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Fandom Soul Eater: The Perfect Order

Noel Van Agthoven


Codename : Chromo

Partner(s) : Tora and Tao Kamineko

Status : Meister | NEW

In the Moment... : Excited

As painfully tiresome as Tao's antics could be, well in his opinion anyways, Noel could not help himself from letting a smile appear in his face as he watched the female Weapon so enthusiastic as she always would. It was simply too difficult to resist. In a way, she had this charm to her that drew people in, as if corrupting them with her happy-go-luck nature that never seemed to come to an end. Tora, despite sharing an almost identical appearance with Tao, seemed to be quite the opposite. Looking back on their first meeting no less, the yellow hooded female was a quiet, he even dare to say shy, presence, leaving her sibling to speak for both of them really. It was only a few days later that he would actually hear her voice for the first time! He even had a picture taken so that he could immortalize the moment, probably embarrassing her with his action too. But partners would always be partners. Especially the firsts one would ever have. And thus, there Noel stood, observing the two girls with an interest that would never seem to fade away.

Pulling his hood down, keeping up his role as the silent observer with pride, he began began messing around with his bangs, aided by the help of

his slender fingers, while his eyes looked up in that daydreaming expression of his, all the while the girls seemed to take their seats. His joy was clear when he found them sitting by his side but it was soon cut short as Tora approached him. Was he in trouble? Was she okay? He grew anxious as he awaited her voice to reach his ears. Patient, letting her take her time to speak to him. If only he could understand why exactly was she so wary around him though... As she finished speaking, his smile filled with warmth soon returned, his hand tenderly touching the girl's head and caressing it.
"Hey, I forgot to buy it too. And Tao should be the one to track her inventory, not you for that matter." He paused, tilting his head. "You're doing good, don't be so harsh on yourself, okay...?" His hand dropped to the side, yet his reassurance towards seemed to linger.

Tao's shout would quickly shatter such an illusion of peace, leading the Meister to sigh with a shook of his head. And when the commotion broke out, you could say that...yeah, he wasn't exactly surprised. Heck, if something, it was just how late the hyperactive twin had took to initiate it. Noel rose from his seat, stuffing his hands on his pockets, his whole overall posture relaxed and laidback for once. Time to intervene, he thought, but before he could do anything, from dragging Tao to her seat by her ear or collar to use his "scary face", as once his dad had so geniously put it, Tora drove him to shock with her own take on all this. Well, patience had its limits, even at the most mellow of characters. Well, seemingly mellow at least. Once again, his partners would surprise him, just like any other day...

Noel sat down, regaining his composure quickly as it had reversed. But just as he had envisioned, his intervention would be needed but in a different way, as Tao drew her attention towards him no less. Grasping her shoulders gentle yet firmly, the male tried his best to keep her balance by seating her properly. He gazed at her with a smile, showing her his hands. With a swift movement, sweets appeared before her, caught between his fingers. A particular one, a lollipop, was the chosen to appease to his Weapon's pleas. He shoved the rest of the treats back into where they had came from, inabling Tao from stealing them from him in case her greed got the best of her.
"Be a good girl and I'll give the rest to you after class." He spoke in a cheerful voice, giving her a slight pinch on the nose. Bribing was the best strategy against the Kaminski sisters. Well, at least in Tao's case. Noel turned to Tora, tilting his head with a curious look, as if asking "Would you like one as well?"

Awaiting the quiet Weapon's reply could take a while. Absent-mindlessly, his golden eyes wandered through the faces of various students who would join them inside the classroom. Names? Not really. Faces? Most, if not all of them, really. A good memory always came in handy. Such case was not like that of addressing his classmates, seeing how awkward he felt just by greeting someone in the morning. Not that Noel was particularly shy, he was simply a bit too concerned regarding what others thought of him... His eyes would then caught the sight of a deck of cards on one of the female students' hands. Not able to recognize her from her back, the Meister tried to be as subtle as possible as he was drawn towards the cards of all things. What could she be doing? A tarot reading? A magic trick? Or maybe....preparing a game of poker or something among those lines? The last hypothesis left Noel bubbling with excitement. If there was one thing he loved to do to pass the time, it were games that relied on the depths of the mind. Little did he notice how his discreet pose had turned into a not-so-subtle stunt hovering over Hotaru's shoulder...

@The Suspicious Eye


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Thalia “Aerodynamic” Travis

Thalia jogged up the large set of stairs that led her up to her school, the DWMA as her eyes flickered down to her wrist watch. Ten minutes ‘til seven, she thought to herself. Cutting it a little close, don’t you think? The weapon took a moment to let her breathing settle upon reaching the top of the staircase while her eyes glanced at her weakened physique. Darn! I need to hit up the gym more often! Although she wasn’t entirely sure, she was fairly certain it wouldn’t be too hard to tag along with Kamryn sometime or other. Meisters worked out, right?

Catching herself lost in her thought, Thalia glanced down at her watch again realizing that by standing there thinking, she was only increasing the possibility of being late. Once more, she began to move, weaving her way through the halls of the DWMA. Turning the final corner, the young demon weapon entered the classroom only to see Professor Hiro Mitsaki and Lord Death anxiously waiting to start the class. She glanced down at her watch again.

6:55… I’m not late.

“Good morning, Lord Death! How are you doing today?” Thalia greeted with a smile and a curt nod in the grim reaper’s direction. Turning her head slightly to face the teacher, she nodded again. “Professor Mitsaki,” as a way of extending her greeting to him as well. Then without waiting for a reply, Thalia turned and headed for a seat in the classroom.

Not seeing her meister anywhere, she merely selected an empty seat and sat.

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Malacai Grave and Isaac Lion

Isaac walked into classroom. As usual, Isaac gave out a yawn. Isaac ducked his head down slightly, as if he was expecting something to come at him from above. After a brief moment, Isaac rose back up. Huh. This is usually the time that Malakai ruffles my hair for yawning. I do it all the time before class starts, and he always ruffles my hair for it. Isaac turned around, to look at his partner. He saw a glare from Malacai, which is usual. Although, today this glare was particularly menacing. What did I do this time? Isaac thought.

Malacai was normally willing to play along with Isaac’s yawn, and ruffle his hair, as expected. However, today was different. Malacai had not expected to walk into this classroom and see Lord Death standing there. Lord Death was often a silly character in his own right, but he knew that if Lord Death was in class, this was not a time to be joking around. As Isaac turned to face him, Malacai gave him a glare. After he saw that Isaac was ready to listen, he gestured for Isaac to turn around.

At Malacai’s gesture, Isaac turned around to see Mr. Mitsaki there, but Lord Death as well. “Oh, hello Lord Death! How are you doing today? And why does everyone seem so serious?” Isaac opened his mouth, as if to say more, but he was met with a swift slap across the face, courtesy of Malacai.

“Shut up. This clearly isn’t the time for your usual attitude. Let’s just go to our seats.” Malacai whispered to Isaac, with a clear sense of seriousness and annoyance. Isaac nodded and went to his seat. As Malacai begun to do likewise, he inspected the room. His attention was drawn to a hole that was now present in the ceiling. Seems like Mr. Mitsaki was being his usual self, and Lord Death must’ve shown up. However, that is hardly the main point of concern here. Why is Lord Death here? As Malacai began to contemplate possible answers, he took his seat, his mind spinning in many different directions.
Deryn Nicole Renoir

Name:Deryn Nicole Renoir

Status: NEW

Classification: Meister

Partner: None
Deryn was bored. And not in the good stress free way. She had made a point to arrive to class early, maybe perhaps talk to someone, maybe even make a friend! But no, so far no one had talked to her, even looked her way. It was almost insulting. She wasn't invisible, was she? She was important! She was an excellent fighter and an intelligent person and did anything else matter in this school?

Whatever extra factor was needed to make friends, she apparently lacked. She had tried talking to people, tried all manner of charming greetings and funny jokes and even kind of being straight up mean to some people in hopes of having some kind of real conversation with one of her fellow students. So far? Nothing.

She looked over at the student next to her. "Hey, did you do the reading for this class on friday? I thought chapter 7 was really cool. It really like how the author of our textbook sticks in these subtle little jokes!"

"Uh? Oh yeah, that's nice." The girl said, before looking away from her. "Danny, right? I'm kind of busy right now."

