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Fandom Soul Eater-Second Generation

Raven was running behind Mamba. This kishin was fast.

"He is very fast."

She almost tripped when the kishin looked back at them. Chills ran up her spine, he was very creepy looking. She nodded when Mamba told her his primary attack method.


She watched as Mamba transformed into the hook swords she caught her. It felt right, she could feel Mamba's wave lengths through the swords. She pointed one of them at the kishin.

"Mikhail P! You have become a kishin egg, prepare to face consequences."

The kishin stopped and let out a sinister laugh. He shot his tongue at her, she barley dogged it and swung a blade at it causing a nice gash. He swung his head at them knocking her over.


She stood back up and ran at the kishin jumping up and taking a slash at his back. The cut wasn't deep enough to kill him, he went to hit her with his neck again. She moved out of the way. This went on for a bit, the kishin swinging his neck while she jumped out of the way.

"Just die already!"

She ran towards him and landed the final blow and he burst leaving his soul floating in front of her. She sat down on the ground.

"Finally, our first soul, we did it Mamba."

She was winded but, combat was easier then she thought. It also didn't help that she took a blow to the chest.For their first fight she thought they did well.

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Xar watched the girls from atop the wall around death city, most people wouldent be able to see that far but his green messed up eye could, it memorized, learned, then Xar adapted. Xar wss planning to watch most students in the school, learn there weaknesses, adapt to there strengths, ruin there resonances. Xar was watching them, learning there attacks memorizing what they would do when they attacked, all weapons and meisters had weaknesses, he also had weakness, too cold and calculated, honestly he had many weaknesses. What Xar did not know was the one girl could see wavelengths, his was a massive soul with tech lines all over it, one eyes was normal and bored looking well the other was covered in tech line and looked like a computer chip, it was covered in scars and had witch's resonance lightly hanging around his soul, depending on his mood it might have tech wings or it wouldent some times, depending by the mood, Xar was a nice kid speaking of which but he still wanted to know everyone's weakness, it was just something he did. Xar looked out into the blistering sand "I Miss home....." Xar says looking back at the girls far out in the sand, what was it like to have a partner...hmmmm it was questionable
Mamba transformed back into her human form, it felt good to be a weapon again and even better knowing that they had killed their first Kishin egg. She gave Rose a high five "Nice job partner," she said and grabbed the soul, it felt interesting in her hands like a big ball of warm maroon jello ball. She giggled slightly at the feeling and ate the soul. It had no flavor but the consistency was amazing, she smiled as she began to chew it and swallowed, she instantly felt a power surge through her, 'if this is what eating one soul feels like I wonder how it will feel to eat my hundredth soul.' she thought to herself. She looked at Rose, "That was oddly delicious," she said with a smile. Since the Kishin egg had run away from the city the walk back was twice as long, they need a mode of transportation and she doubted that her skateboard would hold the both of the or even travel over this sand for that matter. As they walked she thought about home, about her parents and living with them in New York where she was born, she missed them she missed home. She thought about the attack on her parents apartment, how the witch Eruka had killed her parents and taken her to Mabaa the Grand Witch to be tested to see if she could hold the black blood and become the next demon weapon. She shook her head she needed to stop thinking about this, she needed to focus on the now, to become a death scythe and kill every witch before they have a chance to try it again.
Raven watched Mamba eat the soul.

So they really eat the souls....

She smiled.

"I guess we will see when we get that 100th soul."

99 kishin egg souls 1 witch soul. She was wondering if they could do it, kill a witch. They would have to try soul resonance first. She followed Mamba as they walked back to the city. There was something off though, she looked ahead and realized someone was watching them, she could see their soul.

"Mamba wait, we are being watched by someone."

She pointed to the city wall right where the soul was sitting.

"I can sense some witch in the soul its faint but,"

She still was getting a feel for the soul perception, she still had a hard time with it, especially sorting out resonance types.

"I don't think its a witch."

She looked at the soul

Who are you?

Kass would wander outside, a deafeated look on her face and her "Weapon" pin barely hanging on to her jacket. She flops down on a bench, and waits, staring out in to nothingness. "Well... Looks like Im meister-less..." She says, to no one in particular. After tearing off her pin, she flips it like a coin, then tosses it out into the street.
There was a kid on the wall, all hooded and covered up swinging his legs back and forth and whistling a tune creepily, his dark hood was staring at both of them eerily still whistling but his whistle seemed to slow as they approached him and it got quieter. Xar looked at them both and hopped down kicking the sand around throwing up and down a ball his soul resonance was pretty massive but on closer inspection it was just the stale resonance of 3 leeches floating around his soul was all that was left but it was still odd plus his soul seemed so odd for a normal kid, xar watched them closely, he was seen around school a lot so he was a school kid, they wouldn't fight him would they... Xar was questioning, he was given strict instructions to keep his identity a secret but he always calculated it would never last...but he could still keep it a secret hopefully. Xar kept throwing the ball up amd down awkwardly humming watch in them, his face was not visible at all so it was hard to tell who he was even with the hoodie on, it was so dark even though it was light out his hoodie hid everything on his face, who was this kid and why was he hiding everything from them.
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A smile graced her features as the boy introduced himself. She watched as he motioned toward herself, giving a soft smile."Angle Brown. Nice to meet you Isaac." She smiled up at him, bowing to her new meister. The feeling was incredible, knowing someone could handle your soul, and to know that you were meant for this job.

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