Soul Eater RP >:3

Sen beamed at him and laughing, letting go she twirled the length of the platform her arms twisting around her head, "It is right, heheh" She stopped gripping the railing backwards while looking back over at Roland, "Aw, no problem, its no fun having such a great place and no one to share it with." she closed her eyes smiling, the fear she felt about the city already seemed to diminished.
Roland smiled happily. "It was still nice for you to share it with me." He persisted. He looked down nervously. His ear twitched. "I really do appreciate it..." He said softly, his eyes darting off to the side. Why was he so nervous around Sen? She was his partner, nothing more.
Dolly looked at him worriedly then rolled up his boxers to get to the wound she cleaned the blood with the rag to get a better look she then jolted,"your going to need stitches Kai.... See what happens when there's just strength and no wits?"she asked taking out the stitching needle. She gave him a belt to bite down on,"now be a man"she said waiting for him to be ready.
Sen wattched him head tilted ever so slightly when Roland smiled a happy smile, Sen gasped lightly, "Whoa! you smiled for real!" she excliamed with a bounce than went still opening her mouth the words rushed out, "O-oh not that you don't smile those nice little sweet smiles, but I never knew yours could get so big, its really pretty." her mouth hung open before she clamped it shut,

"Guh! I did not mean pretty, I meant handsome? I dunno." with this, Sen swished herself around facing the city, her hands gripped the railing rather tightly, and her face was flushed as sweat trickled down it,

"I'm sorry, I talk to much and say the wrong things, what I meant was you have a really great smile you should show it off more." Sen slowly turned back around peering shyly at him, "I am glad you like Iit so much, this place, it gives off good vibes." Sen looked a little less embrassed and shy rubbing the railing with her hand.

Kai went wide eyed at her as she rolled up his boxers blushing, than went an even deeper red as Dolly scolded him again, than his face looked confused Stitches? huh? what the hell are? why does she have a? what??? even though he was vastly confused, and could not quite grip what was going on, he opened his mouth and bit down on the belt, Kai trusted her. Yet he did not even know bandages needed to be changed or how so this was even more weird, Kai nodded once to show he was ready, red orbs focused on Dolly.
Roland flushed crimson, and kept staring off to the side. "T-Thanks." He said softly, still not bothering to look up for fear of Sen noticing his flushed face. He lowered his ears and tail, finally deciding to look up. Good thing she wasn't facing him. But she had gotten really flustered. Roland wondered why, but he kept his little mouth shut.
Sen sighed with relief, "You are welcome." Sen smiled glad he did not freak although they were both blushing odd, was it hot in here? Sen's mind traveled back to ealier events, had this place been destroyed? she looked out towards the city, "I have to become stronger."
Dolly thought and knew she was going to need to distract him or he might pass out. She quickly kissed his cheeks then began sowing as quickly as she could then finished and wrapped his leg in a bandage,"you okay?"she asked worriedly then went to wash her hands from the blood.
Sen smiled softly at the comment it was sweet, but, "I mean we can stop that kishin, and fight any witches that come our way."

Kai bit down on his tongue hard, his fingers clinched open and shut in pain, this hurt worse than the wound. Kai took the pillow, and rammed it over his face. Dolly's voice made it through his agonized world, Kai nodded, the pillow still over his face, "Yeah, thanks." his tone was weak and a tad shaky.
Dolly smiled a bit and laid him down and pulled out the belt and kissed his cheek,"do you want something better then a kiss on the cheek?"she asked. She hovered over him a bit.
Roland sighed. "I know what you meant." He said.

(Hey, PoisonousKandy. I posted for Xandi eons ago. But if you don't wanna reply, that's cool. :3)
Sen brushed a finger along her hair than down her face thinking about that for a moment. Than she turned bouncing on her heels red eyes sparkling like ruby's, "Than its settled! Tomorrow we can train and learn to be stronger to-together...? Yes! Together!" She thrust both fist in the air before bring them down with a grin. Than she flopped down on the floor, "But now I want to be lazy," She threw her head back looking at Roland and patted the space next to her, "Come be lazy with me, Roland."

Kai looked up into those eyes and the pain was completely forgotten, it drained out of his face and eyes and he managed a smile, "Only if you are ready to aim." Which was his way of saying only if you are ready. Kai did not want to push Dolly anywhere it seems like she was pushed enough in her life, pushed away, pushed aside...he did not want to push her forward....he, he almost pushed her away too, that made he wince lightly, the last thing he wanted to be was the people that shoved her aside, made her feel ugly....Kai swore to himself he would show Dolly otherwise even if it took him a lifetime.

