Soul Eater RP >:3

Dolly smirked her mask was on,"hahaha! Stupid! Do you really think I'd give my first kiss in this setting?!"she said smirking,"but you looked so cute about to kiss me"she said then hugged him,"you like my mask? I like my mask"she said and kissed Kai but the mask was between them,"bet you really wish I was ugly huh?"she said smirking then began walking away,"come on Baka lets go"she said and grabbed his hand.(cockblocked! >:3 too early for that he needs to catch her off guard hehehe)

(*really wish I wasn't ugly huh?)
( xD )

Kai reopened his eyes, looking confused at all of her words....he was so focused on kissing her, he forgot the mask was there, he had just imagined it away. Kai blinked as she hugged him, mask kissed him, and than took his hand walking off with him. Kai rubbed his head. Shaking it, for the last time, dolly was not ugly! She was anything but that! Yet, how to make her see it?

"I am coming.....but I still want a price, I want cake!" Kai declared, "And yeah, your mask is cool, but I still think your face is cooler." Kai stated with a shrug.
Dolly blushed,"liar! Ill buy you cake but it's not going to be a good one.... As a matter of fact ill make it!"she said then looked at there intertwined fingers. She was scared of change and scared he would leave her... She didn't want him to kiss her if it ment losing him. She wasn't going to have a romance and let herself be happy with him if that ment losing him later.
Kai grinned widely, "Yeah cake!" Kai tilted his head to one side, "okay, but how is it not going to be a good one? You really can't mess up cake...." Kai shook his head at the thought.
Dolly blinked and tilted her head,"what was that food you hated most again?"she asked as though worried not to put it inside the cake.
Kai was still trying to work out how a cake could taste bad? They were so crumbly good with icing yeah, yum. Not really taking in the question Kai said, "Cottage cheese," Kai made a disgusted face, "Gross, nu nu nu." He said while shuttering.
Dolly smirked widely,"then that will be the flavor that the cake will be the flavor the cake will have"she said then laughed and hugged his arm,"ehhhh but I wonder what kissing you would feel like... Guess ill never know"she said then laughed.
Xandi groaned, supressing a hiss of annoyance. "Fine, fine. I'm up, I'm up." He mumbled.

Roland nodded, looking away quickly.
Alice smiled and kissed his cheek,"good kitty now come eat breakfast"she said looking like a wife who finished cooking for her husband with her cut pink apron on.
Xandi blinked, stretching. He slowly stood up, and carefully gave Alice a kissf on the cheek. "Meow." He said, his tail twitching.
Alice blushe looking up at him,"m-meow...."she said cutely then grabbed his hand and ran to the table,"I made you pancakes!"she said and hugged him.
Xandi blushed. "O-Oh...Umm...Thanks..." he said, hugging Alice. At least pancakes were sweet. "I feel guilty. You do everything, while I do nothing." He mumbled, lowering his ears.
Alice blinked,"but I love you so it's okay!"she said happily,"but maybe a reward?"she asked,"there's a carnival tomorrow want to go?"she asked bouncing a bit as she sat Xandi down and gave him a napkin.
Xandi cringed. He had always hated carnivals. Little kids would pull on his ears and tail. He swallowed and faced Alice, smiling. "Sure." He said, happily.
Alice squealed,"I've always wanted to go to one and get its plushies!"she yelled happily and bounced around she then kissed his ears.
Xandi was beginning to feel sick to his stomach. He nodded, still smiling. "You'll have a chance for that." He said. He blushed, his ears twitching. That felt good. Purring, he stood up. "Ready?".
Alice jolted and put her apron on the hook and grabbed her book bag,"yes sir!"she saluted then looked at him,"would it be bad if I aske for a piggy back ride? There so fun!"she said.
Xandi shook his head. "Nah..." he said, lowering himself so Alice could climb on.
Alice smiled and got on his back,"yeaaaaah!!!!!"she yelled happily then blushed slightly looking at him. She loved piggy back rides but loved being close to Xandi too.
Xandi yawned and walked out the door, beginning to run to the academy. He smirked to himself. He loved when he was very close to Alice.
Kai looked and looked at Dolly. What?????????? Kai watched his arm get hugged, "You, are so twisted," Kai finally said. But not in a mean way, more admired. His cheeks flushed lightly at the mere mention of kissing...You would find out if you let me!

Sen blinked staring at her hand before lowering it, "I am a weapon," Her voice still a little far off. Blinking gently against the morning sun, Sen bounced back into her chiper self, "Okayyy, so let's go in ha! Forward." She piomting smiling a smile that showed all her teeth. Sen bounced walked into Death Miester Academy.
( xD poor Kai)

Dolly walked into class and sat down in a seat by Kai then laid down and put her head on his lap,"I really don't need this so you better take the time to learn"she mumbled and turned so she wasfacing towards Kai,"let me know if you need help"she mumbled.
( xD love the dynamics of these two!)

Kai swallowed gently as she laid her head on his lap, it was better than when she rested her head on his chest, the comment he had for hr about learning was lost as she rested there. Bringing his eyes up to teacher he made himself focus, "I think I can handle this, but okay." Kai answered resting an elbow on the desk and cuffing his cheek into his hand.
Bambi sighed and watched Kai from under her mask. She grabbe one of his hands intertwining her fingers with his she then closed her eyes and let herself nap.
Kai watched her fall asleep switching his attention from Dolly to the actual lesson, it was not so bad, but her rather be doing something more active.

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