
Terace glances at Kitten with a grin and winked at her. "Rye and luke have found the boy." she stated simply and popped an icecube out of her cup and into her mouth munching on it quietly. "Maddie and ash have not yet found the man, Ask is indisposed at the moment." She turned to the girl farther down the end. "and you are little one?" she asked quietly. 
Rye sat in the middle of the two boys on the train heading back to Newyork to the Diner with the woman. She Could sense her and her powers... her heart was pure and rye cared only she had agreed to join then, though she had a feeling she would her powers were more active now then ever dancing along her finger tips and wrapping around her wrist. she shuddered and Luke placed a arm on her shoulder empathy was strong in his heart. The boy was unaware, even though he knew what she was thinking he had no concern, he only wanted to gain what was his and leave.. his freedom and memories and no more worries of rickshaw jones looming.. There was war in the air they could all smell it and it smelt of death. Rye could feel tears sting her eyes as the hearts of those around her ached for one thing or another. The boy leaned forward to Luke. "We might have to get off." he muttered quietly.."She wont be thinking straight if these morons keep affecting her this way, the hearts here are too dark for her to handle." The three got off the train as quickly as possible. opting instead for a cab to New york. They reached the Diner quicker then she could have thought possible and as she looked at the boy he looked drained and weary but still managed to trick the man into thinking they hand him three hundred dollars. The three slowly walked inside the diner looking tired and drained as they slumped onto stools. "Is there anyway we can get a booth?" Rye asked laying her head on the counter
Kitten nods her head and rolls her eyes at the latest news on Ash. "What's happened now?" She growls lightheartedly, covering her face in her hands. Kitten's ears prick as she hears a familiar voice. " Rye, get your ass over here!" Kitten cries jokingly as her older brother shoves her as he starts to laugh. "I'm pretty sure my brother and I could make room for ya, I'll just have to sit on his lap!" She adds, lifting herself off of the seat, allowing Bellious to push himself over before she sat down on his lap.
Nick looked at the food as it was brought, her dark sapphire eyes brightening some, she started to eat, and didn't seem to bother with following the conversations around her; she was there for the food. She glanced up when she heard someone talking to her, even though she wanted to continue eating, she closed her eyes for a moment, taking a bit to finish chewing her food and swallow it. "I'm Nickkie." she said with a nod, she didn't bother offering a last name, just a first. She also didn't bother saying anything about being called 'little one', she viewed that as an accurate description of her, since she was a very small girl.

