Soul Eater RP >:3

Kai shifted so that he was sitting, Dolly pressed to his side, everything about this, was perfect, his flesh tingled with warm whenever he touched Dolly, it was why his hands moved along her arms, " were already special, and lessons in seduction," Kai laughed, "You are good enough as is."
Dolly smiled nervously,"Kai....."she whispered and hugged him,"ah I-I...."she said at his last couple of words,"I wasn't trying to seduce you besides it didn't work I'm not sexy enough for that"she explained and sighed.
Kai moved so Dolly was facing him, "Yes it did, it did work," His cheeks colored a hot crimson color, "I really thought you looked really hot."
Dolly poofed a bright red ready to explode. She looked at him and kissed him once more before closing her eyes with her head on his shoulder.
Kai accepted the kiss eagerly his eyes watching her , before it broke. As Dolly rested her head on his shoulder, Kai pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her frame, his chin snuggled into Dolly's hair.
Dolly smiled,"this is so nice"she said happily,"I think the world could end and I would've been happy in your arms like this"she said blushing.
Kai smiled, "I know what you mean, I feel the same, but lucky for us, it won't end anytime soon, unless that psycho tries something again."
Dolly laughed,"yeah of course...."she said then looked at him and slowly got up. She walked to her ramen cake and sat some,"this is good"she mumbled.
Kai looked over at Dolly as he ate, he smiled widely at her, "I am happy you like it, very hard to get noddles to stay that way."
Dolly swallowed then laughed,"yeah I would guess..."she said and finished a plate,"hey when did you start liking me?"she asked curiously.
[ " If you don't mind can i join? " ]

Name- Aiden

Age- 18

Weapon or Mister- Weapon [ A gun that shoots arrows ]

Gender- Male

Partner(wanted)- Reese [ They're both weapons but they take turns using each other ]

Appearance(pic please)- The male but older looking.


Name- Reese

Age- 16

Weapon or Mister- Weapon ( Silver Chain Saw )

Gender- Female

Partner(wanted)- Aiden [ They're both weapons but they take turns using each other ]

Appearance(pic please)- The female but older looking.


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