Soul Eater RP >:3

The next morning Dolly woke up quickly going to the bathroom and doing what she needed to do. She began cooking breakfast. She didn't usually do this but today they had to fight and take the exam. She set Kai's food on the table and finished eating. She began doing stretches on the floor to warm up and exercise.
Roland lowered his eyes again. "...I-It's nothing..." He replied.

Xandi blushed. "Definitely not..." He said.
Sen~ She stratched her cheek, still looking worried and concerned, but let the topic drop with a light head bob," okey mokey, Roland!" Sen tucked her knees under her and sat, she must have dirfted off to sleep because the next thing she knew, she felt the warm heat of the sun on her body. Looking about with groggy red orbs, she focused on Roland stretching slightly, Sen gave the boy a toothy grin, "Morning Roland!"

Kai- there was a sniffing noise from under the pillow, and a growling noise, limbs russled around, finally Kai sat up in bed sniffing the air before his mouth water,a tongue moved along his lips, and his nose sniffed again before wrinkling slightly in confusion, "Nuh? Food?" Pulling himself out of bed, he took a step than wavered before falling hard. Cursing Kai, tugged the sheets away his anger and sharp nails making a nice size cut in the sheets, "Crap"
Dolly stood by the door leaning against it,"sigh.... One free day.... Go eat"she said before she took her sewing kit from the dresser and began sowing the sheets. She looked at the masks on the wall as she hummed.

Alice slowly woke up in her bed the next day and pulled on her hair trying to pull off her hair ties."neh~ ouchie"she mumbled not liking the yank.
Kai gave Dolly a wide smile that held an aplogy in it before picking himself up, and zipping into the kitchen, "Yeah, yum." He chirped in a good mood eating is breakfast in his Kai fashion before skidding into the bathroom taking care of his other neceesities. Coming out he was dressed in his usual baggy jeans and black shirt. Rubbing his hair with the towel he flung it into the hamper, before plopping down on the bed to tug on shoes, "Thanks for the food, it was good."
Dolly walked over to him and smiled brushing her hand on his cheek,"Kai your such a big problem sometimes.... Kinda like a cute playful puppy"she said then giggled and put on a mask."lets go Kai"she said as she grabbed her keys and held the doorknob.
Kai could not resist gently tilting his head sideways, Dolly brushed her hand against it. Kai wrinkled up his forehead A puppy? I could eat a puppy! All small and weak, all they do is whine....stupid dogs....but she called me cute, the playful part, meh whatever...Hoping up, Kai thought for a moment than grabbed his mask, placing it on the top of his head, like a hat for now. Kai felt himself getting more pumped up,

"Ha! Lets go shock some sissy misters, Dolls! Yeah!" He fist pumped in the air a few times before bring his fist outward for her to bump, "They are not going be able to handle us!"
Dolly sighed,"where taking the test today before someone beats us to it"she said grabbing his wrist,"change"she said as she began walking out. She looked at his arm for a minute not able to wrap her entire small hand around it. She blushed slightly under her mask then looked away waiting for him to change.
Kai felt himself scrowl, "Way to be a kill joy," he grumbled darkly, yet obeintly changing into his weapon form when she told him too.
Dolly chuckled,"if your going to whine about it then maybe I should leave you here I'm sure a lot of weapons wouldn't mind pairing with me"she said as she jumped from house to house quickly with him on her back. She walked into the school and jolted,"your a Meister?! Be my partner!"a guy yelle grabbing her hand. Another grabbed her hand and kissed it,"no be my partner"another guy said."please join me"a guy said as he kissed her hair from behind. Dolly was shocked to be surrounded and they didn't even get to see her face yet.
Kai was promptly sulking at Dolly's threat stayed quiet, but unable to stay mad for long, his eyes darkened to a deep red. Growling, Kai transferred back into human form. Grabbing a boy by the lips, he glared into his eyes,

