
Maddie stood, dusting off her jeans. She had grown bored, Maddie glanced around the courtyard. She knew she shouldn't be using her abilitoes in public. But the urge provoked her. Maddie held her handd out to something larger. She could barely hold up something small, let alone part of the train. Whixh, she knew could wieght tons. Maddie's expression harden as the piece of metal began to shake slightly. "Come on." She mumbled, locking her focus into place. The metal began to rise, but only inches off the ground.
Ash got onto the roof, "let's see how good you are." She knew Rye was following her. She ran to a gap between 2 buildings, at least 4 or 7 meters apart(13 or 22 feet I'm pretty sure). She jumped, she landed and continued to run not knowing where she would go.
Rye smirked her quirky little smirk as she headed off to the building behind her. She jumped and flipped landing on her hands and feet. Cats also land on their feet and when she built her new body she created most of her dna from a tiger. Rye kept running at a normally slow speed for her to keep herself in the shadows just because she knew didnt mean she had to reveal herself.
Maddie dragged her hand upwards. Slowly, the metal followed. Maddie's brow furrowed with sweat. She pushed up her hand with a loud groan. Instead of following the command. The metal shot at her. Maddie cried out diving to the side. There was a loud crash as she covered her head. Once the rumble calmed behind her, she stood, and exaimned theimpact. Part of the building had been caved in. "Oh, I Can see the Headline now!" She mumbled to herself. "Random UFO Attack at old Trainyard." She snickered. Maddie dashed off before the police could find her.

Maddie ran out into the street to glance around. She was waiting for Ash, wherever that allusive girl had went. "Ash? Where are you?" She calld out crossing her arms. Maddie turned until she faced the isolated curb. She parked a seat on top, "Guess I'm waiting." She muttered to herself. Maddie glanced at the sun. It would be setting soon and they did have a curfue. "You Better hurry Ash...."
Girl wandered the rooftops, looking out over this foreign pace. She had heard of new experimentations being done and she immediately ran off to inquire what was going on. She growled under her breath as she learned that they were different experiments than what she knew of, but sighed as she realized that the one she hunted was probably not involved in this, or at least she hoped. Girl's concentration broke as she saw a girl run over rooftops ahead of her, shortly followed by another girl. She shook her head with amusement and decided to join the chase, staying a close, but safe distance away from the second girl. Her nose picked up a weird scent from her as the running blew her scent to her. "You smell weird." Girl mutters to the younger girl ahead of her, wondering if she would her her or not.
Rye didn't so much as hear the words as felt them. She growled slightly. She smelled weird? she instead stopped in her tracks she would find the one named ash again she could feel he growing distant she could also feel the one named maddie stop using her powers. She was going to turn and face the old woman but as she picked up her speed again she ingored the one behind her she wanted to know who ash worked for and if it was the company?
Girl tilted her head curiously, wondering what was going on. She was going to shrug it off, except the smells made her want to go on. There were others that were similar to the one she was following, and she wanted to see what happening. She took a step forward but realized that she didn't know if these were friends or foes of the one she had been chasing, so she did know if she was walking into a trap or not. She sat down cross legged, thought to herself and shifted into a small night flyer that was from the area to keep watch from a safer distance, unnoticed .
Ash ran across the roof of the place she worked for, she kept running until the roofs stopped. She landed in the middle of the steet and continued running pushing people out of the way as she went. By now she thought she had lost the person following her but made a sharp turn into another dark alley just in case. She sat down leaning against a wall to catch her breath.
Rye stopped one a building away from the alley ash was leaning against, she stayed hidden keeping herself to the shadows and placing mental blocks so the girl could not feel her. She glanced to the sky quickly and could feel the curiosity oozing from the one who shapeshifted. What was this world coming to. Souls being ripped from bodies and shapeshifters? She was confused and wander if the flyer was part of the same Company they were. Rye closed her eyes and felt all three of the people who peaked her own curiosity. She kept them linked to her powers by threads of emotions to her right hand, they would go no where with out her knowing.
Girl let out a sigh as things started to slow down. She shifted her body to try and find a place to land, the form she had chosen was not known for hovering. Girl found a nearby chimney on the building the girl she was following was on and landed quietly on it, wrapping her wings around her to keep warm as she settled down to wait and watch, her ears flicking every so often to make sure nothing sneaked up on her.
Rye grew annoyed, why was she just sitting there, why was Maddie just sitting at the train yard waiting for Ash.. Rye sighed and jumped off the building ignoring the older woman's eyes on her she moved to where ash was resting. "Well that was a fun run." Her voice seethed with sarcasm. "Any more hoops you want me to jump through?"
Maddie grew impatient. She had risen to her feet, "Ash! Where Are You?" She screamed, Maddie glanced to the sky, then to her watch. "We're going to be late!" She called out, unervingly. "Remember how the Boss hate's us being late? And I'm on my Third straw mark." She yelled. Maddie huffed in denial. She began to walk where she had saw Ash run to, until she came to an Alley. Maddie turned the corner she saw her go dpwn, just empty. "Ash?" She called out, more smoothly.
Maddie grew impatient. She had risen to her feet, "Ash! Where Are You?" She screamed, Maddie glanced to the sky, then to her watch. "We're going to be late!" She called out, unervingly. "Remember how the Boss hate's us being late? And I'm on my Third straw mark." She yelled. Maddie huffed in denial. She began to walk where she had saw Ash run to, until she came to an Alley. Maddie turned the corner she saw her go dpwn, just empty. "Ash?" She called out, more smoothly..
Kitten's back stiffened as she saw another girl enter the equation. She had known there were others that smelt similar to the ones she had seen, but she hadn't known another one would show up so soon. She shifted her eyes into that of a night hunters to see better, turned her ears into those of a wild cat, and started to lengthen teeth in a quiet snarl, not wanting to start problems, but to be ready in case things took a sudden change and she needed to protect herself.
"Okay okay!" She turned to Rye. "Listen, you should just forget about this and let us go 'kay?" She used her power to make her leave and forget this happened. "Let's go." she jumped onto the roof and made her way over the where the worked, she looked around to make sure there was no one following her. No one was there so she slipped through a window and waited for Maddie to catch up.
Rye shook her head slightly dazed at the girls powers untilher right hand twitched. What was that thread for? She ran her fingers over the thread of light and the memories linked to the thread wheeled. Well that was interesting. She muttered and jumped onto the roof landing on her knees and hands. The thread jerked again and faded to a ring of light around her middle finger as she walked away. The memories and thoughts and feeling were always linked to the heart so no matter what the brain would forget the heart would not and the heart was her power, her domain. Rye smirked as she headed back to a hotel, she glanced at the place were the older woman still in her shifted form perched, she stopped and stared for a moment then turned and disappeared over the roof tops.
Girl shook off the forced mutations, returning to the winged animal and followed the strange girl until she got safely to the hotel. She looked around then flew off in another direction, maybe she'd see what those two other strange girls were going to do, and why it was so risky to be late.
Maddie's eye's widen as she encountered Ashes power. As soon as Ash left, the other girl left away too. Maddie turned and followed where Ash had went. Once safely inside she turned to Ash. "How'd you do that back there? Is that your power? Your not supposed to use it on people!" Maddie cried. "What if the bss caught you, caught me? Oh Lord." She mumbled, they had just made deadline. "Let's get this over with Ash."
"The boss would have never found out, if he did I can change that." Ash smiled to herself. "You can go first..." She stood behind Maddie as she was scared of the boss in person.