She eyed Girl as she moved into her brother's lap to make room for the other girl, then she tilted her head and shrugged her small shoulders before deciding to go back to her food. Normally she would have introduced them to Donnie as well, but she was a bit too worried about eating to do so. She also knew that Donnie wasn't actually alive even though she did pretend that he was at times to help with the loneliness that she felt, even living on the streets it seemed that most of the other children out there avoided her as they had at the orphanage, it seemed that she would always be alone unless she found the right odd people to fit in with. She glanced up at those around them, wondering if maybe they were the odd group she was supposed to fall in with, they certainly seemed to be a bit different than others, but she decided that she would wait and find out over time, maybe she would just take Donnie and go. She didn't think her young heart could take any more abandonment, even if that meant that she would have to fight and struggle her way through life.
"I am terrace, this is rye and luke and I dont know the boy's name." Terrace sighed and turned to kitten.. "I have no idea but she hit a wall." She shrugged and sipped her coke again before looking to rye. "Why are you so tired?" She asked sarcastically earning her a dirty look for the younger girl. The boy sat on the stool next to rye, and luke sat at the end they had almost filled the whole counter up. Rye chuckled and looked to the boy then to Nikkie they looked the same age,maybe they would be friends but she new the boy was younger then he appeared but also older in his mind for he could gain knowledge from people and people were always around. "Why not go talk to the girl." Rye whispered to the Boy he huffed and turned to his food. Like the girl he had lived on the streets, but unlike her he had fed off the enegry of people around him. He turned and jumped off his stool a little short for his age he walked over and sat next to Nikkie glaring at the counter. Rye watched him intently. "I have chosen the name victor." he stated simply holding his hand out in an awkward stance it was clear he didst socialize very much
Kitten groans in exasperation at the news about Ash. "Guess someone will have to keep an ear out on her." She grumbles, thinking of which sibling would be good for the work. Bellious's blue eyes notice Nickkie's buddy who sat next to her. "So whats your friend's name?" He asks kindly, motioning to the teddy bear beside her. Kitten's eyes fall on Nickkie and the way she ate. "Slow down sweetie. We'll keep it with us for later if you dont finish everything tonight. And we'll make sure everyone has enough food to last them. Heck! We're having a waitress who sides as a cook join our merry band of misfits." Kitten points out with a smile. "You won't have to worry about food with me and my clan. I swear to you." She says seriously, colors under her clothing starting to glow through the black shirt she was wearing.
Nickkie looked at the boy when he came over, "You can call me Nick." she said, taking his hand and shaking it, she then started to eat again, she was eating a bit slower now that she had gotten over her initial hunger. She looked at Bellious, then at the bear, "Donnie." she said simply, she looked at Kitten, tilting her head, "Who said I am sweet?" she asked, she would stick with that question until someone gave her an answer to it, "As for the food, you go a week having to dig food out of the trash and see how you feel about eating something that is hot and fresh." she said. Nick tilted her head as she noticed the colors, she blinked a few times, then went back to eating, deciding not to ask questions.
Victor looked at her for a moment then went back to rye and luke sitting next to Rye once again before luke to his spot. The young boy smiled devilishly at the older boy who gave him a dirty look. "So what now?" Rye asked the others. Terrace shrugged. "we didnt tell the others we were here, maybe you should find them." Rye directed the question towards Terrace who gave her a dirty look. "We can call them at a payphone they should pass one soon. The older woman stated coldly. "Or we could have one of Kittens siblings run along and find them.. There good hunters." She smirked at Kitten around her straw. Rye rolled her eyes and looked to the boys as they dug into the food set before them. Rye closed her eyes as she felt a thread from the woman's heart wrapped around her finger, now almost all her fingers had rings of light around them. The rings each represent a heart that she was Connected to and the only way to get rid of the ring was if the person had died. 
Rickshaw leaned back in his highchair with a smirk present on his face, a cold murderous smirk. If they thought they would get away from him they were wrong. He frowned slightly, he did not expect the ones he created to be so weak and ask for help. He thought for sure they would either come running back or they would fight and get captured. Rickshaw Jones sat up straight and pushed a few buttons. The phone rang and someone picked up a gravel voice spoke. "My puppets have cut their strings.,.. I think it is time for them to get a taste of what it is like to go against the master.." He waited for a reply and looked gravely at the screen in his office. They found two second generations and a strange girl... Her picture was up on a screen revolving around in circles. He looked at the blank list of information.."I want all the information you can obtained about an orphan named Nickkie...." His voice was cold and thoughtful, he didnt just need to grab the newbods, these other creatures will make useful pets as well. He hung up and dialed another number, a number to the Diner they now sat in. He would make them an offer they couldn't resist. He waited until a man picked up and then asked for The waitress named cam, offering a Home for the orphan, A way out for Kitten and her family and Terrace a job.. And the waitress could go free.. Well he kept in his mind untill he decided he could use her. In exchange Rye and the others would be taken for test and let free after a few months...Or years which ever he choose..
Kitten blinks, a grin spreading over her mouth. "Well we call all young ones sweetie. But don't worry, I'll find a reason eventually." She says, laughing as Bellious leans into her. "We never called sis here sweetie." He tells her, his eyes sparking with laughter. "No, you didnt." She laughs, pushing him to sit back again. Kitten glances at Terrace as she makes the comment about her family. "I don't doubt they would eventually find them, if we asked. I just dont want to burden them with too much too quickly. I'd be paying for that later." She tells Terrace. "I am not one to try and order our alpha around too much..." Kitten says, half in jest, half serious. Cam walks out of the kitchen stiffly, motioning for Kitten and Bellious to come to her. "I just got a phone call that might interest you." She says quietly, telling them about the message and everything he had offered. "I doubt he'll keep his word. I trust my gut and my gut rolls every time I try and figure the situation out to our benefit." She tells them seriously. "I will not abandon your side though. But I thought you all would like to know the new changes to the game." Kitten nods her head, glad for the warning. "Thank you. We'll see what everyone else's opinions are. If we are to split, then we will split, but my brother and I will meet back up with our family, and attack Rickshaw alone if we must. Will you be with us?" Kitten asks, grinning as the waitress nods her head even before she had finished the sentence. "Thank you." She says solemnly. "Let me get back to my cooking sweet, while you guys plan, no matter what happens, we will still need food." Cam says, patting Kitten's cheek affectionately as she goes back into the kitchen. "Looks like I'll be closing down the Diner for a while..." She mutters to herself, giving every other worker warning in advance, and assuring them that as soon as she was back, she would call them to get them back to work. Kitten and Bellious walk back to their table, without bothering to go back into their seats. "We've got some changes to our gameplay." Kitten says quietly, her ears twitching every which way, keeping an eye on the sounds around them as she tells them the new predicament they've been put up against. "So. what will we do?" Kitten asks finally. "Kitten's and my moves are clear, but we want to know what all of you want to do now that this has been put up to us." Bellious adds, standing by Kitten's shoulder as a support for what might end up happening. Kitten ventures to put a comforting hand on Nickkie's small hand as a signal that no matter what happened, or what the others chose, that they still wished her to stay with them, unless she didnt want to get involved in the incoming difficulties.
Nick shook her head as they talked about why they called her sweetie, "Until you find a reason, then please, refrain from calling me that." she said, she went back to eating her food and only glanced up when they left the table. She finished eating what she was going to eat while they were gone and had leaned back with her hands on her stomach, it felt so good to have food in her stomach. She kept her eyes closed as she listened to what Kitten and Bellious were saying.