"She already has a partner, got it." The boy nodded trembling, "Now get lost, before I rip these off." The thrust his arm forward letting them go. The boy stumbled and fell before running off. Getting in front of Dolly, he crouched, "Get lost! That is not how you approach a girl," Kai looked back at Dolly his face softening, "You okay?" His eyes clanged back to his normal light red.
Dolly slowly picked up her mask to show Kai her soft but scared smile,"I-I'm fine...... You know I'm just kidding right?.... I would never trade you... So don't trade me...."she said then kissed his forehead,"lets hurry and get to the office..."she said before slipping the mask back on and walking past Kai with her hands in her pockets. She slowly slipped the mask on not giving others the chance to see her face.
Kai blinked up at her as she spoke, eyes slightly wide they drooped when she kissed him on the forehead and a small stupid smile crossed his lips again. Getting up, Kai paced himself next to Dolly,

"Never." He spoke that simple one word harborting many emotions.
Dolly walked into the office and did the paper work nessasary for them to take the test. When she finished she pointed at the door the secretary said they would be taking the test behind,"we have the written exam after this one... I hope your not as stupid as you look"she said walking into the room.
Kai let out a snort, glaring before swaying into the room as if he owned the place, "Will show em" he grinned. Scanning the room.
Dolly jolted someone picked her up it was a monster it swung her around and swallowed her whole."hahaha can you save you Miester alone weapon?!"he said smirking creepily,"or will you run and trade her?!"he asked.

Dolly jolted falling into the bowels of the monster. There was a table and some tea,"wow..."she said putting her mask on her head. It was made for comfort she sat on the couch and watched the tv turn on. She could easily see Kai this way but he couldn't see her.
(Don't worry I am still here ^^)

It was like the worse horror movie in the world one minute Dolly was right there, so close Kai could smell her natural scent, than she was gone swept into a monster eaten like breakfast. he lowered his head, How how could he have failed so bad? She was just there....right there.... His fist balled up at the monsters words he slowly lifted his head his eyes growing dark, he leaned back into a stance gripping his fit tighter,

"I choose A, see if you can handle me," He barred his teeth before charging forward.

Dolly sighed with a smiled,"oh Kai..... I love you"she said softly with a slight smile. The monster laughed at punched him to the ground,"hahaha! Idiot! A weapon alone can not take on me!"he yelled and Dolly glared,"oi! If you hit him like that I'm coming out"she snarled.
"Gawk!" Kai yelped hitting the ground hard. In mere seconds he was back on his feet, "yeah, misters and weapons are a team, it's un cool when they are apart," Kai got back into a fighting stance, "but you have my mister, so I will kill you and get her back!" Kai yelled running forward and dodging a hit, he leaped up and aimed for its fat ugly face.
The monster slapped him away and laughed,"idiot! Use a new meister!"he yelled. Dolly jolted as a woman appeared holding her hand out to Kai,"d-dont do it Kai!"she yelled and banged on the screen wanting ti get out. She looked around and saw a slimmy exit and put on her mask and began walking towards it.
Xandi blushed. "What? You're the cute one..."

Roland looked straight ahead.
Alice blinked,"my head hurts"she said and cuddled up against his chest,"I love my Xandi~"she said and kissed his cheek,"do you really think I'm cute?"she asked innocently.
Kai landed against the floor again this time taking more time to get up, it was really annoying...having this chick trying to help him up, like he needed or wanted her. Having his feel he shoved the woman aside snapping, "Go away scubbus! I have a mister!" Kai wiped his mouth that was dripping blood, "You may be bigger slim breath! But the harder you are going to fall." Giving a battle cry he zigzgged at a high speed aiming a kick than faking out, Kai flipped swing his body at the waist at the monesters feet, when it fell, he would claw thorough it's stomach in till he found Dolly!

Sen frowned seeming worried for Roland, yet despite his quietness it was better than the pure silence. "Do you want to go inside the school now?" She ask standing wincing roughly than stretching out her body.
The monster fell to the ground pleased that Kai just didn't give up on Dolly. She kicked open the stomach and jumped out. She walked over to Kai and smirked,"nice"she said then began walking to the next door.

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