Soul Eater RP >:3

Darius was smoking another cigarette in the shadows nearby. "Finally..."He sighed with a dark smile and took a drag from the cancer stick. "So you're the source... Hmm. I'll make do." he muttered to himself after exhaling the smoke. The suit-and-tie stepped into the light, visible to Serezeo, His eyes narrow and small grin on his lips. '' May I ask you where you were heading and planning do there?" Darius asked and took another drag of his cigarette
He looks at the strange male. ''I don't have time for weaklings...outta my way...'' he attempts to walk by the strange smoking male, when in his mind he asked himself. (''what is he power is too high..but not enough for a kishin'')
"I wouldn't be so hasty." Darius replied and rose his left arm to point directly at the kinshin's head. It turned into the sniper barrel, the man grabbed the bolt and rose his eyebrows, exhaling the smoke through his nose. "I came all this way to find to you. The least you can do is listen. I could've already shot your head off." Darius pointed. "I believe we'd make a good team. You lack long range and..." The man dropped the cigarette from his lips as he jumped into the air and turned into his full weapon form, twirling in the air and coming down to plant the blade in the ground a few feet in front of Serezeo. "A sharp blade is always nice when things need to get... bloody."
the kishin looks, and nods, as he grabs the pole pulling it out, then throws it into the sky, spinning it all around his body in a flurry of spins hen throws it in the air, catching it above his head and points to the side. '' dynamic too....hehehe I tae it back..this could be soooooo much fun eheehehhe!!''
Darius let the kishin have its fun. "Ever fired any firearms?" He asked the kishin. "The pole is a rifle, and I'm extremely precise and powerful. I'll let you figure out the rest." Darius added with a chuckle.
"Let us bring a new age upon this boring world..." Darius' chuckle turned into a laugh as he thought of the carnage they would release upon the world.
He outstretches his arms. ''HEAR ME GOOD GODS, DO YOU FEAR IF SO RELEASE A BOLT OF LIGHTNING IN FEAR!!!'' a thunder cloud appears and shocks behind me as I laugh, roaring into the shadowy night. ''aaaaahahhahaha!!!''
Darius sweat-dropped a little. "What did I just get myself into..." He muttered, but the evil grin never left his lips. A flame burned in his eyes. "Just remember, that my blade is only for worthy enemies. I'm only staying like this right now because we both need to get used to being a team if we want the chaos chaos worthy of masterpieces..." Darius noted and he was serious about it.
"Darius..." He replied. "You never answered my former question; where are going and what are you going to do, now that you possess even more power than before, Serezeo?" Darius asked the kishin.
He looks at darius. ''well let me heard of the kishin asura'' He looks and smirks. ''well I want to find his body and absorb his kishin egg, and become even greater, then I want to turn the world to chaos!'' He smiles. ''soooo much fun''
Kai blinked at Dolly as she laid back down on the floor...she could be so strange...and what was she mumbling about? Kai pushed himself up to standing, his injuries already healing some, thanks to his strange soul energy, it usually comes out in desprate times, or when he has gone postal crazy, but it could also help heal him faster somewhat. Going over to the bookshelf he peered at the book vinding before tugging a heavy book down, thumbing through it, he got to the page, and than closed the book putting it back. finding a washable marker, Kai began to draw a large circle on the wall.

Sen laughed softly, "I guess death is not the best topic here huh?" Red eyes watched his tail swish, her eyes twitced and her mouth scunched up cutely, than her eyes grew wide fully of wanting and her mouth spilling out words, "ayeehiiii! I can't contain it anymore!" In one motion she was on her knees, her body lightly pressed against Roland's side, her small hands rubbed both of kitty ears. Sen's eyes were closed as she smiled giggling as she rubbed his ears, "so cute, so soft." she would mutter between giggles.
Roland looked off to the side. "I-I guess not.." He said softly. As soon as Sen pressed her boy against him, his face flushed a bright crimson, his body starting to shudder. He soon relaxed, as Sen rubbed his ears. Soon, he let out a very light, soft purr. He blinked his cocoa brown eyes, his ears pressing into her fingers.
Sen stopped rubbing his ears when she heard the sound. was it a groan? was he shuddering again? no, no it was different, a delighted smile reached her lips when Roland pressed more into her hands, he liked it! she, she made him happy, slowly she began to rub his ears again, grinning like a dope, she made him happy!

