Soul Eater RP >:3

Xandi looked at her. "No...I do love you..." He replied, his ears twitching.
Xandi blushed, his nose once again threatening to bleed. He ran on all fours down the hallway, and then ran back into the room, jumping in the air to pounce on something. "Meow!" He said.
Jester looked around eyeing them. He grabbed BAmbi and swung her around easily. 'Come on fellas!!" he yelled sprinting toward the largest and sliding beneath his feet. Jester popped back up tripping maller one and beheading it quickly. Jester turned throwing Bambi across the sewer and into the other kishins chest. Jester stamped his foot the blade popping out and leapt into the air slicing its throat open and grabbing Bambi before touching the ground.

"Now for you big fella." Jester said blood covering his face. He calmly walked toward the Large Kishin predicting all attacks he could make. The Kishin slammed an arm down and Jester dodged to the left quickly side stepping it only to be caught with the Kishins other arm. Jester dropped Bambi as the kishin picked him up and squeezed. Jester coughed blood as he felt a lung puncture. Jester acted quick to slam his knived boot into the kishins wrist.He hit the ground hard and felt a rib pierce his own flesh. he swore and jumped to his feet. He grabbed Bambi and held his side with the other arm. Sucking in a painful breath of air He slammed Bambi into the Kishins knee and took his leg off. It dropped to his last knee and Jester looked at him. "farewell" he said simply swinging the axe blade across slicing the Kishin's head off. He set Bambi down and dropped to his own knees coughed more blood and fell face down in the sewers passed out.
Bambi jolted a bit she looked at the Kishin eggs and swallowed them quickly then grabbed Jester and ran out. She ran to the nurses office and laid him in the bed. She sighed a bit tired from the running. She whipped the blood from his face and kissed his cheek,"what a fighter..... You houldve let me help more"she mumbled as the nurse began fixing him up. She waited outside the office impatiently.

Alice smiled,"I want to be together forever!"he yelled happily then stretched a bit and hugged him.
Jester clenched his teeth trying to ignore the pain while they put him back together and pumped the blood out of his lungs. He passed out half way finished and woke up an hour later. "what the!!" he exclaimed jumping out of the bed looking around widely
(@SuiKaFTW there's not much I can go on there mind putting in something else?)

Bambina sat by him and smiled,"I'm glad your back"she said and put her hand on her head blushing a bit,"your okay now"she mumbled and fidgeted. She then kissed his cheek,"good job"she said and began walking out with her hips swaying side to side seductively. Bambina only said these things as quickly because she felt guilty for not protecting him and wanted to make it up to him. She was feeling horrible on the inside and was scolded for not being able to protect him the hour he was passed out. Bambina looked down as she walked and decided to read her book another time.

([MENTION=4330]quentin[/MENTION] do you have a lot to do? In rl I mean cause I was thinking of recruiting more people and I wanted to know if you'd help you too Sui)

Xandi stood up, stretched, and walked outside and into the woods.
(Better thanks >v>'")

Alice jolted and got up she tried to follow but was wobbly. She walked toward the door moving from side to side and tripping over her own feet by the door. She didn't fall instead she grabbed onto the door knob,"Xandi where are you going?!"she yelled after him as she began crying,"that poo-head is leaving me"she said a bit too dramatic.
{ya i am useally kinda busy im sorry!! like my day consists of working from 5 in the mornin to 8 then from 8 30 to 6 pm i have baseball lol but ya i will find sme more people.}

Jester looked around for a moment and looked down as he himself blushed a hand resting on his cheek where she had kissed him. "Hey where you going?" he asked gently quickly sliding his jeans on before she saw.
(No problem...)

Xandi stalked off deeper into the woods. He sighed and leaned against a tree. He covered his face.
Bambina glanced at him,"why do you want to come along?"she asked softly."I'm heading to the library then to bed...."she explained not turning around and continued walking.

Alice jolted and threw up the whine in the chocolates now spewed against the concret floor outside. She began toppling backwards and passed out.
A guy walked by and saw Alice passed out. He smirked and walked over to her, poking her.
Quentin nodded and followed her out he tried to put his shirt back on and yelped in pain as he felt a stich and rib pull.
Bambina jolted and ran after him,"what's wrong what's wrong?!"she yelled worriedly moving her hands around him but not touching him. She then felt there noses touch and turned a bright red looking into his eyes. Bambi frozze not knowing what to do.

Alice was out like a lamp not feeling the touch but was dreaming about Xandi and her playing at a carnival and killing Kishin's happily.
The guy started to drag her outside when he bumped into someone. Xandi had walked back to the house when he noticed this idiot trying to steal Alice. "...And where do you think you're going?" He said, his voice dripping with malice. The guy glared.
Jester stopped looking her in the eyes blushing himself. He looked at her lips and bit his own "N-nothing just hurts to lift my arm." he whispered refraining from kissing the girl's lips as badly as he wanted
Alice felt uncomfortable in her position and turned over her leg violently swinging at the man missing by an inche,"my Xandi"she mumble in her sleep angrily. In her dream girls surrounded Xandi and it made her very asleep. This was sure to make her wake up very cranky.

Bambina looked at his lips as she brushed hers against his,"t-then maybe you should lay down"she said baking away slowly. She looked away nervously but smiled a bit to herself. That ha been the closest she had gotten to a boy and had enjoyed it. She looked over her shoulder to Jester and then batted her eyelashes at him. Bambina had found a new liking for this boy.

(0v0 did you forget his name or was that instant name change? Meow)
The guy kicked Xandi, knocking him down. Xandi held his stomach for a second, then got up and landed a punch right on the guy's jaw. The guy stumbled backwards, but he took out a knife and slashed Xandi up the stomach and chest. Xandi paid no attention and pinned the guy, knocking the knife out of his hands. He furiously punched the guy again and again, teats streaming down his face. He released the guy, and the guy ran away. Xandi stumbled over to Alice and picked her up, carrying her to her room. He placed her on the bed, then he walked into the living room and played on the floor, closing his eyes.
Alice slowly woke up and yawned angrily.(dafuq?!) Alice walked out of her room and looked at Xandi then the pool of blood around him and glared,"that's what you get for touching whores!"she yelled before jolting an snapping out of it. She quickly picked him up and dragged him to the nurse and she began fixing him up in a room away from Bambina and Jester. Alice sat outside dripping in Xandi's blood.
{oops lol no one saw that}

Jester smiled a little and nodded he struggled with his shirt again and shrugged tossing his shirt on the floor and laying back down in the bed vaguely realizing he was hungry
Xandi was fine, and really didn't need to be fixed. He opened his eyes, and glared at the ceiling. His ears twitched and he looked annoyed. (I dunno. Action?)
(Not that Alice yawning angrily... It's not possible xD )

Alice smiled a bit as the doctors called her into the room a little earlier then when Xandi woke up. Her shirt was off and she was getting her heart beat checked out and they were looking for scars. Alice and the dr jolted when Xandi woke up she quickly put on a shirt and hid under the bed hoping her didn't see anything.

(god saw that > :D )

Bambina walked over to him and smiled,"y-you okay?"she asked not really knowing what to say. She blushed at his chest and looked him in the eyes. She didn't know what to do but felt the urge to kiss him flow along. She quickly turned her back on him so the urge would go away. She tried very hard but the image was stained in her brain.

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