. The girl with Yellow skin was murmuring something with black lips, her black tongue sneaking out every so often to wet her lips. Red teeth were filed to a point. Her eyes were closed as she whispered, and the more she whispered the more Henri writhed in pain. As she whispered loudly, Henri started to scream. Rickshaw turned his chair around and looked at the Screens, ignoring the screams, He didn't enjoy this part, he would enjoy it more when it produced information. He sighed and cursed under his breath, as to not disturbed the ritual. Henri was determined not to allow him to see the group... Did he really think they would save him, well let them come, Rickshaw Jones Will be waiting!!.
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Nick wandered around the mall, looking around and holding Donnie to her chest, the bear was obviously old and wouldn't be mistaken for anything that was taken from a store, so there was no worry about that. She tilted her head as she watched Victor use his power on the woman that was running the store, she didn't really understand the point in relying heavily on one's abilities, just because she could do something didn't mean that she should, though she did also understand the need to do something if it meant being able to eat, or to survive.

(sorry short, and sorry for taking so long, just been SOOOO blah lately.)
(thats ok and i know how you feel... I feel like im running on empty lately lol.) 
Rye had picked out an outfit, simple and clean. A Dark blue Hoodie zipped Hoodie, much like the one she wore, a black tank top and Skin tight jeans with boots, She didn't want baggy clothing since thats what the enemies tended to grab onto when fighting. Rye sighed and looked to Terrace, The older woman grabbed an outfit identical to the one she wore.. "We should only grab a few things.. Less to weigh us down." Victor spoke up, for some reason this felt depressing to Rye and she didn't understand why.. she let Henri's pain go to the back of her head, its not like there was much she could do about it now anyway. Cursing she picked a simple night outfit up as well.. She wouldn't use it most likely but it was nice to know she had one just in case. "You are talking to girls." Terrace lifted an eyebrow at him. "and the fact we are magical as well... We can just hide the extra clothing not like it will take up any space or weigh anything if we just let it float in a different dimension." She shrugged and picked up a few more sets of clothing. Luke and rye laughed when Terrace held out a little suit for Victor and made a joke about him being to cute. Victor glared and made a threat about the fact he could make her do very embarrassing things.

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