When they mentioned that this person that she didn't even know had offered to find her a home she opened her eyes, eyes that were suddenly much darker than they had been before. Nick frowned, "I do not know who this person is, but I do not care for those that would presume to know what is best for me when they do not even know me." she said, she sat up, pulling Donnie into her lap. "I do not know enough of your situation to know what I should do, but I do realize that if this person is controlling enough to know where we all are and to call here specifically to say such things and to offer a home to someone who has only been here for a few moments, then I do not like it. I will be accepting no homes from those who do not know me and are ill equipped to take care of me. If I find another home it will be of my own choosing, and not come from someone like that." she said, as she spoke a very light wind stirred around the diner, though it was kept calm despite her feelings. "As for what I want to do now, currently I desire a bath."
Terrace snorted with coke in her mouth and nearly choked on it.Rye patted her back while feeling the emotions roll through each one of them. She looked down. "Rickshaw doest lie, he just alters the truth." Rye looked to Victor but he shrugged and looked away while biting a doughnut in his hands, the boy only cared for sweets at this moment. "Rickshaw would let us all go, but he doesn't like being out witted. He would though send someone to kill or capture us." She stood up and stretched "But i will not sit around somewhere, where he can show up at anytime. Rickshaw knows where we are he knows what we are doing and will show up giving the chance." Rye looked at each with concern. "I didnt want anyone of you to get involved with this." she put her face into her hands and held back tears. Victor look up at her. "To damn bad, we are here and we are going to fight him, but dont worry we are going to live through this right luke?" The older boy nodded his head and tried to smile it was strained for him.

Terrace stood up and put a hand on her shoulder. "Rye... Things happen out of our control, but we are all here and we are not going any where. Rickshaw has not affected all of us, well besides the little girl." Terrace sat back down with her legs spread and her hands gripping the seat between them. "Besides we all have someone to deal with and the sooner we get One evil villain off the planet the better for us and the better the chance good has to win." Luke nodded sadly and Victor bit into an apple ignoring everyone, of course with his powers he heard everyone's speech in their heads already. Victor stood up and looked out the window, going towards wall and crawling over a booth seat to get a better closer view of the city. "We are about to have company." Rye looked at him and ran over to the window crawling over the booth seat across the table. "I cant get a read on their hearts, they are blocking them... What are you getting vic?" She looked worriedly over to the group behind them.
Kitten stands up angrily, baring her teeth in a snarl as the anger helped her start to shift faster. "Then let's meet them in force, eh brother?" She says, her tail slashing in anger and excitement. Bellious nods and runs over to the doors to the kitchen. "Cam, stay inside. Lock up everything and we'll rap on the window to let you know to come out." He tells her kindly, shutting the door before she had a chance to argue. Kitten's grin widens as she reaches into her back to pull out the sword Bellious had just given her, wrapping her tail around the hilt to hold it as she finished transforming into her bigger panther form. Kitten shifts her shoulders, calling on one of her greater sized wing spans to come out of her back. She molds them against her sides, making them seem invisible until she was ready to use them in the upcoming fight. Kitten looks back at her tail before trying a few experimental swings with her sword using her tail. She grins at her brother and gives a deep purr of acceptance of the blade although knowing her brother would always make it just perfect for her. Kitten's eyes spark with envy as she watches her brother pull out an obsidian sword from a sheath hidden under his shirt. "Don't worry." He tells her with a grin. "There's a matching one for you too." Bellious explains, still grinning. "I wanted you to test this one first. After this fight, you can have the next new one to try out." He says, his grin turning wicked. "Just hope I dont decide to torture you and leave the obsidian for last." He teases. "Now lets see what happens."
Nick shook her head a little, she wasn't so sure that she really cared for the direction that all of these events were pointing to, it seemed as if there was someone out there wanting to control their lives, and her's just by circumstances of her being here. She wasn't going to stand for that, she was her own person, even though she was only eight years old, she knew that she was going to live her life to her rules. She blinked and moved Donnie off of her lap, moving to look out the window, her pale hands pressed to the glass as she looked past her reflection at the gathering enemies. She blinked as Kitten and Bellious ran outside, "Are we really going to let them fight alone?" she asked quietly, she wasn't really sure about letting others do all the fighting even though she wasn't really trained very well.
(Changing the color of my characters so we know who is talking Rye will be Red, terrace purple, victor green)

