Soul Eater RP >:3

Xandi slowly snapped out of it. "...Huh?..." He sat up, holding his head. [Haha, you're an amazing role player, just saying.]
(Aw really? How so? xD meow)

Alice brushed her hand through his hair,"you okay? You passed out..... Did my kiss make you want to die? Did you hate it?"she asked worriedly.
[You're funny, and your portrayal of Alice is awesome! xD ]

Xandi blinked. "Are you kidding? Of course not." He replied, sighing.
Alice tilted her head in confusion,"eh? What do you mean?"she asked then jolted,"oh I almost forgot.... Do you want to take a bath?"she asked smiling innocently.
Xandi nodded. "That would be nice." He said, desperately needing some time away from Alice before his nose exploded again.
Alice smiled,"and then we can snuggled with a movie"she said hugging him happily. She really did enjoy herself with Xandi not thinking muh of it more then a pet owner relationship. Alice kissed his head,"I'll go get you something to change into"she said and walked to her room.
Xandi nodded and purred. His eyes were half-lidded as he watched Alice walk into her room.
Alice came out with guy clothes,"these are my dads he gave them to me cuz big clothes are warm"she said smiling,"here's a towel"she said handin him a clean towel.
Xandi nodded. "Thanks." He said, noticing that the clothes were, in fact, big. He shrugged and stood up, twitching his tail. He looked around and spotted the bathroom. He made his way towards it.
Alice watched him go take his shower. She took one in her bathroom in her room. She finished and changed into a big shirt that fit her like a dress and shorts with stockings under. She then sat infront of her tv and put in a DVD for a movie.
Xandi finished his shower and put on the clothes that Alice had given him. His hair was dripping wet, and he looked miserable. He shook his head to free his hair from the water. Xandi walked into the living room.
Alice smiled happily looking at Xandi and pushed him over to the couch and turned the movie on then sat on his lap and smiled happily,"my kitty"she said hugging him thinking he was so cuddley. Alice patted his head after putting a blanket around them.
Xandi looked at her. He closed his eyes and purred. Xandi couldn't help but wonder what movie Alice had picked. He opened his eyes again.
Alice looked at the movie. It was Spirited away a movie she loved so much,"this movie is so cute"she said softly,"I hope one day I can find a guy like that for me"she added and brushed his hair with her hand again.
Xandi swiveled his ears towards Alice, listening to her. He nodded, agreeing with her. He then flattened his ears against his head at the last statement.
Alice looked at him worriedly,"what's wrong? Your ears went down so it must mean your unhappy or angry right? Did I say something bad again?"she asked with a worried expression then looked down.
Xandi looked at her. "No...You didn't..." Xandi replied, closing his eyes slowly. He forced himself to purr.
Alive looked at him worriedly and could tell something was off,"it's okay it's okay"she said putting his head under her chin and pulling him ontop of her as she laid down,"it's fine k?"she asked and smiled,"you and Alice will always be together"she whispered,"because we're partners"she added happily.
Xandi closed his eyes and purred. "Right. Partners." He agreed.
Alice smiled and watched the movie but it was harder then usual. Her mind was on how cute and cuddley Xandi looked and how much she wanted to get closer to him. She smiled happily because she was glad he was her partner.
Xandi was a little upset. He really was starting to like Alice. 'If only she knew I liked her.' Xandi thought to himself. He purred softly and contently the whole time.
Alice yawned slowly falling asleep. She rubbed her eyes trying to stay awake but she was in need of a nap it wasn't even that past lunch time yet. Alice let herself nod off hugging Xandi.
Xandi smiled at Alice, before closing his eyes. Later, as he was sleeping, Xandi began dreaming. In his dream, he and Alice had gotten together. After a while of being together, a group of kishins attacked. They killed Alice. Xandi whimpered in his sleep.
Alice jolted awake to the whimpering,"what happened?! Did I hurt you?!"she said worriedly and a bit scared,"are you okay?"she asked looking at him as she sat up.
Xandi was panting. "Oh my god, Alice!" He screeched, hugging her. His eyes were brimming with tears.

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