Soul Eater RP >:3

Bambina blinked,"erm..... Bambina but you can call me Bambi..."she said confusedly grabbing hold of his hand and gently shaking it."Weapon.... And you?"she asked looking at her blonde bangs,"was that name an insult?"she asked with a blank expression.
Jester smiled a little less "Oh no i just wanted to uhm get your attention but sorry if you took it that way im a meister." Jester nervousoulsy scratched the back of his head worried about the outcome of this little convorsation. "I was going to ask maybe we could try the test see if our wavelengths matched?"
Alice blinked,"here ya go"she said handing him a donut then blushed slightly,"it's good when you wide awake"she said smiling cutely.

Bambina looked away slightly then a little smile was on her face only slightly seen,"okay"she said and turned into and Electric guitar axe. She waited to see his reaction her body was huge for an axe part but everything else seemed in order. Not a lot of people could hold her up though she was a bit on the heavy side of the weapons but that made her more deadly and strong.

(Bambina as a axe guitar just a bigger blade:
Xandi took the doughnut. "Thanks." He said, blushing a bit. His ear twitched as he bit into the doughnut.
Alice patted his head,"lets get to class they said when you find your pairing to head to class"she explained and began walking out pulling Xandi along by his hand.
Jester caught her in mid air one handed she was very light and didnt burn. He smiled and twirled her around between hands like a baton. He laughed for a brief second and threw her high into the air and caught her with a single finger he laughed and looked at her "I do believe we are a match."
Xandi blinked. He let himself be dragged by the hand without objection.
Bambina turned back landing in Jester's arms princess-style."cool I'm glad that you didn't have any problems throwing me around"she said getting off him,"it's weird usually I'm a lot heavier to other people but.... You didn't seem to have a problem"she said softly smiling a bit.

Alice smiled running into class and getting good seats in the middle of the seats."this is good"she said happily noticing not too many students where there yet."gosh where so awesome Di!"she said quickly giving him a nickname.
Jester smiled back and said "Nope your pretty light to me!" he smiled and said "we should get to class?"
Bambina nodded,"yeah lets go"she said and began walking to the classroom not afraid to take her sweet time,"I wonder if class with by boring"she mumbled adjusting her hoodie to cover her eyes.

(*will be boring)
Xandi tilted his head and smiled. "Di?" He asked, amused. He blushed slightly and looked ahead, smirking.
Alice blinked and slowly yawned and leaned on him. She was so excited she forgot to get a good amount of sleep. She hoped she wouldn't get in trouble for shutting her eyes vet so slightly in class. Her sleeping face was adorably innocent and cute even though her angry face was like a deamon.
Jester laughed a little bit and took his hat off for a second and moving his hair to keep the scar covered and sat it back on his head. He walked in the room holding the door open for Bambi
Bambi quickly walked past,"thank you"she said softly trying to hide her blush. Small things like that made her feel awkward around guys. She choose a seat in the back to be able to his from the teacher when she didn't want to do any work.
Xandi looked down at her and smiled. He couldn't help but think of how cute she looked. He looked straight ahead again.
Alice jolted up and quickly shook out of it and rubbed her eyes,"I'm sorry did I fall asleep?"she whispered then looked at the room. Today was the first day so there wouldn't be a lesson just people practicing with there weapons after school.
Xandi nodded. "Yeah." He whispered, glancing at her. "Don't want to do that." He said, closing his eyes slowly and then opening them again.
Alice smiled and patted his head,"you can do it Di you can stay awake"she said and patted his head. Somehow she needed to be enthusiastic about something and chose this. She smiled excitedly,"oh you want to practice after school? I bet we can grab an easy mission for practice"she offered excitedly.
Xandi almost found himself purring, but restrained himself. He looked at Alice and smiled. "Of course I want to practice. That sounds good." He said, happy to get his mind off of all the head pats he was receiving.
Alice smiled and nodded,"yeah~!!!!"she yelled happily and stood up. The teacher looked up at her in confusion,"I mean.... Work..... It's um... Learny?"she mumbled slowly siting back down nervously. She glanced at Xandi,"sorry"she whispered. She assumed he would be embarrassed for her.
Xandi smiled calmly. "You don't have to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." He whispered, amused. He glanced at the teacher, and then looked back at Alice. "Can't blame you for being excited, as boring as this is." He whispered.
Alice smiled and stretched a bit,"I can't wait till after school"she mumbled and began daydreaming with a happy face and sparkles around her eyes,"so cool"she mumbled happily.
Xandi rested his head in his hands and looked straight ahead. He began to think about what it would be like to be someone's weapon. He was sure he would like it, especially when he completely warmed up to Alice.
Alice smirked a bit,"where going to be so cool"she whispered,"the epic duo of awesome proportions!"she whispered and squealed a bit. She then ate some of the snacks in her cat face bookbag that looked like a pillow.

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