Rye looked to Nickkie with a confused look, "They are not going out yet, they are just testing the weapons." Terrace chuckled and shook her head while pulling out two Sais and flicking them so the blades go longer. "They do this every time from what he said." She walked over to where kitten was standing. "Wanna play a game" She winked at her with a smirk and twirled her weapons in her hands.

Luke Grabbed ryes hand and tugged. She looked outside and watched as the enemies walked pass the diner not even looking in for the moment and then they disappeared around a corner. "That was weird." Rye looked to victor. "They didn't even notice us, its like we were hidden." The boy looked to the others and looked around at the customers they were being ignored as if they did not just morgh and bring out weapons. "Something fishy is going on in here." A light laughter coming behind them made Them look. A young man in a brown hat and wore out coat was sitting with his back to them.

"Weird?" He chuckled again. "Who are you calling weird pipsqueak." A thick Irish accent made his words barely recognizable. "See with my Green eyes four newbods, two shape shifters and two things i don't know." The man turned around and raised an eye brow "Now what might you all be up to?"

Rye sighed and victor chuckled while Luke rolled his eyes. "You are one of those who remained hidden, you powers allow you to not been seen, felt, smelled, or touched unless you want to.. so why show yourself and why hide us from everyone here?" Terrace gave him a dirty look, she didnt not trust those who could hide themselves so well. "Well now dont get your panties in a bunch." He stood up and bowed. "My name is Henri.. I'm here to help as much as i can." He stood up and walked over to the group and crossed his arms grinning. "Help if you will have it... Rickshaw has cost us all alot of damage and i want him stopped like everyone else.. well most of us." He glanced at them and lingered on rye. "This seems to be your party so am i invited." Rye could feel her hairs stand on end only because she could not feel anything from this man so she looked to the others for their thoughts.
Nick looked at Rye, "They were acting like they were just going to run out and not let anyone follow them." she said, she went back to looking out the window with a frown on her face. She wanted to help, but she really wasn't sure that she could be of much help considering that she couldn't really control her powers very well. She blinked and tilted her head as she watched the horde of enemies just walk past, "Um..." she said as she looked around.

She stood, moving away from the window and holding Donnie, she looked at the new man with a look of distrust on her young face, just because he said that he was going to offer his help didn't mean that he was being honest. Of course, they could think the same of her since they didn't know about her inability to lie, though she hadn't really flat out said that she was going to help them, so she had not pledged her allegiance to them, she could just go off on her own. To be honest she wanted to know more of the situation, and find out what kind of an impact all of this could have on her, but she wasn't ready to leave yet, she figured that sticking with them would be a good way to find out exactly what was going on, though with Rickshaw obviously knowing that she was already there, it was also a good way to earn herself an enemy just by staying.

