Soul Eater RP >:3

Dolly blinked,"hmmm"she said then kissed his cheek,"fine"she said and left to go check the door. It was locked but she already knew why Kai wanted her to leave. She smiled a bit and peeked into the kitchen with a small smirk.
Kai patted his cheek where Dolly's lips had kissed before a sneaky grin slid onto his face, he leaned towards the bowl his fingers clasping onto it, like how a spider catches its prey. Whisking the bowl through the air, he stopped it in front of his face,

"Oh yeah, yum, just look at you just wanting to be eaten." sticking his tongue out he started by licking the edges of the bowl than put fingers in there was well, eating the left over cake batter with a vigor.
Dolly blushed looking at him,"so cute"she thought then looked at him sneaking up behind him without any sound, her weightless feet let no creak loose from the floor boards an no noise from the back of her heels. She slowly came up behind him and over his shoulder creating no pressence,"enjoying the batter?"she asked smirking hoping to scare him so bad he pissed his pants.
Kai's eye swelled up like red ballons threatening to pop they got so huge, "Ahhhhhhhh Dollllyyyyyyy???????!!!" Came out loud and surprised as he sprung using the counter straight up towards the ceiling he gripped the fan hanging from it and looking down trembling with a pale face, his eyes still wide,

"Wha-u-me-mehgahaha." He sputtered his sweaty palms slipped from the fan, he came down unharmed in a crouch before his legs, still weak and shaky refused to hold him so he toppled onto his butt, several seconds ticked in till he could grasp words again,

"I wa-was till you did that!" Kai answered with a childish whine and pout.
Dolly laughed tearing up,"I told you not to lick the bowl of the batter when you first came here and you still haven't learned!"she laughed then patted his head,"use your words okay remember when I first met you?"she asked with a smile.

Flashback!(can you start because it seems like something was happening with Kai when she entered the picture)
(Will do)


They were after him again, what had he done huh? He was doing what they asked of him, his purpose as they said. Feet ran fast along the ground. Soldiers, elite miesters, assholes, whatever you wanted to call them. Kai rounded a corner and saw it then, the mans body on the ground, leaking blood, so much blood, then hers, next to his, so close as if they were meant to die together. Kai gripped his head shaking it, falling to his knees,

"No, no, wake up! Come on! Wake up, stop faking!" He punched the mans chest, ripped out a chunk of the woman's hair, his eyes welled up with unshed tears and he angrily wiped them away. He could hear them closing in now, but he didn't care. Kai kept trying to wake the two, "Come on, come on! I did as you asked! The souls, they are all ready for you to eat now, so wakeeee up supper time now....please?" The first dry sob racked his fourteen year old frame roughly, causing him to lean over the couple, they were gone....he had no more purpose.

Those killers...they were saying things, evil untrue things, how he was- and they were- evil.... how he needed to be destroyed surrender, it will be painless if he did. Slowly he got up his feet, body still shuttering now and again with a sob, he walked forward a little, his head hung, body slumped lost of luster....

He had no purpose anymore, but he could have revenge. As he slowly looked up, twin tear tracks on his face, light red eyes turned a deep and hellish crimson almost black color, opening his mouth he released not only a agony heart wrenching scream, but all that hidden power that made him so dangerous. It came out with such a force, the small alleyway cracked and crumbled burying the bodies and a few people.

Stumbling back after his display of power, Kai collapsed to his knees hands shaking on the ground as it still trembled slightly, the dust formed a sharp mist around him hiding him from further attacks, Kai panted his chest heaving, eyes wild, as he gazed around his own cloud of destruction.
The clacking of heels hitting the pavement. She walked humming growing closer and closer to Kai. Then stopped,"are they bothering you wouldn't you like to get them for what they have done? Causing these poor innocent people to die?"Madame lo said sitting by Kai whispering in his ear."would you like to be powerful? Someone can do that the masked girl infront of you can"she said then dissappeared into the wind.

Dolly stood infront of Kai her thirt for power surrounding herself. She did but one thing hold out her hand. Her black hair flowing behind her and then brushe against his cheek. The mask on her face black and white cut down the center and showed one eye on the black side. She said nothing till he looked up."I can and will help you"she said smiling under her mask,"and you will help me.... We will be a team"she said muffled yet possibly unheard.
Kai heard the words buzzing so silkily in his ear. That witch, he had seen her before watching them, watching him....but she never spoke to now, letting out a broken growl, he swiped behind him at air, his eyes still crazed with fury, he looked down at the cracked gravel rolling a finger over a pebble, did he really do this? Than he looked up and saw a hand, white and pure in all the destruction, and he sensed a power, like his, so much like his, yet different. Eyes slowly lifted from the hand, to the mask, that one eye, so blue said so much, Kai's forehead scrunched up, it was all overwhelming, but when she spoke it the fog in his brain went away. Why did she hide? What made her? Help him....? He had trusted them...but...something about her.

Giving a soft nod, he swallowed, before reaching out his hand to place it into hers as he stood, he was quiet before finally speaking,

"A team, okay, your name?"
Dolly gripped his hand close,"Dolly..... Transform"she said smiling,"lets put all your problems to death my new friend"she said smirking widely. She waited for him to transform but something in both there kinda made them forget this battle. Maybe they had both blacked out? But regained consciousness walking into a home,"we will stay here take a shower and wash the blood off"Dolly ordered walking into the house.
Kai felt a slow but malice like smirk take over his lips at her tone, she wanted revenge for him too, "Names Kai." He nodded releasing the image from his mind, they would only cause him to cry, which was stupid. Changing into his weapon form his power still radiated around him, yet his eyes had changed to normal, calmed by her, Dolly.