So Deryn had just given up. She was doodling in the margins of her sparse notes now. There was a caricature of Lord Death, and a drawing of those cat girls, Tao and Tora. Just anything that came to mind. She had spent the first couple of weeks just doodling her professors, but that had gotten boring really fast. So she just drew whatever caught her fancy. Anything that seemed eye catching.

Soon she would make a friend. She couldn't be a useless Meister forever. Not with her talent and brains.

Hashitan Lace

"Hey Bunny girl," He greeted Katarina with a slight smile. "I have something that I think you'd like." Slowly reaching into his bag, Hashitan pulled at the papers with the slight bit of dried drool, and slid them across the surface of the work counters to her.

Codename: Dumb (Lace)

Rank: NOT Weapon

Weapon Type: Mallet

Meister: Katarina

Status: This is Madness!

"Your welcome." Hashitan whispered raising an eyebrow at her before turning to see what all the commotion was behind him.

It was weird to be hear such activity from his fellow students so early in the morning, and especially when Lord Death was right at the front of the room witnessing all the insanity. We're all mad here he though still half-asleep watching Igor and Honey make their usual entrance before heading over to Ivy and Demetri. Fairly, besides watching Eden blow a casket so early into the day and snapping on everyone in an ear's radius before getting shut down by his older brother, Tao and Tora's little romp in front of Lord Death and Mr. Mitsaki. "They just don't give a crap, do they?" He murmured, swirling around in his seat to tap the shoulder of the girl sitting in front of him.

"Okay, I'm just trying to make sure I'm not the only one, but do you have any clue what's going on here?" He grinned, glancing briefly at his meister. Katarina had been getting on him about being more social this school year this year, so what's a better way to start a conversation with someone than about your insane classmates.

"Next thing we know, someone's going to hit Lord Death and get Death Chopped over the head." He commented, leaning his elbows against the table and resting his hands on his palms. His elbows were going to be screaming in pain after he sat up, but he couldn't care less.

@Yunn @The Succubi Queen
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Deryn Nicole Renoir

Name:Deryn Nicole Renoir

Status: NEW

Classification: Meister

Partner: None
She almost jumped out of her seat as someone tapped on her shoulder. She turned around to face someone, who she recognized as someone already assigned to a class, though she couldn't remember which one.

"Uh- a-are you talking to me?" She couldn't believe it, someone was talking to her. Not just any someone, an upperclassmen. She could melt into the floor right there. She then realized she was just staring and stammering like an idiot, and composed herself.

"Well, frankly? No, I haven't the slightest idea what is happening here. Lord Death is just kind of standing there, so I think we might be in for some rather heavy news today. I just hope it is positive myself. Or, that if it is less than stellar, that it affect me as little as possible." She shrugged her shoulder's, casually covering her doodles with one of her flowing sleeves. "If the cat girls are going to get the metaphorical 'chop' I guess we must merely be glad it is them and not us. Considering that they seem to have earned it." Oh, god, Deryn, was to sound like a pretentious witch.

She cleared her throat, and held out her hand. "I'm Deryn. I don't think we've had the pleasure of being introduced yet. I'm only a first year, so I'll admit I'm not too familiar with social circles here at the Academy." She smiled politely at the boy in front of her, who looked like he had awoken just in time to stumble to class without being late. His partner had yet to address her, this girl who looked awfully like a.. rabbit?

What was with animal themed students? Sure, her title was The Hummingbird, but still. She didn't dress up like.. ohkay, maybe she kind of did.

@Yunn @TheWeirdPhilosopher
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c548c08da_newcreate(5).png.4fbaaf63ac5afc579bf2642b9aa52ec3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81877" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c548c08da_newcreate(5).png.4fbaaf63ac5afc579bf2642b9aa52ec3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nickname: Freya "Viking" Dolce

Partner: --

Status: Meister <> NEW <> Weaponless

Feeling: Self-conscious/Nervous/Shy

Mentioned/Tagged: Deryn @The Succubi Queen

All the while during her walk, the only thing she had on her mind was worry. She didn't have a partner, neither does she have the confidence to say anything. First encounters in new places had always made her shy, especially when everyone watched her. She hugged her books close to her chest and kept her shoulders to herself. Occasionally, she had to move sideways to get through the gaps of the hallway, bumping into people. They glanced at her.
It's probably the outfit, she thought.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/rsz_28vpqab.png.c0bfb50fedf93c4f7045cbcbec382572.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81878" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/rsz_28vpqab.png.c0bfb50fedf93c4f7045cbcbec382572.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The first time she saw the large eccentric-looking building in the centre of Death City, she found it to look quite similar to her previous school with themes that seems to match its European counterpart. The memory had soothed her at least when she entered, relaxing the nerves and taking no time to explore as she was only a few minutes away from the start of class. A vague sense of deja vu tingled her spine. Freya rubbed her shoulder, attempting to shake it off.
Come on, Frey, you're fine, she encouraged herself. Just don't look at anyone in the eye...

Seeing her class up ahead, she quickened her pace and peeked in cautiously. Freya scanned the room, seeing that it's already packed with students, mostly near the rows at the back. She glanced at where the teacher's table was supposed to be and she was met with a sight she had never seen before. There, was a figure wearing dark fabric, standing next to who she assumes as the teacher, just watching the rather class. She was going to meet Lord Death, and here he is! In the flesh! Figuratively speaking, of course.

"Um, good morning Lord Death." she greeted barely audible, but for the teacher, she was a little more unsure. "And you too uh.. Professor..." Freya scurried inside. Oh god, that was terrible. Why didn't I say it louder? she scolded herself. I hope it's okay if I don't have a partner. I'll find one this evening, I'm sure of it. Well, hopeful. For a moment, she paused, looking for a place to sit down when she saw a girl at the midsection of the room wearing frills. That was a good sign right? Maybe this one wouldn't say too much about her outfit. Though Freya's has much more frills. And color.

Eh, why not? Making up her mind, she approached her and inched closer to the seat next to her hesitantly. Freya didn't know her name, neither does recognise her face. She glanced at her then back up front where the teacher was. Okay, clearly something's up, and I wonder if the class would start anytime soon. she pondered, uncomfortably trying to relax in her seat. Freya looked around. Zany people, she thought. Though much more intimidated by the students at the back row, who seemed like the EAT students. I'll get to those guys soon, I think. Maybe. They're scary.

Moments dragged by and she already fiddling with her hands.
Miss beside me. she thought in her head desperately. Yeah. Do you know any weapons that like vikings? Because I need one. And a friend. I need a friend. she continued, lazily resting her head down at the table. Talk to her, Freya! she screamed internally, frustratedly messing about with her hat.



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Kassana Silverstream

Name: Bookworm Silverstream

Classification: Weapon - Slingshot

Partner: Candy Vanille

Mood: Content
After Kassana had taken a seat within the classroom, relatively glad that her partner had decided to sit separately from her for the time being, she noticed that more people began to pour into the room. While she recognized most of them, Kassana still didn’t really have names to put with their faces because she hadn’t really talked to a whole lot of people yet. Vanille had scared her away from any further attempts at that. I really hope she’s the only one who can get that obnoxious. She didn’t really want to try and find out, though.

Lost in her thoughts, Kassana suddenly remembered that there was a person sitting next to her. Turning her head, her eyes fell upon one of the first students she had met upon entering the DWMA, the blind man. She honestly didn’t know whether or not she was aware that she was there. “Um… hello, Demetri,” she said softly, trying not to scare him. It must be rude for me to sit here and not say hi, she contemplated.

Satisfied that she had done her duty as a social member of society, Kassana reached down into her backpack, now sitting next to her chair, and she once more pulled out her book, turning back to the page she had been reading before Vanille had so rudely interrupted her earlier that same morning. They aren’t really going to yell at me for reading, right? And its not like class has started yet.. With those thoughts in mind, the sounds of the classroom disappeared within the contents of the pages.
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Kamryn 'JJ' Vessot

1-Star Meister

DWMA EAT Student

Partner: Thalia Travis

Mood: Cheery & Excited

Start Location: At Home

End location: In Classroom

Tags: @Kyra

Kamryn smiled, the slanted rays of sunlight hitting her face. It was daylight, quite obviously, but how long it had been so was a mystery to the girl. She yawned, and streched her arms out as she clambered free of her bed. She took her sweet time gathering clothing and dressed at a leisurely speed. Ocne she had dressed, and found her appearance suitable, she grabbed her hat and a box of pocky sticks, then bounced out her bedroom door. She grabbed her key, and made a final round of the house, before she stepped out the front door and locked up.

