
Bellious grins at Ash's excitement. "Yes. My orders were to be with Girl. So I will be staying with you guys. Eventually the rest of our group will be too." Bellious's blue eyes turn to Terrace she pulls out her own weapons. "Not bad." He says with an appreciative eye to the workmanship. Bellious turns to his sister as she lets out a growl. "May I ask what you mean't by that?" Girl says, her tail curled tightly around her.
Terrace smirked and looked at Bellious. "Bellious and I have met before and he let slip a little secret." She grinned wider before shrugging and sticking her hands into her pocket. Terrace turned as rye walked out of the shadows and eyed the boy who waqlked with her.. blackhair with a blue streak she noticed it was natural. His eyes where almost silver and they glowed. "Hey guys." Rye mutter and looked to the boy she had met in the house before turning to the others ."this is. Luke." He smiled akwardly and wave slightly. "He is like us.. but he doesn't talk."
Ash tried to hide her exitment but it got the best of her. She jumped up and down clapping her hands "yay!" She turned to Luke and poked him on the arm. "Why don't you talk? Talking is fun." She asked a very serious look on her face.
Rye looked at luke and he cocked his head slightly at her and smiled awardly. "Hes the generation of newbods from a lab in Ukraine that took out the voiceboxes because they were better warriors if they couldnt talk." Luke looked at the group the whole time and rye knew from his emotions that he was nervous of their reaction but rye was more nervous if that when she told them he murder his oldbods family how would they react. She pointed to him and tried to smile. "Luke can weaponize nature.. anything that has to do with earth."
"You poor thing.." She said hugging him when Rye explained the part about his voice. "Awesome!" Was her reaction to the last part. "Is there any way we can get his voice back?" She asked Rye desperately.
Bellious grins as Girl chuckles at Ash's reaction to the news. Girl turns her eyes from Terrace to Bellious with a growl as she hears the news of her nickname and growls. "How could you let that slip?" She growls to him quietly. "Now you better not die, we're definitely going to deal with this when we get home." She tells him only semi-angrily. Both siblings turn as Rye comes in with a new arrival. They exchange glances as they hear Luke's story and Ash's question. Girl shrugs to Bellious. "We have a brother and his wife who are decent healers." Bellious states. "But who knows what is all needed. It's not like a simple cut or broken bone. They *removed* his voice box. I don't know if Bruno could simply heal it like he does all our other wounds. Maybe he could help him regrow one... or maybe just give him a new one..." Bellious thinks out loud. "But say we got just any certain donated voice box, wouldn't that chance what voice he gets? Voice box from a girl, girl voice and the other way around?" Kitten asks curiously. "Wrong person to ask, sissy." Bellious replies with a shrug of his own. "We'd have to ask him when he finally gets to get over to us." Bellious looks over to Luke. "Don't worry though, we will.. Maybe there is something we could be able to figure out. It wouldn't hurt to try." He tells the newcomer honestly.
Maddie turned to Ash as she spoke to her, "I absolutly agree." She smiled devilishly as she heard a voice. Maddie turned to see a new person heading there way, this one was a boy. She watched him with great suspicion, until Girl began to leap with excitment. Although sh knew this was Girl's brother, she couldn't help But not trust him. Showing up at a random time, with a bag of weapon's doesn't sound very friendly. Maddie noted his appearence. It was close to her's but she had Piercing green eye's, not blue. Like him. As he handed out weapon's, she couldn't help but glance at the bag. Maddie's attentiin was drawn to him, when he spoke to her. She shrugged at his question, quietlu, she walked to the bag and began to look through it.

Maddie smiled as her eye's swept across a silver sword. She pulled it out and exaimined it delicatly. "This will do." She proclaimed. Maddie turned to Bellious, "My Name's Maddilynn. Call me Maddie.' She replied, exaiming a dagger that laid in the bad as well. Personally, she lovedanything she could get her hands on. But se loved sharp items the most. Maddie looked over at Ash and Bellious as they spoke to each other. She remained quiet, until she decided to sit on the curb. Maddie exaimned everything. Suddenly, thefe was a new kid and Rye, as thy walked up. Apparently he had something wrong.