Following her into the house he looked almost timid and awed at his surroundings. He stood still at her order as he got into the house, his eyes busy taking everything in.
Dolly sighed,"moron.... Ill bake you cake the fast you take a shower"she said and slowly took off her mask. She looked at him and smiled,"good job today"she said cutely. Dolly was being polite and nice to win him over but she felt thu had won each other over.
Cake, was a word Kai recognized through all his awe. A smile graced his lips, his eyes fell on Dolly's face, he got to see two blue orbs watching him....she was pretty, "Okay, cake, its yum." he nodded still smiling as he walked past opening a door he closed it, nope, that was the closet. trying the next he peeked inside ah ha! bathroom! The rest of Dolly's words caught up with him, her praise, turning slightly around he gave his trademark phrase,

"Yeah, thanks, they could not handle us." Kai smirked, he was going to like it here....
(Okay ganna time skip slightly to the bathroom thing)

Dolly was taking a shower later on that day trying to scrub the blood off. She sighed she hadn't gotten used to locking the door e cause she had lived alone. She had no idea it was open she didn't even use the curtain.

Kai walked around the apartment after eating cake, now it felt like a weight in his stomach, it was delicous, the best cake he ever had really, but he how now gotten nervous, why? he had no idea. walking over the bathroom door, he had a question in his brain, and he needed to ask. Twisting the knob, he started opening the door and speaking at once, "Yo, Dolly, I-I-I nnnnnn-AKED!" He yelped red eyes going wide yet not looking away. Kai felt his face blush hot.
Dolly jolted and glared grabbing a towel and wrapping it around herself. She glared then punched his gut so he would topple over,"stupid boy! The hell is wrong with you?! Didn't you hear the water running?"she said glaring."great now I'm ganna have to marry you"she said smirking,"isn't that a good enough penalty?! Someone as ugly as me marrying you?"she aske holding him by his callor and pinning him to the wall. Her dark black hair dripping hot water from the steamy shower.
Kai toppled over with a low hiss from the hit, his eyes remained wide, as his words came out soundlessly "Oof urgh" He moaned as she pinned him to the wall, as she spoke his mouth hung open before he shut it, swallowed and smiled sheepishly,

"I, I, I, would not mind......I mean your pretty! I mean, I mean," his face was crimson red, "We are a little to young for it right? So uh lets just be partners for now," her raven hair was in his face lightly brushing against his face. With a finger, he brushed the damp locks back, tucking it behind her ear, his hand trembled, "I'm sorry, I am not a prev, just not used to, to, stuff in your house," Kai said meekly gulping again before going quiet.
Dolly glared,"ugh!"she yelled dropping him an put on a mask,"moron don't come near the bathroom unless I give you permission!"she yelled then thought about her lonely first night and smirked under the mask."but in return I get lonely in a new place sleeping alone so you shall sleep with me!"she snarled and kicked the wall by his stomach then turne and walked into the bathroom shutting the door with a loud slam.
Kai pulled himself up from the floor looking at the wall Dolly had kicked, he scowled, temper flared, slamming open the bathroom door, he marched out, "I said sorry! Fine then! fine I get it now! not like I know any of your house rules!" He snarled back at Dolly before his anger drained, it had been a really long day, night, everything was overwhelming, than he looked off to side stratching his cheek, "I don't really like sleeping all alone either."
Dolly put on her pjs then layed on the bed,"good you little brat"she said then laid down,"come on!"she said and pulled him onto the bed.
Kai smiled lightly and let her pull him, even though she did have quite the grip and strengh even if she did not look like it. Making himself comfortable, he let out a sigh, ntot a bad one though, in fact, he could get used to this life.

"Oh, oh wait." he sat back up removing the shirt he was wearing fling it over on the chair, it landed perfectly making Kai laugh, "Ha! Never misses, can't sleep with that pesky ole thing on." he said indignantly before laying back down.
Dolly pouted,"you better be warm"she mumbled before putting her hand on his chest an laying softly on his chest enjoying the heat from him,"erm I....."she said happily,"I think that I could make you another cake next week k?"she asked smiling. Dolly was finally choosing to let someone in and be happy.(erm I noticed you keep saying raven curls I just wanted to say that Dolly's hair in perfectly straight and thin. Sorry I didn't sy something earlier)
(Teehee, opps! And okay straight gottcha ^^)

Kai enjoyed her hand on his chest it felt nice, his eyes flicked to hers growing happy with the simple promise of cake, "More cake? Okay, yum, thanks Dolls." Kai decided that would be her nickname, he gave them to people he liked, "Ya know, I am gonna like it here." Kai said his thought outloud, fiddling a tad with Dolly 's smooth straight dark locks, they were so silky.
Dolly smiled,"cool I'm glad maybe you can really be my husband if your not afraid of my hideousness well goodnight"she said slowly falling asleep in his arms.
Kai made a frown at her, "Goodnight, but your not....your pretty." He stayed awake, now he understood why she wore the mask, but.... not really, why did she think she was not pretty? Girls, who knew? The room was quiet, Kai heard Dolly's heart beat, slowly he fell into a sleep listening to the sound.
(Awwwww back to the present!)

Dolly hugged Kai from behind,"so what do you think your doing eating the bowl bad bad boy"she said smirking widely. Dolly then let go and began washing the bowl and dishes.

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