The utterly cheery girl set off at a brisk pace, eager to get to the school. However, this did not stop her from chatting it up with nearly every person she passed willing to talk. The process of her walk to the school usually took a while, but even so, she wasn't worried. She usually arrived there on time, most of the time. It was only when her eyes caught sight of a clock, through the window of a building, did she freeze.
I'm.. going to be late! The realization hit her like a tidal wave, and she sped up her leasiurely walk, practically running through the streets of Death City.

The DWMA loomed before her, as did it's many steps, but the meister did not notice. Kamryn had come to a stop at the base of the steps, her hands on her knees from her mad dash.
"Good morning!" Someone called as the passed their on the way up the steps. Slightly recognizing this person, she ran up the first few steps, and caught up with them, her slight exhaustion forgotten. "Good morning! How are you today?" She started, and continued right on bypassing formalities and answers. "It's a beautiful day all right. You wouldn't happen to know what's happening today, would you?" She finished, and smiled brightly.

The person shook their head.
"I don't know, sorry! I hope your day goes alright though." They replied, and waved goodbye. Throughout that quick exchange, they had reached the top of the steps. Kamryn stood there, at the top, for a second, before remembering she was going to be late. The girl turned away, and started off at a quick walk into the building. She slowed slightly, and exchanged waves and good mornings with those she saw. Off track again, she cursed ehrself when someone reminded her about class. Ah! Class, right. Stop chatting and move it Kamryn! She scolded herself mentally as she speed walked to the classroom.

Kamryn slipped through the door, and did a double take. Before her was someone with big, blocky white hands,an odd black clock for a body, and a skull mask for a face. Of course, the usual Professor Mitsaki was there, but she was more interested with the figure, known widely as Lord Death.
"Oh! Good morning Lord Death! It's a surprise to see you here. What brings you? Nevermind, stupid question right... Anyway, good morning!" She spoke quickly, almost rapid firing the sentences. A glance to the hole in the roof however, and she cut herself short. She waved, quick and short, and looked to the students gathered.

A familiar face stood out, and she grinned as she made her way toward Thalia. Her weapon partner had already found a seat, and she slipped into one beside her.
"Good morning! Nice to see you. It's not really nice to be here in class...Uh... Nevermind about that. Oh, I wonder what Lord death's here for? Do you know, Thalia?" She fired off, leaning in towards her friend and partner. "Pocky stick?" Kamryn added, as she pulled open the box of pocky sticks with ease of practice and offered the open end to Thalia.


Kamryn thinking

Kamryn speaking

NPC speaking

Hotaru Yukishiro

Nickname: Mirage

Classification: EAT Meister

Partner: Ren Ichisayame

Feeling: Exasperated

Tagged: @Arkytior @Mine
The mood of the classroom went from one to one hundred in about ten seconds. The bunny and her partner weren’t much to talk about, but Hotaru kept thinking how perfect it would be to have the girl as a part of her act ever since she saw her. A bunny pulled out of a hat, or a girl sawed in half? Why not both? Yes, she had to remember to ask them both to be her volunteers.

But then in came those conspicuous pairs Hotaru didn’t know how to deal with. Poison Ivy over there with Chainsaw Massacre and their much nicer partners always made such loud entrances that drew everyone’s attention to them. No, she was not resentful of that fact. If she was going to have everyone’s focus, it would be when she was classy and suave and doing awesome magic tricks. Not because she was rude and obnoxious to the general populace. She refused to even think about the cat girls because goddammit animal motifs were cool on their own, but then there were two of them. How could she compete with that?

Leaning back in her chair, she sprawled over the seats around her in melodramatic agony. Everyone was just naturally better at the whole “center of attention” thing than she was! Hotaru, so caught up with herself, had startled when some guy started screeching and a girl started crying. It was perfect in getting her to snap out of it. Who cared about that bullshit when her partner was finally here.

“Morning,” she said. Seeing the bread in Ren’s mouth, she raised an eyebrow. “Is that piece of bread even good? I couldn't care less, but you should eat a more filling breakfast.” Shuffling once more, Hotaru fanned all the cards out in front of his face. With ease, she packed them back together and slipped one out from the middle. Slapping it face down in front of him, she said, “This is your card. Remember it, don’t lose it.” She went back to practicing hand tricks.

A shadow fell over her and she could feel someone’s very obvious presence. Turning around swiftly, she saw it was the partner of the cat twins she never paid much attention to. What she noticed most of all though was his frankly awesome color scheme of black and gold. With a grin, Hotaru asked, “There something to interest you here, Bumblebee?” Taking another random card out, she held it out to him. “It’s the cards, isn’t it? Here, take this one. Promise I haven’t looked.”
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Tao & Tora

Tao looked in amazement as the candy appeared out of nowhere. "Ooooo Meow-gic! Are you a Warlock?! How exciting! Maybe that's why we like you so much! Nice Guy gives out candy! Thanks Chromo!" She happily grabbed the lollipop and inspected it. Never seeing candy before the solidified syrup and sugar amazed her. Tao loved sweets, but no one would ever let her have them. Not since she had a doughnut and tore apart the east side of the village. She still didn't get why people were mad. So nearly 400 people were homeless for some time, did she really have to loose all her sweets privlages. No one on the village gave her any sweets, but Noel didn't know that. He he heeee

Besides it felt so good on that sugar rush. She blacked out and didn't wake up for a week but totally worth the taste. Sweet, sugary goodness, sparking against her taste buds. Tao began to drool just thinking about it, she licked the lollipop only for her tongue to meet rhe tasteless plastic wrapper. She frowned and licked again. "What is this?!" She began to fiddle with the wrapper trying to get it open.


Meanwhile Tora was too exasperated. Her younger sister was only three years younger than her, but she acted like a nine year old. Tora understood why, she knew it wasn't Tao's fault, but it was still stressful. Tora sat in her chair thinking about all that had happened in the village. With a long sigh she blocked out what was going on around her and tried to focus on her goals. Pass class, keep Tao out of trouble, be a good weapon partner to Noel. She blushed at the thought of him, she couldn't help it. Her inability to talk to men was consuming her. It would have been so much easier if Noel was a woman. I don't even know what to say around... Her ear twitched as she heard Noel speak and tuned to look at him. Her mind went blank, not really sure what to say. Thankful that her face was always hidden under her hood, she turned completly red.

Stumbling on what she would say, she decided it's best to blurt out whatever came into her head. "No thanks, I don't like sweets they are disgus..... wait as well?" Tora looked across Noel to see Tao fiddling with the wrapper of a lollipop. Instantly jumping into action, she stood up and swiped the candy from Tao's paws. Unwrapping the lollipop quickly she shoved it into her mouth, chewing to get the excessively gross sweet down her throat. Wanting to vomit the entire time she swallowed the candy and shredded the stick.

Tao had no reaction action first her big sister was too fast for her sometimes. She had the candy in her paw and then she was watching her big sister eat it. Her eyes grew big as the candy disappeared in her sister's black hood. Tilting her head back, which still allowed her face hidden she shouted.


Tora coughed and shuddered from the taste before glaring at her sister. "You know why! You're banned from sweets forever. No exceptions." Tao shot up out of her seat, glared at her big sister, and huffed so loud her blonde pigtails jumped. "YOU ARE PAWFUL! You don't have to stop me everfurry time right? One piece won't kill me. Purrrrrlllleeeeeaaaaaasseeeee." Tao used whimper, but it was ineffective against Tora. Tora put her paws on her hips, "no Tao, no candy means no candy ever. So don't try to con our meister into giving you some."


Tao glared at her sister and sat back down, tail bristled in anger. Tora sat back down as well and looked at Noel. "Sorry, but Tao isn't allowed to have candy ever. I should have told you that earlier. It doesn't mix well with her..... hyperactive personality." She knew that at some point she would have to talk to him, but today was not that day. After that she looked over st her pouting sister. Five, four, three, two, one, and zero.