"You have nice ears you know that? And eyes, they remind me of coconuts on palm trees."
Roland looked down, his ears twitching. Sen had stopped rubbing his ears. All of a sudden she began rubbing them again, and Roland purred happily, his tail moving up and down. He looked at Sen in shock when she complimented him. He never complimented her. "T-Thanks. I like your eyes, too."He said, studying her red eyes.
"Any ideas where to start looking? I doubt it's just lying somewhere." Darius asked, tuning his wavelengths with Serezeo as they ehaded wherever Serezeo was going exactly.
He looks around. ''that's wont be...but I know where it can be'' He begins heading to the final resting place of asura, climbing the mountain high.
Sen blinked back looking into his eyes, "You do?" Sen leaned forward peering into those cococa brown orbs " you are not fooling." She said in wonder before leaning back blinking slowly before a light blush ran over her nose, "Thank you, Roland." her voice was flattered. she continued to happily rub at his ears enjoying the sound of his purrs, "You know, your the second non preverted person who said that....most think my eyes are creepy...dangerous." sen said after a while.
Dolly looked at him,"...... Calling Madame?"she asked. That would be the only good reason for him to write on the walls. She slowly got up an dusted off her jeans and put her mask on still sulk a bit.

Alice smiled and hugged him,"I wanna go!"she yelled happily. She loved carnivals and wanted to go to one with Xandi. She assumed its be fun.
Kai- the teen nodded gently completing the symbols and circle before mumbling, "5252 a little chant will do, to acess Madame Lu." with that the wall glew white, than purple, Kai stepped back next to Dolly watching. A moment later, a woman's face appeared beautiful, red lushes red hair and golden eyes looked first at Kai than Dolly,

"Ah , my little infiltrators, how are things in Death Academy my dears? Did you get in?" Her voice was smooth very breezy.
Dolly nodded as usual she was in awe by Madame Lu's beauty,"we made it in successfully but due to some problems we were set into a lower class then expected but all should go well"she said bluntly and glanced at Kai under her mask. Although it was his fault she was going to claim it as her own. She did feel like it was her fault he didn't do better though.
Kai cast his light red eyes over at Dolly full of confusion |Was she taking the fall for him...? Kai continued to stare as Dolly talked, turning back to Madame Lu, he did not trust himself to speak, but nodded in mute agreement. The witch watched this all, her smile came out reassuring,

"Why that's a measly setback my dear Dolly, you and Kai will climb fast. Now, I know it seems timely, but act as normal students, make friends, learn all that you can." her eyes landed lightly on Kai, "Go on missions for the Death Lord. Dolly, your sister, you desire to destroy her? You will get too. But first, you must learn to keep your enemies closer." She purred this gently soothingly."Do this, lead them to the location I will disclose, and. you will both have what you most desire."

Kai looked at Dolly than at Madame before speaking, "Whatt about that kishin?" Madame Lu laughed lightly, "Why my my Kai I believed you edged him off our side of the team don't you think?" kai's eyes widened how did she? well, how would she not? that freak almost destroyed the city, Kai fellt his mouth move wordlessly before slumping a little in his posistion.

"No matter, he is much to unstabe, but do keep an soul track on him would you? And if you have trouble with the kishin, there are ways I can assist, same with the rest." She smiled a loving smiling at both of them, "Any questions my dears?"
Dolly shook her head,"no Madame Lu..."she said then blinked and thought,"wait I do have one..... How can you make a man fall for you? I have always wanted to attempt to seduce one it would become handy"she said blushing under her mask.
Kai- he looked surprised yet again as Dolly spoke, everything she was saying caught him off gaurd. Madame Lu increased at Dolly's inquire,

"Ah, a thing all girls should know if I should say. Its quite easy seduction, all you must do is make the male think he is the only one in the world that matters, use flattery, make your tone sweet as honey, remember to hold eye contact, respone to their body langauge, use your own body to entice them, trust me, a wiggle of the hips can get you oodles of information." Madame Lu winked a golden eye smiling, "Just don't try to hard, you are a naterually pretty girl after all."

Kai found himself nodding gently with that last comment, though his face was pink with the image of Dolly wiggling her hips. Seduction...that means its not real love right? But, but still having Dolly...

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