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Fandom Soul Eater-Second Generation

She smiled and shook Mamba's hand.

"Yes, I think we will make a strong team"

They had a connection, she could feel it a slight tingle when they shook hands that time. But, she knew the real test would come when they hunt their first corrupt soul.She looked towards the front of the room where Lord Death and Kid were standing. The last time she saw Kid was when she was 10 and she told him about the lady with the funny soul. That lady turned out to be a witch. She looked over at Lord Death who, was talking to a group of students.

"Do you think that they choose partners, based off who has teamed up already."

She looked back at Mamba.
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"What? it's rather nice to be polite. Honorifics tend always to be liked,.or at least be received with a smile." When he heard about her situation he gave a nod. "Ahh the scythe, classic, a cutting edge like no other, reaping souls like the farmer reaps the grain in his field. One swift motion and all the blades of wheat fall." he paused and quickly was rubbing the back of his head, "I apologize. My family are tailors, we make nice suits, it kinda got boring when they needed my help. I let my mind wander when, generally it ventured into making the plain grandiose." He turned to her, "still...you are looking for a miester, me a weapon, now my family does not have a long tradition of meisters...so how does this go about?"
Nodding as she heared his small family details, Angle then heard the boy describe her weapon details. She found it cool that he could describe the weapon with ease, seeming to be in his own little world as he described such."No worries, I think it's fascinating the way you can describe things with ease." Angle smiled at the boy. She tilted her head to the side a little as she heard his family didn't have a long line of Meisters, and she could see that from his nicely tailored suit. She wondered how he got into the DWMA with ease if he came from a line of tailors. She shook away the thought as she heard he was looking for a weapon, and she herself a Meister. "Well, it's when you sort of feel a connection between you and the person you chose. Like your souls could connect with ease," She explained,"But the real test is that when you have your first battle as Meister and weapon, when you two can fight with ease and swiftness, your souls becoming one through the simple grip." She giggled a little."Sorry for the details, that's just how I picture it."
"Look if I can go into deep description about random things, I feel you have as much right." This girl was interesting to say the least friendly as well. "Well, madam we seem to possess the qualities that the other is looking for. I'm a meister, you're a weapon. We're both looking for partners." He extended his hand in a friendly manner, "Interested in seeing if there is a connection?"
Each step was like a step towards his doom, the DWMA was no place for a guy like him, a freak among freaks but still not accepted. Xar felt the wind coarse through his hood his face hidden beneath the hood, his hand hidden as well, everything was hidden on him so it just amped up the creepy feel of him, plus he had and unsettling glow to him, only thing visible through the hood was some strands of his odd white hair piercing through the cloak of lies he hid himself in everyday. Xar was at the front door of the academy now, was he truly meant to be a student here or was his hatred of what happened to himself getting in the way, all he knew was that he would hid in his cloak for the rest of the time being.
Kass would walk up to the school, calmly blowing a bubble with the gum in her mouth. She would have a calm expression on her face, as if she was just going to the store and not into a giant academy ran by lord death himself. She would open the door and slip inside, before taking a slow look around. 'Good,' She mumbled to herself, 'I'm not the only loner. Hopefully we don't need to resort to weapons swinging weapons. Or dual wielding, I'd be awful with that...'
Smiling, Angle nodded as he said she has just a much right to go into a deeper description. She smiled and nodded as he said they were both working for the same qualities as the boy extended his hand to her. 'Her goes nothin,' Taking a small breath, Angle took ahold of the boys hand and she felt a small sense surge through her arm. She could feel the feeling where there souls both gave a small shock. She smiled at him and nodded. She had found a partner.
Xar walked into the school evading most crowds and keeping himself to the back in the shadows which he seemed to be so good at. Xar couldn't talk to them, he knew nothing about being social, plus he never had a friend before... Xar knew everyone talked about him like he was creepy, no one could explain a guy like him, a guy who constantly evades conversations and hides every part of himself, to them he was the biggest freak there Xar had thought. Xar watched all the people flood in all over trying to find weapons and meisters, his shirt on the other hand had no tag at all and you normally had to wear it first day, whenever someone asks he would leave or evade the question without hesitation.
Kass would mingle with the students, actively chatting among her fellow weapons and attempting to scout out a meister. 'I might just have to go it alone,' she thought, 'No one here looks strong enough to even carry my weapon form as a weapon... maybe I should try to lose weight?'