Like clockwork Tao's attention swapped to a passerby who smelled delicious. Grinning she hopped out of her chair and leapt one to the good smelling person. Completely ignoring the others around the girl she spoke up. "You smell good." Leaning over she sniffed the girl and then followed the tasty scent to the box of Pocky. Her tail nearly wagging with excitement, she pointed her paw at the box. "What is that? It smells amazing!" Her red eyes shone brightly under her hood as she looked from the box to the girl. "What is it? Tell me purrlease"

Ivy, Demetri, and Kassana


Ivy raised an eyebrow at Eden’s outburst from her spot in the back row. “Get a load of this guy,” she leaned over to Demetri, not even trying to be subtle, gesturing to Eden. “What an asshole.”

“Ivy, YOU’RE an asshole.” Demetri sighed, covering his face with his hand.

“True.” Ivy shrugged, watching intently as her frequent sparring partner Axel berated his brother. Dammit, he beat me to the punch.

“Um...Hi Demetri.”

Demetri’s attention was taken away from Ivy as soft voice caught his attention. He instantly recognized it as the new girl Kassana. Despite only meeting her recently Demetri quite liked Kassana, mostly do to the fact that she was one of the few people in the DWMA who didn’t get on his nerves.

“Oh, hi Kassana.” He gave her one of his rare smiles. “What’s up?”

Kassana jumped back a bit when Demetri replied. She hadn’t been expecting him to say anything at all. “Um…” she began to panic. What does ‘what’s up’ mean? I don’t think he’s asking about the ceiling…“...I don’t know…”

“Yeah, me too.”
Demetri replied, totally not getting Kassana’s confusion. “Life certainly is a mess.”

Kassana’s eyes turned back to her book although she couldn’t quite get back into it. Her cheeks were so flushed and she didn’t know what any of it meant.


Ivy talking/thinking

Demetri talking

Kassanna talking/thinking

@DaughterofAthena @Sunbather
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The Start of Class… Kind of…

Hiro watched as all of his students gradually filled the classroom with their own brand of energy, sighing as it became more and more clear that he would have to be the one to teach today. The few students that did say hi to him received a curt nod in their direction as Hiro was still waking up and didn’t have the energy to verbally reply. Everything that he saw happen as the students flooded in was fairly normal; he saw it every day. His eyes continually flickered back to Lord Death, though, because that didn’t mean the Grim Reaper knew it.

Lord Death stared blankly into the classroom as if his face were covered by a mask, which it was. However, a hand rose and pointed a finger at Igor. Then the hipster voice of Lord Death called out, “You there, Igor. I’d like to see you and your partner in my office after class. And to the rest of the class, don’t forget there’s an ice cream social later today. You don’t wanna miss it! Take it away Hiro.”

Hiro cleared his throat as he stood up and nodded at Lord Death before turning his attention back to the students. “Good morning class!” Hiro said, trying and failing at sounding enthusiastic. “Today continues our lesson from yesterday on soul resonance….” His voice trailed off for a moment as he tried to figure out what he should say next, his eyes clearly wandering as he searched his brain.

Turning quickly, he began drawing an image on the chalkboard. It was slightly sloppy, but the intention was obvious. It was a human soul.
Turning once more to the class he began, “A sound soul dwells within a…” No. Wait. Miyako taught that yesterday…. can’t do that. His eyes flickered again to Lord Death, well aware that his boss was watching his every move. “Umm…” Finally, Hiro’s eyes widened and a smile appeared on his face, although it was only brief. “How about demonstration!? Lord Death, would you mind?”

Lord Death raised an eyebrow and stated, “That is why you asked me to be here.”

Now it was Hiro’s turn to raise an eyebrow. I didn’t ask you to be here. He didn’t dare say it out loud, though. I wouldn’t have forgotten something like that. Hmm… maybe Miyako knew she wouldn’t be here. Shrugging it off, Hiro sighed, “Oh yeah. I must’ve forgotten.” Without another word, Hiro allowed the transformation to wash over his body as he assumed the form of a rifle, falling into Lord Death’s hands.


Lord Death held the rifle in one hand and shrugged before saying, “I shouldn’t have to teach the class for you Hiro.”

Oh. Right. I still have to talk. His body would have visible shrunken if he had been in human form at the thought of it. Usually he didn’t have to do anything in weapon form; Miyako did it all for him. “Alright, students. Now we are going to apply the theory we learned yesterday. The meister passes wavelengths to their weapon partner, the weapon amplifies them and passes them back. The process goes on until you have reached your desired level of power,” Hiro explained.

This part of teaching actually made more sense to him because it was something he had actually done a lot. It was rare for Hiro to actually be able to say he had done something; usually he was too lazy to do anything.

As Hiro spoke, he could feel the process begin as he received the soul wavelength of Lord Death. It felt familiar; it wasn’t something he had worked with in quite a while, but he had. Subconsciously, Hiro remembered the hole in the ceiling. He had done that on his own. I wonder how much damage this will do… he contemplated. Well, as long as I don’t have to clean it up, I suppose I don’t really care.
At that exact moment, two more students stumbled into class. The first was Axel Grace, followed by her meister, Keziah Swan, otherwise known as Silent Knight. The two students huffed in exhaustion, hinting at a long run.

Erica cast a concerned look down at her sister. She should have gotten here before me. It’s not like her to be late to class. I wonder what’s going on.

As if in answer, Grace spoke, “Lord Death, sir. You’ve got to see this. People in Death City are acting very strange. It’s like they’ve gone mad. It seems to be spreading too!”

Erica tried to make eye contact with her sister and read her expression, but Axel didn’t look at her. This isn’t like her at all. Whatever it is must be causing a big problem.

“There was a man…” Keziah yelled, her breathing heavy as she did suggesting that she had sprinted to the classroom. “He was screaming… spread the word…”

At the interruption, Hiro allowed the building resonance to dissipate, the power of it fading fast into nothing before he seemed to jump out of Lord Death’s grasp and resume a human form, leaning against the chalkboard and waiting to see what the Grim Reaper wanted to do.

Lord Death hovered forward, a grim look on his face. The headmaster called out to the class, “It’s time for a field trip! Everyone, follow me!” As he waved his hand, gesturing for the students to follow on his way out the door. Lord Death glided down the halls, the students behind him creating a train-like effect. As Death moved onto the front balcony of his school, his mask became serious. What lay before them was chaos, and the chaos had not been there when they had first walked into school. Each student would remember that as clearly as the next.

“Oh my,” Lord Death remarked while Hiro slouched next to him. “Yep! That’s madness alright. I gotta bug, the school needs me. However, this is the chance to redeem yourself, Hiro. Get out there with your class and try to get some control. It wouldn’t hurt to figure out the cause either. Okay?”

Hiro sighed and nodded, obviously not very happy with the situation. However, the straightening of his posture suggested he at least intended to do something. His eyes scanned over the students he had in front of him as he tried to pick out a few that would be able to handle the present situation well enough. His eyes flickered back to the city again and he noticed something - a man, in fact - charging up the stairs. His eyes were chaotic and his rage was obvious. “SPREAD THE WORD!” He screamed.

Axel Grace shuddered at the foreboding phrase. She grabbed her sister’s arm, her eyes darting to catch an unknown fear. Erica squinted at her sister and asked, “G-Grace? You’re scaring me. H-have you been t-taking drugs? This isn’t like you. Where’s… where’s Keziah?”

A whisper croaked out of Axel’s throat, as if pushing past an unknown blockage, “H-help me E-ri-c...ha ha ha.”

Tears welled up in Erica’s eyes as her sister’s grip constricted around her arm. She whined, “G-Grace? Please don’t make fun of my name. You’re hurting me. P-please let go.”

“Ha… haha. Hahaha! HAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHA! SPREAD THE WORD ERICA!” spat Axel, a crazed grin growing on her face.

Hiro’s ears perked as he heard laughter coming from within the ranks of his own students and he turned to see the twins and realize that the madness came from Grace. His eyes widened with concern as he flickered his attention between the madman charging and Grace.

Erica reared away as her sister’s nails dug into her arm. However, her sister would not let go. Erica sniffled, feeling betrayed by her best friend.