Nick continued to hold Donnie in her arms, as she watched the man and listened to him, she allowed the look of distrust to fade from her face, keeping her face neutral from that moment on, she didn't really know him, and she didn't know what he was going to do or if Rye would accept him. She didn't even know what she planned to do, so she didn't really think that her input was currently needed in this situation.
Kitten's grin turns wicked at the idea, but the grin fades as she remembers who she's talking to. "Last time we 'played' I almost died. Its James and Bruno who saved me." Kitten tells her. She blinks as she watches the group pass by without a problem and turns to look at the new addition to the group and groans when she hears the accent."Not another Irishman.." Kitten mutters to herself, trying to hide a grin that was showing. Bellious leans into her ear. "Just don't forget the one whose running around on our sister's orders since he decided to join families with you." He chides her gently,teasing. "Don't worry, I won't." Kitten replies with a purr at the mention of her mate. Kitten looks him over, walking around him. "As long as you want, you are welcome with me and my brother. Every little bit of help will be very useful, and very much appreciated." Kitten tells Henri as she sits back by her brother, her tail wrapped around her, as her brother nods in agreement. She wanders over to Nickkie and wraps her tail around her. "We won't let anyone hurt you." Kitten mutters quietly. "If you want out now, we'll understand, I'll even ask my oldest sister to try and find the safest place for you until we end this problem. All you have to do is ask, and we'll try our hardest." She tilted her nose in Henri's direction. "Whats your opinion? It looked as if you hadn't trusted him. What's wrong?"
Terrace grinned at Kitten," but it is such a fun game." Luke watches him silently, and glances at rye noting her weariness. He inwardly groaned thinking not another one. Henri but he was also thankful for the help that he would provide so he didnt let his emotions show to rye. Victor on the other hand circled the man like a hawk. He kept silent aswell while passing behind the man. "You smell funny." He commented and sniffed. "That is his power your smelling, technically in this world he should not exist." Terrace spoke up and walked towards him.

Rye shrugged quickly and looked away. "Look, i'll even let you read my heart.. Hearts cannot lie, not at the root." henri walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Rye took a step back and glanced at the others one more time. "Kitten and Bellious have accepted you, Terrace has agreed in the way she would.. Luke is mistrustful of you and victor doesnt like anyone at all. Nickkie is weary as well.. so i guess if everyone is mostly ok with this..rye sighed and nodded yes
Nick looked up at Kitten, she tilted her head and slowly looked back at Henri. "Well, it's too convenient.... Either he's been watching us, is actually a bad guy, trying to get on our good side before betraying us. Or.... Someone is writing a story and they either didn't want us fighting or they were too lazy to write a fight scene." she said with a nod. She looked at Rye when she decided that he could stay, "Well, I guess we'll find out." she said with a nod.

(gah, short :( )
Kitten snickers at Nickkie's last comment. "If that is true then we must have faith that everything will work out in some way. Maybe they'll show us some ambrosia to make us all into gods." She jokes, laughing as her brother taps her on the head. "We'll keep an eye on Henri though, you're right, weird timing for him to suddenly appear." Bellious says quietly, laying a hand on her shoulder. "He may not be what we think him to be..." He says quietly.
Henri rolled his eyes and smirked "Its not good timing if someone calls and tells you where to be." Rye looked confused at Henri's expression. "Whats wrong." She went to put a hand on his shoulder but her fingers slide in thin air. Rye screamed in shock and almost tripped backwards and Terrace's face went blanched. The boys looked shocked and stared at Henri. "Oh right i think i should have started with that first.." He smiled sheepishly and shrugged. "Im not really here, im Someone else this is an astro form and to tell you the truth i can only hold it for a short amount of time so soon i'll flicker out and then they enemies will come, my real form is locked away.. When i got the phone call Rickshaw traced it and found me they took me captive in a laboratory in California." Terrace gave him a flat look. "So for you to help us, we have to travel across the country and help you escape." Henri nodded slightly. "Sounds about right." He stated plainely "Sounds like a load of.." Victor started angrily but stopped when rye gave him a look. Henri started to flicker in and out. "My time is almost up.. There is a few others locked up with me that you might need to win this war.. Rickshaw kept the most powerful of us lock away.... Cam, Victor and I and a few others were lucky enough to get free, true we had to fight each day like our last but we will never know freedom untill rickshaw is gone. "