(I'll Rp as 'the boss' if that's okay)
Rye laid in bed, she covered her legs with a blanket. After living in the "Dorms" They had to while being captives she had become very sensitive about things keeping her still. Even blankets it felt like she was being strangled. She sighed propping pillows up and lounging against them. The Middle finger on her hand glowed a bright yellow, showing cowardice the girl was scared, she could feel it rolling off of her ring of light. Rye sighed again and stood up. this is going to be one suckish night. She hit the roof tops and stayed far away this time out of the girls power range as she listened she laid on her back against the cold roof top. What as making this girl so afraid because she was sure the yellow was not meaning pure joy in this case. she glanced at it again and watched as the thread un raveled and slithered towards Ash trying to reconnect with its owner but she held fast to it.
(Yeah that's Fine [MENTION=4365]Lolliypops[/MENTION])

Maddie smirked slightly at Ash. She pushed open the door and headed inside the cramped office. Thier 'Boss' sat groomed in his chair. Maddie shook slightly, barely noticable as she took a seat in the office. Although, Maddie was usially the Brave one, at this given point she was terrified. She crossed her leg's and sat positivly straight. "Hello sir." She allowed herself to say, hopefully not in a disrespectful way.
Ash followed behind her and sat next to her.

He smiled, not a very happy smile but a 'happy to eat you' one. "Hello Maddie" He replied in a sarcastic tone. "Firstly, how did it go? Secondly, Ash I need to speak to you without Maddie." He knew that Ash had used her power and was looking forward to reprimanding her.

Ash's eyes widened but she tried to keep calm. "I don't know about her." She pointed at Maddie. "But I was followed for a while and the customer was late." She explained, Ash wanted to get this done as soon as possible.
Kitten silently sneaks across the roof in her two-legged form, her black tail hanging low, and her cat ears perked, and finds a metal chimney pipe. She looks over the edge of the roof to find a window that looked into the room that Ash, Maddie and a stranger were talking. She got up, wrapped her tail around the pipe and lowered herself into the window to watch what was going on inside.
Rye felt a tugged on her thread, its was a Golden yellow curiosity? She sat up straight and glanced at the direction the thread was pulling. From the same building. She looked over and saw someone sneaking across the building. "What the heck is this person up to now?" She mutter getting into a crouching position to stay hidden she raced across the rooftops onto the building with the three woman. "Its starting to feel like a party." A sudden wave and dizziness hit her and she sank to her knees gasping. Evil intent so strong in a black heart with a foul smell that knocks her off her feet. She gasped and shook her head and threw a wall around her heart detaching the thread of his heart trying to reach out. She stood up and stumbled over to the ledge, were a black tail was wrapped around a metal pipe. She glanced over the side and smirked. "What are you doing?" She smirked
Maddie held her head down low. She didn't look up at th boss. "Um, The one I Was supposed to report had dissapeared. He bailed before I coud provide with detail." Maddie levitated a small pebble on the floor, as she focused on her worda. Maddie was terrified of how he would react, but she kept her expression calm. Maddie glanced up at the 'boss' once, but she was really awaiting for him to give her permission to leave. Or Give her another mission. Maddie hoped it wasn't a lame, deliver something, or wait for someone kind of mission. Thats when Maddie heard a voice, she glanced upwards at a nearby window to see a cat-like thing and a girl spying into the windows. Hmmm....

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