“Yes,” another voice chanted from behind Grace and Erica. It was Keziah. Clearly the two had done more than just witness the chaos before they had come in late. “Spread the word!”

Fear crawled up Erica’s spine like a man-eating centipede looking for the perfect opportunity to strike. Ripping away from her sister, Erica crashed into her meister, Aiko, and fell to her knees. She began to cry uncontrollably like the lonely kid on the playground.

Axel’s bugging eyes complimented her next statement, “Come on sis! JOIN US! EEEEEEEHAHEEHAHEEHA!” The infected student popped into the air as she transformed into her weapon form, a one-handed war axe. Metallic cackling could still be heard through the group as she flipped into Keziah’s hand.

Hiro witnessed it all, and his mind began running at a million miles an hour. Turning his attention back to his sane students, Hiro tried to think of what to do first. His attention was immediately drawn to Igor. “Ivy!” He yelled out. “Make sure Igor doesn’t eat anyone!” One problem down… hopefully. Two more to go.


“Tasha, Malacai!” He called out, picking out two more of the group’s three star meisters. “Think you can handle Keziah? We don’t want to hurt our own students, mind you…” I’d never hear the end of that one from Lord Death…

“Eden, Axel, Hotaru,” Hiro addressed more students, his voice mimicking that of a drill sergeant. “On your left!” As they looked over, they would notice the charging madman, getting closer and closer. And looking beyond that, they might see a little girl running behind him; a little girl who didn’t appear at all maddened.

“The rest of you, help where you can, but don’t get hurt!” I would never hear the end of it.

@GiannaCoco @SummerWolf @The Suspicious Eye @Stormborn Targaryen @Kyra @Mine






Eden Kizuna (Weapon)

Maxwell Kizuna


The commotion, Axel's appearance and the girl's nervous breakdown had stressed him out beyond belief, but his hearing was working quite alright. With a genuinely mean mug now adorning his face, he looked up and gave the green-haired girl a threatening stare. "You wanna go, you shrimp?!" he yelled, his voice angry, but the way he held his hands behind his head suggested he was quite relaxed. Eden prepared himself to go on a tirade, or hell, even a physical altercation with Ivy, but instead, his teacher - and considerably more important - Lord Death - demanded his attention. With one last glare of boiling hate, directed into Ivy's general direction, he turned around and sat down. "Don't even say anything to me right now." he warned Axel, sighing to let off some steam. The thought of Lord Death chopping Igor and his group after class cheered him up a little bit, which made it easier to focus.

This idiot... requesting the god damn Shinigami to join us, and then not even preparing for it at all... What a joke. Eden would have scoffed, audibly, but it was inappropiate for him to do so in the middle of class, so he surpressed the urge, instead resting his head on his hand, propped up by his elbow. Why did Hiro have to be a faculty member? His classes were boring at best. A barely noticable groan escaped him, as two students came on. He couldn't help but semi-audibly whisper out. "Great, more incompetence. It's not like we don't have enough of that 'teaching' us..." The firearm weapon put an ugly emphasis on the word teaching, taunting Hiro as slyly as he could. Lord Death, however, seemed to be startled by the words of the newly arrived students, and, truthfully, Eden understood. Strangely acting people?

He shot up from his seat at Death's command. A road trip seemed like a weird thing to do, but hell would freeze over before the orange-haired teenager would refuse an order of the legendary shinigami. "C'mon, idiot, hurry." he barked at Maxwell in a rather dismissive tone, then sped straight to the exit, following Lord Death as closely as he could. Like a proud boyscout, he lead the row of students, hoping that this idiot, Axel, would catch up to him eventually. Afterall, his impression would rub off on Eden - Not that that wasn't worse enough already.

His expression - a mixture of pride and anger - changed in the blink of an eye, as the class stopped pretty quickly at the sound of Grace's voice. This was beyond weird. "I think... someone should... uh... take her to the nurse, or something." he suggested. He maintained his disapproving tone, but his body language and expression suggested concern. A shocked, albeit extremely short gasp came out of him as the girl scratched into her sister's arm. "What the..." But he couldn't even finish his thought, as Keziah yelled out somewhere from the back the group. And now, behind her, another man approached them, looking just as disturbed as Keziah and Grace. "Okay, I just about had it with this." He now looked pissed off, and started to step back, approaching the individuals to slap some sense into them. However, Hiro's voice reached his ears. Eden did not exactly rate his teacher very highly, but his sudden authority and the sense of alertness in his voice was something the boy was so surprised at, he did not hesitate to follow the orders. Now determined, he started picking up speed. "Axel, get your shit together, come on!" he yelled, tapping his brother on the chest with the back of his hand roughly, as he passed him. They didn't see eye to eye on a lot of occassions, but they usually knew what the other meant, and right now, Eden requested him to help him, to support him. "Hotaru, you too, come on." In the corner of his eye, the significantly smaller figure appeared behind the man. "Protect the kid behind him!" His voice had changed, now sounding strained, almost primal. He would not let an innocent child get hurt by a little madness.

@DaughterofAthena @Arkytior @Atom @Cephalo @sonicfreak101
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Aiko had kept slumped back in her chair. She still had the urge to just skip out today. The class room itself felt like a prison... a chaotic one at hat. Her eyes fixated forward listening in at the booming voice coming from the front. She vaguely could make out the mentioning of the classroom as she had maintained her dazed, uninterested look as everyone's voices blurred into a nearly unintelligible state. Her eyes shifted seeing briefly the little brotherly 'teasing' as much as she could make out. Her eyes ventured forward seeing the rather petite Freya greeting... Lord Death? She suddenly shifted her attention finally recognizing him, having completely passed over him in her half caring state. She had been far to absorbed with Miyako not being around to notice his presence. Did Erica mention he would be around? I mean... I guess its not like he can't randomly show up at times....

She shifted a little in her seat, attempting to try and appear somewhat normal as she sat down. So much for skipping... She pouted a bit just as Lord Death called out Igor. She looked over not really that familiar with him, keeping relatively distant. He wasn't exactly the type that looked to be all that receptive of her flirting... he was... strange. Her attention was shifted however as the words 'soul resonance' was mentioned again. A rather displease glare came onto her eyes looking forward. Damn it... I knew I should of skipped. She wasn't in the least bit interested with the topic. Aiko had a..... issue... when it came to that. She had no issues finding a general connection with people, in part she was great at working with others. When it came to soul resonance and establishing that connection, she fell flat every time. For someone like Aiko who tended to be amazing at everything, having something so big that she couldn't do was very humiliating to her. Not even her rebellious words proclaiming herself 'not needing it' could ease her own disappointment.

A sense of relief filled her as two students ventured into the class. What had been relief turned into surprise looking at Grace, Erica's sister. She looked on, staring primarily at her over her partner. She blinked a bit surprised by her reaction. While she wasn't as familiar with Axel Grace as she was to her sister, she knew enough to find it a little strange. She shrugged it off, not thinking much more about it. Her eyes ventured over Keziah as he mentioned what was happening. Something strange... maybe... it's not so bad to be in class today. She thought as she practically leaped out of her seat at the call of a field trip.

She walked outside, seeding the madness going on outside. She stood by her partner, glancing about uncertain, a light smirk on her lips. She couldn't help but find some fun in this. For her, the aspect of danger or someone getting hurt didn't even register in her mind. She would handle it all. Her own eyes turned looking over noticing Erica 'you’re hurting me. P-please let go.'. She looked rather uneasy taking a step closer hearing them Axel Grace and Keziah speaking up. Her eyes fixated at them a bit taken back. Madness? She gasped out as suddenly Erica pulled free, stumbling back as she tried to catch her just barely managing to keep on her own feet. She looked at the two as a shiver ran through her spine.

She looked down gently touching Erica's shoulders. "Come on, Grace Hunter stand up! Don't start crying now, you have to get up. We are going to fix this, you just gotta pull yourself together." She spoke looking up worriedly at Keziah. She knew with grace in such a shape she wasn't in a very good position for fighting. She watched the madness corrupted meister like a hawk, ready if he should make a move on them. She would protect her, even if it meant engaging unarmed against the madness influenced duo.

