Soul Eater RP >:3

Dolly shook her head,"my fevers gone I was actually trying to avoid you till I got better so nothing crazy would happen....."she said then groaned blushing."don't judge me okay"she said. Her straight hair flowing behind her in her ponytail. She walked over to his side of the be nervously. She then covered her face and let her hips sway glancing up at Kai.
Kai blinked, Nothing crazy?...oh like the other night, righht Kai snorted, "I wouln't judge you, Dolls I-" The rest of his words fell off his tongue as he watched Dolly, as she glanced up at him, his eyes found hers, he had no idea what she was doing, but did not want to stop it in any way,

"I......uh, are you? Do you want to dance?" he asked is that why she was doing this or trying to look hot? because frankly she was doing just that.
Dolly sulked blushing a bright red and his under the blankets,"it didn't work...."she mumbled nervously,"Madame lied...."she mumbled trying to his her face,"I-I was trying to seduce you!"she sai grabbing her creepiest mask and putting it on.
Kai swivled the around on his knees, his eyes wide blinking rapidly, he opened his mouth just gwaking at Dolly's hidden figure, "But, but, but..." he stammared sputtering the one word. His hands gripped the covers lightly, " can be loopy sometimes you know..." He slid his hand to grip hers whereever it was in the covers. Red eyes slowly looked up, his face was flushed, "Your loopy because you don't need to seduce me...." Kai moved closer placing his finger tips on Dolly's mask, "I'm already yours." His voice was soft yet truthful his face burned with feeling and some shyness.
Dolly looked at him then held his hand and lifted the mask up."no you don't...... If you did you would've kissed my cheek at least"she said blushing. How much redder could she get. She picked up her mask still hiding under the covers and brushed her lips against his finger tips.
Kai puffed his cheeks out at Dolly, he moved a bit closer, "I was trying to you loopy, but you ran are hard to guess out, but its fun in a way, your fun, you know that? Without even trying." Kai moved the covers, to dance his fingers gently from her lips to her smooth cheek, cupping it.
Dolly blushed and looked at Kai with wide eyes."why are you saying that? I'm not pretty enough for you to like me this way"she mumbled touching his hand a bit happy.
(okie dokie then i'll get to it.) 
Name- Tsugumi Makara (Sue-Goo-Me)

Age- 16

Weapon or Mister(**Meister)- Weapon (Scythe)


Gender- Female

Partner(wanted)- Isn't picky; will take anyone

Apperence(pic please)-

(I'm making a boy meister as well, i prefer to give myself breaks between skellys if its not a problem :B) 
Name- Sollux Vantas

Age- 17

Weapon or Mister- **Meister

Gender- Male

Partner(wanted)- anyone, really.

Apperence(pic please)-
Kai watched her, at that moment, just then, he felt he needed to show her just how beautiful she freaking was. Kai heart raced but he ignored it, his skin became sweaty but he ignored that too, it was Dolly, everything was her. Kai let out a soft tut close to a growl, leaning down his lips connected with her cheek, it was sooth like kissing silk, he stayed there for a few seconds before leaning slightly up gazing in her eyes for a moment his soft and full of wanting, yearning and love,

" Shhh, you are, gorgeous, I... I been waiting to do that, and this...." With this said, Kai leaned down towards her lips, eyes almost closed his mind through all the fog and focus on Dolly, briefly wondered if this kissed would be real.
Dolly blushed feeling the warmth of the kiss on her cheek. Was she really going to let this happen? Yes, she was cornered but not only that she really wanted to kiss him. She wanted to feel his warmth on her lips. She closed her eyes and puckered up slowly and gently. Only enough to leave there lips inches apart. The world around them seemed to freeze and nothing else mattered. The worry Dolly usually felt was gone she wasn't thinking about the after math of the kiss but the present and what was going on then. She wasn't even questioning things like she usually did in these situations.
Kai saw it, saw her sweet lips pucker, such a gentle delicate move, one could miss it, but he didn't. Kai bent just an inch lower and the world was no more, as lips captured another pair into a kiss, and in that kiss, Kai poured his soul into it, hell, if anyone had the right to claim it, it was Dolly.

When she had first came to him that night, his eyes were crazed red, yellow-orange pools of madness, but when that hand reached out, and their fingers entwined her hand like soft paper meeting his rough and sandy grip, Kai found a pulse of life again, of control, he trusted her instantly which should have been a foolish thing, you think he would have learned the last time, but no, something was different about Dolly something so curious about that mask.

So they became a team, standing back to back yet their own personal demons looming over their forms, they salt out one another for secret comfort. They slept peaceful with each other in the purest of forms, he as her heater a solid pillow, she as his cover, his lullaby.

They needed each other pure and simple.