Ryushi walked through the halls, looking around at each student. He felt like an outcast here, but at the same time he enjoyed not being part of any other student's social life. When he had been accepted to the DWMA, his parents had been overjoyed, so he wanted to make them proud. He bumped into a guy who was completely covered up in clothing. "Sorry." He kept walking down the hall. That guy didn't seem like someone Ryushi wanted to mess with. He yawned, his eyes browsing all the students lazily. He hadn't gotten enough sleep last night. He groaned, rubbing the various bruises along his arms and upper torso. His parents always loved stopping by and giving him training time. He sighed. 'I'll survive today, at least." He noticed a lot of Weapons and Meisters were already pairing up. He wondered who he was gonna work with.
Xar was standing in the middle of the huge crowd which he hated when he was bumped into by another guy like him, or at least he was a male, they were far from the same in Xars terms. Xar noticed the guy had no pin that told if he was weapon or meister, Xar had both pins on him but he had no clue which this kid was so he just started to walk towards him, it seemed like the crowds just moved around him like a rock in a river as he slowly creeped towards the kid. Xar grabbed the kids shoulder with a little to much force as he presented the pins in his hand to show what he wanted the kids to do, hoping he did not think he was going to fight him. Xar was not one to fight plus people would notice who he was if he did fight so he refused to do it.
Ryushi felt someone grab his shoulder and spin him around. It was the same guy who he had bumped into before. He winced at the fact he had grabbed a spot where he was bruised. "Wha-" He noticed the pins he held out. He immediately remembered that he still had his pin in his pocket. He had been running late, so he hadn't bothered to put it on. He pulled it out and held it towards the guy. "Sorry. Meister. Was running late this morning. Forgot about it." He smiled. First day of his new school, and he was already screwing up. He put the pin on and shrugged. "Hey, could you let go? That hurts, man." He pulled the guys hand off his shoulder, then rubbed it. His dad had given him a nice hit there, leaving it black and blue.
Issac felt a little startled as he felt the surge, he met her nod, and smiled as well, "Huh, wadda know? well then..." his face blanked out a look of embarrassment showed, "Oh, I just realized...we've been talking all this time about weapons and miesters, and finding out if we're partners, we never did introduce ourselves...Issac Gregory Armon, and i'm partnered with the greatest scythe..." He gave a hand motion to his new partners direction.
Xar let go and slid the pins back into his pockets slowly then looked back forward ".....very important......" he says very quietly pointing to the pin, only odd thing was that he wore no Pim even though he preached it was so important he had both but they were both in his pocket, he could be a teacher by the looks of it because he had both pins which was odd enough but he also was hiding his whole body. Xar watched this kid awkwardly just standing there arms going back to his side and his hands back in his pockets and seemed to stop standing up straight and going back to a slouching position. Xar shrugged and started to walk off the crowd just seemed to do the same as before, like a rock in a river they moved around him like he was different they avoided his weird appearance and glare, people questionedhim, as if he was different from them..and why did he wear no pin?...
Ryushi tilted his head, wondering why he had just upped and walked away. He shook his head and walked down the hall. He tried to chat with a few students, but he kept getting ignored, so he just walked through the hall, getting used to the feel of the school. He stopped in front of a few students talking and leaned against the wall, playing with his pin on his shirt and playing through how the school year was going to be. Probably do decent in a few classes, stay mostly to himself-unless he could find someone to hang out with-, hang out with his parents after school, go to sleep. He sighed. He hoped that he wouldn't be expected of much this year. He watched the student's talk, trying to keep himself from being noticed.
Xar seemed to just meander through the school with ease, he just had an eerie feel to him, like he was some sort of monster in sheep's clothing, he had some sort of ball with him as well that he was always bouncing, just think of a guy covered up with one hand in pocket and the other bouncing something well he was in a slouched position, it just was creepy all around and he really did not mind it. Xar starred at all the girls and guys everywhere, he had never seen so much people before plus he had not seen many women on his travels so he had no social skills with either gender, he was all screwed up with no one to fix him, but he honestly did not mind, he liked to be alone and with his appearance no one would ever try to talk to him unless they were crazy..
Kass would find a nice, secluded bench and lay down on it. She'd put her weapon pin on the ground in front of her, though it would be quite obvious with her next course of action. Her arms would slowly start becoming the two sides of her weapon form. It seems to be taking all of her concentration to stop her whole body from going into her weapon form.
((Hey guys, I'm really sorry, but family things have been rough, so I'll be on hiatus for a few days. There may be a few replies every now and again, sorry.))
"I think they take that into great consideration." And she hopped they did, how could they say who two would be good when the two haven't even connected. Mamba felt ready to hunt her first soul, even if they failed she wanted to see how well they fought together. She wanted to test how they fought soon, she was ready for a fight. The feeling began to grow inside her making her wavelength go haywire.
(OOC: school can be....ya....)

