Soul Eater RP >:3

Xandi shook his head. "No." He replied. He quickly transformed into a scythe.
After a while of practicing Alice found herself out of breath,"one more time"she mumbled and continued to do flexiable moves. She jolted spinning a bit and fell to the ground breathing hard,"my ankle"she mumbled with a serious face. She was only serious and not oblivious to the things around her when she got hurt,"tsk! Ow!"she yelled as the warm blood dripped to the ground streaming from the blisters on her hands she had practiced to much. Her ankle was swelling up and there was a bruise on her legs. She was sore from all the backflips and flexing she had done as she practiced. Alice slowly got up and picked Xandi back up,"just a little more practice"she said.
Xandi could see she was overdoing it. "Alice...I think that's enough practice for today." He said, worriedly.
Alice shook her head,"no we've only practiced for three hours! I need to get better!"she yelled and took a step on her bad foot and fell to the ground she caught Xandi before he hit the floor,"safe"she mumbled as her face got redder.
Xandi could feel a vein bulging on his head. "Look. Seriously. I think you're done for today. You need some rest." He said.
Alice looked on the ground and sighed dropping Xandi,"fine"she said softly. She felt weak being that others could go much longer given that they had been together for one day it was a good limit,"can you carry me back.... I can't feel my body"she mumbled.
Xandi transformed back and looked at her. His expression softened, and he gently picked her up, carrying her back to her house. He somehow managed to open the door and went to Alice's bedroom. Xandi played her down gently onto her bed and placed some covers over her. "Rest." He said, sternly.
Alice grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bed and beside her with a hug,"sleep with me"she mumbled slowly drifting to sleep,"I...... I love kitty......"she mumbled just before passing out into dreamland.
Xandi looked at her and smiled. He stretched, carefully so he didn't wake Alice up, He closed his eyes and purred. Finally, he fell asleep. Luckily, he was able to keep his nightmares at bay.
After a while Alice woke up and jolted,"it hurts"she mumbled reffering to her swollen ankle. She then blushed looking at Xandi and quietly kissed him she moved away and acre like she was asleep so he wouldn't notice it.
Xandi felt something touch his face. He stirred in his sleep and finally opened his eyes. He stretched like a true cat, again trying not to disturb Alice, and yawned. He looked at her and smiled.
Alice was a bright red wounds made her figure things out and make her very aware but sometimes a little too aware,"Xandi I like you"she mumbled cuddling up against him as though she was asleep.
Xandi looked at her and blushed. He lay back down. 'What does she mean?' Xandi asked himself, closing his eyes. His tail twitched in a curious way. 'I wonder.' He thought.
Xandi yawned and stretched again before getting up and walking outside. He closed the door behind him and walked into the woods. He climbed up a tree and and sat there. "It's hopeless." He said, resting his head in his hands. "Alice would never fall for a guy like me. I mean, come on, I'm basically like a pet. I'm always tired and dry, I couldn't tell a joke if I wanted to, I'm serious almost all of the time, and I barely talk." Xandi said aloud. He was completely degrading himself, as he sometimes did when he was confused or when he disappointed someone close to him. He leaned backwards and fell off the tree. "WHOA!" He screamed, hitting the ground. Xandi slowly picked himself back up and shook his whole body. "Note to self: Cats do not always land on their feet." He said, bitterly.
Alice walked towards him and jolted when he fell. She laughed,"nice one"she said and giggled."I was wondering if you knew how to bandage a swollen foot?"she asked smiling. She hasn't heard the things he said before he fell.
Xandi's ear twitched. He blushed with embarrassment. "I meant to do that." He quickly said, shaking himself again. "Of course I do." He replied, smiling.
Alice pouted a bit,"then fix me~"she whined and hopped on his back,"off to the house"she said and rubbed her cheek with his.
Xandi yawned and ran back to the house, and gently sat Alice on the couch. He randomly found some bandages and began wrapping her injured ankle. He completed his work and nodded. "That should do it." He said.
Alice looked at him and smiled giving him a thumbs up,"good job your am awesome friend!"she said and smiled then kissed his cheek,"are you hungry? Tired again? OH WAIT!"she yelled and walked to the kitchen an made coffe,"try this"she said smirking.
Xandi took the cup of coffee. He sniffed the bitter liquid. 'It's not sweet.' He thought to himself. He shrugged and looked into the cup as if a kishin was going to jump out at any moment and rip him to shreds. He finally took a tiny sip.
"Oh wait!"Alice said and put sugar inside,"how does it taste? Do you feel tired?"she asked bouncing a bit with excitement. She looked at him with big hopeful eyes
Xandi took another sip. "Surprisingly...It's pretty good...and it's strange, but I really don't feel tired anymore." He replied, smiling.
Alice smiled happily,"that's what coffe is! It keeps you awake during the day.... Does it make you happy?"she asked. She could tell earlier he wasn't happy,"smiles make the world go round!"she sang poking his cheeks.
Xandi nodded. "Very happy." He said. 'But not as happy as you make me.' He thought. He closed his eyes and purred.

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