Soul Eater RP >:3

Alice laughed a bit,"I thought it was just cosplay"she said and got up then dusted off her dress,"we'll go back to declare this mission finish"she said smirking.
Xandi tilted his head. "Cosplay?" He looked around. He stood up and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good." Xandi said.
Alive yawned and began walking."aw what a cutie"a guy said going up to Alice."my bookbag?! I know right! It's so cute I just got it today!"she said excitedly."erm no I mean it's cute but your cuter"he said smirking."aw your so kind calling me cute I didn't think this place could get any nicer"she said completly oblivious to his flirtatious-ness."how about you and I head to my place?"he said grabbing her waist."hm? No that's okay I have to get to school"she said smiling."heh I'm not taking no for an answer"he said smirking."oh well how about Nien! Oh wait I have another one.... Um.... Nope, nah son, sorry, nopeilopey, Nien Nien Nien!"she said but the guy didn't seem phased.
{oh my cheese im behind }

Jester darted up quickly realzied he nodded off in class as he looked around confused
Bambi was signing there names and looked back at Jester,"sorry you where sleep soundly I didn't want to wake you"she said,"we have to pick a mission from the bulliton board and make the register...... You up for it?"she asked looking at him with a blank expression.
Xandi appeared out of nowhere and noticed this and glared at the guy. He grabbed the guy's wrist and glared even more with fire in his eyes. "Leave her alone." He growled, showing his pointed teeth.
Jester smiled and nodded hopping out of his desk quickly "sure lets do it!" he said excitedly looking into Bambi's eyes
Bambi nodded and began walking out,"I hope there are some good missions left"she said reading a book as she walked,"oh by the way I'm an Electric guitar axe and a sword"she said not looking up.

Alice blinked tilting his head. The guy gulped and ran off."what was that about"she mumbled confusedly,"was that bad?"she asked confusedly.
Xandi sighed. "I have a good idea of what it was about. And yes, it was bad." He looked away. "Just...Just be careful." He mumbled, closing his eyes.
Jester smiled following close behind "Good cause i can play the guitar pretty well." he smiled widely and tickled her sides playfully
Alice blinked,"o-okay then"she mumbled and patted his head,"I'll try to be more careful"she said making a super cute worried face as she put her fist over her mouth making herself look extra innocent.

Bambi jolted and laughed,"s-s-stop"she said blushing deeply she then fixed her good to cover her face,"erm um.... Well it doesn't mean you can play me..... That s-sounds wrong ignore that"she mumbled blushing.
Xandi looked scornfully off in the direction that the guy had run off. His tail twitched in an annoyed way. Xandi looked at her. "Thank you." He said.
Alice smiled and put a bow on his head,"now say 'Meow~'...."she said happily as she stood infront of him,"your just so cute!"she added happily bouncing a bit waiting for the meow.
Xandi looked at her, feeling like a genuine kitten. He let out an annoyed breath and looked up at her. "Meow." He said, quietly.
Alice laughed and hugged him,"awewwwww how cute"she said rubbing her cheek against his,"is this annoying? You want me to stop?"she asked letting go.
Xandi blushed. "N-No...It's not annoying." He said, closing his eyes.
Alice blinked,"are you tired?"she asked looking at his closed eyes,"your so snugly and cute~"she said,"do we live together now?"she asked.
Xandi nodded. "Sort of." He reddened completely when he heard her last question. "Umm..." He trailed off.
Alice blinked and jolted,"are you sick?"she asked worriedly putting her hand on his forehead,"you are kinda hot"she mumbled.
Xandi's eyelids lowered a bit. "N-No." He stuttered. He gulped and closed his eyes. Xandi lowered his head.
Jester laughed and little bit and walked beside her casualy tossing a narm around her shoulders. "ya know Bambi i got a feeling this si a start to an awesome friendship." he smiled at her staring into her eyes
Bambi blushed slightly and moved away,"I suppose it will if you can understand boundaries...."she said softly,"oh um by the way I don't want any hits on me so please try not to.... You seem like the type"she said as she walked with her head down.

Alice tilted her head,"then what's wrong?"she asked worriedly,"lets go to my place I gots medicine!"she said and began walking pulling him by the hand.
Xandi sighed. "Nothing's wrong." He said, reassuring Alice. "I'm just tired. I never get any sleep." He mumbled, letting himself be pulled.
Bambi jolted,"ah no don't be sad.... I'm sorry I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions"she said with a worried expression,"um uh.... I-I don't know how to cheer people up"she said frantically.

Alice smiled,"okay then you can sleep on my bed! We'll be the best of roommates and and we'll even sleep together cause your my kitty"she said not afraid of sleeping by a teenage boy. She was too innocent to be aware of any conscience of it.

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