Kai's hand moved on her cheek a little before lips finally parted though not far as red orbs cracked open full of fuzzy passion the world was a little hazy, oh but it did not matter nothing else matter but the face in front of him as his hand gently stroked along creamy skin.
Dolly looke up at Kai dr body frozen. He had no idea how to react but she knew she liked it. Dolly smiled up at Kai her heart beating fast. She looke into his eyes seeing everything. All of his feelings an she enjoyed it. She then jolted and looked away,"erm...."she managed to kill the mood."if Madame saw you hurt the kishin then.... Doesn't that mean she can erm.... See this too?"she asked fidgeting nervously.
As Dolly jolted so did he his head swinging from side to side brought out of his hazy world and crashing back down to reality, Kai pulled a face,

"Ahhhh! No way she would not would she?? Oh if she did!!" He covered his face with his hands, "What kind of sick trip is she on?" He muttered twitching slightly.
Dolly giggled a bit and kissed his cheek she smile at him happily,"I think the worst part would be this position"she said reffering to her laying on the bed and him ontop of her."..... It was nice"she said looking at him happily,"very very nice"she said looking up at him gazing into his eyes. Her mind was still on the present that it was unbelievable how she wasn't freaking out.(I love the way you rp btw >.< it's awesome!)
Kai pealed his fingers apart gazing through them, his red orbs viewing the their position for a moment, he felt his face grow hot, "O-o-h i was not trying THAT!" He yelled at the wall before tossing a pillow at it, for good measures. Turning is attention back to Dolly, he slid off of her and onto the edge of the bed grinning sloppily at her, "It was very super awesome very nice." He agreed still grinning in that silly way.

(Aw thank you ^//^! You are awesome at Rping too! Its always fun :D )
Dolly smiled at him and kissed his cheek,"Kai your so awesome"she sai then jolted sitting up covering her mouth. What in the world compelled her to give him such a great yet vague compliment. She looked at him nervously again and hugged him practically throwing herself at him. She hugged him tightly and tried to think straight. She looked up at him feeling as though they had did something so crazy and out of the world. For some reason she was glad about Alice causing her hell not enough to spare her but enough to be happy. She was glad she met Kai and felt that if she died now he would somehow not regret anything and be happy. She shook that idea away she wasn't stupidly in love just yet.

(Thank you Nya! >.< I still wish I had your talent I think it's awesome how much of a good character Kai became to rp with! Oh and maybe we should do a flash back about there meeting and the shower thing bwahaha)
Kai became very still at the compliment and stared before gently pressing a finger to Dolly's forehead moving it along the length of her head, yeah she was real. Than he beamed, positively beamed showing off all his teeth in one of his new found goofy smiles again. As arms wrapped around him, Kai enclosed his arms around her too taking a chance and kissing the spot where his finger had been. He looked down at her, into those eyes.

"You are awesome to remember? Nothing can handle us." Kai was on cloud nine, no, that was not good enough, he was over the moon and two another galaxy right now, it was prefect and yet so surreal like he felt out of his body, yet he was still here, and all these emotions, none of them bad, but so many, but meh, he could handle them, for her.
Dolly looked up at him and smiled,"gah I feel so embarrassed your starring at me so much right now"she said softly covering her face,"I need a mask"she mumbled fidgeting. She then smiled happily,"do you want cake now?"she asked awkwardly. It was so easy for her to feel awkward without her mask.
Kai red eyes went a little wider But, but I like your face!!! "I can stop staring at you." Kai then turned so hastily he tipped off the edge of the bed and face planted on the floor Your mask are cool, but I really love your face...its awesomer, "Cake sounds yum." He said to the floorboards before sitting in a crossed legged position.
(Did you see what I asked 0v0)

Dolly nodded and stood up then walked to the kitchen smiling,"and you don't messesarily have to stop starring just don't do it too much"she said fidgeting as she peeke in then walked away. She walked into the kitchen and began making his favorite cake,"new favorite color is grey huh?"she mumbled in thought.
(Saw it now! And Love the idea! Hehehehehehe We should!

When do you want to start the flashback?)

Kai watched her walk, "Okay gottcha!" He gave a thumbs up Alright Kai you heard her! Dont stare at her too much like some weird pervert His eyes darted a glare at the wall before he lugged himself to hiss feet and made his way back to the living room picking up something and slipping it into his back pocket. Going to the kitchen he hopped on the empty counter and watched her string motion with worked out fine when she did it, but when he did, it just got all messy and all over the place. Dolly said he used to much force, Kai said the stupid thing could not handle him. Smirking softly he heard her mutter,"Yeah thats right, yours is blue, so we are kind of like the sky on a rainy day."
Dolly blinked,"what what a weird way to put it..."she said and continued to stir. When she finished she put it into the oven,"is something wrong?"she asked an patted his head,"it's weird when you watch me bake you rarely do it"she said. He didn't really watch her because he always wanted to lick the bowl an she didn't ever want him to learn that it was okay to do so.

(Hmmmmm maybe someone just starts remembering maybe later? xD )
Kai gave a dismissive shrug, "I dunno, it just popped in my head, so I said it," It went that way with most thing he said, "Who me?" Kai asked even though it was completely obvious who she was talking about, yet the two words gave him a little more time process what he wanted to say, "Nah, nothing wrong...but did you hear something? The door? You should go check it out." He tried to keep his expression casual, but a red pupil slid in the direction of the stiring bowl just sitting there teasing him, taunting him, his eye twitched.

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