Soul Eater RP >:3

Dolly blinked and looked at him glaring slightly,"you can't fool my eyes Kai I know you very well to know when you have a scheme in mind"she said yet continued to walk.
Kai blinked back, still clinging to innocence, "Scheme? Such a brutal word, more like an idea, just relax, enjoy the stroll." They now walked along a stone pathway, it was semi dark as the trees shadowed all around, and it was getting on later in the day.
Dolly sighed a bit,"fine but I don't trust this"she said and stretched out. Dolly let go of his arm as they walked. She looked around a bit trying to figure out where they were headed.
Kai gave her a toothy grin as they came up to a crossroad their were four different paths, each marked with a decent drawing of one of Dolly's mask, her four favorites at the moment, Kai rested his hands on Dolly's shoulders leaning down he whispered,

"Which path, do you like best? Choose."
Dolly blinked she looked at the drawings then stopped at the scariest one out of the four. She pointed at its path looking at Kai. Somehow she became excited to see what path they would be led to.
"...Cool come on!" placing her hand into his, Kai began leading her down the path. the path was a dirt path, it was engulfed in shadows. As tbey went, noises began all around them, animals, they swooped to and fro the treetops. on the ground as blue as her eyes smaller footprints began to appear, it seemed to grow darker, now the animals stopped and a mixture of human voices started, they were muffled seemed to speak at once, their words could not be heard, but the tones could, some were angry, disgusted, others were wanting, flirty, and every now and again, tone would come out bright and giggly.
Dolly wasn't scared not one bit instead she was excited an happy to be traveling. She looked at the footprints with a happy mind yet was curious to the voices and glared slightly. Why were there noises wasn't this a supposed date. She shot a glare at Kai before jolting. She had realized he must have worked hard to put it together and began walking hugging his arm hoping to please him slightly enough to make him grin one of his stupidly in love grins.
As he felt Dolly's glare, Kai watched it retract than Dolly hug his am. He smiled that toothy loppy grin of his before speaking voice soft compared to usual, "It's okay, you know, to glare, to feel anger, those voices you hear are a bunch of low lifes, always angry or unhappy or flirting and wanting things for the wrong reasons, and the giggly one, well, a person should never be that happy, all the time, its unnatural," Kai gestured to the footprints,

"See, you are leading us down this path, through all the unnatural stuff, the bullshit things in life, but you, Dolly, you don't always feel angry or sad or just plain emotionless, your balanced, thats one of the things I like most about you, you are not fake, at least not with me, you are the realist person I ever known, and I dunno how to explain how much that means to me." His eyes kept a steady gaze into hers as he beamed than he looked straight ahead again, "Even on the darkest, unfair paths, there is always an end," He pointed a slim finger to an opening up ahead on the trail.
Dolly blinked and stopped short before the exit,"but the end... Doesn't it mean change? Something different something.... Something we don't expect"she asked worriedly,"I'd rather not"she said and turne to wall back.(he can pull her back 0v0)
Feet moved so that his body was infront of hers as she turned facing the other way, gently he wrapped an arm around Dolly's shoulder, pulling her to him, her forehead resting on his chest, "Yeah, you got it. And I know, change can be frightening, but without it, we would just walk in circles right?" He laughed then, "And circles make you dizzy, and get boring." Kai moved from her then turning back towards the exit, "You were a change for me, the best one of my life, my childhood you asked before? Well, its not a happy story, but it is aiming for a good ending cuz of you, Dolly." He smiled over his shoulder, turning he offered a hand, palm up, "I won't force you, sometimes we are not ready....,but I am here." Kai Stone, he may not know shit about test, or books or any of that, but he had learned quite a bit about life in his years.
Dolly blinked then smiled and took his hand."your lucky your my best friend.... And my boyfriend"she said gripping his hand firmly. She then glared,"but if change means to seperate then you will go on my list"she muttere then smiled meaning it was half joke half serious.
Kai resisted the urge the roll eyes, "Why would I separate from you? You are best thing that happened to me, silly, I am not that stupid," Than a lopsided grin appeared on his lips, "Plus, I am to handsome, and young to die." His other hand clasped into Dolly's as he lead her walking backwards. There was a blinding light than all the noise was gone out into a clearing they came, it was sorrounded by trees, but open, the other three paths, had all lead to the same place. There was a small gazebo, painted a lovely shade of Dolly's eyes, with a trim of gray, that fit well. Kai lifted Dolly's hand to point up, gaining her attention,