@CelticHero37 @DaughterofAthena
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Aoi Asuka

Location(s):Class -> Outside

Classification: NOT Weapon

DWMA Nickname: Ponytails

Meister: Undine Isle

Mood: Guilty, Scared, Confused, Sad. ERROR: Emotion Overload ( xD )

Aoi glanced up at the professor and Lord Death when class commenced, he was actually a little excited for the Ice Cream social later in the day.
"Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.." He apologized to nobody in particular because he was thinking too far ahead. He glanced at the usually-'energy conversant' Professor Hiro actually starting class. It was truthfully a oddity, "Sorry Hiro for making it seem you are usually lazy" He said to himself again, "Sorry for forgetting to call you professor." He facepalmed and shook his head as he realized that he wasn't doing well to control his apologetic nature.

He started to write down how soul resonance worked with his notes from yesterday before the gates of hell opened with a pair of students running into class late. "W-what?" He spoke referring to the student that was claiming that madness was spreading like the common cold outside. Aoi walked in order with the other students behind Lord Death, remarking how joking he can be when there is a threat like this. He looked behind him when a student started to repeat the same as the man running up the stairs, remembering that she was one of the two who came in late. He tilted his head to the side as he heard another voice also chanting 'Spread the Word', and there was the other half of the pair acting the same. "What..the..hell." Not even apologizing for the use of the 'H-Word' which was unlike him.

'Ponytails' blinked as he stared at the chaos spreading around the class, it could nearly drive a person insane just looking at it. The teacher turning into a military general, ordering the students to go to the left and others to do whatever they could. He couldn't do anything, he lacked a Meister at the moment, there is no way he can even push a person to the side, he could maybe try to help to calm down those with the madness, but then that would mean he probably wouldn't end up safe. The only real thing he could do was being shut down due to them having to stay safe, oh the irony, He thought to himself. "I can't do anything without breaking orders..." he said, the nostalgic feeling of helplessness and guilt settled in again before he slumped against the wall, pressing his hand against his head.

(Sorry.. probably not as good as some of yours..also I flopped up and sent a unfinished post...-presses a F on his forehead-)

Gemini Chastiefol

Gemini walked almost silently within the halls of the DWMA, a small hum following their footsteps in tow as they made their way to their first class. Walking with a stilled and clam demeanor as ever, they approached the entrance to their first class of the day, Mr. Mitsaki's classroom, where the teacher's more eccentric approach, a fine word for slightly lazy, to his teaching made them simply enjoy the learning more. It was an obvious fact that Gemini was without qualms when it came to the subject of classes and tests, because such things were interesting. The concept of a school where one could train to professionally to hunt down Kishin Eggs and combat against the forces of evil was much more interesting and engaging than a regular school, Gemini didn't see how one could, outside the perimeter of finding it difficult in terms of subject matter, very boring whatsoever.

Subjects like Phasmology being the study of souls as its Latin roots would suggest, were right up their ally. Their sixth sense was quite adept to say in the least, though they would never admit to having anything special, being as modest as they were. But in addition to raw skill, Gemini would say their interest and scholarly knowledge from paying attention to class, even when deteriorated at such a rate when Hiro was as lazy as he was, was acceptable to say in the least.

They opened the door, a small sighescaping their mouth as Gemini walked inside the room and noticed its growing occupants on their way, including Lord Death himself, which was, to say in the least. quite shocking. Gemini however didn't stop to take a second look at Lord Death, never one to stare either, they knew that they would have a chance to look at him all they wanted during class, considering taht Lord Death didn't leave his room nor his mirror to call teachers, considering he had such an extensive system of communication with every mirror in the world to use, no, he was here to observe, that much was obvious.

As Gemini took their seat, they also noted a slight pressure they felt, a rising tension as the very Lord Death himself came to analyze some of his training students. The Two Star Meister composed themselves, crossing their legs as they looked down, fidgeting slightly with their scarf as they looked around, noticing that, after some commotion, they had been summoned to a 'field trip' and quickly followed their classmates outside.

Gemini looked upon the spreading sea

of chaos and madness as, deeply within them they felt a feeling of deep discomfort and remorse. Chaos and imbalance within Death City was deeply diconceerting considering how secure the city was meant to be, based off the entire existence of it being the DWMA's place of residency in the middle of nowhere. An entire legion of military based Kishin hunters existed, and for some reason the madness found its way into the city still, the fact that that could even happen was questionable, nay, impossible to Gemini prior to now. They sighed, looking down at the ensuing madness as a multiplicity of madness induced persons walked the streets visibly, those out of view probably being in, at present, the dozens.

Gemini took a deep breath in, then looking as the two people before the crowd of students seemed to be dealt with, others having their own complications as madness swept into their group and Hiro ordered anyone capable to do what they could, the two star Meister took in a deep breath, outstetching their hand as a Rapier formed within a flash of Olivia's soul, forming in their grip. Gemini then walked forward past the crowd of students, taking a step forward as they immediately tripped, falling face first as blood ran down their nose.

"Goddamit Lucas."

Hashitan Lace

"Hmm, oh no, I was actually speaking to your bow. It's got quite the personality, and after it caught my eye, I couldn't just not speak to it." Hashitan replied gently flicking the bow with a nonchalant smile. Hashitan had no clue why the girl was stammering by a simple question, it wasn't like he was anything special. So instead of dwelling on the peculiar behaviour or making a comment on it, he just tacked it down to nerve for the sudden visit of Lord Death and moved on with life. His smile stretched out into an amused grin as she took off into a fast paced response to his question.
Code Name: Dumb Lace

Rank: NOT

Weapon Type: Mallet

Meister: Katarina

Status: None

"Well, I here there's supposed to be an ice cream social after this which makes this meeting seem even more foreboding, but when has ice cream never been able to lighten the mood?" Of course that was probably the intention of the ice cream. Either that or they were just to suspicious of anything and everything at the DWMA that Lord Death feels the need to personally announce. He's not the most subtle...

He nodded in agreement with her, his eyes glancing briefly as she covered something with her shirt sleeves. Hmm. "From the looks of it, sadly, the chop will not be happening today." He sighed wistfully, watching with twinkling eyes as Lord Death began assisting Mister Hiro with his lessons, although it was obvious that he had not come to teach the students about soul resonance. "It looks like Mr. Hiro is just as lost as we are." He murmured quietly.

"Howdy Deryn," He side high-fived her outstretched hand before gently shaking it. "If you want to get familiar with the social ladder at the DWMA, I am most definitely not the guy to come to. Hashitan Lace, NOT Student, and better know as Dumb around the academy. This is my meister Katarina." He gestured to Katarina with a light smile.

He didn't get to say much after that because one of his classmates had just run into the room in a panic speaking of madness. Hashitan was one of the first to run outside after Lord Death even though his meister was still behind in the class. The sight of the laughing man, Axel, and Keziah all laughing hysterically and giggling about spreading the word made his skin crawl and something unnerving bubble up in his chest. His eyes quickly snapped away from the 3 to a little girl running behind the man. He lurked back from the other, crouched defensively, but not showing any signs of moving. Without his meister he wasn't fit to fight them, nor could he if he wanted to. So instead, he would watch and wait.

@Yunn @The Succubi Queen
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Ivy, Demetri, Honey, and Igor

Classroom Stress

The feeling was a stab in her heart, the total disintegration of her confidence as soon as the words reached her ears. Honey knew that this was going to happen but the words in her mind and the words she actually heard were so different. She didn’t want to go to Lord Death’s office! If only she could control Igor more, then none of this would have happened! The girl let her head fall onto the table in front of her, an echoing thud accompanying the motion. Why does this have to happen to me? She complained in her head.

"You wanna go, you shrimp?!" Eden yelled, his voice angry, but the way he held his hands behind his head suggested he was quite relaxed.

“Shrimp?!” Ivy rose out of her chair to her full height of 6’2’’. “Oh, I want to go alright. Come a little closer so I can take a bit of height off you. How about I remove your head from your shoulders since you aren’t really using it anyway.” Ivy snarled, cracking her fists and itching for a fight.

Igor watched Ivy’s every move, the excitement to fight rubbing off on him. He decided to copy her movements, standing to his feet and cracking his fists. It excited him, just the simple thought of removing someone’s head brought a chuckle to his throat. Hearing this voice, his partner who was resting her head on the table snapped to attention. However, she instantly looked at Ivy rather than Igor.