Maddie quickly stood, as she looked to Luke. She wondered something before actually announcing something. "Luke, If you can't talk mentally, maybe you can talk physically." She reguarded."Do you know sign language?" She asked, giving Ash n sideway's glance as she bouncd around. Who gave her something? She wondered to herself. Ash was acting extrememly odd to her. Which made her slightly crack a grin. But dissapeared in the matter of seconds.
Bellious nods his head at Maddie's choice. "Very nice. One of my favorites to make." He tells her, walking over to her, noticing she was eying up some of his other works. "Take as many as you'd like to use. Do you think only my sister could get a lot?" He jokes with a grin. "And my name is Bellious." He tells her, holding out his hand. "Shame he doesn't have a nickname I could blab to you..." Kitten mutters spitefully, still at his shoulder. Kitten shrugs. "Oh well, I'll just have to settle with embarrassing stories." She says with a wink to Maddie, dodging the light playful smack he aimed at her. "Maybe after all of the fighting is done." Bellious retorts. "And I have more on you than you on me so stay silent." Kitten's eyes go wide as she makes a show of closing her mouth and locking it. She turns to Terrace and Rye with a look that seemed to say- "Well, what next?"
Luke looked at Rye, so she could tell what was going through his heart, it wasnt like Luke missed talking, as a new bod he never talked and as an oldbod he had talked to much. He was one of those annoying know it all when he had his old body and in this body he was fine with just remaining silent at least now he had a choice and that itself made him somewhat grateful. He was also grateful for meeting others like him he didnt have to kill, he had spent to many years killing newbods for the sake of Rickshaw and was happy to be out from under him and free well as free as any of them could be with Rickshaws shadow looming over them. Rye frowned as she tried to follow what his heart was saying but smiled to him in reassurance. When kitten spoke Terrace and rye looked at each other amused..then when she asked them what next they stated together simply "We find others." Rye smiled and terrace shrugged shoving her hands into her pockets and looking at rye. "Where to?" rye frowned closed her eyes and lifted threads from her own heart..Most of the time she alone could see her power unless she opened the hearts of others around her then they two could see., it was like a flower blossoming right in front of her chest when she searched for others, . Rye opened her eyes. " I see a young boy no older then ten or at least appeared to be sitting on a curb in rags, then a older man in a business suit walking down the street drinking coffee.. A woman in her late twenties working in a dinner" She muttered embarrassed that her power was basically stalking people. "I can find others but these three are the most powerful in the surrounding area, no doubt the boy sensed me probing him.. but if we split up we can find and talk to all three, it would be better then coming at them in a group that would frighten them" So if me, luke and terrace go after the boy that leaves two others."
Bellious and Kitten exchange glances. "I think we'll take the woman at the diner." Bellious says, speaking for him and his sister. "Where is it located?" Kitten asks, her tail wrapped around her body.
Rye smiled gently and nodded her head. "that leaves the man on the street, who is now at his office a lawye working in Maine.. but the woman in the diner is in New York. Should we meet back here after we get out guest?. In the motel around the corner on market-street.?"
Kitten thumps her tail excitedly. Bellious touches her shoulder and they turn to go in a different direction, heading to New York to try and find the woman working in the diner.
Terrace smirked and looked to rye.."Are we off?" She asked in a purr and rye looked to luke who nodded that he was ready. She smiled and looked to the west, they were off to Maryland.. "Lets go." The three headed to a train station, which Luke and rye would be taking, terrace would be going back between Ryes team and Kitten's shadow passing between states. Terrace went into a stall and disappeared. Rye looked to Luke. "Its just me and you i guess." She was almost sad to see everyone leave like that. Luke smiled at her slightly, he knew how sad she was, they were her friends and they had left but they would find the boy in rags and they would get him to join their cause. Rickshaw had to go down and they were going to take him out. "Lets go." She nodded towards the bathroom door and went to board the train heading for the boy
Kitten and Bellious walk down the sidewalk, looking for the diner. "Should be around...Here." Bellious says, turning and finding the diner on his right. Kitten starts to walk into the diner in her panther form. "Woah there." He says, grabbing her tail with one hand and grabbing her with his other hand, forcing her into her two legged form. "Not a good idea to walk in like that, sister." Bellious points out with a grin. Kitten smirks a him before grabbing the door and holding it open for him. They look at the sign in the diner and grin as they realize they could pick their own seats. Kitten runs over and finds a booth, she sits on one side, kicks her legs up onto the other side, and pats the empty area next to her for him to sit. "And now we wait." Kitten tells him with a grin as she picks up a menu and hands the other to her brother. "And now we wait." He confirms with his own grin as he starts to look through the different choices of food.
Rye and luke sat on the train as it pulled into the station. "We are here." She pumped her fist into the air and smiled at luke as he smirked at her. They walked down the street and stopped at the corner for rye to stop and use her powers to locate him. The boy was still on a curb just a different street. "He moved." The crossed the street and turned a corner. " Ive been waiting for you." A small voice stated flately. "Sorry." Rye stated and smiled at the boy who just stared at her. The boy with powers that delt with minds as well as being able to tell who had what power and when they used it as well as being able to control minds, that is why choose this boy as her target. The others held great powers of their own.
Nickkie walked slowly, she looked around with her dark sapphire eyes and thought of how everything was around there, she saw children who were on the street, alone; like she was. She knew that this was normal, some children lived on the streets, others in orphanages. She hated the orphanage that she had been left at, but that was in the past. Now she had to learn to live on her own in this cold and harsh world, she held her teddy bear to her chest with her thin arms, the girl was small for her age, and thinner than she probably should have been, but getting food when you had no home or anyone to care for you wasn't exactly easy. She reached up with one pale hand and pushed her long silver hair over her shoulder (at least, it's supposed to be silver, currently it was dirty, getting a bath wasn't easy living on the streets either), and turned her head to notice a diner, she stopped and blinked, then she smiled some, maybe she could manage to get some food there.

