Soul Eater RP >:3

(Sure but make both a Meister and Weapon meow 0w0)

Bambi blinked,"because you tried to kiss me earlier too but it looked like you were holding back"she explained and then looked around,"that way"she said pointing towards her house.
Jester walked that way smiling and he said "Well ya i was i didnt want you to think im a player or something like th-" He stopped dead in his tracks hearing something. he set Bambi down and rounded a corner. moments later he came around "Holy crap RUN!!!!" he said grabbing bambi by the hand. He rounded another corner and stopped behind the wall. the cackles came quickly witches and they were everywhere
Bambi jolted and gulped,"you can use sound waves they can bounce off the walls to make them leave"she whispered turning into a Axe Guitar,"hurry"she added landing in his hands.
Jester held her neck and strummed her G cord. The waves slammed off the walls and drew the witches away from the two. He put Bambi on his back and took off running toward her home. he hadnt bothered to tell her about his own home burning down a couple weeks back. "Okay Bambi where are we going." he said looking around nervvously
Bambi changed back,"threw that window"she explained as they walked into ruins there was one room in a house that was untouched and beautiful with a bathroom and bedroom. There was a small studio beside it,"ah almost forgot to tell you... I'm kinda an orphan.... Since I was 6.... But that's old new lets just get ready to make music!"she said smiling as she climbed into the room and pulled Jester up.
"You being an orphan hun." he said smiling a little and looking around her home "well are we gonna do this or what." he said happily
Bambina nodded and walked over to the recording studio,"here"she said and began setting up the mics. and seating,"you can sit here I set it to record"she said walking to the dj area and began setting that up. When she was done she closed the door and smiled.
Kai was stunned to say the least at the claim, than she hugged him. Swaying a little from the sudden force, he barely hugged her back before she was switching emotions, than reading a letter. Several emotions later, Kai had a letter and a spinning mind unable to keep up with all of this. Staring with confused eyes with the letter in his hand, Kai looked back at her, slipping the letter out of her sight, but not destroying it, just yet.

"Who was it from?" He asked dumfounded on why she got so many emotions form a piece of paper.
Xandi blushed. "...No...Y-You're cute..." he stuttered.

Roland looked around nervously, his expression frightened.
Sen titled her head, "What's wrong? You look frightened...." She asked softly looking around too, before focusing back on Roland.
Dolly sighed,"it's from my dad I kinda thought he was caring about me"she said putting her mask on and leaned on Kai,"but nobody knows I exists only you and Madame...."she said softly gripping his shirt a bit. She was very attached to Kai even if she wouldn't admit it.

Alice giggled and kissed his cheek,"oh sweet sweet Xandi! Meow"she said and hugged him close,"do girls usually kiss you this much?"she aske out of curiosity.
Kai swallowed gently moving his body so that Dolly's leaning on him was more comfortable. He wrapped an arm around her frame, sighing, "That's all we one else deserve to know we exist.....and once we gather the souls, and help Madame....she will reward us greatly....than they will all be sorry for abandoning us." His voice varied from smoothing to confident to vengeful at the end.
Dolly smiled and nodded she ate the other bowl with her mask only half way up to see her face then paid for her first bowl and got up and began walking,"lets go"she mumbled at the doorway.
Kai slurped the rest of his noddles, before pushing the bowl away and digging into his deep pockets, he piled out money and carelessly flung in onto the table, mostlikly giving more than needed. Walking passed Dolly, he looked back at her, "Where to?"
Dolly sighed and stretched,"lets go home I'm tired"she said as she walked slowly behind him. Dolly looked around always aware of her surroundings taking mental notes on the map she ha a lot of research to do.
Kai he nodded hands in pockets he went along with Dolly at her side. He was paying attention for any enemies, but not really to anything else, to him, it was boring. "So, how are we going to immerse ourselves int the academy, so we can collect souls." Kai licked his lips ramen was good, but souls were divine, pure or "evil" Kai was not picky.
Dolly chuckled,"we actually enroll it's not that hard a lot of people do it but we have to pass the Miester and weapon exam..."she explained then glanced at him,"by the wa-"she started when she spotted a mask shop. Her feet automatically turned to it and she looked at it behind her usual mask. The scarier more deformed a mask looked the more she liked it. She thought maybe she should get one that Kai would like but knew he probably would pick the less scary looking one because it would be beside there room and all over there apartment.
Kai listened cracking his neck softly and smirking in arrogence, w'll past that test no problem! "Huh?" He asked noticing she stopped and turning half way around at his middle to see why. His eyes skimmed the window before a growing groan edged along his throat and out of his mouth,

"Oh! Dolly! Not another one, We have a hundred at home!" Kai protested hardly exaggerating the number. Jezz why can't she have a normal fetish like with purses or dolls?!
Dolly shot a glare behind her mask before picking it up to show her face,"you see this? This is hideous! So don't hate my masks..."she said pointing at her face then put it back down,"anyway why don't you pick this time?"she asked walking into the store and blushed a guy walked by her with a mask on,"so cute"she mumbled as the boy walked out. It might have looked like she was referring to the guy but she was reffering to his mask.
Kai blinked as she went on about how her face was hideous, Kai disagreed in every way, but decided not to get into that now. Sighing in a loud annoying way, Kai kicked at the street, "I will have a look, to see if I like any." He started following her in, but bared his teeth at her comment making sure to accidentally stick his foot out as the "cute" boy passed.

Kai sniggered entertained as the dope fell flat on his mask got up and looked highly confused on what he had tripped over, glancing around with a pretty slack bored expression, Kai surveyed the masks.
Dolly looked around at the masks finding creepier and creepier ones that could scare people,"there all so beautiful"she mumbled. She then jolted seeing a super girly cute one by Kai. She sprang for it and slapped it far away from his vision,"ehem.... Let us continue to look"she mumbled as she walke by Kai to make sure he didn't grab anything super girly.
Kai laughed at Dolly's display of disgust at the girly mask, "Maybe I should buy that one....." Kai pretended to consider it, "You know, so that we can slowly dismantle and destroy it." He finished with a wide grin stretched across his lips. Walking further back, Kai gave a small gasp of delight before plucking a mask of the wall, "I like the teeth." He muttered in a admiring tone before slipping it on, "Yo Dolls, check out me."

Dolly gasped touching the mask,"so sexy"she said looking at the mask dazedly,"are you ganna get it for yourself?"she asked softly. She then spotted a creepy mask with demon horns,"this one?"she asked.

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