Soul Eater RP >:3

(That was fun! ^^)

Kai grinned remembering, he looked over his shoulder grinning sheepishly, "It tempted me, it was enticing...." His grin grew wider, " Better this, than coming in without knocking, right?" Kai asked picking himself off of the floor.
Dolly turned a bright red and grabbed a mask feeling naked."you wash the dishes you butt!"she yelled then walked away and into the room. She put on a big jacket to cover herself,"you will never see me naked again!"she yelled.
Aw, dang it Kai! Now she put back on that mask! Sighing, he went over to the dishes, and started where Dolly left off, " I was just comparing the two! No need to get al wacked!"
Dolly jolted and hid under the bed,"al wacked out he says.... Jerk head!"she said angrily then looked down. Dolly was confused did Kai like her or did he not like her were they together or weren't they?
Finshing with the dishes, Kai did a scout around the house looking finally he came into the room. Getting on the bed, he leaned over the side, and smiled at Dolly, "Under the bed is a deary place, how bout we hang out somwhere more fun?"
Dolly blushed under her mask and got out,"what do you mean"she asked taking off the jacket and sitting by him,"if we leave the house I'm still going to wear my mask"she muttered.
Kai sat back up and grinned over at Dolly, before lifting her mask off her face, leaning forward he placed a light, but sweet kiss on her lips, "We don't have to leave the house," Kai breathed face blushing though he looked pleased. getting up, he hopped over to the stereo, putting in a cd, he cranked it up, techno. Going back over to Dolly, he offered a hand, "We can stay here and jam just fine."
Dolly turned a bright red and smiled putting her mask on the bed. She grabbed his hand and kissed him softly,"I love you Kai"she whispered but somehow this love was different from all the other ones she had said. Dolly smiled intertwining her Fingers with his.
Kai's eyes lit with a spark that dances in a warm cozy fire, " I love you Dolly," He whispered back into her ear, before kissing it. Hands intwined, Kai started dancing to the rhythm, the beat moving his feet.
Dolly smiled and danced with him she laughed a bit,"your so weird Kai"she said and leane on him a bit then kissed him hugging him close,"what the-?"she began when the phone rang. She turned off the music and walked towards it and flinched about to pick it up but it stopped ringing."hello Dolly it's me you... Father.... I was wondering how my favorite girl was doing Alice must be having fun but I don't have her number so I called you hoping to hear from her so if you get this let Alice know we love her that's all your mother wants to say something to Alice too.... Alice?! Sweetie I miss you! You don't call please pick up... Oh it's the other one? Ugh why'd you give me the phone then-"the voice mail said before her mother hung up. Dolly glared at the phone then walked away unplugging the phone,"why do we have this nobody important calls"she muttered then hugged Kai.
Kai stood still eyes wide full of shock slowly it changed to dismay, than fury. What the actual hell???? What type of people? Were they even people? As Dolly came back to him, Kai wrapped his arms tenderly around her yet his body shook with an unruly rage, his throat burned with malice words, his viens pulsed to kill, his eyes even went a shade darker, but not as intense as before, when his true rageful power came out. Finally he found a proper voice to speak in,

"I don't know... we should really get rid of such useless things, hearing crap like that, can really ruin a day."
Dolly looked up at Kai,"I only need Kai....... No body else but Kai"she said clinging to him,"I am going to kill Alice then them!"she thought then looked at Kai and kissed him,"I love you"she whispered gripping his shoulders. He could always comfort her no matter how she felt he could always bring her mind to a blank.
Kai felt his face blushed, but a warmth going through him, "All I need is Dolly, I love you too," Kai never meant this mysterious Alice, he saw her once, but that was Iit, he was all for killing those people that birthed them, and Alice well.... he could only think of one thing, "I'm always by your side." He rubbed her back gently. This closeness felt so right.
Dolly nodded rubbing against him a bit till she looked up at him and kissed him,"Kai...."she mumbled before sighing,"I'll go make dinner"she said an walked away holding onto her mask. She closed the door and slippe on her mask.
Kai sat on the bed for a moment fumming yet rubbing the kiss she gave lightly imprinting it into his skin. His knew goals, kill some fucked up people, and show Dolly she was nothing worthless, that her birthgivers were missing out on something gorgeous.
Dolly began cooking looking out the window and yawned,"Kai is really.... Expressive today"she mumbled. It was hard for her too focus she shook out of it then set the food on the table when it was done and began washing the dishes.
Kai came out of the room sitting down, smiling at the food, "Ahhh, food that's always good," He waited patiently for Dolly to sit, "Hey Dolly? I was thinking, after we eat, we can have a walk? Get some fresh air, if you want?"
Dolly looked up with her mask only half way up for her mouth,"I guess it would be okay but tomorrow we're taking on a mission are we clear?"she said then continued to eat.
Kai spooned some food into his mouth, grinning with full cheeks before chewing and swallowing, fist pumping before speaking, "Yeah, crystal clear! I am ready for that!" his features were eager.
Dolly finished eating and hugged him from behind kissing his neck before washing her plate and putting her mask down. She washed her hands and dried them.
Kai finished and lightly nuzzled Dolly back as she hugged him. making an aim, he sent his plate like a disk sailing into the sink, this time, it did not break, "Score oh yeah!" He cheered proudly before chasing after it, and washing it up.
Doly had on a mini skirt and v-neck shirt. Her hair in a ponytail swinging purposefully behind her. She walked to Kai and looked at him,"ready to go?"she asked not wearing a mask anymore.
Kai stood raising an eyebrow at the no mask deal, but put on a cool face as his eyes traveled along Dolly, quickly, not lingering, "You look great Dolls, yeah, all ready." Kai nodded going to the door and holding it open twirling the key on his finger.
Dolly smiled walking out. She had a mask on her hip just in case she got nervous or something. Dolly looked at him and hugged his arm,"so were are we going?"she asked with a soft smile.
Kai locked the door, than walked along as Dolly hugged his arm, Kai tapped his chin an mock thought, it was pretty clear by the look in his eyes, he knew exactly where they were going, "Oh, I dunno just for a stroll," Kai grinned before turning on a trail.

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