Soul Eater RP >:3

Xandi nodded. "So cool." He agreed. 'This is going to be interesting, Xandi thought to himself.
Alice then looked at Xandi,"want some?"she asked."okay students you can go look at the bulletin board and pick a mission today is basically over just right your name and your weapons name on the sign-out sheet the register yourselves at the front desk"he said. Alice smirked and jumped off the desk to be the first to the sheet and signed there names,"lets go Di! I wanna be first!"she yelled wanting to get first pick at missions. She then quickly ran out.
Xandi got up and ran after Alice, trying to keep up with the girl. "She wants to be first, huh?" He mumbled to himself. He finally caught up with her. "Alright." He said.
Alice slid into the register room and pulled out a pen and began regestering them,"sign your name!"she told him handing him the pen then ran over to the bulletin board and quickly scanned for a good mission but knew she had to wait to choose with Xandi.
Xandi took the pen and signed his name. He walked over to the board and stood next to Alice, crossing his arms. He scanned the missions, and then glanced at Alice.
Alice spotted one that caught her eye,"spotted kishins blocking unfinished rode"she mumbled,"it seems good for a beginner"she said reaching for it,"possible 25 kishin eggs"she read as she took it down. She looked at Xandi,"what do you think"she asked.
Xandi nodded with approval. "Sounds alright to me." He said, leaning back a little.
Alice smiled and put the 'taken' band on the paper then put it back on. She then let the secretary know and smiled at Xandi,"you ready for this"she asked trying to pump it up she then began walking away excitedly.
Xandi rolled his eyes and smiled. "I'm always ready for stuff like that." He said, following Alice.
Alice smirked and patted his head,"good to know tall guy"she said and began walking to the destination,"hmmmm no rush"she said softly with a smirk. Alice hummed walking through the town,"heh the kids without a partners are still in the auditorium looking for a partner must be bored by now..... They aren't supposed to leave without a partner..... And tomorrow if they still haven't found a partner they have to stay there"she said as they walked. She then looked at the note and then the streets,"almost there"she thought.
Xandi blinked, still following Alice. "That sucks for them." Xandi said, looking around the town, as he walked. "I would hate having to stay there." He added. He pressed his lips together firmly and continued walking.
Alice nodded,"glad we partnered up!"she said happily. She then looked at him,"let me know if you get hungry I always got the goods"she said pouting playfully as she patted her bookbag lightly,"I can't wait to see how you hold up in a battle"she said excitedly.
Xandi smiled. "Me too. And thanks." He said, relieved to have someone who was kind for a partner. "I hope I hold up good." He said, raising his eyebrows. He continued walking.
Alice smiled then looked down at the paper,"you should change now"she said looking at the unfinished rode,"they should be coming out-"she started but the kishin began phasing climbing out of gaps in the wall."Hungry~"one managed before they all screamed ready to go into combat.
Alice grabbed him and ran to the kishin slicing them quickly and spun around killing half of them. The eggs floating in the air. "It fun swinging you around!"she said as a kishin grabbed at her. Alice bent backwards then did a backflip kicking the kishin and slicing him open another egg floating,"time for a tornado!"she yelled and spun around swinging Xandi around and killing more enimes. They slowly finished and Alice sighed a bit dropping Xandi and sitting on the floor,"enjoy the eggs"she said softly.
Xandi transformed back. He looked around at everything. "Wow." was all he said.
Alice made a silly face,"you eat the souls right? Enjoy~"she said and then looked around,"we did good we did good"she said smirking then yawned slightly.
Xandi nodded and slowly ate the souls. "You did good." He mumbled, yawning as well. He slowly closed his eyes and fell over.
Alice jolted and slide under his before he could hit the ground. Instead he fell into her back,"don't just fall like that"she said softly she then turned over with his head on her stomach then sat up with his head on her lap,"I understand your tiredness though"she mumbled brushing her hand through his hair.
Xandi blinked. He looked up at her with a confused look. He then closed his eyes and purred. He quickly covered his mouth and shook his head. He then started to freak out. "You heard nothing! You didn't, did you? I really hope you didn't! That's just so weird and embarrassing, and it's creepy!" He said, flailing his arms about.
Alice smirked and brushed his hair with her hand again,"nope it was cute! Do it again!"she said happily then smiled,"why would it be creepy? I like it"she said and giggled.
Xandi blushed furiously. He closed his eyes. "It's just weird." He mumbled. Xandi opened his eyes and looked around, before releasing a soft purr.
Alice smiled,"doesn't that mean you like this?"she asked happily,"awwww that means your my kitty weapon!"she added and hugged him.
Xandi groaned. "Unfortunately, yes." He said. He felt himself get hugged by Alice and widened his eyes. "That's why I have cat ears. And a tail." He said, looking up.

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