Soul Eater RP >:3

Alice slowly crept over to the siblings and smiled standing infront of them,"hello cool entrance kids! My name is Alice! Alice Wonder"she introduce with an excited smile,"that's my new friend Jester over there!"she said pointing at Jester then smiled,"and I'm a Miester!"she explained. She thought they where cool,"what are your names?!"she asked bouncing a bit.

(ahh I'm enjoying this to much~*is possessed to continue playing with yarn* meow~)
Xandi took his hand. "Xandi" He dead panned. He gave Jester's hand a firm shake. He closed his eyes and turned away.
Jester nodded and sat back down he looked at the new people really wishing he had his weapon already so he could carry on with classes
(I feel like this will be a good group ^v^)

Alice glanced back at Xandi,"why are your eyes closed?"she asked,"Jester just did that too!"she explained with a smile glancing back at the siblings for there reply.
Xandi yawned. He was so tired and cranky today. He didn't think he could wait any longer for a meister.
Alice looked at Xandi and held out her hand,"Alice Wonder do you want to be MY weapon?"she asked bouncing slightly with a smirk,"of course you have to take the test to see if our wavelengths match"she said as she sulked a bit.
Xandi looked at Alice. "I'm tired." He explained, yawning.

Xandi took her hand. "Xandi. I'd just love to be your weapon" He nodded with approval.
Jester giggled a tiny bit and patted Xandi on the back "ya you and me both" he said you could see the anticapation for his own weapon thriving in his face he just needed to find one he guessed
Xandi smiled a tiny bit. "You really want a weapon, quickly" He said, noticing the anticipation.
"well ya who doesnt i mean dont get me wrong im deadly on my own kinda used to being on my own but never hurts to try" he laughed again and shrugged
Alice smiled looking at Xandi,"I gots a weapon now!"she said happily and ran in circles,"turn into a weapon lets see if this works!"she said happily hugging his arm.
Jester smiled at the to wondering if they would pair up he was still handeling his own problems
Alice quickly caught him and twirled him around. She became a bit serious when holding him an her grip was firm. Her hands didn't burn at all. She even had to show off a bit feeling cool holding him. Alice twirled him over her head and on the sides from hand to hand then smirked when he lande on her shoulder with one hand still gripping him,"perfect!"she said smirking then set him down,"it doesn't hurt to touch you so ya know what that means right?"she asked excitedly.
Xandi transformed back. "Looks like I'm your weapon." Xandi smiled.
Alice nodded and held up her hand for a highfive,"yup!"she said as they highfived then hugged him,"my new best friend and weapon!"she said then looked at Jester,"mmmm Jester you should look around to find a Miester"she said softly pouting.(should I make a meister for Jester ill let you tell me Quentin meow~)

(*weapon not Meister)
Xandi smiled and yawned. "Yeah, you totally need a weapon." He closed his eyes again and almost fell asleep standing up.
{please lol im multi tasking sorry!}

Jester nodded in agreement as he began looking around curiosly
Alice looked at Xandi,"mind telling me about yourself" she asked happily. She then realized he was sleeping,"did you not sleep well yesterday?"she ask.
Alice thought for a while then smiled,"everything but for now what's your favorite thing to eat and what to do you hate eating?"she asked happy to get a Weapon already.

Name- Bambina Queen

Age- 15

Weapon or Meister- Weapon (Electric guitar axe, & Sword[as big as a back])

Gender- Female


{that is awesome!!}

Jester looked around spying a girl with blonde hair he smiled and his face lit with joy he knew this girl would be his weapon.
Xandi yawned. "My favorite food is anything sweet." He looked up as though he was deep in thought. "I hate anything not sweet." He said finally.
Bambina sighed as she read her book. She was completely sure if anyone was worthy enough to be her partner they would come up to her. She decided she was bored and closed her book and slowly got up. She was heading for the door when she realized someone was starring. Bambina decided to ignore this and put her hand on the doorknob about ready to leave. If anyone was left over she would be bound to them. She sighed a bit thinking of this as a thing of her being too shy or rather too awkward to ask anyone or talk to others.

Alice laughed a bit,"you would've loved to have breakfast with me then huh?"she said then held up a bag that had donuts inside,"want one? Maybe it'll wake you up"she offered then looked in the bag to see the different kinds she had to offer.
Jester saw the girl about to leave and jumped from the top of the bleacher landed on his feet on the ground and ran toward her "Hey Blondie!!!!" he called excitedly running toward her before she left he caught up next to her and held his hand out "Hey Im Jester" he said a smile wide on his face the excitement in his eyes flamed

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