Raven was glad to here that, now she wanted to know when their first fight would be. She started nervously tugging at her jacket hem again. Battle, she had never fought before but, her soul was telling her she could. She looked back at Mamba.

"Should we tell them we want to pair up?"

She stopped tugging at her jacket and pointed at Lord Death.

"I believe they send people who wish to pair up on a test hunt to see if they truly make a good pair."

She had read about test hunts in a book and wondered if it was true or not.
"We can always check," a test hunt was exactly what she needed she hadn't turned into her weapon since Black ☆ Star found her. She tried to think of what her weapon looked like but really couldn't remember it, she could remember what it used to look like but the witches had changed it so much she wouldn't recognize herself even if she was standing in front of the mirror. She waved for Raven to follow her as she began to walk up to Lord Death and tugged on his cloak lightly, which didn't feel like a cloak more like a shroud it was cold very cold. He turned around and smiled at her, well he didn't actually "smile" but his eyes made it look like he was smiling. 'For two black holes his eyes are really expressive' she thought to herself. "Yes, what is it Ms. Rose?" He asked. "Well umm.." she stammered "Raven and I have decided that we want to be partners.. So.. Is there any like practice hunt we can do to test our skills..?" She waited for a reply.

She followed Mamba up to where Lord Death was standing. She froze up as Lord Death looked at them. He put his hands together after Mamba asked about the practice test.

"So you two wish to team up?"

He leaned in closer to the pair.

"Ah yes, there is defiantly a connection between you two."

He grabbed a piece of paper and gave it to Raven.

"There is a kishian egg in forest on the outskirts of the city. Lets see if you two can handle it!"

He leaned back up.

Raven looked at the paper then back at Lord death.

"Thank you Lord Death."

The paper had the location and info on the target. The target was a lower leval kishin egg.

It must have just turned into one.

She showed the paper to Mamba.

"Ready to go fight this thing?"
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Mamba's wavelength went crazy, she was more than ready. "Oh yeah," she smiled and looked at the paper Mikhail P was the eggs name, it says he's hiding near a rock formation a few miles outside the city gates. Mamba and Rose began to walk toward the exit of the hall when Black ☆ Star stopped them, "Where you goin lil sis," he asked. "We got our first assignment, we're going to collect the soul," she responded handing Black ☆ Star the paper. He studied it a bit concentrating on what the paper said until Tsubaki sighed and told him what it said. "Haha! I knew that!" He bellowed "Good luck, I know you do great," he said thrusting out his fist. "Of course" Mamba said connecting his fist with hers. after they said their last goodbyes to Black ☆ Star and Tsubaki they went on their way to kill the Kishin egg.
As she and Mamba walked out they were stopped by black star. As black star talked to Mamba, Raven looked at a wall. The only people she had met that had attended the DWMA were Kid,Patty, and Liz. She wondered what they would say if they saw her heading on an assignment. She waved at Black Star Tsubaki as they headed off. She was about to tell Mamba something when a familiar voice called out her name.


She was greeted by a hug from Patty and her sister Liz stood by them.

"Come on Patty she has an assignment."

Patty let go of Raven.

"I know I just wanted wish her luck"

Raven smiled at the sisters.

"I'm just glad I got see you guys before I left."

Liz handed Raven a piece of paper.

"Good luck you guys."

She turned and walked away Patty gave Raven one last hug.

"Good luck!"

She followed her sister, Raven put the piece of paper in her jacket pocket.

"alright, lets go teach this kishin egg a lesson."

Before long they were outside of the city, she looked up at the rock formation.

"it was here but, its gone."

she turned to look at the city when,


She pointed at a large figure moving towards the city.
Mamba turned around quickly, "Alright lets go!" This was it time for battle. They both ran at the kishin as fast at they could, "Damn he's fast," she tried to run as fast as she could, they we catching up. She could begin to see what he looked like, he was wearing a straight jacket so his arms are immobilized 'that's good' she thought. He curved his neck so he could see behind his back and saw the girls gaining on him, he tried to run faster and faster. Something wasn't right about his neck and head, his neck was twice as large as a humans and his teeth reminded her of a sharks, 'makes sense, no arms' she thought and looked over at Rose "He has no arms but his main point of attack is his mouth so watch out, are you ready?!" She jumped and concentrated on her weapon form and soon transformed into two hook swords spinning down into Roses hands.

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