Nick took a moment to look at her reflection in the glass of the diner, she took in the fact that she was thinner than the last time she looked at herself, she looked at the dirt that smudged her pale skin, the large sapphire eyes that held innocence, though could hold knowledge beyond her young years just as easily, she noticed how dirty her hair was and frowned a little, then she looked at her dress, it was a simple blue dress, though now it was faded and dirty. She knew that no one in there would give her food, you had to have money to eat in a place like that, she frowned and her stomach rumbled, all she wanted was to get to eat something hot instead of having to scavenge for her food and possibly eat out of the trash. She found herself hating those that had abandoned her, putting her in the position that she was in, she shook her head and turned to start walking away, she would just have to find somewhere else to eat, and hope that it wasn't too bad.

(Kitten or Bellious can notice her)
Kitten and Bellious receive their meals excitedly. Kitten looks at her food and notices that there were mushrooms on the food she had ordered. "Um, ma'am.." Kitten says nervously. "I didn't want mushrooms..." She says quietly, she didnt like to be a problem. The waitress laughs kindly. "Alright dear, thats fine. Let me take care of that for you." She lays a finger on it, her eyes closed. "There, it should be fixed." She says kindly, opening her eyes a couple of minutes later. "Check it out." Kitten lifts the bun, her eyes growing wide as she realizes the waitress was right. "That's cool." Kitten says in awe. "Hey, my sister also asked for a switch of applesauce instead of the coleslaw.." Bellious adds with a smile, his eyes watching her with interest. The waitress gives him a look as if to say 'Are you serious?' and lays a finger on the slaw, changing that as well. "Would you like some cinnamon with that?" She asks jokingly, seemingly pulling a container of cinnamon out of thin air. Kitten snorts in amusement, shaking her head. "I like this woman." She tells her brother with a grin, watching him shake with laughter. Kitten's eyes notice Nickkie looking in through the window. "Oh brother... We gotta let her have something to eat." She says, feeling her heart wrench. Bellious gets out of his seat, and rushes out to Nickkie. "Would you like something to eat, sweetie?" Bellious asks gently, holding his hand out to her, palm showing as a sign that he didn't want to hurt her. Kitten looks over to the waitress and asks her to bring some food and drinks for the young girl, and that anything the girl ordered, they would pay for.
"Well now what?" The boy asked Rye, she gave him a look and glanced at luke. "Well luke, rye?" Luke's eyes widen and rye could sense the boy might be a little rude, or evil. They just had to restore his faith in humanity. A boy with no family and no memory, she felt sorry for him and understood why he was the way he was. "Well no we go to find our friends.. TERRACE!" Rye yelled into the air and terrace slipped out of the shadows. "You called?" The older woman asked with a sly smirk at the three youngsters. Rye gave her a flat look. "Yes, Can you tell the others we are coming to them..." She looked at the boy and then to Terrace. "The boy has some disturbing news." Terrace nodded then looked to the boy before looking at rye. "I have some news as well.. Kitten has found the woman, plus there is an extra mouth to feed." Rye looked confused but terrace cut her off "They will explain.. Ill go to them and let them know that you found him." Terrace slid through the shadow and walked out of women and sat next to kitten ordering a plain coke before they even noticed her.
(Everyone is supposed to be looking for certain characters, was a boy, a waitress, and a business man. I joined 'cause I could. *nod*)
Nick had been in the process of walking away when she heard a voice behind her, she turned, raising her eyebrows as she looked at Bellious. "Who said I'm sweet?" she asked, she was hungry, but she didn't like to appear weak to people. Though if she would use her age to her advantage she could probably get further than she was. Nick didn't want to use people, though her stomach growled loudly, making it very obvious just how hungry she really was, "Food would be nice though..." she said, she wasn't entirely sure about accepting food from strangers, but she figured that she could handle herself if anything happened. She shrugged and didn't take his hand, instead she just walked to the door and pulled it open with just a little difficulty. She walked inside and then walked toward Girl instead of waiting for Bellious since she had seen them sitting together from the other side of the window.

