Soul Eater RP >:3

Xandi stirred in his sleep. He finally awoke from his little cat nap.
Alice smiled at Xandi,"you want some snacks?!"she yelled excitedly. She had gotten a little hyper off the marshmallows in her bag.
Xandi looked at her, and politely smiled. "No, thanks." He said.
Jester laughed and continued to run "Lazy much Bambi?" he laughed a little more and stopped at a manhole cover. he pried it open and hopped down "Let's go!!!!" he yelled listening to the echo
Alice smiled then walked over and sat on his lap. Sadly she had chocolates that had wine in them although she wasn't aware. She licked his neck slowly not letting him escape.

Bambi blushed a bit,"you were running to fa-"she started when a huge Kishin came out his skin was steel and there where a bunch of smaller kishin around him,"we should take out the smaller ones first"she mumbled.
Xandi let Alice sit on his lap, and looked down at her. She slowly licked his neck, and he blushed, his nose threatening to bleed.
Alice's face was flushed,"Xandi...."she mumbled licking his neck licking up getting closer to his lips,"meow"she mumbled slowly leaning in to kiss him.
Xandi smelled alcohol, but he had no idea of where it was coming from. 'It can't be Alice, can it? No...She's too sweet and innocent for that.' He told himself. "Meow." He said, looking concerned.
Alice held out her chocolates,"have one! I ate five!"she yelled bouncing,"they tasted funny hahaha!"she said and laughed wobbly.
Xandi sniffed the chocolate. "Alice! These have alcohol in them!" He said, attempting to snatch the laced goodies from her.
Alice blushed leaning in,"it means?"she whispered against his lips. She closed her eyes and waited for him to lean the rest of the way in.
Xandi's eyes were half-lidded. "It means it's bad..." He replied, leaning in.
Alice jolted moving away,"so I'm a bad girl!?"she asked worriedly but then leaned in again,"I still want this"she said and kissed him.
Xandi looked at her, shocked. "You? A bad girl? No way!" He said. He was then kissed by Alice. He closed his eyes, and wrapped his arms around her waist.
Alice kissed him repeatedly,"oh oh! Xandi I love you!"she yelled and kissed him again. She was only being so forward and kissing him because she was drunk when she wakes up the next day she will have no memory of anything that she has done.
Xandi looked down. It had clicked. 'She's drunk...' He thought to himself. He sighed, ears drooping.
Alice blinked wobbly,"what? Why you droopy"she asked kissing his neck,"mmmm I love you silly kitty"she said then meowed.
Xandi swished his tail back and forth. He laid on his stomach, resting his head in his arms. His eyes were half-lidded, and his ears drooped. "Meow." He mumbled.
Alice blinked,"what wrong silly kitty? Aren't you happy with my first kiss?"she asked and rubbed her cheek with his,"I really love you Xandi"she said her voice was serious as she said this but then she giggled.
Xandi leaned in close to her and licked her cheek. He then flopped back down on the couch, rubbing his face.

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