“I-Ivy...you’re giving him ideas.” Honey practically whispered, still concerned that Lord Death was in the classroom. She reached over and carefully touched the psycho’s arm, hoping to get him to sit back down.

“No, they’re MY ideas, though Igor’s always welcome to join me in the beat down.” Ivy replied, her eyes still drilling holes into Eden’s.

“Ivy,” Demetri turned his head to his meister. Ivy turned to face her weapon, irritation clear on her face. Demetri only tilted his head towards the front of the classroom where Hiro was starting the class. Ivy growled, Demetri’s message was quite clear. He didn’t want her starting a fight with class starting. Since when has that ever stopped me before. Demetri, as if reading her thoughts, simply turned his head to the clearly excited Igor. Even without words, weapon and meister understood each other perfectly. If they started a fight now Igor may lose it and Ivy didn’t like being his babysitter. She was one of the few people who could take him down when he truly lost his mind. Ivy grumbled but sat down, staring grudgingly at the board.

Demetri sighed, turning his attention to the ever boring class. Although Ivy was backing down now, Demetri knew that the first chance she’d get she was going after Eden. Not that he intended on stopping her a second time. On the contrary, he wanted to join in. That thought alone got him to sit through Hiro’s boring lecture.

Field Trip

Still hoping for the promise of excitement Igor refused to sit back down even at Honey’s touch. Even out of the corner of his eye he saw Ivy sit down but he wanted to do something fun, and class was not fun. After a few minutes of simply standing in the back of the class, Igor groaned and began to take a seat to the delight of his meister. However, the moment of success for the girl was short lived as three students burst into the class, catching the brute’s attention. Soon the whole room found themselves flooding out the doors after their teachers.

“FIELD TRIP!” Igor screamed as he pushed past students to get out the door first. Ivy, Demetri, and Honey simply used the moving wall as an easier way out of the room.

After a bit of following the class came upon a scene of chaos. There was clearly madness being spread around quickly and people were shouting ‘spread the word’. Honey worked her way through the crowd of people to find Igor, already knowing something bad was likely to happen to his fragile mind. To her horror, she was right, from a ways away she could see a man filled with madness charging at them. Only faintly behind her did she hear their teacher announce that keeping Igor in control would be Ivy’s responsibility as she tried to gain the psycho’s attention. It was too late, he turned and looked at the charging man, Honey could practically feel the man become filled with excitement.

“IGOR!” Honey shouted just as the giant brute burst forward. Charging at the man charging them, Honey ran after him, panic filling her. “Igor, NO!” She shouted louder.

Ivy looked out over the crowd of crazed people and smiled. “This should be fun.” She held out a hand and Demetri instantly transformed into a formidable battle axe. The two of them had no problem matching soul wavelengths. Weapon and meister were as one as they scanned the area, figuring out their first target.

Controlling the Psycho

“Ivy!” Hiro yelled out. “Make sure Igor doesn’t eat anyone!”

Ivy turned to their teacher and showed him the middle finger. “As if,” She scoffed. “I ain't his damn babysitter teach.”

“Ivy,” Demetri groaned. “We have to. Look, Honey’s running after him in tears.” He pointed out.

Ivy growled and turned her attention to the crazed lunatic and his meister. “I hate you so much.” Ivy seethed, running off after the two. She quickly caught up to Honey and pushed the little girl over. “AND I HATE YOU TOO!” She screamed as she neared her target. She jumped in the air and brought Igor to the ground with a flying side kick. “STOP MAKING ME BE SO DAMN NICE ALL THE TIME!”

“Says the person who just knocked two people over.” Demetri pointed out.

“Shut up!” Ivy yelled at her weapon, and she stood on top of Igor.

Igor at first wasn’t sure what happened. He had his punching bag in sight and then all he could see was the ground. Hearing the voices and feeling a pair of feet step onto his back he managed to put two and two together. Raising a fist in the air he slammed it down into the ground making a hole. “WHY YOU GOTTA RUIN ALL MY FUN?!” He shouted before standing to his feet.

Ivy jumped off of him and glared at the behemoth before her. “It’s all your fault I don’t get any of the cool fights, you dumbass!” Ivy bellowed, pointing her axe at him. “Come on and fight me you crazed dumb gorilla!”

“We’re trying to stop him Ivy, not fight him.” Demetri groaned, even though he knew a fight was inevitable with Ivy being involved.

Igor stared blankly at Ivy for a moment, his eye quickly scanning her, noting her holding Demetri. He suddenly burst into a chuckle as his arm began to transform into the spinning blade of his buzzaxe. Excitement once again glowed in his eye as he looked down on the woman. “Fine...YOU’LL BE MY FUN!” He shouted before lunging at her, swinging his deadly arm.

Ivy easily stepped out of the way of his swing and countered with one of her own. “I’ll show you fun, you damn headcase!”

When Honey finally got up from being knocked over she almost wished she hadn’t. The first thing she saw was Igor and Ivy fighting each other, this time it was all out, Ivy even had Demetri with her. Honey looked at the ground, at least Ivy could hold Igor’s attention with a fight. I wish I could keep his attention and prevent him from fighting, but I’m not strong enough yet. Honey’s eyes quickly narrowed as she continued to watch the three fight. But I will get stronger! Just as the thought crossed her mind she remembered that Ivy was in fact the one who was training her to be stronger. I can't believe she hates me! Honey could almost feel the tears welling up in her eyes.

@sonicfreak101 @DaughterofAthena @CelticHero37 @Sunbather


Honey talking/thinking

Ivy talking/thinking





“Riiight… back up and let me take care of this punk ass you two. Besides, i think she wants a piece of your stupid ass.” Axel stated, grabbing Eden on the shoulder and pointing a thumb back at Ivy. Axel chuckled slightly, “Hell hath no mercy for he who pisses that woman off. Have fun!”

With that Axel left his brother to the fury of the green haired monster as he approached the mad man, “Right… come here buddy, let me feed you your teeth…” Axel called out, waving his left hand in a come at me motion. His right hand remained back behind him in his back pocket as he skillfully slipped brass knuckles on.

“Noooo!!!” came the crying scream of the little girl who appeared to be struggling to make it up the stairs, her arm outstretched as though she was reaching for the man consumed with madness. “Don’t hurt Daddy! He just got a bad email from work!!”

Her voice was pleading, desperate even. And at the same time, it seemed as though she lacked an understanding of what was really going on.

Axel tilted his head as the girl spoke and sighed, ‘Damn.. can't flatten this guy like that in front of a little girl… can't let him stay up either though..’ Axel thought a moment before leaving the brass knuckles in his pocket, “Right, let's do this the hard way then..come at me buddy!” Axel called out, holding his arms as if inviting the man in for a hug or something.

Axel waited for the man to come in close, wildly swinging his arms, before he moved backwards and directed a kick to the side of the man's leg. The kick wasn't hard enough to do any real damage but it did throw his already wildly swinging body out of balance. The man pitched sideways and twisted as Axel stepped back in quickly. Axel's arms came around the front of the guy, one wrapping around his neck and immediately cutting off the air flow before the other came up in front of that one and locked it in place. Axel's hand grabbed the top of the man's head to hold him still as he started walking backwards to keep him off his feet.

“Nooo!!” The little girl’s scream would reach his ears again and if Axel looked down, he would see the shortie standing right next to him, her little hands balled into fists as she began repeatedly punching at his leg. “Bad man!! Let my Daddy go! He just got bad news from work!!!”

“Relax kid! Your daddy just needs a little nap!” Axel growled towards the girl, “Just give me a mome-OOF!” Axel was interrupted as a rather hard elbow blow caught him in the ribs. Axel quickly pulled his arms back ask shoved the unbalanced man forward hard enough to give him some room, “What the hell? Not even Ivy hits that hard… that ain't natural…” Axel grunted.

Axel took a moment to look behind him for the others before turning back to face the man, “Eden! Quit playing around! Get over here. Hotaru! Get this little girl out of here!” Axel called out before reaching into both pockets. So maybe it was time for the brass...

@Sunbather @Cephalo
Undine Isle

"Ah! Excuse me! Coming through. Please don't hit me with your bags!"
Undine had made the rookie mistake of letting her nerves get to her the night before and deciding to play on her game boy until she could fall asleep. That had not turned out well.