(Maybe to make it easier for the both of you, Kandy and Suika, you can post a new post like Alice or Xandi training or eating or talking about what happened to the city? Its kinda hard to go back through and search for a post, we covered a lot of ground ^^)
Dolly blushed deeply and bonked his head,"don't use that expression"she mumbled. Did he know se wanted to kiss him? Was it that obvious? If so why wouldn't HE do it?! Aren't guys supposed to make the first move?! Dolly then blushed deeper and closed her eyes,"fine then you come get it"she said.
Roland glanced at her nervously. His eyes darted off to the side and he lowered himself to the ground next to her. His brown eyes gazing at the floor in front of him. He brought his knees up to his chest and sat there quietly.

Xandi yawned, walking out of the house. He somehow managed to close the door behind him, and began to make his way to the academy. He smiled softly, loving to be close to Alice. There was something about her that made him very happy to be her partner.
Alice thought about her sister before looking at Xandi with a silly face,"I like candy!"she said happily then hugged her book bag. She then looked at the school as she walked inside,"what should we do anyway"she asked.(ty)
Sen grinned again when Roland sat next to her, letting out a content sigh she stared out admiring out at the city before stretching her legs out, "Are you new here too? that night I first met seemed like you were too."

Kai blinked slowly watching her blush, as she asked him to come get it, kai blushed yet grinned. to him, it did not matter who kissed who, they were not in the old fashion times, plus, Kai was not schooled on the rules of being a gentleman, anways, the only thing that mattered, is that she wanted a kiss from him. Kai grew nervous, yet leaned up so that their faces hovered so close ever so close, closing his eyes, Kai edged up a little more aiming to kiss Dolly.
Xandi raised his eyebrows, as if to question Alice's random statement. He followed her inside the school and looked at her calmly. "I'll let you choose what to do. You deserve it." He said, hinting at the fact that Alice had been an amazing partner. He smiled sweetly. (No prob.)

Roland considered her question for a moment. "Y-Yes. I just got here." He said. Why did he need to consider that? It was true. He had just gotten here. He let out a sigh, his ears twitching. "How do you like it here so far...?" He said in a weak attempt at more conversation.
Alice blinked,"but that's not fair I didn't do anything"she said then thought about him kissing Dolly and shot a glare she then smiled,"lets chose together"she said.

Dolly blushed would she pull out again? Should she? Man this was tough the aticapation was killing her. She then grabbed his hand nervous very nervous she needed an idea she then grabbed a lollipop on the near by table and put it infront of them. She blushed looking down,"s-sorry....."she said she really did want to kiss him but she wanted him to do it,"I hope it's okay you..... I'd rather you kiss my cheek before we do anything more"she said and walked away to sulk. She made another excuse! She banged her head on the wall,"why must ugly people be so sneaky?"she mumbled as she banged her head.
Xandi lowered his ears when Alice glared, but forced himself to look up and smile. "Yeah, I suppose that's alright." He said softly.
Sen crossed her legs, and rested her chin in her cuffed hands smiling brilliantly, "I get why its called Death City and all, but if this is what death is, its pretty least I hope its this amazing." She answered.

Kai linked his fingers through Dolly's than opened one eye at her words, but before he could attempt to kiss her on the cheek, she was up and away, sighing lightly, Kai did not seem dishearted by this, it was a challenge he had to complete to show Dolly how specialable and kissable she really was, now how to do so? Kai pondered this sitting up gingerly a light smirk on his face, he did love a good challenge and this one would not get him half dead...he hoped.

"Hey Dolls, your head is to awesome for brain damage cut it out."
now fully powered he walks out of his castle but senses an energy almost similer to his. "whats tthis...somthing new??" he walks off to where the energy could be.
Dolly groaned then fell to the floor with a loud thud,"I'm so lame~"she whined. She was like this because of Alice everything was Alice's fault she had low self estem and needed to blame someone for it Alice was just the cause for it. Dolly sat up and looked at Kai,"even your cute..."she mumbled then laid back down on the floor groaning. Why was everything so difficult.(I cock block Kai ssoooooooo much xD )

Alice smiled and kissed him,"so you choose one you like and if i like it we'll do it"she said smiling.
Roland nodded. "I-I guess so." He said, his eyes once again darting off to the side. His tail flicked from side to side and he stared at the ground, his expression soft.

Xandi sighed in an exaggerated way. "Fine..." He said, giving the situation some thought. "Yeah. I've got nothing unless you want to sit here all day." He thought some more. "We could go to that carnival you were pestering me about earlier." He said.

(I remember that now!)

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