He flickered out completely and Rye looked horrified. She checked her fingers to make sure the connections were still their to tell if the others where alive and sighed She had seen one to many lights fade in her time and she did not want to see anymore. "That means we are no longer concealed..we should get ready to fight. They will be back soon." Terrace grew silent and looked at nickkie, "Maybe you should stay in here with cam.. It will get dangerous and we dont need to run after a little kid trying to protect you." She stated coldly at the 8 year old before turning to victor."You to." Victor Dismissed it and walked to the door ignoring Terrace who glared at him. "Fine... Brats" She muttered and crossed her arms. Rye chuckled at her and looked to luke and then the rest. "I guess we are all going to fight?" she asked them already guessing the Answer. She could tell everyone in the room felt the tension.. No doubt Rickshaw already told them to head this way.. no doubt they would get hurt, but the most they could do was Fight and then find the others they needed to win the war... So after this they were off to California she guessed.
Nickkie tilted her head as she listened to Henri, "I knew there had to be a catch, there's always a catch." she said, she wasn't trying to be sarcastic, that was really the way she saw things. She came in here and ate the food that was offered, and now she was obviously part of this big conspiracy that she had had no idea was going on until the phone call. Now she was stuck, especially if the enemies were coming back, she looked at Terrace with her sapphire eyes, then moved to set Donnie on the table. "Right, and if they get past you all and in here, we're what? Sitting ducks?" she asked, she shrugged some and followed Victor to the door. "I might not be much help, but I will at least be some help, besides, I'm stubborn enough to want to go out fighting, not cowering in some dinner, waiting for the end."
Terrace chuckled. "Of course there is always a catch.. life sucks and I still think you are brats.. both of you." She muttered and walked behind them. "But i like you kids." She patted each kid on the head earning a glare from Victor. "Im not a child." Terrace rolled her eyes and leaned down to view the street. " I dont smell them yet, but i bet they are heading this way." She muttered and stood up looking back behind her to the rest of them..Rye stepped forward.. "If we fight, there is a good chance they will win."

"We beat them before and we can again... now we have more people."
Bellious sighs as he looks over at his sister who had turned to look at him, he gently pulls her over and they kiss each other before hugging. Bellious strips his shirt, folding it and laying it on the table, looking over to watch his sister stretch and arch her back. He walks over and lays a hand on her shoulder as he opens the door, letting her go first. Their symbols start to glow as they call on their families' strength and power to help with the upcoming fight.
Nick looked at Terrace, "Trust me, I knew that already." she said, she was a child, but that didn't mean that she hadn't already seen how cruel this world could be. She frowned at her, "I'm young, but not exactly childish, so, perhaps a better word is needed?" she asked. She kept her sapphire eyes on the door, and what was going on past it, once it was open she went outside, sparing a quick glance to Donnie as if reassuring herself that her bear was safe.

Once she was outside she looked around, seeming to be a bit tense, she could only hope that she was ready for whatever was coming, this was really her first fight, but she had the feeling that she would have to take part in it.
Terrace shrugged and led the way outside with the three following her. Terrace went up to kitten. "You can smell them two right?" The oldbods a block down and around a corner smelled of death. They had already killed before making their way here. Rye shivered and luke laid a hand on her shoulder and victor gave her a half hearted smile. This would not be their last fight so if she got sick now they would be screwed. rye wasnt much of a fighter she didn't like to fight her basic instinct was to run far away and right she was fighting that. Luke looked around quickly, before the oldbods turned the corner.. he pick up a branch and before his eyes it morphed in a long blade, he then held out his hands as leaves feel and before the landed on his palm they were caught in a circle and spun around sharpening into small sharp blades. the remained in a little twister in his palm. "well i guess we are going to fight." Victor shrugged all he needed was his brain and he could think of a thousands deaths for these fools.

Rye cringed when the oldbods came around the corner and yelled at them. She even frowned when she felt nothing from them. That was odd.. normally she felt some sort of anger or hatred, but they were empty shells. "Terrace?" she called as they got closer, She could feel her powers growing in her heart and watched as it bloomed in front of her chest. tendrils of energy whipped in the air around them. She looked to to the two boys next to her, they were also waiting for a fight. She sighed here we go.
Kitten's lips curled into a snarl in answer to Terrace's question, her tail lashing furiously as she worked herself into a battle craze. Bellious leans into her, almost sitting on her shoulder as he handles the blade of his sword, appearing to clean the sword while he watched. Both symbols glowed with a strong bright light as their contact with their powers and their connection with their siblings remained in contact. "Why'd you stripe your shirt?" Bellious mutters quietly. Kitten flicked her ears back and growled as if she chuckled evilly. " Should have known you'd pull this. You always do." He tells her with a sigh. "Don't look to me to give you my shirt if your top gets destroyed in the fight, and something happens to your shirt." He chides her with a grin, straightening up as she laughs in bursts of growls. "Time to kill." Kitten growls quietly, her teeth bared in a grin, showing that her teeth had been forced to grow bigger than her gums usually allowed, her own blood turning the teeth a light red. "Just don't die early in the fight like you usually tend to." Bellious retorts as he pulls another lighter sword from a sheath he carried around his waist. Kitten flicks her ears back and swats him gently with her tail as a way of saying that he shouldn't either as she sways her body side to side, positioning herself into a hunter's crouch.

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