Code Name: Dine Isle

Rank: NEW/NOT Student

Location: The Lone Classroom

Weapon: Aoi/Ponytails

Status: Hurricane Mode

"NYAH!" Undine jerked around to investigate the noise behind her and watched in horror as a girl slipped on a piece of toilet paper that apparently had been stuck to Undine's shoe up until the moment she stopped running. Her face morphed into an expression of guilt as the girl collapsed onto the ground and groaned in pain. "I am sosososo sorry! I would help you to the nurse, but I really don't like being late, and I kinda already am."

The girl glared at Undine's retreating back in irritation as another student helped her up off the floor.

Doe eyed and speeding, Undine skidded into the classroom barely managing to stop before she hit the teacher's desk. Her breathing was ragged as she looked around and noticed that there was barely anyone the class.
"What the- I can't possibly be that late." She whined breathlessly. If her parents were here she would never hear the end of this. But they weren't.

Her wide brown eyes zeroed in on a girl sitting down reading a book, completely oblivious to what was going on around her. Undine recognized her as one of her fellow NEW students, Kassana. Kassana wasn't the most involved or
present girl, but that had nothing to do with finding where the majority of the class and her weapon had gone. Slamming her hands down on Kassana's desk to catch her attention, she looked down at her with an unintentionally creepy smile.

"Hi there, do you happen to know where the class picked up and moved to?" Polite, but straight to the point. Nice Dine, but we really need to work on your presence.

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Deryn Nicole Renoir

Name:Deryn Nicole Renoir

Status: NEW

Classification: Meister

Partner: None
She sat rather quietly as Hashitan talked, not really making any remarks. She had completely forgotten about the ice cream social. Maybe she should go? It's not like she had anything better to do, and this class wasn't very informative, so she didn't really need to study any of it.

When the classroom exploded at the mention of the chaos in town, Deryn almost bounded out of her seat with delight. Finally, something was happening! A chance to prove her skills! Just put a weapon in her hands and she was golden! Nobody was going to ignore her now, she would show them all what she could do and soar to the top of the class and be popular and-

Wait. She still didn't have a weapon partner yet. She was as useless as a duck afraid of water.

She watched as her classmates poured out of the classroom towards the city on their field trip. But she? She just kind of sat there, looking at her notebook scribbled full of notes. She couldn't be helpful here. She didn't have a weapon, and the one friend she had made so far had taken off after declaring himself the schools "Dumb."

"Well, at least there's ice cream to look forward too later." And she could at least play support for now. She shoved her notebooks into her bag and ran out of the classroom, taking to the streets to find civilians and guide them to a safe location.

On The Streets

"Here, this way, sweetie, once we get you some place safe I'll focus on looking for your mommy. I'm sure she doesn't want you in the street in the middle of all of this." Deryn told a little boy she was carrying as she ran through the streets. "Once I get you to the DWMA, I promise I'll find your mom, got it?" The boy wasn't any older than her little sister Ellie, but his face was stained with tears and he looked like he had already seen too much.

She had made at least 10 promises of the same nature, but so far, the only people that hadn't tried to kill her had been small children. What the heck was going on here?

She dropped the boy at the bottom of the steps. "Listen, you need to climb those steps. I know it's a really long climb, but if I take you up, I won't have time to find your mom." She gave a reassuring smile as the child gave a small nod. "Great. Once you get to the top, someone will help you. I have to go now. Thank you for being so brave." She smiled down at the boy, before running back into the city.

She was really looking forward to the ice cream after all of this.

Gemini Chastiefol

"Ok, that's a boo-boo....." Gemini groaned, standing up on the steps as they gave a deep sigh, reaffirming their grip on the rapier in their palm. Gemini then looked over, noticing how before her a meister, Keziah, accompanied by her weapon were now maddened additionally to the man ascending the stairs, now being confronted by a group of students as the other situation looked to be in much more need of a firm hand.

Gemini braced themself, looking over as they then began as charge, walking through the group and then making their way to stand before Aiko and Erica, holding their rapier pointedly at Keziah's body, ready to strike if need be. Gemini stressed their breathing, slowing it as was necessary for the situation and focused their attention
directly upon her target as the two girls behind them composed themselves.

"Desist! I implore you to stop right where you are, or I will take physical action against you. And while I can promise you ill not die, I cannot promise you'll exactly like it." they spoke, words concise and confident, poised and articulate as they always wished to be, a warrior on the battlefield, and a hand of the DWMA. They were an academy student, an EAT student, and they were going to prove it.

They looked behind themselves, smiling gently at Aiko and Erica as they both tried to regain their composure in the midst of battle. "It'll be alright Erica, I promise! There's no need to be afraid, you and I can win against this with ease if we just keep our heads." Her reassurance, to the most observant, would be proven as lies. Gemini was as uncertain as anybody about the exact outcome of a battle, if one were to die, get injured or win was as likely a possibility as the next, but second guessing yourself didn't help your odds very well, especially boost the confidence of a girl whose entire world fell apart because of the madness.

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Kassana Silverstream and Vanille Floresia

Kassana jumped. It wasn’t the kind of jump that indicated a slight shock. No, this was an ‘Oh my God, you almost gave me a heart attack’ kind of jump. It was such, in fact, that her chair fell over and she hit her head on the back of the desk behind her, her silver hair flying in front of her face as she let out the oddest of screeches. In her collapse, her book flew from her grip and landed next to her before flipping shut. ”Ah! My page…” Whatever page the girl had been reading was long lost now.

Finally her attention turned to the one who had slammed on her desk in the first place. Kassana was fairly certain her name was Undine, but one could never be certain when there were so many crazy people running around. “Wait.. what?” Kassana rubbed the back of her head, feeling that a bump was already forming.

It was only then that she took in the rest of the classroom. Hiro and Death were gone and so were most of the noisy ones - the ones who would’ve prevented her from reading her book. Maybe that’s why I was getting through so many pages… she realized quickly. ”I don’t know where everyone went,” she replied with honesty. Quickly picking up her book, Kassana stuffed it into her backpack and began to head towards the door. ”I’m going to go find them, though.”

Kassana was a bit stuck on where to look at first although she did eventually make her way to the DWMA entrance and find her classmates and teacher. Lord Death was already gone. What she noticed first was the chaos - sheer terror, in fact - that was befalling Death City. On the side, she heard Hiro barking orders. Fairly certain that she fell in the group of others, Kassana knew right away that this was not her fight so instead of joining in, she turned to look for her partner and ran back to Vanille.

Vanille stood a bit back from everyone, watching the chaos like the others with a look of shock, “What's… what's going on?” she asked Kassana as she neared. “This isn't… normal, right? Everything was so peaceful this morning…” Vanille muttered, her usual cheery attitude gone for the moment. “Kassana, do you know what's going on…? You read books and stuff, yea? Surely you know…”

“Books? This is madness…” Kassana stumbled over her own words. Kassana could not control it, though - the regurgitation of information. “Madness… a sensation of no fear that often drives one to do terrible things. Consume human souls, drive others to forget their fears and join the madness… madness…”

“Madness… that's… that doesn't sound good…” Vanille said, swallowing on nothing, “What do we do Kassana? You're smart… you know what to do right?” Vanille asked, clearly more then shocked now at that revelation.

Kassana looked down at her own hands, all color flushing from her face as she realized the truth. She wanted to be the hero; she wanted it so bad she could taste it. But… ”I’m just not strong enough…” It was barely even a whisper, barely audible at all, but the sadness of it was clear on the girl’s face. I’m weak. I’m a silly, stupid and pathetic weapon and I’m too weak to save anyone..

Vanille looked down at Kassana, unable to hear her words but certainly able to see the look on her face with ease. Vanille looked up a moment at the chaos before looking back at Kassana, “Hey, we got this, right? Come on cheer up! We can uhh… we can handle this right? Both gonna become a part of the EAT class aren't we? Then we gotta chin up! Whatever it is, we can handle it!” Vanille reassured her, putting on a big smile despite what she really thought still.

Kassana never even looked up to meet the eyes of her meister. ”No… no we can’t…” her voice spoke again, still soft.


Collab with @Atom
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