Nick looked up at Girl and then crawled onto the seat, setting Donnie beside her, she tilted her head, she ordered food for herself, ordering more food than a child her size should possibly be able to eat, but she hadn't had a decent meal in a while, and planned to eat as much as she could, and possibly take some with her.

(perhaps read back a bit and find what your character was doing last. I would guess that you and Maddie were supposed to be heading off to find the business man.)
OCC: Thanks.

Maadie smiled as everyone decended off. She looked over at Ash, "Buissness man?" She mumbled. "Leave the Guy to us." She replied, turning to Ash. Maddie shoved her hands in her pocket's as her eye's were covered with her blondish golden hair. Maddie waited silently, "Where do we even go?" She asked out loud, befumbled by their mission. Maddie thought about their old mission tha they were abandoning. She wondered whether or not their 'Boss' woul be upset by their abandonment.

"Maddie~!" Ash called in a sing song voice. Her vision was blurred and she was finding it hard to even stand up straight. She took a few steps towards what she thought was Maddie but ended up being a wall, "get outta my way!" She punched it and fell backwards. "F**k!" Ash cursed before blacking out.
Bellious blinks in confusion and walks back to his seat, a hand over his mouth to hide his chuckles. "She reminds me of you." He whispers quietly in his sister's ear, his eyes flicking to Nickkie, nodding a greeting to Terrace as he watches her sip her coke. The woman returns with all of Nickkie's orders. Before the waitress got to leave, Kitten grabs her arm gently. "We'll be making a few more orders, there are others to our group that probably haven't eaten in a while. So we are prepared to take home a lot of doggie bags, my brother and I." Kitten warns kindly, grinning as she sees the woman nod in understanding. "I'll get some things started in the kitchen." She says warmly, as she heads off to the kitchen excitedly. "What should I tell her?!" Kitten mutters furiously to Terrace. "How should I break the news to her?" "You mean about how you need me to join you guys?" The waitress asks, walking back to the table with some desserts for the company. "I had a gut feeling for weeks that things were going to change, and dreams about you and your brother coming in for dinner." She explains. "How many of you are there in this group?" The waitress asks, taking count of the number of people sitting in the booth. "Well, there are 2 other girls going to find another of your kind... There's Rye, and she already has a friend and she was in search of someone else... Thats 3 more..." Kitten shrugs. "Who knows how big the group will be." She answers honestly. "But load us up, brother and I can handle a lot." The waitress laughs hard at that comment. "I don't doubt it, pantera." She says with a grin as Kitten's eyes go wide. "I saw that slip-up outside the diner. How did you think I knew it was safe to show you who I was?" The woman points out, turning to go back to the kitchen with a wave over her shoulder. "Well, your dreams could have been a tip-off." Kitten mutters darkly, loud enough for everyone to hear. She turns her head and sees the waitress about to enter the kitchen. "Whats you're name?" Kitten calls out to the waitress' back. "Cam Biare." The waitress replies with a laugh as she see's Kitten's red face. "Now let me get back to the food for the group!" She yells, not letting Kitten reply before the door shuts behind her.

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