Soul Eater RP >:3

Bambi blushed and didn't really understand what to do in this situation. She quickly closed her eyes and stood there really for the kiss getting brighter an brighter as she felt him get closer.
Jester's lips met hers and he thought to himself "I think i fell for my weapon she is amazing" he pulled back and kissed her again. he picked her up and walked out with her on his back "lets go find something to do hun." he said his own face red. he really liked Bambi
Bambi laid her head on his shoulder in thought of what just happened but stood silenced,"w-what do you want to do?"she asked softly her cool breath against his neck as she spoke.
Jester smiled "find some kishins." he looked back at her smiling. and took off at a sprint down the hall
Bambi jolted and glared,"no..... No fighting you got hurt and you have stitches... Tomorrow yes but today no....."she said firmly,"lets go make music instead!"she said happily.
Bambi thought,"my place I have a studio in a separate room we can go there"she said and kissed his cheek then remembered there other kiss,"e-erm..... Did you plan that?"she asked.
Kai snorted before looking off to glare at the sky. Unimportant Huh? swishing his legs lightly, Kai spoke, "Maybe, but you seem more interested in other things, to busy to listen to ole me." Kai dramatically fling an arm over his face, smirking behind it, he did enjoy messing with Dolly.
Bambina looked away,"t-the kiss......"she said,"did you plan to do that?"she asked tightening her grip around his neck to hold back tears.

Dolly looked at him,"if you really believe that then I should get a new partner..."she said smirking then looked at the stores,"so what's the mission?"she asked.
Kai kept his arm over his face feeling the bandage press against his skin from the last mission. Sure, it was kinda his own fault that he had gotten hurt....rushing into things was his trademark. But when Dolly fixed him back up, Kai could not surpress the tender feeling that swept over him, now, he struggled with himself. And how does she help? By kissing some weakling? Slowly lowering his arm, Kai leaped down onto the branch next to her. He rolled his eyes,

"I think you should get your painties out of a knot......anyways Dolly, Madam Lo, what a weird witich by the way, told us the best way to head towards our goal, was to get closer to the enemy, by enrolling in their academy." He plopped himself down next to her, "She says we can collect more souls the wimpy way, while also slowly and without notice, taking down the students.making them into kishins. More information would be given, once we at least did this." Kai finished and peered over at Dolly.
Dolly smirked putting her mask over her face,"sounds like a good idea..."she said softly then swung down hanging upside down,"lets go eat I hungry"she said and jumped down landing on her feet. She took off her mask and jolted a bunch of guys surrounded her,"hey Alice how are you"one said."oh wow you died your hair black!"another said. Dolly put her mask back on and picked up a rock and threw it at someone,"leave me alone"she said putting her hands in her pockets and began walking away. She hated being called by her sisters name she hated it more then anyone and wished for her sisters death. She wore her mask to not be mistaken."oi! Kai! Lets go I'm hungry!"she yelled as she walked.
Kai had climbed from the tree after her pulling down his black shirt, it had rose up on one side. Moving as slick as the shadows, he slide behind two boys gripping their necks, "She is no Alice," he hissed out tone icy. Shuttering the two ran screaming while the other got smack in the eye by a rock. Jogging, Kai caught up to her side, "Fools." He hissed again stuffing his hands into deep pockets, "What are we eating?" He asked half curious, he was not a picky person at all.
Dolly blushed slightly,"my favorite....."she said. It was embarrassing for her to say out loud but her favorite was ramen she loved it an not only because she could easily take off her mask in a restaurant due to the fact her sister hated it. She had only good experiences with ramen. Dolly glanced at Kai,"did you change the bandages this morning.... If you don't they'll get infected"she said walking around and glaring at anyone who even glanced at her. Nobody could see her eyes yet they could feel her scary and threatening power.
Xandi nodded. "I should have known though..."

Roland looked down fiddling with his fingers. "I don't know..." He said, quietly.
Alice rubbed her eyes,"how could you have known?"she asked then smiled,"kiss?"she aske and closed her eyes leaning in a little. She love when they kissed but didn't quiet understand why.
Kai grinned at the blush holding back a remark, "Sounds good to me." If Kai had to guess, Dolly was going for ramen, it was the way she ate the stuff, clearly she loved it which was really okay with him, that stuff was good. Blinking, Kai pulled up his arm, tugging at the bandage, "You change them.... infected?" This concept gone completely over his head.

Sen blinked, "Did you forget? Hm, maybe your just waiting for something like me." She tap her chin, face quiet and thoughtful, "If your waiting may I wait with you?"
Xandi nodded, leaning in.

Roland's nervous eyes traveled to his sneakers. "I-I guess so..." he stuttered, nervously. He wasn't used to so mush contact, and to be honest, it scared him.
Dolly twiched and bonked his head lightly,"Baka.... You should've changed it earlier in the morning"she said softly then took off her book bag as they sat together. She gently took hold of his arm and pulled her mask off,"I need to clean it"she mumbled taking off the bandage,"wow... It's almost healed..... Damn I was hoping for a scar too..."she said smirking she then began cleaning it and rewrapping the wound."ya know it worries me when you don't take good care of yourself..... If you don't I'll have to find a new partner and all the other weapons are stupid..."she said before making her order.

Alice kissed him happily,"meow"she said and put her hands on his ears then patting his head,"your so cute"she said happily.
A relieved smile broke over her face, "Oh goodie, thank you." Sen wavered from her heels to her toes. Happy to have someone by her side, even if he was very quiet, it was company, and that would suffice.

Kai sat down as she pulled for him to, his eyes attached their gaze to her hands watching them as they worked. Kai grinned, "If you like scars, I have plenty." He said boastfully proud of his battle wounds. Her next words sent his face into a bland look, as Dolly finished, Kai tugged his arm away, turning from her and giving his order. What the hell? What all this get a new partner crap? She is right! They all suck hardcore! So why urgh so frustrating! Kai fumed silently picking at the bandage before turning wearing a half sulky, half pout declared,

"I DO take care of myself! I eat, sleep and shower, and train.....wounds heal fine without your fancy do-hickies, just ask my other wounds.....they healed fine." With a huff, Kai took a huge bite of his food.
Dolly blinked,"oh so your saying you don't want me to take care of you"she asked then jolted seeing the ramen. She blushed slightly hoping Kai wouldn't see her barrassing eating habit. A cute delecate smile appeared on her face an her eyes sparkled and she began eating happily,"I love ramen"she mumbled when she finished. She was now in a good mood not thinking about anyone but herself her sister didn't even cross her mind.
Kai eye twitched, that was not what he meant! Having her fix him up was very okay in his book! But well, how was he suppose to know what he meant? He doesnt even understand what Dolly means!!! pulling a face over his ramen bowl, Kai ate up the ramen quickly. Kai snuck a look over at Dolly almost choking on a few noddles. She looks so happy, i never saw her eyes sparkle that way..... Pushing the empty bowl away, Kai sighed silently Maybe if I were made of ramen, she would not threaten to get rid of me......or she would eat me Leaning back in his seat, Kai let out a soft burp, "That was really good, do you want another? My treat."
Dolly jolted smiling at Kai,"really? Really really? Oh Kai I could kiss you! No take backs you already said it!"she said hugging him then stood up,"another boll please!"she yelled happily then sat down happily she quickly jolted her face turning pale,"I sound like stupid Ali-"she began before a letter flew in,"ah it's from dad"she said her face was shocked yet happy then she read the letter and she looked sad but her sadness soon turned to anger,"sure ill give it to her..."she muttered."oi rip this break it burn it destroy it I don't care what you do make sure I can't see it"she muttered angrily handing it to Kai.

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