"I've learned, no matter what path you choose, you can make it end the same," Above them were tiny little balls of light sparkingly, he had, had Madame lu assist with this, "See even though you got down your path, the end can still be dark full of problems, but," He hand gently cuffed Dolly cheek rubbing it, "You are not completely in the dark, look at all the little lights, that keep you going." Kai took her hand again leading them to the gazebo and inside,

it was a comforable little place decorated in mask and other things Dolly liked, there was a table and a booth seat that wrapped around the table, on the table, was an odd looking cake, it was odd because it was blue, and made of ramen. Kai turned facing Dolly again,

"This is your special place, its mixed with all the good and bad, your peace, and it will turn into a happy ending, cuz I will be here with you, we can make our own happy ending, just the two of us," With this, his lips pressed firmly against hers, a kissed that also silled a promise.
Dolly was surprised by everything then was kissed. She quickly kissed back leaning back trusting him completly,"h-how did you do this?"she asked in awe. She then pinned him down to a couch and kissed him again slowly getting off,"I love you... Your the best thing in my life"she said then looked at the ramen and drilled a bit quickly slurring it up she smiled a bit,"it looks so good"she said.
Kai was taken aback by the kisses, espeically the second one, it oozed with her love, she really did not have to say it, but he did love to hear it from her lips, sitting up, he seemed dumbstruck and lost in another world before snapping out of it, "I love you too, and ditto, Dolly." With laughter, her watched her slurr at the noddles,

"How did I do this?" He repeatd the question, before answering, "It took a lotta work and no so many hours of sleep," his finger tip lightly poked her side, "You sleep like a rock, so it was easier to work at night."
Dolly blushed and looked away,"yeah... Well.... Shut up"she said embarrassedly then looked at him dazedly and kisse him passionately holding him close wanting to give him her all. She didn't let herself release the kiss so quickly it actually lasted pritty long.
Kai was going to open his mouth to say something back,, but Dolly's lips latched onto his. Red eyes stayed open to watch her face so loving peaceful, slowly red orbs drip closed. Kai wrapped his arms around Dolly, feeding the kiss with his own force, his mind fogged of anything, only Dolly. The kiss kept up the a love intensity, Kai started breathing through his nose, he almost forgot he needed to breath, but he could careless, dying this way was perfectly fine.
Dolly pulled away and breath heavily then jolted as he kissed her again due to his force. She fell to the couch and kissed back nervously awaiting more. She felt a bit greedy wanting so much.
Kai broke the kiss panting out hot breaths as they laid on the couch, Kai had gripped the side of the couch so he was hovering over Dolly his body not crushing hers or anything, he gazed at her with adoring eyes, "you are great, at this kissing thing."
Dolly giggled happily,"thanks"she said smiling,"I'm glad we are together..."she said softly breathing heavily,"but doesn't this feel like something not right? We have a mission is this really okay?"she thought but smiled anyway.
Kai grinned giddily at Dolly, "Me too, Dolls you know, I always liked you," he looks worried as she says something is not right, than relaxes as she goes on, "Oh yeah, mission, right....well, we are just taking a break right now." Kai said with a toothy grin.
Dolly blushed,"but what if I want more time with you like this.... I get kinda greedy with the things I know are mine"she said grabbing into his shoulders.
Kai leaned more towards her,as she grabbed his shoulders,"I'm yours, mmmm, I like the sound of that, as for more time, we just will have to take more breaks, see? Problem solved."
Dolly pouted then looked at him. She looke at his face,"I was never I tereste in your looks but now that I see it.... Your really cute"she said then kissed him. She felt happy,"am I yours?"she asked blushing.
Kai leaned back from the kiss watching her cheeks blush, he touched her righbt one gently, "Of course, you are mine." Kai felt himself blush now, "Cute? Eh, omly you could get away with saying that. I think the word, more suits you, cute."
Dolly smiled and put her hands over his she felt herself get attached to Kai,"well that makes me special huh?"she asked then smiled and batted he eyelashes at him cutely.

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