Soul Eater RP >:3

Alice ran home and hid under her blankets feeling weird and awkward,"I wonder what kissing a different guy feels like..."she mumbled looking down.
(I wanted to know if Xandi is related to the new guy since you said he was a cat 0v0)

Alice quickly stood up and walked over to the window her twin sister was there. Alice glared,"what are you doing here?!"she yelled out the window. Her sister smirked,"of course I'm here only but to make your life horrible"she said."but why I love you you could never do that"Alice said innocently."Alice shut up...."Dolly said angrily."Please Doll leave me alone don't hurt me"Alice said. Dolly threw her hat off and pulled her mask to the top of her head.

(The mask)
(Roland's his cousin ^.^)

Xandi walked back to the house, wondering if he was even welcome.
(I knew there'd be some type of relation)

Alice noticed Xandi and jolted. Dolly smirked and walked over to Xandi before he could go inside,"hi hi~ sorry I ran off earlier I kinda died my hair and let it loose I thought that I should change to a darker hair color like yours"she said exactly like Alice would say anything. Dolly smiled like Alice. They where twins so nobody could ever tell the difference. Although Dolly had naturally black hair and Alice's hair was blonde.
(Yupp!) Xandi looked down. "That was fast...Can girls even dye their hair that quick?"
(Roland looks good!)

Sen walked along briskfully through the streets, she pulled up the hood her apple red jacket over her light pink hair. The girl came to a halt at the school gates. Well, I guess all I have to wait till morning when classes start. Sen thought smiling at the school and climbing the wall to sit on it, shivering, her smile dropping slowly. You think being alone for a while would make you use to it.....sad part don't. Resting her chin on top knees covered by tan colored jeans, deep red eyes peered around looking at different parts of the academy.

Roland trudged timidly along, tugging at his black shirt. He wore black skinny jeans and purple converse as well. He walked into the academy, brown eyes scanning his surroundings.
Dolly smiled,"if your a professional! Anyway lets go eat something yummy!"she yelled and grabbed his hand then began running pulling Xandi along. Alice was too late Dolly was gone with Xandi and her chest was tightening she could hardly breath.

(I love having multiple characters it makes being the bad guy that much easier meow~ neh I was wondering Roxel if you wouldn't mind making a weapon for Dolly I gots a big story for her on her own meow- you don't have to if you don't want too 0v0)
Xandi sniffed. Stange, this girl didn't smell like Alice. "So...We should practice..." he said.
Dolly blinked then smiled,"your going to practice with me again?"she asked happily,"ah"she said as her stomach growled,"but we should probably eat first"she said and giggled. Alice ran out of the house looking around for Dolly seeing them hold hands she hid and jealousy began boiling up inside her.
(OOC: Surrrrreee! I could do that! What type of weapon? And boy or girl? Heh, I got a good idea for it already!)

Sen's eyes widened considerably, Was that a walking kitty? Leaning a little more forward her palms balancing her weigh against the wall, Sen leaned forward more. It is! Oh goodie! Feeling her adrenaline kicking in from her excitement, Sen jump down than hopped more stopping to peer at the person/kitty from behind a pillar shyness rubbing its ugly head in, yet she still bounced on the soles of her feet.
Roland held his arm, looking around insecurely. He was a bit frightened.
Her back slide along the cold pillar as she slowly slipped around it standing very still like a statue, her nose wrinkled up, and she puffed up her cheeks, water came to her eyes, "Ah, Ah CHOUUUUUUUOW" She sneeze loudly bending forward in half she panted loudly before straightening up, and wiping her nose messily with her hand looking winded.
Roland jumped, his stomach feeling uneasy. "W-Who's there?" He asked, timidly.
Sen's eyes widened as a voice asked her who she was, "Its Me!!!" Sen called, than blinked Wait, he does not know who me is. "My name is Sen! Sen Rivers!" She trotted over to him and stopped in front of him, dipping into a curtsy, still in her dip, she looked up at him seeing him up close she became a little shy, "Who are you?" She asked as her legs straightened up so she was standing a few feet before him now.
Roland pulled on his ear. "Roland..." he replied, looking at his sneakers.

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